569 research outputs found

    Infinite integral conditions for oscilation of first order linear delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients

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    This study obtains a new set of integral conditions for oscillation of nonautonomous delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients. It is however, discovered that every solution of the equation oscillates infinitely.Keywords: Integral Condition, Oscillation, Positive and Negative Coefficient

    A Mathematical Model For Attenuating the Spread Of Diabetes and Its Management In A Population

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    We study the dynamics of diabetes in a population based on the etiology of the disease. In carrying out the study, we proposed that; a population generate non-diabetic non – susceptible sub-population, and a non-diabetic susceptible sub-population, the non-diabetic susceptible sub-population can further generate a population of diabetics without complication, who can later transit to a population with diabetic complications. Based on the etiology dynamics, we proposed control measures at the point of transition from the population to non-diabetic susceptible population, and at the point of transition from diabetes without complications to diabetes with complications. For this study, we intend to look at the control measure. In this regard, we proposed a mathematical model for the dynamics of diabetes by incorporating a control parameter h, so as to investigate how to control diabetes in a population. The result of the study suggested that; we need to control the incidence of diabetes, I(t), and improve the control measure, h, for transition from diabetes without complication to diabetes with complication. Thus entailing going  further in research to; Look into the dynamics of the genetics of transmission of the diabetic gene, to investigate how to reduce the spread (and hence the incidence I(t)) of diabetes, and to also look into the influence of the control factor h, on the dynamics of glucose metabolism, this will give an insight on how to manage diabetic patients.Keywords: Diabetes, Population, Genes, Genetics, Etiology

    Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Properties, ADMET and Drug-likeness Analysis of Mn (II) complexes with Schiff Bases Derived from Sulphathiazole and 4-diethylaminosalicyaldehyde/Salicyaldehyde

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    Mn (II) complexes were synthesized with the Schiff base ligand obtained by the condensation of sulfathiazole with 4-diethylaminosalicyaldehyde/Salicyaldehyde. Their characterization was performed by elemental analysis, molar conductance, melting points, magnetic susceptibility, infrared, and UV–Vis spectral analysis. The results suggest that the Schiff bases and their complex are synthesized in excellent yield, molar conductance studies on the complexes indicated they were non-electrolytic. The IR data indicated that the Schiff base ligand is tridentate coordinated to the metallic ion with two N atoms from the azomethine group and thiazole ring and one O atom from the phenolic group. The electronic spectral study showed octahedral geometry for all the complexes which are further supported by magnetic moment values. The ligand and its complexes were screened against four bacterial and two fungal strains using the disk diffusion method. The antimicrobial evaluation results revealed that the metal (II) complexes exhibited higher antimicrobial activity than the free Schiff base ligand. The ADMET and drug-likeness studies of the synthesized ligands indicated that the Schiff base ligands fulfill Lipinski’s, Ghoose, Veber, Egan, and Mugge rules but the complexes showed some deviations. They also displayed low toxicity levels

    On the Oscillation of the Generalized Food-Limited Equations with Delay

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    - The objective of the paper is to find conditions for the oscillation of the food-limited equation. We established conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the generalized foodlimited equation by transforming the equation to a non-linear delay differential equation and then to a scalar delay differential equation and using the property of the scalar delay differential equation to obtain our result. Similarly we establish conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the foodlimited equation with several delays by transforming the equation to a scalar differential equation to obtain the oscillatory property

    Achieving Sustainable Development and Promoting Development Cooperation in Nigeria: Way Forward

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    The world today witnesses emerging new challenges, aggravated by multiple financial, economic, food and energy crises, which have threatened the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development reaffirmed the political commitments of the international community to pursue sustainable development, under the principles of Agenda 21, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, this is inline with the Millennium Development Goals objectives which focused attention on selected social and human development priorities. The main objective of the paper, is to evaluate the possible ways of achieving sustainable development and development cooperation in Nigeria. To achieved the above objective the researchers make use of questionnaires, Hypothesis are formulated which were analyzed using SPSS. Pearson Correlation Test were equally conducted to determine the correlation between economic development cooperation  and sustainable development in Nigeria.  Empirical economic modeling were established with the prior expectation to construct multiple regression. The paper recommended that, government should take steps to introduce price control on essential items to avoid persistence increase in price level, adequate measures should be put in place to cope with the effect of climate change, government as well should come up with policies that will encourage production and consumption of locally produce goods and services and discourage importation of essential items, Nigerian populace  should take a drastic measure to ensure that those to be elected as policies makers are of credible character and patriot that are capable of protecting the interest of the generality of the entire populace and finally the governments at all level should come up with economic recovery plans that is capable of salvaging the financial system and entire economy at large.   Keywords: Economy, Cooperation, Development, Strategy, Sustainability, Transformation

