1,575 research outputs found

    Performance of RF MEMS switches at low temperatures

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    The actuation voltage of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) \ud metal switches was investigated at temperatures ranging from 10 to 290 K. The investigation shows a 50% increase in the actuation voltage at low temperature. A comparison has been made using a published model and showed similar increment of actuation voltage at low temperature

    Preparation of κ-Casein by Gel Filtration

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    Abstract A procedure for the preparation of pure κ-casein by Sephadex gel filtration is described. Unreduced casein is filtered through a 2.5- by 95-cm column of Sephadex G-150 equilibrated with 0.005m triscitrate buffer, pH 8.6, containing 6 m urea. κ-Casein is excluded from the gel and emerges as a sharp peak at the void volume; all other caseins are retarded by the gel. The method is particularly suitable for preparing pure κ-casein in good yield from small quantities of whole casein, but larger amounts of κ-casein are readily prepared. The method is also suitable for the purification of κ-casein-rich preparations

    Movement and feature-checking in Korean: relative clauses, topicalisation and case-marking

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    The purpose of this thesis is to consider the following phenomena in Korean, within the framework of the minimalist program (Chomsky 1995): (i) the movement of non-restrictive adnominal modifiers, (ii) topicalization, and (iii) Double Nominative Constructions (DNCs). First of all, following in essence Cinque (1992), I propose that there is a functional category, Agreement Phrase (AgrP) whose specifier position is occupied by the pre-nominal modifiers. I argue for the existence of non-restrictive adnominal modifiers (Relative Clauses (RCs) and pre-nominal adjectives) which move overtly out of the scope of the Determiner in head-final languages like Korean. I claim that the RC or the attributive adjective is base-generated in [Spec, AgrP] due to agreement features (honorific and plural in the case of Korean and Japanese). A restrictive adnominal modifier remains in [Spec, AgrP] due to a FOCUS feature. A non-restrictive modifier, having a NON-FOCUS feature moves to [Spec, DP] whose head D⁰ has a NON-FOCUS feature, to check its NON-FOCUS feature. Secondly, I attempt to unify two contradictory accounts (non-movement or movement) in topicalization in Korean within the minimalist program (Chomsky 1995). Thirdly, it is my argument that, following much of the literature on this topic, there are three kinds of DNCs in Korean and that the three types of double nominative constructions are derived from a single underlying construction, i. e. the locative construction. The first NP marked Nominative moves to [Spec, AgrsP], to check its Case feature by the corresponding Case feature in the head of Agrs, while the second NP in DNCs, which originates as the object of the verb, remains inside VP and has its inherent case feature checked by the verb without moving. In addition, I show that the derivation in the DNCs is the same as that found in English Genitive, Existential and Locative sentences. In connection with DNCs, I claim that in Double Accusative Constructions (DACs) the first NP and the second NP are base-generated independently in different positions from each other, just like in DNCs, but that the second NP in DACs is structurally case-marked in [Spec, Agr₀P], unlike the second NP in DNCs

    Disease Morbidity and Cost Analysis Associated with Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Among Children <15 Years in South Korea, 2004–2007

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    Background: The available opinions regarding participation do not appear to be applicableto adults with visual and severe or profound intellectual disabilities (VSPID). Because a cleardefinition and operationalization are lacking, it is difficult for support professionals to givemeaning to participation for adults with VSPID. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to develop a definition and operationalizationof the concept of participation of adults with VSPID. Methods: Parents or family members, professionals, and experts participated in an onlineconcept mapping procedure. This procedure includes generating statements, clusteringthem, and rating their importance. The data were analyzed quantitatively using multidi-mensional scaling and qualitatively with triangulation. Results: A total of 53 participants generated 319 statements of which 125 were clusteredand rated. The final cluster map of the statements contained seven clusters: (1) Experienceand discover; (2) Inclusion; (3) Involvement; (4) Leisure and recreation; (5) Communica-tion and being understood; (6) Social relations; and (7) Self-management and autonomy.The average importance rating of the statements varied from 6.49 to 8.95. A definition ofparticipation of this population was developed which included these seven clusters. Conclusions: The combination of the developed definition, the clusters, and the statementsin these clusters, derived from the perceptions of parents or family members, professionals,and experts, can be employed to operationalize the construct of participation of adults withVSPID. This operationalization supports professionals in their ability to give meaning toparticipation in these adults. Future research will focus on using the operationalization asa checklist of participation for adults with VSPID

