3,508 research outputs found

    An integrative social identity model of populist leadership

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    In recent years, the questions of what populism is and how populist leaders mobilize their followers have been the subject of extensive debate. While the social psychology literature holds unique theoretical tools that can be used to explain leader-follower dynamics, these have not yet been applied to understand populism and populist leadership. In this paper, we aim to discuss populism as a social-psychological concept and provide a comprehensive approach to examine the interactions between populist leaders and followers by using the identity leadership model (see New Psychology of Leadership, Haslam et al., 2020). Accordingly, we propose an integrative model in which we suggest that populism should be treated as a social-psychological concept based on (i) strong ingroup identification; (ii) interactive leadership processes that open spaces to followers for enacting their ingroup identity that end up with mobilization against vertical (e.g., elites) and horizontal (e.g., minorities, refugees, opponents) outgroups; (iii) leader's ingroup prototypicality and identity entrepreneurship that is boosted by using shared grievances, narratives of collective victimhood, and the destabilization of mainstream opponent leaders. Furthermore, by discussing real-world examples and recent studies, we aim to show how the content of what it means to be ‘us’ and what is seen as moral to ‘us’ can be shaped by populist leaders for mobilization

    The inventory of problems-29 is a cross‑culturally valid symptom validity test: Initial validation in a Turkish community sample

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    Because the actuarial evidence base for symptom validity tests (SVTs) is developed in a specific population, it is unclear whether their clinical utility is transferable to a population with different demographic characteristics. To address this, we report here the validation study of a recently developed free-standing SVT, the Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29), in a Turkish community sample. We employed a mixed design with a simulation paradigm: The Turkish IOP–29 was presented to the same participants (N = 125; 53.6% female; age range: 19–53) three times in an online format, with instructions to respond honestly (HON), randomly (RND), and attempt to feign a psychiatric disorder (SIM) based on different vignettes. In the SIM condition, participants were presented with one of three scripts instructing them to feign either schizophrenia (SIM-SCZ), depression (SIM-DEP), or posttraumatic stress disorder (SIM-PTSD). As predicted, the Turkish IOP–29 is effective in discriminating between credible and noncredible presentations and equally sensitive to feigning of different psychiatric disorders: The standard cutoff (FDS ≥ .50) is uniformly sensitive (90.2% to 92.9%) and yields a specificity of 88%. Random responding produces FDS scores more similar to those of noncredible presentations, and the random responding score (RRS) has incremental validity in distinguishing random responding from feigned and honest responding. Our findings reveal that the classification accuracy of the IOP–29 is stable across administration languages, feigned clinical constructs, and geographic regions. Validation of the Turkish IOP–29 will be a valuable addition to the limited availability of SVTs in Turkish. We discuss limitations and future directions

    Destination Image and Destination Personality

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    This article investigates the relationship between brand image and brand personality. In the generic marketing literature, several theoretical frameworks exist to understand brand image and brand personality but still, much confusion surrounds the nature of the relationship between the two constructs. Drawing on the findings of two studies and using tourism destinations as a setting, this article contributes to this long-standing debate. Results indicate that destination image and destination personality are related concepts. Canonical correlation analyses reveal that the emotional component of destination image captures the majority of variance on destination personality dimensions

    Destination Image and Destination Personality: An Application of Branding Theories to Tourism Places

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    This study investigates the relationship between destination image and destination personality. While brand image and brand personality studies is well documented in the generic marketing literature, application of branding theories to places, in particular to tourism destinations, is relatively new. Using tourism destinations as a setting, this study contribute to the debate on the brand image – brand personality relationship. Results indicate that destination image and destination personality are related concepts. Canonical correlation analysis reveals that the emotional component of destination image captures the majority of variance on destination personality dimensions

    Nutrient recovery from anaerobically digested sewage sludge by struvite precipitation

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    Bu çalışmada, kentsel nitelikli anaerobik çürütülmüş çamurdan strüvit formunda nütrient geri kazanımı potansiyeli araştırılmıştır. Çürütülmüş çamurun katı fazından fosforun geri kazanımı için, katı faza fosfor çözündürme prosesinin uygulanması gerekmektedir. Çalışmada, çürütülmüş çamur katı fazına asidik koşullarda fosfor çözündürme prosesi uygulanması ile mevcut fosfor ortofosfata dönüştürülmüştür. Asidik koşullarda çözündürme prosesi ile oldukça yüksek nütrient içeriğine sahip (1085±4.95 mg/L NH3-N ve 840±21.21 mg/L PO4-P) fosforca zengin sıvı fazı elde edilmiştir. Asidik çözündürme prosesinin uygulanması ile katı fazdaki toplam fosforun yaklaşık %84’ü çözündürülmüştür. Fosfor çözündürme prosesinin strüvit çöktürmesi için başlangıç adımı olarak kullanılabileceği görülmüştür. Strüvit çöktürmesi testlerinde, Mg:N:P ve Mg:P molar oranlarının etkisi ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. pH 8.5’da, Mg:N:P molar oranının 2:1:1.3 olduğu durumda PO4-P ve NH3-N giderim verimleri %99.84 ve 40.19 olarak elde edilmiştir. Bu durumda, strüvit çöktürmesi ile PO4-P’nin büyük bir kısmının NH4-N’nin ise belirli bir kısmının geri kazanımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Asidik koşullarda çözündürme uygulaması sonucu fosforun yanı sıra serbest kalan metal iyonları, strüvit çöktürmesi sonucunda metal fosfatlar olarak çöktürülmüştür. Çalışmada, asidik çözündürme sonrası sıvı fazda mevcut bulunan Ca, Al, Fe ve Zn metallerinin yüksek konsantrasyonlarından dolayı, giderilen PO4-P’nin tamamı magnezyum amonyum fosfat olarak strüvit formunda giderilmemiştir. Bu durum strüvit katı fazında yapılan XRD analizi ile desteklenmiştir. XRD analizi sonucu, strüvite ek olarak diğer metal bileşiklerinin de mevcut olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fosfor çözündürülmesi, çürütülmüş çamur, nütrient geri kazanımı, strüvit çöktürmesi.The recovery of nutrients from the anaerobically digested waste stream is a potential source of revenue. There is an increasing awareness of limited natural resources and importance is given to the sustainable treatment activities; that is why control over the sources of N and P shifted from removal to recovery. This can be explained by the dependency of modern agriculture on P derived from phosphate rock. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all forms of life. Phosphorus consumption in the world in year 2006 was around 142 million tons of phosphate rock concentrate, which is annihilating economically extractable phosphate rocks. Therefore, the reliance on phosphate rocks should be stopped and sustainable ways to use phosphorus should be researched. A sustainable way to use phosphorus can be recovery of phosphorus from digested sewage sludge since almost all the removed phosphorus accumulates in treatment sludge in a conventional wastewater treatment plant whether phosphorus in wastewater is removed by biological phosphorus removal or by chemical phosphorus removal. Since mineral fertilizers account for approximately 80% of phosphates used worldwide, it would be beneficiary to recover phosphorus from digested sludge as a fertilizer. On the other hand, as a basic building block of plant protein; nitrogen is an essential element for agriculture and there is a growing demand for the nitrogenous fertilizer in the world. One of the most popular nutrient recovery applications in this sense is converting nutrients from digested sludge into magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (struvite). Struvite is a slow releasing fertilizer. Nutrient recovery from anaerobically digested sewage sludge is a viable option because digested sewage sludge is rich in nutrients. Moreover, most of the studies in literature focused on the removal/recovery of the readily available nutrients in the anaerobic digester effluents and little attempt were given on the extraction of the nutrients present in the solid phase of the anaerobic digester effluents. Therefore, this study focused on the removal and recovery of nutrients as struvite from solid phase effluents of a full-scale sewage sludge anaerobic digester. Nutrient recovery from the solid phase was achieved by the adoption of a novel phosphorus dissolution process. The recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus can only be done by using the dissolved fraction, but most of the nutrients are located in solid form. For this purpose, the solid phase was subjected to phosphorus dissolution process, thereby obtaining phosphorus-enriched liquid phase. The use of acidic phosphorus dissolution process was applicable to the solid phase of the full-scale sewage sludge anaerobic digester and can be used as a preliminary step of struvite precipitation experiments to obtain a nutrient rich solution. The dissolution of phosphorus from digested sludge consists of the following steps: Dissolution of the sludge using acids and separation of the phosphorus-enriched liquid phase from the remaining solid phase. The use of acidic phosphorus dissolution process led to the transformation of available phosphates into the orthophosphate. In this study the phosphorus-enriched liquid phase with considerably high concentrations of nutrients (1085±4.95 mg/L of NH3-N and 840±21.21 mg/L of PO4-P) was obtained. More than 80% phosphorus dissolution can be achieved at pH 2.0. In addition to the increase of orthophosphate concentration, acidic dissolution resulted in the release of the metals which were normally integrated in organic complex molecules into the liquid phase. Metals can be incorporated into the crystal lattice or sorbed to the surface of struvite. The phosphorus-enriched liquid phase was analyzed for the metals and heavy metals. In the struvite precipitation experiments conducted with the phosphorus-enriched liquid phase, the effects of molar concentration ratio of Mg:N:P and molar concentration ratio of Mg:P were investigated, separately. In the experiments conducted with the phosphorus-enriched liquid phase of digested sewage sludge by the addition of external phosphorus and magnesium, high recovery efficiencies (>99.7%) of PO4-P and partial recovery of (up to 40%) NH3-N was observed. Whereas in the experiments conducted by the addition of only magnesium, almost complete recovery (99.9%) of PO4-P and partial recovery of (only 5%) NH3-N was attained. The obtained results of the experiments indicated that struvite precipitation process can be used to recover PO4-P only or both NH3-N and PO4-P. The results from XRD analysis for the struvite precipitate collected from the reactor containing phosphorus-enriched solution indicated a struvite formation. Keywords: Phosphorus dissolution, digested sewage sludge, nutrient recovery, struvite precipitation

