781 research outputs found

    On the short-term temporal variations of GNSS receiver differential phase biases

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    As a first step towards studying the ionosphere with the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), leveling the phase to the code geometry-free observations on an arc-by-arc basis yields the ionospheric observables, interpreted as a combination of slant total electron content along with satellite and receiver differential code biases (DCB). The leveling errors in the ionospheric observables may arise during this procedure, which, according to previous studies by other researchers, are due to the combined effects of the code multipath and the intra-day variability in the receiver DCB. In this paper we further identify the short-term temporal variations of receiver differential phase biases (DPB) as another possible cause of leveling errors. Our investigation starts by the development of a method to epoch-wise estimate between-receiver DPB (BR-DPB) employing (inter-receiver) single-differenced, phase-only GNSS observations collected from a pair of receivers creating a zero or short baseline. The key issue for this method is to get rid of the possible discontinuities in the epoch-wise BR-DPB estimates, occurring when satellite assigned as pivot changes. Our numerical tests, carried out using Global Positioning System (GPS, US GNSS) and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS, Chinese GNSS) observations sampled every 30 s by a dedicatedly selected set of zero and short baselines, suggest two major findings. First, epoch-wise BR-DPB estimates can exhibit remarkable variability over a rather short period of time (e.g. 6 cm over 3 h), thus significant from a statistical point of view. Second, a dominant factor driving this variability is the changes of ambient temperature, instead of the un-modelled phase multipath

    An assessment of smartphone and low-cost multi-GNSS single-frequency RTK positioning for low, medium and high ionospheric disturbance periods

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    The emerging GNSSs make single-frequency (SF) RTK positioning possible. In this contribution two different types of low-cost (few hundred USDs) RTK receivers are analyzed, which can track L1 GPS, B1 BDS, E1 Galileo and L1 QZSS, or any combinations thereof, for a location in Dunedin, New Zealand. These SF RTK receivers can potentially give competitive ambiguity resolution and positioning performance to that of more expensive (thousands USDs) dual-frequency (DF) GPS receivers. A smartphone implementation of one of these SF receiver types is also evaluated. The least-squares variance component estimation (LS-VCE) procedure is first used to formulate a realistic stochastic model, which assures that our receivers at hand can achieve the best possible ambiguity resolution and RTK positioning performance. The best performing low-cost SF RTK receiver types are then assessed against DF GPS receivers and survey-grade antennas. Real data with ionospheric disturbances at low, medium and high levels are analyzed, while making use of the ionosphere-weighted model. It will be demonstrated that when the presence of the residual ionospheric delays increases, instantaneous RTK positioning is not possible for any of the receivers, and a multi-epoch model is necessary to use. It is finally shown that the low-cost SF RTK performance can remain competitive to that of more expensive DF GPS receivers even when the ionospheric disturbance level reaches a Kp-index of 7-, i.e. for a strong geomagnetic storm, for the baseline at hand

    Integer Least-squares Theory for the GNSS Compass

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution is the key to high-precision positioning and attitude determination. In this contribution, we develop new integer least-squares (ILS) theory for the GNSS compass model, together with efficient integer search strategies. It extends current unconstrained ILS theory to the nonlinearly constrained case, an extension that is particularly suited for precise attitude determination. As opposed to current practice, our method does proper justice to the a priori given information. The nonlinear baseline constraint is fully integrated into the ambiguity objective function, thereby receiving a proper weighting in its minimization and providing guidance for the integer search. Different search strategies are developed to compute exact and approximate solutions of the nonlinear constrained ILS problem. Their applicability depends on the strength of the GNSS model and on the length of the baseline. Two of the presented search strategies, a global and a local one, are based on the use of an ellipsoidal search space. This has the advantage that standard methods can be applied. The global ellipsoidal search strategy is applicable to GNSS models of sufficient strength, while the local ellipsoidal search strategy is applicable to models for which the baseline lengths are not too small. We also develop search strategies for the most challenging case, namely when the curvature of the non-ellipsoidal ambiguity search space needs to be taken into account. Two such strategies are presented, an approximate one and a rigorous, somewhat more complex, one. The approximate one is applicable when the fixed baseline variance matrix is close to diagonal. Both methods make use of a search and shrink strategy. The rigorous solution is efficiently obtained by means of a search and shrink strategy that uses non-quadratic, but easy-to-evaluate, bounding functions of the ambiguity objective function. The theory presented is generally valid and it is not restricted to any particular GNSS or combination of GNSSs. Its general applicability also applies to the measurement scenarios (e.g. single-epoch vs. multi-epoch, or single-frequency vs. multi-frequency). In particular it is applicable to the most challenging case of unaided, single frequency, single epoch GNSS attitude determination. The success rate performance of the different methods is also illustrated

