458 research outputs found

    Sharp Bounds for the Signless Laplacian Spectral Radius in Terms of Clique Number

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    In this paper, we present a sharp upper and lower bounds for the signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs in terms of clique number. Moreover, the extremal graphs which attain the upper and lower bounds are characterized. In addition, these results disprove the two conjectures on the signless Laplacian spectral radius in [P. Hansen and C. Lucas, Bounds and conjectures for the signless Laplacian index of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 432(2010) 3319-3336].Comment: 15 pages 1 figure; linear algebra and its applications 201

    A possible explanation why the Theta+ is seen in some experiments and not in others

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    To understand the whole set of positive and null data on the Theta+(1530)-production, we suggest the hypothesis that multiquark hadrons are mainly generated from many-quark states, which emerge either as short-term hadron fluctuations, or as hadron remnants in hard processes. This approach allows us to describe both non-observation of the Theta+ in current null experiments and peculiar features of its production in positive experiments. Further, we are able to propose new experiments that might be decisive for the problem of the Theta+ existence. Distributions of the Theta+ in such experiments can give important information both on higher Fock components of conventional hadrons and about structure and hadronization properties of hadron remnants produced in hard processes. We also explain that description of multiquark hadrons may require a modified form of the constituent quark model, with quark masses and couplings being intermediate between their values for the familiar constituent quarks and the current ones.Comment: 18 pages. Some changes in the text; experimental suggestions collected in a special subsection, references added and refreshe

    Bound, virtual and resonance SS-matrix poles from the Schr\"odinger equation

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    A general method, which we call the potential SS-matrix pole method, is developed for obtaining the SS-matrix pole parameters for bound, virtual and resonant states based on numerical solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation. This method is well-known for bound states. In this work we generalize it for resonant and virtual states, although the corresponding solutions increase exponentially when rr\to\infty. Concrete calculations are performed for the 1+1^+ ground and the 0+0^+ first excited states of 14N^{14}\rm{N}, the resonance 15F^{15}\rm{F} states (1/2+1/2^+, 5/2+5/2^+), low-lying states of 11Be^{11}\rm{Be} and 11N^{11}\rm{N}, and the subthreshold resonances in the proton-proton system. We also demonstrate that in the case the broad resonances their energy and width can be found from the fitting of the experimental phase shifts using the analytical expression for the elastic scattering SS-matrix. We compare the SS-matrix pole and the RR-matrix for broad s1/2s_{1/2} resonance in 15F{}^{15}{\rm F}Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (figures 3 and 4 consist of two figures each) and 4 table

    Riemannian theory of Hamiltonian chaos and Lyapunov exponents

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    This paper deals with the problem of analytically computing the largest Lyapunov exponent for many degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems. This aim is succesfully reached within a theoretical framework that makes use of a geometrization of newtonian dynamics in the language of Riemannian geometry. A new point of view about the origin of chaos in these systems is obtained independently of homoclinic intersections. Chaos is here related to curvature fluctuations of the manifolds whose geodesics are natural motions and is described by means of Jacobi equation for geodesic spread. Under general conditions ane effective stability equation is derived; an analytic formula for the growth-rate of its solutions is worked out and applied to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam beta model and to a chain of coupled rotators. An excellent agreement is found the theoretical prediction and the values of the Lyapunov exponent obtained by numerical simulations for both models.Comment: RevTex, 40 pages, 8 PostScript figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E (scheduled for November 1996

    Universal Extra Dimensions on Real Projective Plane

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    We propose a six dimensional Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) model compactified on a real projective plane RP2RP^2, a two-sphere with its antipodal points being identified. We utilize the Randjbar-Daemi-Salam-Strathdee spontaneous sphere compactification with a monopole configuration of an extra U(1)XU(1)_X gauge field that leads to a spontaneous radius stabilization. Unlike the sphere and the so-called S2/Z2S^2/Z_2 compactifications, the massless U(1)XU(1)_X gauge boson is safely projected out. We show how a compactification on a non-orientable manifold results in a chiral four dimensional gauge theory by utilizing 6D chiral gauge and Yukawa interactions. The resultant Kaluza-Klein mass spectra are distinct from the ordinary UED models compactified on torus. We briefly comment on the anomaly cancellation and also on a possible dark matter candidate in our model.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure (v1); Comments and references added, 15 pages (v2); Comments and references added, 15 pages, version to appear in Phys. Lett. B (v3

    Forced Topological Nontrivial Field Configurations

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    The motion of a one-dimensional kink and its energy losses are considered as a model of interaction of nontrivial topological field configurations with external fields. The approach is based on the calculation of the zero modes excitation probability in the external field. We study in the same way the interaction of the t'Hooft-Polyakov monopole with weak external fields. The basic idea is to treat the excitation of a monopole zero mode as the monopole displacement. The excitation is found perturbatively. As an example we consider the interaction of the t'Hooft-Polyakov monopole with an external uniform magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 3 Postscript figures, RevTe