    The electric double layer has a life of its own

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations with recently developed importance sampling methods, we show that the differential capacitance of a model ionic liquid based double-layer capacitor exhibits an anomalous dependence on the applied electrical potential. Such behavior is qualitatively incompatible with standard mean-field theories of the electrical double layer, but is consistent with observations made in experiment. The anomalous response results from structural changes induced in the interfacial region of the ionic liquid as it develops a charge density to screen the charge induced on the electrode surface. These structural changes are strongly influenced by the out-of-plane layering of the electrolyte and are multifaceted, including an abrupt local ordering of the ions adsorbed in the plane of the electrode surface, reorientation of molecular ions, and the spontaneous exchange of ions between different layers of the electrolyte close to the electrode surface. The local ordering exhibits signatures of a first-order phase transition, which would indicate a singular charge-density transition in a macroscopic limit

    WNT signalling in prostate cancer

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    Genome sequencing and gene expression analyses of prostate tumours have highlighted the potential importance of genetic and epigenetic changes observed in WNT signalling pathway components in prostate tumours-particularly in the development of castration-resistant prostate cancer. WNT signalling is also important in the prostate tumour microenvironment, in which WNT proteins secreted by the tumour stroma promote resistance to therapy, and in prostate cancer stem or progenitor cells, in which WNT-β-catenin signals promote self-renewal or expansion. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the potential of inhibitors that target WNT receptor complexes at the cell membrane or that block the interaction of β-catenin with lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 and the androgen receptor, in preventing prostate cancer progression. Some WNT signalling inhibitors are in phase I trials, but they have yet to be tested in patients with prostate cancer

    The C-terminal helical bundle of the tetrameric prokaryotic sodium channel accelerates the inactivation rate

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    Most tetrameric channels have cytosolic domains to regulate their functions, including channel inactivation. Here we show that the cytosolic C-terminal region of NavSulP, a prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel cloned from Sulfitobacter pontiacus, accelerates channel inactivation. The crystal structure of the C-terminal region of NavSulP grafted into the C-terminus of a NaK channel revealed that the NavSulP C-terminal region forms a four-helix bundle. Point mutations of the residues involved in the intersubunit interactions of the four-helix bundle destabilized the tetramer of the channel and reduced the inactivation rate. The four-helix bundle was directly connected to the inner helix of the pore domain, and a mutation increasing the rigidity of the inner helix also reduced the inactivation rate. These findings suggest that the NavSulP four-helix bundle has important roles not only in stabilizing the tetramer, but also in accelerating the inactivation rate, through promotion of the conformational change of the inner helix

    The interaction of Wnt-11 and signalling cascades in prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer among the male population. Conventional therapies target androgen signalling, which drives tumour growth; however, they provide limited survival benefits for patients. It is essential, therefore, to develop a more specific biomarker than the current gold standard, PSA testing. The Wnt signalling pathway induces expression of target genes through cell surface receptors. A non-canonical member of this family, Wnt-11, is evolutionarily highly conserved and is normally expressed by various cells in the developing embryo, as well as in the heart, liver and skeletal muscle of adult humans. We comprehensively review several cell signalling pathways to explain how they interact with Wnt-11, demonstrating its use as a potential biomarker for PCa. Several studies have shown that the expression of Wnt-11 is associated with gastric, renal and colorectal adenocarcinomas and PCa. Moreover, Wnt-11 affects extracellular matrix composition and cytoskeletal rearrangement, and it is required for proliferation and/or survival during cell differentiation. It was found that PCa cell lines express high levels of Wnt-11, which allows differentiation of the epithelial prostate tumour cells to neuron-like (NE) cells. The NE cells produce additional factors that can cause regression after treatment. Accumulating evidence shows that Wnt-11 could be a potential biomarker in diagnosing PCa. Many studies have shown both non-canonical and canonical Wnts interact with several signalling cascades such as PKC, JNK, NF-κB, Rho, PKA and PI3K. In particular, evidence demonstrates Wnt-11 is involved in the progression of PCa, thus it could have the potential to become both a specific disease marker and an important therapeutic target

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99 942 Apophis

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    Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO . The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&