    A modified carrier-to-code leveling method for retrieving ionospheric observables and detecting short-term temporal variability of receiver differential code biases

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    Sensing the ionosphere with the global positioning system involves two sequential tasks, namely the ionospheric observable retrieval and the ionospheric parameter estimation. A prominent source of error has long been identified as short-term variability in receiver differential code bias (rDCB). We modify the carrier-to-code leveling (CCL), a method commonly used to accomplish the first task, through assuming rDCB to be unlinked in time. Aside from the ionospheric observables, which are affected by, among others, the rDCB at one reference epoch, the Modified CCL (MCCL) can also provide the rDCB offsets with respect to the reference epoch as by-products. Two consequences arise. First, MCCL is capable of excluding the effects of time-varying rDCB from the ionospheric observables, which, in turn, improves the quality of ionospheric parameters of interest. Second, MCCL has significant potential as a means to detect between-epoch fluctuations experienced by rDCB of a single receiver

    Low-cost, high-precision, single-frequency GPS–BDS RTK positioning

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    The integration of the Chinese BDS with other systems, such as the American GPS, makes precise RTK positioning possible with low-cost receivers. We investigate the performance of low-cost ublox receivers, which cost a few hundred USDs, while making use of L1 GPS + B1 BDS data in Dunedin, New Zealand. Comparisons will be made to L1 + L2 GPS and survey-grade receivers which cost several thousand USDs. The least-squares variance component estimation procedure is used to determine the code and phase variances and covariances of the receivers and thus formulate a realistic stochastic model. Otherwise, the ambiguity resolution and hence positioning performance would deteriorate. For the same reasons, the existence of receiver-induced time correlation is also investigated. The low-cost RTK performance is then evaluated by formal and empirical ambiguity success rates and positioning precisions. It will be shown that the code and phase precision of the low-cost receivers can be significantly improved by using survey-grade antennas, since they have better signal reception and multipath suppression abilities in comparison with low-cost patch antennas. It will also be demonstrated that the low-cost receivers can achieve competitive ambiguity resolution and positioning performance to survey-grade dual-frequency GPS receivers

    An implicit high-order material point method.

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    The material point method (MPM) is a version of the particle-in-cell (PIC) which has substantial advantages over pure Lagrangian or Eulerian methods in numerical simulations of problems involving large deformations. The MPM helps to avoid mesh distortion and tangling problems related to Lagrangian methods and as well as the advection errors associated with Eulerian methods. Despite the MPM being promoted for its ability to solve large deformation problems the method suffers from instabilities when material points cross between elements. These instabilities are due to the lack of smoothness of the grid basis functions used for mapping information between the material points and the background grid. In this paper a novel high-order MPM is developed to eliminate the cell-crossing instability and improve the accuracy of the MPM method

    GNSS multi-frequency receiver single-satellite measurement validation method

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    A method is presented for real-time validation of GNSS measurements of a single receiver, where data from each satellite are independently processed. A geometry- free observation model is used with a reparameterized form of the unknowns to overcome rank deficiency of the model. The ionosphere error and non-constant biases such as multipath are assumed changing relatively smoothly as a function of time. Data validation and detection of errors are based on statistical testing of the observation residuals using the detection–identification–adaptation approach. The method is applicable to any GNSS with any number of frequencies. The performance of validation method was evaluated using multi-frequency data from three GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo) that span 3 days in a test site at Curtin University, Australia. Performance of the method in detection and identification of outliers in code observations, and detection of cycle slips in phase data were examined. Results show that the success rates vary according to precision of observations and their number as well as size of the errors. The method capability is demonstrated when processing four IOV Galileo satellites in a single-point-positioning mode and in another test by comparing its performance with Bernese software in detection of cycle slips in precise point-positioning processing using GPS data