    Study on high throughput nanomanufacturing of photopatternable nanofibers using tube nozzle electrospinning with multi-tubes and multi-nozzles

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    High throughput nanomanufacturing of photopatternable nanofibers and subsequent photopatterning is reported. For the production of high density nanofibers, the tube nozzle electrospinning (TNE) process has been used, where an array of micronozzles on the sidewall of a plastic tube are used as spinnerets. By increasing the density of nozzles, the electric fields of adjacent nozzles confine the cone of electrospinning and give a higher density of nanofibers. With TNE, higher density nozzles are easily achievable compared to metallic nozzles, e.g. an inter-nozzle distance as small as 0.5 cm and an average semi-vertical repulsion angle of 12.28° for 8-nozzles were achieved. Nanofiber diameter distribution, mass throughput rate, and growth rate of nanofiber stacks in different operating conditions and with different numbers of nozzles, such as 2, 4 and 8 nozzles, and scalability with single and double tube configurations are discussed. Nanofibers made of SU-8, photopatternable epoxy, have been collected to a thickness of over 80 μm in 240 s of electrospinning and the production rate of 0.75 g/h is achieved using the 2 tube 8 nozzle systems, followed by photolithographic micropatterning. TNE is scalable to a large number of nozzles, and offers high throughput production, plug and play capability with standard electrospinning equipment, and little waste of polymer. © 2017, The Author(s)

    Graft immaturity and safety concerns in transplanted human kidney organoids

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    For chronic kidney disease, regeneration of lost nephrons with human kidney organoids derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is proposed to be an attractive potential therapeutic option. It remains unclear, however, whether organoids transplanted into kidneys in vivo would be safe or functional. Here, we purified kidney organoids and transplanted them beneath the kidney capsules of immunodeficient mice to test their safety and maturity. Kidney organoid grafts survived for months after transplantation and became vascularized from host mouse endothelial cells. Nephron-like structures in grafts appeared more mature than kidney organoids in vitro, but remained immature compared with the neighboring mouse kidney tissue. Ultrastructural analysis revealed filtration barrier-like structures, capillary lumens, and tubules with brush border in the transplanted kidney organoids, which were more mature than those of the kidney organoids in vitro but not as organized as adult mammalian kidneys. Immaturity was a common feature of three separate differentiation protocols by immunofluorescence analysis and single cell RNA sequencing. Stroma of transplanted kidney organoid grafts were filled with vimentin-positive mesenchymal cells, and chondrogenesis, cystogenesis, and stromal expansion were observed in the long term. Transcription profiles showed that long-term maintenance after kidney organoid transplantation induced transcriptomic reprogramming with prominent suppression of cell-cycle-related genes and upregulation of extracellular matrix organization. Our data suggest that kidney organoids derived from iPS cells may be transplantable but strategies to improve nephron differentiation and purity are required before they can be applied in humans as a therapeutic option.11Ysciescopuskc

    6.EMEA International Symposium in Kanazawa, Japan

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    Korea Forest Research InstituteUniversity of SeoulProject Number 14404021, Peport of Research Project ; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)(2), from April 2002 to March 2006, Edited by Muramoto,Ken-ichiroKamata, NaotoKawanishi, TakuyaKubo, MamoruLiu, JiyuanLee, Kyu-Sung , 人工衛星データ活用のための東アジアの植生調査、課題番号14404021, 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書, 研究代表者:村本, 健一郎, 金沢大学自然科学研究科教