9 research outputs found

    Modeling Bake Hardening Effects in Steel Sheets-Application to Dent Resistance

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    International audienceThis study is dedicated to the experimental characterisation and phenomenological modeling of the bake hardening effect of a thin steel sheet, to predict the static dent resistance and perform an experimental validation on a bulged part. In a first step, rectangular samples are submitted to a thermo-mechanical loading to characterise the bake hardening magnitude in tension. A three-step procedure is considered, involving first a pre-strain in tension up to several values followed by unloading. Secondly, a heat treatment during a fixed time and a given temperature is performed, and finally, a reloading in tension in the same direction as the pre-strain is applied. Then, a specific device is developed to perform dent tests on a bulged specimen, to evaluate the influence of bake hardening on the dent resistance. A three-step procedure is also considered, with a pre-strain applied with a hydraulic bulge test followed by a heat treatment and then static dent test at the maximum dome height. An original phenomenological model is proposed to represent the yield stress increase after the heat treatment and the second reloading. Material parameters are identified from the tensile tests and are input data to a finite element model. The numerical prediction of the load evolution during the dent test is then compared with experimental data and shows an overall good correlation

    DĂ©formation dĂ©crochante d’un bassin Ă  litage rhĂ©ologique : modĂ©lisation analogique Ă  l’échelle crustale

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    International audienceIn sedimentary basins, sediment type and deposit and burial conditions generate successivelayers with various rheologies reacting differently to boundary stresses. We used analoguemodelling to explore how a rheological-layered basin reacts to strike-slip displacements appliedto boundaries. Several experimental set-ups were tested by varying horizontal rheological layering(alternating viscous and cohesive layers) and displacement rates. All experiments generated a complexthree-dimensional deformation pattern localized into a narrow vertical band with thickened, thinnedand folded domains alternating along both strike and depth. This results in a succession of positiveand negative flower structures connected to the basal velocity discontinuity at depth and in a decouplingof deformation from one layer to another. Thinning and thickening variations display an alongstrikewavelength proportional to the layer thickness, an amplitude controlled by rheological layering,and in particular the strength contrast between each layer. The simultaneous genesis of shorteningand stretching structures during only one deformation stage is symptomatic of strike-slip boundaryconditions. These results indicate that caution should be exercised when postulating polyphaseddeformation fromoverprinting of different deformation styles.Dans les bassins sĂ©dimentaires, la nature des sĂ©diments, leurs conditions de dĂ©pĂŽt et d’enfouissementproduisent un litage mĂ©canique dont les niveaux rhĂ©ologiques rĂ©agissent diffĂ©remmentaux contraintes appliquĂ©es aux limites. Une modĂ©lisation analogique a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©e pour explorer ladĂ©formation d’un systĂšme sĂ©dimentaires multicouche subissant des conditions dĂ©crochantes Ă  ses limites.Plusieurs conditions expĂ©rimentales ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es : variation de la stratification rhĂ©ologique horizontale (alternance de couches visqueuses et cohĂ©sives) et quantitĂ© de dĂ©placement. Toutes lesexpĂ©riences montrent une dĂ©formation complexe localisĂ©e dans un couloir vertical Ă©troit, formĂ©e parune succession de structures en fleur positives et nĂ©gatives connectĂ©es Ă  la base du modĂšle. Les niveauxprĂ©sentent des variations dĂ©paisseur (zones Ă©paissies, amincies et ployĂ©es). Les variations destyle de dĂ©formation se produisent Ă  chaque interface qui dĂ©couple la dĂ©formation d’une coucheĂ  l’autre. Les variations d’épaisseur d’un niveau prĂ©sentent une longueur d’onde proportionnelle Ă l’épaisseur de la couche dont l’amplitude est contrĂŽlĂ©e par la stratification rhĂ©ologique, et en particulierle contraste de rĂ©sistance entre chaque niveau. La co-existence des structures en raccourcissementet en Ă©tirement pendant la mĂȘme phase de dĂ©formation sont caractĂ©ristiques des conditionsaux limites dĂ©crochantes. Ce rĂ©sultat remet en cause l’interprĂ©tation systĂ©matique d’une dĂ©formationpolyphasĂ©e, la prĂ©sence de structures accommodant de dĂ©formation diffĂ©rentes

    Evaluating conditions for the formation of chitosan/gelatin microparticles

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    Chitosan/gelatin microparticles were prepared by complex coacervation. Three chitosan (CH) samples, with different acetylation degrees and intrinsic viscosities, were used together with commercial gelatin (G) samples. Microparticles formation was investigated at various CH/G ratios, within the pH range of 3.5 to 6.0. Reactions were carried out at 40 and 60 ÂșC, for 2, 4, and 6 hours. Turbidity measurements performed at 633 nm were used to monitor the process. The resulting curves revealed maximum values, which were correlated to the glucosamine content of CH samples. After isolation, yields were determined, and the microparticles were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetry (TGA). Both techniques evidenced the formation of coacervate microparticles. The highest yields in microparticles were determined for the system comprising the CH sample with the lowest degree of acetylation and intrinsic viscosity, and the gelatin sample with the lowest bloom strength