28 research outputs found

    Expression of AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits in the cervical spinal cord of wobbler mice

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    BACKGROUND: The localisation of AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits was studied in a model of degeneration of cervical spinal motoneurons, the wobbler mouse. Cervical regions from early or late symptomatic wobbler mice (4 or 12 weeks of age) were compared to lumbar tracts (unaffected) and to those of healthy mice. RESULTS: No differences were found in the distribution of AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits at both ages. Western blots analysis showed a trend of reduction in AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits, mainly GluR1 and NR2A, exclusively in the cervical region of late symptomatic mice in the triton-insoluble post-synaptic fraction but not whole homogenates. Colocalisation experiments evidenced the expression of GluR1 and NR2A receptors in activated astrocytes from the cervical spinal cord of wobbler mice, GluR2 did not colocalise with GFAP positive cells. No differences were found in the expression of AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits in the lumbar tract of wobbler mice, where neither motoneuron loss nor reactive gliosis occurs. CONCLUSION: In late symptomatic wobbler mice altered levels of GluR1 and NR2A receptor subunits may be a consequence of motoneuron loss rather than an early feature of motoneuron vulnerability

    IgG4-related kidney diseases and conditions: Renal pelvic and ureteral diseases

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    In the literature on IgG4-related urinary tract diseases, reports of cases with involvement of the renal pelvis and ureters are increasing. IgG4-related renal pelvic and ureteral lesions accompany extra-renal organ involvement, including IgG4-related type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis, sialadenitis, and orbital disease, and are characterized by the common pathological features of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), including substantial numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells, storiform fibrosis, and stenosis in the affected organs. Similar to other mucosal organs affected in IgG4-RD, these inflammatory findings are observed within the fibroadipose tissue in the renal hilum and around the ureters. The urothelial epithelium covering the renal pelvis and ureter is preserved. Nodular lesions such as pseudotumors can also form and it is important to differentiate these from malignant tumors. At present, comprehensive diagnostic criteria that include pathological parameters have been proposed for IgG4-RD; however, obtaining diagnostic findings in small biopsy specimens is often challenging. Therefore, the diagnosis can only be rendered following careful consideration of the patient’s clinical, serologic, radiologic, and pathologic features, including the possibility of involvement in other organs. © Springer Japan 2016.[Book Chapter

    T cell receptor ζ reconstitution fails to restore responses of T cells rendered hyporesponsive by tumor necrosis factor α

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    Expression and function of the antigen T cell receptor (TCR) play a central role in regulating immune responsiveness. Accordingly, targeting the expression of TCRαβ or its associated CD3 subunits profoundly influences T cell development and adaptive immunity. Down-regulation of the invariant TCRζ chain has been documented in a wide variety of chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases, and is thought to contribute to the paradoxical immune suppression observed in these diseases. Previously, we reported that prolonged exposure of T cell hybridoma clones to tumor necrosis factor α (TNF) induces nondeletional and reversible hyporesponsiveness to TCR engagement, associated with down-regulation of TCRζ chain expression, impaired TCR/CD3 complex assembly, and attenuation of TCR-induced membrane proximal tyrosine phosphorylation. Here, we have tested whether receptor specific T cell responses are rescued in TNF-treated T cell hybridomas by retroviral-mediated expression of ζ-chimeric (C2ζ) receptors or wild-type TCRζ. Expression of C2ζ receptors at the cell surface is relatively refractory to chronic TNF stimulation. However, C2ζ receptor function depends on association with endogenous TCRζ chains, whose expression is down-regulated by TNF, and so C2 receptor specific responses are attenuated in TNF-treated T cells. Unexpectedly, overexpression of wild-type TCRζ maintains cell surface TCR/CD3 complex expression but fails to rescue receptor proximal signaling in TNF-treated T cells, suggesting the existence of hitherto unrecognized mechanisms through which TNF regulates T cell responsiveness. We provide additional evidence that TNF also uncouples distal TCR signaling pathways independently of its effects on TCRζ expression