    Five-frequency Galileo long-baseline ambiguity resolution with multipath mitigation

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    © 2018, The Author(s). For long-baseline over several hundreds of kilometers, the ionospheric delays that cannot be fully removed by differencing observations between receivers hampers rapid ambiguity resolution. Compared with forming ionospheric-free linear combination using dual- or triple-frequency observations, estimating ionospheric delays using uncombined observations keeps all the information of the observations and allows extension of the strategy to any number of frequencies. As the number of frequencies has increased for the various GNSSs, it is possible to study long-baseline ambiguity resolution performance using up to five frequencies with uncombined observations. We make use of real Galileo observations on five frequencies with a sampling interval of 1 s. Two long baselines continuously receiving signals from six Galileo satellites during corresponding test time intervals were processed to study the formal and empirical ambiguity success rates in case of full ambiguity resolution (FAR). The multipath effects are mitigated using the measuremen ts of another day when the constellation repeats. Compared to the results using multipath-uncorrected Galileo observations, it is found that the multipath mitigation plays an important role in improving the empirical ambiguity success rates. A high number of frequencies are also found to be helpful to achieve high ambiguity success rate within a short time. Using multipath-uncorrected observations on two, three, four and five frequencies, the mean empirical success rates are found to be about 73, 88, 91, and 95% at 10 s, respectively, while the values are increased to higher than 86, 95, 98, and 99% after mitigating the multipath effects

    Theory of carrier phase ambiguity resolution

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    Carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to high precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning and navigation. It applies to a great variety of current and future models of GPS, modernized GPS and Galileo. A proper handling of carrier phase ambiguity resolution requires a proper understanding of the underlying theory of integer inference. In this contribution a brief review is given of the probabilistic theory of integer ambiguity estimation. We describe the concept of ambiguity pull-in regions, introduce the class of admissible integer estimators, determine their probability mass functions and show how their variability affect the uncertainty in the so-called ‘fixed’ baseline solution. The theory is worked out in more detail for integer least-squares and integer bootstrapping. It is shown that the integer least-squares principle maximizes the probability of correct integer estimation. Sharp and easy-to-compute bounds are given for both the ambiguity success rate and the baseline’s probability of concentration. Finally the probability density function of the ambiguity residuals is determined. This allows one for the first time to formulate rigorous tests for the integerness of the parameters

    Філософія права в системі наук

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    Thermosensitive amphiphilic block copolymers self-assemble into micelles above their lower critical solution temperature in water, however, the micelles generally display mediocre physical stability. To stabilize such micelles and increase their loading capacity for chemotherapeutic drugs, block copolymers with novel aromatic monomers were synthesized by free radical polymerization of N-(2-benzoyloxypropyl methacrylamide (HPMAm-Bz) or the corresponding naphthoyl analogue (HPMAm-Nt), with N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide monolactate, using a polyethylene glycol based macroinitiator. The critical micelle temperatures and critical micelle concentrations decreased with increasing the HPMAm-Bz/Nt content. The micelles of 30-50 nm were prepared by heating the polymer aqueous solutions from 0 to 50 degrees C and were colloidally stable for at least 48 h at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C. Paclitaxel and docetaxel encapsulation was performed by mixing drug solutions in ethanol with polymer aqueous solutions and heating from 0 to 50 degrees C. The micelles had a drug loading capacity up to 34 wt % for docetaxel, which is among the highest loadings reported for polymeric micelles, with loaded micelle sizes ranging from 60 to 80 nm. The micelles without aromatic groups almost completely released loaded paclitaxel in 10 days, whereas the HPMAm-Bz/Nt containing micelles released 50% of the paclitaxel at the same time, which showed a better retention for the drug of the latter micelles. (1)H solid-state NMR spectroscopy data are compatible with pi-pi stacking between aromatic groups. The empty micelles demonstrated good cytocompatibility, and paclitaxel-loaded micelles showed high cytotoxicity to tumor cells. In conclusion, the pi-pi stacking effect introduced by aromatic groups increases the stability and loading capacity of polymeric micelles