2,390 research outputs found

    Extreme nonlinear electrodynamics in metamaterials with very small linear dielectric permittivity

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    We consider a sub-wavelength periodic layered medium whose slabs are filled by arbitrary linear metamaterials and standard nonlinear Kerr media and we show that the homogenized medium behaves as a Kerr medium whose parameters can assume values not available in standard materials. Exploiting such a parameter availability, we focus on the situation where the linear relative dielectric permittivity is very small thus allowing the observation of the extreme nonlinear regime where the nonlinear polarization is comparable with or even greater than the linear part of the overall dielectric response. The behavior of the electromagnetic field in the extreme nonlinear regime is very peculiar and characterized by novel features as, for example, the transverse power flow reversing. In order to probe the novel regime, we consider a class of fields (transverse magnetic nonlinear guided waves) admitting full analytical description and we show that these waves are allowed to propagate even in media with ϵ0\epsilon0 since the nonlinear polarization produces a positive overall effective permittivity. The considered nonlinear waves exhibit, in addition to the mentioned features, a number of interesting properties like hyper-focusing induced by the phase difference between the field components.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Large Rapidity Gap Processes in Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    The cross sections for a variety of channels of proton-nucleus interaction associated with large gaps in rapidity are calculated within the Glauber-Gribov theory. We found inelastic shadowing corrections to be dramatically enhanced for such events. We employ the light-cone dipole formalism which allows to calculate the inelastic corrections to all orders of the multiple interaction. Although Gribov corrections are known to make nuclear matter more transparent, we demonstrate that in some instances they lead to an opaqueness. Numerical calculations are performed for the energies of the HERA-B experiment, and the RHIC-LHC colliders.Comment: 19 page

    Transparent Nuclei and Deuteron-Gold Collisions at RHIC

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    The current normalization of the cross section of inclusive high-pT particle production in deuteron-gold collisions measured RHIC relies on Glauber calculations for the inelastic d-Au cross section. These calculations should be corrected for diffraction. Moreover, they miss the Gribov's inelastic shadowing which makes nuclei more transparent (color transparency). The magnitude of this effect rises with energy and it may dramatically affect the normalization of the RHIC data. We evaluate these corrections employing the light-cone dipole formalism and found a rather modest corrections for the current normalization of the d-Au data. The results of experiments insensitive to diffraction (PHENIX, PHOBOS) should be renormalized by about 20% down, while those which include diffraction (STAR), by only 10%. Such a correction completely eliminates the Cronin enhancement in the PHENIX data for pions. The largest theoretical uncertainty comes from the part of the inelastic shadowing which is related to diffractive gluon radiation, or gluon shadowing. Our estimate is adjusted to data for the triple-Pomeron coupling, however, other models do not have such a restrictions and predict much stronger gluon shadowing. Therefore, the current data for high-pT hadron production in d-Au collisions at RHIC cannot exclude in a model independent way the possibility if initial state suppression proposed by Kharzeev-Levin-McLerran. Probably the only way to settle this uncertainty is a direct measurement of the inelastic d-Au cross sections at RHIC. Also d-Au collisions with a tagged spectator nucleon may serve as a sensitive probe for nuclear transparency and inelastic shadowing. We found an illuminating quantum-mechanical effect: the nucleus acts like a lens focusing spectators into a very narrow cone.Comment: Latex 50 pages. Based on lectures given by the author at Workshop on High-pT Correlations at RHIC, Columbia University, May-June, 2003. The version to appear in PR

    Dynamical Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and surface plasmons

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    We investigate the time-dependent Casimir-Polder potential of a polarizable two-level atom placed near a surface of arbitrary material, after a sudden change in the parameters of the system. Different initial conditions are taken into account. For an initially bare ground-state atom, the time-dependent Casimir-Polder energy reveals how the atom is "being dressed" by virtual, matter-assisted photons. We also study the transient behavior of the Casimir-Polder interaction between the atom and the surface starting from a partially dressed state, after an externally induced change in the atomic level structure or transition dipoles. The Heisenberg equations are solved through an iterative technique for both atomic and field operators in the medium-assisted electromagnetic field quantization scheme. We analyze in particular how the time evolution of the interaction energy depends on the optical properties of the surface, in particular on the dispersion relationof surface plasmon polaritons. The physical significance and the limits of validity of the obtained results are discussed in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Winding Numbers, Complex Currents, and Non-Hermitian Localization

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    The nature of extended states in disordered tight binding models with a constant imaginary vector potential is explored. Such models, relevant to vortex physics in superconductors and to population biology, exhibit a delocalization transition and a band of extended states even for a one dimensional ring. Using an analysis of eigenvalue trajectories in the complex plane, we demonstrate that each delocalized state is characterized by an (integer) winding number, and evaluate the associated complex current. Winding numbers in higher dimensions are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal eigenvector statistics in a quantum scattering ensemble

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    We calculate eigenvector statistics in an ensemble of non-Hermitian matrices describing open quantum systems [F. Haake et al., Z. Phys. B 88, 359 (1992)] in the limit of large matrix size. We show that ensemble-averaged eigenvector correlations corresponding to eigenvalues in the center of the support of the density of states in the complex plane are described by an expression recently derived for Ginibre's ensemble of random non-Hermitian matrices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    CP violation in unpolarized e^+ e^- to charginos at one loop level

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    We study CP violation in e^+ e^- to \tilde\chi_i^+\tilde\chi_j^- in the framework of the MSSM. Though the cross section of this process is CP-even at the tree level even for polarized electron-positron beams, we show that it contains a CP-odd part at the one loop order and there are CP-odd observables that can in principle be measured even using unpolarized electron-positron beams. The relevant diagram calculations are briefly discussed and the results of selected (box) diagram computations are shown.Comment: similar to Phys. Rev. D version, but corrected figs. 4, 5, 6 (factor four

    Microcantilever Studies of Angular Field Dependence of Vortex Dynamics in BSCCO

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    Using a nanogram-sized single crystal of BSCCO attached to a microcantilever we demonstrate in a direct way that in magnetic fields nearly parallel to the {\it ab} plane the magnetic field penetrates the sample in the form of Josephson vortices rather than in the form of a tilted vortex lattice. We further investigate the relation between the Josephson vortices and the pancake vortices generated by the perpendicular field component.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Eigenvector statistics in non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles

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    We study statistical properties of the eigenvectors of non-Hermitian random matrices, concentrating on Ginibre's complex Gaussian ensemble, in which the real and imaginary parts of each element of an N x N matrix, J, are independent random variables. Calculating ensemble averages based on the quantity <LαLβ>< L_\alpha | L_\beta > , where <Lα< L_\alpha | and Rβ>| R_\beta > are left and right eigenvectors of J, we show for large N that eigenvectors associated with a pair of eigenvalues are highly correlated if the two eigenvalues lie close in the complex plane. We examine consequences of these correlations that are likely to be important in physical applications.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Long range neutrino forces in the cosmic relic neutrino background

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    Neutrinos mediate long range forces among macroscopic bodies in vacuum. When the bodies are placed in the neutrino cosmic background, these forces are modified. Indeed, at distances long compared to the scale T1T^{-1}, the relic neutrinos completely screen off the 2-neutrino exchange force, whereas for small distances the interaction remains unaffected.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure