44 research outputs found

    Surface state atoms and their contribution to the surface tension of quantum liquids

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    We investigate the new type of excitations on the surface of liquid helium. These excitations, called surfons, appear because helium atoms have discrete energy level at the liquid surface, being attracted to the surface by the van der Waals force and repulsed at a hard-core interatomic distance. The concentration of the surfons increases with temperature. The surfons propagate along the surface and form a two-dimensional gas. Basing on the simple model of the surfon microscopic structure, we estimate the surfon activation energy and effective mass for both helium isotopes. We also calculate the contribution of the surfons to the temperature dependence of the surface tension. This contribution explains the great and long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment on this temperature dependence in both helium isotopes. The achieved agreement between our theory and experiment is extremely high. The comparison with experiment allows to extract the surfon activation energy and effective mass. The values of these surfon microscopic parameters are in a reasonable agreement with the calculated from the proposed simple model of surfon structure.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    ‘Multi-Epitope-Targeted’ Immune-Specific Therapy for a Multiple Sclerosis-Like Disease via Engineered Multi-Epitope Protein Is Superior to Peptides

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    Antigen-induced peripheral tolerance is potentially one of the most efficient and specific therapeutic approaches for autoimmune diseases. Although highly effective in animal models, antigen-based strategies have not yet been translated into practicable human therapy, and several clinical trials using a single antigen or peptidic-epitope in multiple sclerosis (MS) yielded disappointing results. In these clinical trials, however, the apparent complexity and dynamics of the pathogenic autoimmunity associated with MS, which result from the multiplicity of potential target antigens and “epitope spread”, have not been sufficiently considered. Thus, targeting pathogenic T-cells reactive against a single antigen/epitope is unlikely to be sufficient; to be effective, immunospecific therapy to MS should logically neutralize concomitantly T-cells reactive against as many major target antigens/epitopes as possible. We investigated such “multi-epitope-targeting” approach in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) associated with a single (“classical”) or multiple (“complex”) anti-myelin autoreactivities, using cocktail of different encephalitogenic peptides vis-a-vis artificial multi-epitope-protein (designated Y-MSPc) encompassing rationally selected MS-relevant epitopes of five major myelin antigens, as “multi-epitope-targeting” agents. Y-MSPc was superior to peptide(s) in concomitantly downregulating pathogenic T-cells reactive against multiple myelin antigens/epitopes, via inducing more effective, longer lasting peripheral regulatory mechanisms (cytokine shift, anergy, and Foxp3+ CTLA4+ regulatory T-cells). Y-MSPc was also consistently more effective than the disease-inducing single peptide or peptide cocktail, not only in suppressing the development of “classical” or “complex EAE” or ameliorating ongoing disease, but most importantly, in reversing chronic EAE. Overall, our data emphasize that a “multi-epitope-targeting” strategy is required for effective immune-specific therapy of organ-specific autoimmune diseases associated with complex and dynamic pathogenic autoimmunity, such as MS; our data further demonstrate that the “multi-epitope-targeting” approach to therapy is optimized through specifically designed multi-epitope-proteins, rather than myelin peptide cocktails, as “multi-epitope-targeting” agents. Such artificial multi-epitope proteins can be tailored to other organ-specific autoimmune diseases

    Flower palate ultrastructure of the carnivorous plant Genlisea hispidula Stapf with remarks on the structure and function of the palate in the subgenus Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae)

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    In the genus Genlisea as well as in its sister genus Utricularia, the palate probably plays a key role in providing the colour, mechanical and olfactory stimuli to attract insect pollinators and to guide them to the generative structures and the nectary spur. However, information about the micro-morphology of the palate of Genlisea is scarce. This study aims to examine the structure of the palate in Genlisea hispidula in detail as well as the palate from other five species from the subgenus Genlisea. In particular, its aim is to ascertain whether these palates function as an area for the osmophores in the flower or whether they produce nectar. We showed that the palate in all of the species that were examined was the glandular type and that it had capitate, glandular trichomes, which had a similar general architecture across the species that were examined. No nectar secretion was observed on the palates. The ultrastructure of the palate trichomes showed that the palate glandular trichomes most probably function as scent glands that produce an olfactory stimulus for flower pollinators

    Physiological Correlates of Volunteering

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    We review research on physiological correlates of volunteering, a neglected but promising research field. Some of these correlates seem to be causal factors influencing volunteering. Volunteers tend to have better physical health, both self-reported and expert-assessed, better mental health, and perform better on cognitive tasks. Research thus far has rarely examined neurological, neurochemical, hormonal, and genetic correlates of volunteering to any significant extent, especially controlling for other factors as potential confounds. Evolutionary theory and behavioral genetic research suggest the importance of such physiological factors in humans. Basically, many aspects of social relationships and social activities have effects on health (e.g., Newman and Roberts 2013; Uchino 2004), as the widely used biopsychosocial (BPS) model suggests (Institute of Medicine 2001). Studies of formal volunteering (FV), charitable giving, and altruistic behavior suggest that physiological characteristics are related to volunteering, including specific genes (such as oxytocin receptor [OXTR] genes, Arginine vasopressin receptor [AVPR] genes, dopamine D4 receptor [DRD4] genes, and 5-HTTLPR). We recommend that future research on physiological factors be extended to non-Western populations, focusing specifically on volunteering, and differentiating between different forms and types of volunteering and civic participation

    Genetic Variants For Head Size Share Genes and Pathways With Cancer

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    The size of the human head is highly heritable, but genetic drivers of its variation within the general population remain unmapped. We perform a genome-wide association study on head size (N = 80,890) and identify 67 genetic loci, of which 50 are novel. Neuroimaging studies show that 17 variants affect specific brain areas, but most have widespread effects. Gene set enrichment is observed for various cancers and the p53, Wnt, and ErbB signaling pathways. Genes harboring lead variants are enriched for macrocephaly syndrome genes (37-fold) and high-fidelity cancer genes (9-fold), which is not seen for human height variants. Head size variants are also near genes preferentially expressed in intermediate progenitor cells, neural cells linked to evolutionary brain expansion. Our results indicate that genes regulating early brain and cranial growth incline to neoplasia later in life, irrespective of height. This warrants investigation of clinical implications of the link between head size and cancer

    Excavation mechanics of the elongated female rostrum of the acorn weevil Curculio glandium (Coleoptera; Curculionidae)

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    Elongated rostra (snouts) are remarkable features of many female weevils. The female of Curculio glandium uses the snout to excavate channels in acorns to oviposit. Considering the slenderness of the rostrum, the excavation of channels in solid substrates without buckling is a challenging task from both engineering and biological points of view. Here we aimed to examine the roles of the material properties and morphology of the rostrum in its buckling resistance. We employed microscopy techniques, non-destructive material characterisation and finite element (FE) modelling to shed more light on the excavation mechanics of the rostrum. We found that sexual dimorphisms are present not only in the length but also in the material, particularly the elastic modulus, and morphological features, particularly the curvature and thickness of the cuticular layers. Our FE modelling showed that those factors play essential roles to maximise the buckling resistance and minimise the bending resistance of the female rostrum. Considering that during excavation, the rostrum needs to be straightened without buckling, the functionality of the rostrum is likely to be a compromise between the flexibility and stiffness

    Acute myocardial infarction in the postpartum period in the young woman with protein C deficiency

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    Women of childbearing age without cardiovascular risk factors have low risk of acute myocardial infarction. Pregnancy has been shown to increase the risk of myocardial infarction compared to the risk in non-pregnant women of similar age. Acute myocardial infarction during pregnancy or postpartum period as a rule develops due to coronary spasm or non-atherogenic thrombosis or spontaneous coronary dissection. Thrombosis is most likely related to hypercoagulable state of pregnancy and postpartum period. It is worth considering the importance of defects of coagulation, such as Leiden factor, protein C, protein S, antithrombin III and mutations of propter genes. There is also the significant role of antiphospholipid antibodies in young women. We present the clinical case of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction in 34-years old woman without traditional cardiovascular risk factors, which was developed after childbirth due to non-atherogenic left anterior coronary artery thrombosis. Her coagulation profile showed normal results for antithrombin III, protein S, prothrombin gene mutation, factor V Leiden and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. At the same time the protein C activity decreased to 43 % as well as trombophilia genetic markers MTHFRC677T, MTRR 66A>G, ITGA2:807 C>T and ITGB:1565 T>C genetic polymorphisms were revealed