    Level and Eigenfunction Statistics in Billiards with Surface Scattering

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    Statistical properties of billiards with diffusive boundary scattering are investigated by means of the supersymmetric sigma-model in a formulation appropriate for chaotic ballistic systems. We study level statistics, parametric level statistics, and properties of electron wavefunctions. In the universal regime, our results reproduce conclusions of the random matrix theory, while beyond this regime we obtain a variety of system-specific results determined by the classical dynamics in the billiard. Most notably, we find that level correlations do not vanish at arbitrary separation between energy levels, or if measured at arbitrarily large difference of magnetic fields. Saturation of the level number variance indicates strong rigidity of the spectrum. To study spatial correlations of wavefunction amplitudes, we reanalyze and refine derivation of the ballistic version of the sigma-model. This allows us to obtain a proper matching of universal short-scale correlations with system-specific ones.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures included. Minor corrections, references adde

    Manifestation of Quantum Chaos in Electronic Band Structures

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    We use semiconductors as an example to show that quantum chaos manifests itself in the energy spectrum of crystals. We analyze the {\it ab initio} band structure of silicon and the tight-binding spectrum of the alloy AlxGa1xAsAl_xGa_{1-x}As, and show that some of their statistical properties obey the universal predictions of quantum chaos derived from the theory of random matrices. Also, the Bloch momenta are interpreted as external, tunable, parameters, acting on the reduced (unit cell) Hamiltonian, in close analogy to Aharonov-Bohm fluxes threading a torus. They are used in the investigation of the parametric autocorrelator of crystal velocities. We find that our results are in good agreement with the universal curves recently proposed by Simons and coworkers.Comment: 15 pages with 6 Postscript figures included, RevTex-3, CMT-ERM/940

    Acoustic Signatures in the Primary Microwave Background Bispectrum

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    If the primordial fluctuations are non-Gaussian, then this non-Gaussianity will be apparent in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky. With their sensitive all-sky observation, MAP and Planck satellites should be able to detect weak non-Gaussianity in the CMB sky. On large angular scale, there is a simple relationship between the CMB temperature and the primordial curvature perturbation. On smaller scales; however, the radiation transfer function becomes more complex. In this paper, we present the angular bispectrum of the primary CMB anisotropy that uses the full transfer function. We find that the bispectrum has a series of acoustic peaks that change a sign, and a period of acoustic oscillations is twice as long as that of the angular power spectrum. Using a single non-linear coupling parameter to characterize the amplitude of the bispectrum, we estimate the expected signal-to-noise ratio for COBE, MAP, and Planck experiments. We find that the detection of the primary bispectrum by any kind of experiments should be problematic for the simple slow-roll inflationary scenarios. We compare the sensitivity of the primary bispectrum to the primary skewness and conclude that when we can compute the predicted form of the bispectrum, it becomes a ``matched filter'' for detecting the non-Gaussianity in the data, and much more powerful tool than the skewness. We also show that MAP and Planck can separate the primary bispectrum from various secondary bispectra on the basis of the shape difference. The primary CMB bispectrum is a test of the inflationary scenario, and also a probe of the non-linear physics in the very early universe.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D. (v1) letter version [4 pages, 3 figures]. (v2) full paper version including the primary skewness, secondary bispectra, and the foreground separation [17 pages, 5 figures

    Molecular mechanism underlying differential apoptosis between human melanoma cell lines UACC903 and UACC903(+6) revealed by mitochondria-focused cDNA microarrays

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    Human malignant melanoma cell line UACC903 is resistant to apoptosis while chromosome 6-mediated suppressed cell line UACC903(+6) is sensitive. Here, we describe identification of differential molecular pathways underlying this difference. Using our recently developed mitochondria-focused cDNA microarrays, we identified 154 differentially expressed genes including proapoptotic (BAK1 [6p21.3], BCAP31, BNIP1, CASP3, CASP6, FAS, FDX1, FDXR, TNFSF10 and VDAC1) and antiapoptotic (BCL2L1, CLN3 and MCL1) genes. Expression of these pro- and anti-apoptotic genes was higher in UACC903(+6) than in UACC903 before UV treatment and was altered after UV treatment. qRT-PCR and Western blots validated microarray results. Our bioinformatic analysis mapped these genes to differential molecular pathways that predict resistance and sensitivity of UACC903 and UACC903(+6) to apoptosis respectively. The pathways were functionally confirmed by the FAS ligand-induced cell death and by siRNA knockdown of BAK1 protein. These results demonstrated the differential molecular pathways underlying survival and apoptosis of UACC903 and UACC903(+6) cell lines