11 research outputs found

    Les Organisations d’espaces de Jean-Michel Sanejouand (1967-1974)

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    Publié suite à l’exposition Les Organisations d’espaces de Jean-Michel Sanejouand (1967-1974) à La Box à Bourges en 2013, cet ouvrage constitue une étude approfondie de la série d’interventions en relation avec le lieu d’exposition que réalise Jean-Michel Sanejouand durant ces années. Il prolonge ainsi les publications réalisées lors de rétrospectives, dont celle du Centre Pompidou en 1995, qui ont contribué  à saisir l’importance de son œuvre dans l’histoire de l’art de la période. Le texte ..

    « Rétrospectivement… »

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    Que fait-on des artistes dits contemporains quand le temps a passé ? Parle-t-on aujourd’hui de la même façon des œuvres produites dans les années 1960, qu’il y a dix ans ? Qu’est-ce qui - quel délai non stipulé mais pourtant ressenti par tous – fait que l’on se met, soudain, à porter sur telle production un regard rétrospectif comme si celle-ci échappait désormais au domaine de la critique d’art, pour mieux entrer dans celui de l’histoire de l’art ? Autant de questions que posent, chacun à sa..

    De la BLAA

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    A través de la Embajada de Francia -amiga permanente de esta biblioteca, ha sido una gran impulsadora de la actividad cultural y del desarrollo de sus actividades- la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango ha visto enriquecida su colección bibliográfica de arte, con el excelente fondo que a continuación describimos


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    Se presenta la información y las bases del Premio Internacional de Composición Musical "Reina Maria José" (Concurso 1995 y 1996); el Coloquio Internacional y el Concurso de Fotografía, Aquí estamos los niños de Colombia"

    Refinement of atomic models in high resolution EM reconstructions using Flex-EM and local assessment

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    As the resolutions of Three Dimensional Electron Microscopic reconstructions of biological macromolecules are being improved, there is a need for better fitting and refinement methods at high resolutions and robust approaches for model assessment. Flex-EM/MODELLER has been used for flexible fitting of atomic models in intermediate-to-low resolution density maps of different biological systems. Here, we demonstrate the suitability of the method to successfully refine structures at higher resolutions (2.5–4.5 Å) using both simulated and experimental data, including a newly processed map of Apo-GroEL. A hierarchical refinement protocol was adopted where the rigid body definitions are relaxed and atom displacement steps are reduced progressively at successive stages of refinement. For the assessment of local fit, we used the SMOC (segment-based Manders’ overlap coefficient) score, while the model quality was checked using the Qmean score. Comparison of SMOC profiles at different stages of refinement helped in detecting regions that are poorly fitted. We also show how initial model errors can have significant impact on the goodness-of-fit. Finally, we discuss the implementation of Flex-EM in the CCP-EM software suite

    Land Art e museus : paradigmas de apresentação e tradução em 1969 e 2012

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Curso de Graduação em Museologia, 2016.O presente trabalho expõe a discussão existente quanto as possíveis formas de apresentação da Land Art em exposições institucionais, levando em consideração os paradigmas de encontro entre o movimento artístico e os museus. A partir da apresentação de referências teóricos da critica e história da arte, assim como da museologia, o trabalho trata as considerações existentes frente a exibição da Land Art através de seus dispositivos de registro, e como esse processo de tradução está diretamente ligado as condições de comunicação museológica e da própria obra. Para tanto, a pesquisa buscou discutir essas considerações já existentes frente as duas exposições específicas, levando em consideração suas qualidades curatoriais e seus discursos formados. Desse modo, percebeu-se diferenças significativas nos processos curatoriais devido ao estabelecimento de um quadro de trabalho especializado, voltado para pesquisa, e em consonância às intencionalidades dos artistas e das próprias obras.The present paper provides the existing discussion about the possible forms of display of Land Art in institutional exhibitions, taking into account the paradigms of the encounter between the artistic movement and museums. Through the presentation of theoretical frameworks from the artistic criticism, art history and museology, the work deals with the existing considerations facing the display of Land Art through their documentary records, and how this process of translation is directly linked to the museological communication conditions and the work itself. Therefore, the research sought to discuss these existing considerations facing two specific exhibitions, taking into account their curatorial qualities and different forms of speeches. Thereby, it was noticed significant differences in curatorial processes due to the establishment of a specialized job board, dedicated to research, and in accordance to the intentions of the artists and the artworks

    Les modes normaux de basse fréquence des protéines

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    Low-frequency normal modes often give useful information on the large-amplitude functional motions of proteins, as determined experimentally using, e.g., X-ray cristallography. This result seems to be quite robust, since it has been obtained using atomic-level description of proteins, as well as coarse-grained ones. Building upon this result, several applications have been proposed, in particular in the field of structural refinement. This text is a review of what has been achieved to date, with a particular emphasis on my own contributions. Among the most recent developments, attempts to complexify current elastic network models, by adding nonlinear terms, are evoked.Les mouvements de basse fréquence des protéines, tels qu'on peut les calculer via l'approximation des petits déplacements (approximation harmonique), ressemblent souvent beaucoup à des mouvements fonctionnels, tels qu'on peut les observer par cristallographie des rayons X. Ce résultat semble très robuste puisqu'il a été obtenu, tout d'abord, en partant d'une description des protéines à l'échelle atomique puis, plus récemment, de descriptions à "gros grains" (des modèles de type réseau élastique). S'appuyant sur ce constat, des applications variées ont été proposées, notamment pour faciliter la résolution de structures ou pour améliorer leur qualité (ajustement dans des enveloppes obtenues par cryomicroscopie électronique, remplacement moléculaire...). Ce mémoire est une revue des résultats obtenus, dans laquelle mes contributions sont plus particulièrement mises en avant. Parmi les développements les plus récents, sont évoquées des tentatives de faire le lien entre modèles à l'échelle atomique et modèles à gros grains, ou bien de complexifier ces derniers, en y incluant des termes anharmoniques

    Protein Motions through Eigenanalyses: A Set of Study Cases

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    The study of collective motions of molecules provides useful insights into the large amplitude conformational changes the molecules experiment during chemical reactions. In particular, theoretical normal modes analyses of proteins taking into account the lowestfrequency modes may help to predict the nature of such conformational changes. This work lists a set of proteins for which the theoretical motion history has been examined. Focus is given on the computation of low-frequency modes (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) using a code based on the Lanczos algorithm. The normal modes approach and the main ideas governing the technique employed to compute the required modes are rst outlined. Then, ve distinct cases ranging from 396 to 8528 atoms are discussed. Finally, guidelines for the eigenanalyses of similar problems are proposed. y CERFACS, Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientique, 42 av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex, France, e-mail: [email protected] z Laboratoire de Physique Quantique, IRSAMC, Universite Paul-Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France, e-mail: [email protected] 1