    Prevalence of malaria and geohelminth co-infection among antenatal women at the Federal Medical Centre and Specialist Hospital, Yola, Adamawa Sate, Nigeria

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    Malaria and geohelminths are known to be associated with pregnancy within all age groups. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of malaria and geohelminths co-infection among pregnant women. The study was conducted on 252 pregnant women who came for antenatal visits at Federal Medical Center and Specialist Hospital within Yola metropolis from July to November 2015. Socio-demographic information of the pregnant women was collected. Capillary blood from finger prick was used for malaria screening by microscopy. Geohelminths were determined by stool examination using wet mount and formal ether concentration techniques. Malaria, geohelminths and co-infecion had 20.2%, 21.4%, and 6.3% prevalence, respectively. Those within 20-24 and 25-29year age group had high rate of coinfection of 2.4% each. The results show no association between age and coinfection p<0.05. Malaria was significant in this study at p<0.05. The result show relatively low rate of coinfection of malaria and geohelminths prevalence.Keywords: Prevalence, Malaria, Geohelminths, Coinfection, Hospital, Yol

    Phytochemical, antifungal and acute toxicity studies of Mitracarpus scaber Zucc. whole plant extracts

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    Mitracarpus scaber have been reported in the treatment of various ailments such as ulcer, cancer, skin diseases etc. It is therefore important to investigate these plant parts to ascertain their therapeutic potentials. The Mitracarpus scaber whole plant was extracted with water and methanol, screened for their phytochemical properties and antifungal effects. The plant samples were also investigated for alkaloid, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and phenolic contents using quantitative techniques. The antifungal activities of the plant samples were tested against Candida albicans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum auduounii and Aspergillus flavus. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) of the extracts were also determined. Flavonoid, steroid, triterpenes, tannins, carbohydrate, glycoside, phenols were detected in both extracts while anthraquinones was absent. Alkaloid was detected in the aqueous extract but absent in methanol extract. Quantitatively, the phenols (97.0 mg/g) was the highest phytochemical detected in the plant while the lowest was alkaloid (9.2 mg/g). Toxicity of the samples was expressed as LD50, it was found above 5000 mg/kg and did not cause mortality in all the tested rats. Aqueous extract only showed inhibition on Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes with no inhibition on Microsporum auduounii and Aspergillus flavus while ethanol extract only showed inhibition on Candida albicans with no inhibition on Microsporum auduounii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus flavus at the lowest concentration 12.5 mg/ml. The aqueous extract has MIC and MFC of 12.5 mg/ml and 25 mg/ml respectively against Candidaalbicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Thus, the traditional claims of the uses of the plants as antifungal agents were therefore supported

    Determination of elemental constituents for three herbal plants that are traditionally used to cure cancer

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    Elemental constituents of fresh leaves of the three herbal plants used traditionally for treatment of cancer namely: Guera Senegalense, Boswellia and Mangifera Indica were analyzed. Results show that all the three samples contain the highest amounts of calcium in parts per million (Guiera Senegalensis 5991 ppm, Boswellia 9413 ppm and Mangifera Indica 2405 ppm) as compared to other constituents. Further studies reveal that presence of calcium in appreciable amount within the metabolic system of human being helps to reduce the risk of cancer and related ailments. Other benefits of calcium in man include strengthening bones and teeth.Keywords: Herbal Medicine, Cancer, Constituents, Carcinoge

    On-site underground background measurements for the KASKA reactor-neutrino experiment

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    On-site underground background measurements were performed for the planned reactor-neutrino oscillation experiment KASKA at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power station in Niigata, Japan. A small-diameter boring hole was excavated down to 70m underground level, and a detector unit for Îł\gamma-ray and cosmic-muon measurements was placed at various depths to take data. The data were analyzed to obtain abundance of natural radioactive elements in the surrounding soil and rates of cosmic muons that penetrate the overburden. The results will be reflected in the design of the KASKA experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, final version for publication. Table 1 and Fig.5 have change
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