86 research outputs found

    A genetic locus and gene expression patterns associated with the priming effect on lettuce seed germination at elevated temperatures

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    Seeds of most cultivated varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) fail to germinate at warm temperatures (i.e., above 25–30°C). Seed priming (controlled hydration followed by drying) alleviates this thermoinhibition by increasing the maximum germination temperature. We conducted a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of seed germination responses to priming using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between L. sativa cv. Salinas and L. serriola accession UC96US23. Priming significantly increased the maximum germination temperature of the RIL population, and a single major QTL was responsible for 47% of the phenotypic variation due to priming. This QTL collocated with Htg6.1, a major QTL from UC96US23 associated with high temperature germination capacity. Seeds of three near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying an Htg6.1 introgression from UC96US23 in a Salinas genetic background exhibited synergistic increases in maximum germination temperature in response to priming. LsNCED4, a gene encoding a key enzyme (9-cis-epoxycarotinoid dioxygenase) in the abscisic acid biosynthetic pathway, maps precisely with Htg6.1. Expression of LsNCED4 after imbibition for 24 h at high temperature was greater in non-primed seeds of Salinas, of a second cultivar (Titan) and of NILs containing Htg6.1 compared to primed seeds of the same genotypes. In contrast, expression of genes encoding regulated enzymes in the gibberellin and ethylene biosynthetic pathways (LsGA3ox1 and LsACS1, respectively) was enhanced by priming and suppressed by imbibition at elevated temperatures. Developmental and temperature regulation of hormonal biosynthetic pathways is associated with seed priming effects on germination temperature sensitivity

    Gibberellin A1 Metabolism Contributes to the Control of Photoperiod-Mediated Tuberization in Potato

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    Some potato species require a short-day (SD) photoperiod for tuberization, a process that is negatively affected by gibberellins (GAs). Here we report the isolation of StGA3ox2, a gene encoding a GA 3-oxidase, whose expression is increased in the aerial parts and is repressed in the stolons after transfer of photoperiod-dependent potato plants to SD conditions. Over-expression of StGA3ox2 under control of constitutive or leaf-specific promoters results in taller plants which, in contrast to StGA20ox1 over-expressers previously reported, tuberize earlier under SD conditions than the controls. By contrast, StGA3ox2 tuber-specific over-expression results in non-elongated plants with slightly delayed tuber induction. Together, our experiments support that StGA3ox2 expression and gibberellin metabolism significantly contribute to the tuberization time in strictly photoperiod-dependent potato plants

    Cyclization mechanism of phomopsene synthase: mass spectrometry based analysis of various site-specifically labeled terpenes

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    Elucidation of the cyclization mechanism catalyzed by terpene synthases is important for the rational engineering of terpene cyclases. We developed a chemoenzymatic method for the synthesis of systematically deuterium-labeled geranylgeranyl diphosphate ( GGPP), starting from site-specifically deuterium-labeled isopentenyl diphosphates (IPPs) using IPP isomerase and three prenyltransferases. We examined the cyclization mechanism of tetracyclic diterpene phomopsene with phomopsene synthase. A detailed EI-MS analysis of phomopsene labeled at various positions allowed us to propose the structures corresponding to the most intense peaks, and thus elucidate a cyclization mechanism involving double 1,2-alkyl shifts and a 1,2-hydride shift via a dolabelladien-15-yl cation. Our study demonstrated that this newly developed method is highly sensitive and provides sufficient information for a reliable assignment of the structures of fragmented ions

    Rikkunshito, a traditional Japanese medicine, suppresses cisplatin-induced anorexia in humans

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    Tetsuro Ohno, Mitsuhiro Yanai, Hiroyuki Ando, Yoshitaka Toyomasu, Atsushi Ogawa, Hiroki Morita, Kyoichi Ogata, Erito Mochiki, Takayuki Asao, Hiroyuki KuwanoDepartment of General Surgical Science, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Maebashi, JapanBackground: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Rikkunshito on ghrelin secretion and on cisplatin-induced anorexia in humans.Methods: The study was performed as a crossover design, and ten unresectable or relapsed gastric cancer patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group A (n = 5) was started on Rikkunshito (2.5 g three times daily, orally) from the first course of chemotherapy and followed by a second course without Rikkunshito. A treatment with reversed order was performed for Group B (n = 5). All patients received combined chemotherapy with S-1 plus cisplatin. The primary endpoint was the amount of oral intake, and the categories of scales of anorexia, nausea, and vomiting; secondary endpoints included the plasma concentration of acylated ghrelin.Results: In the Rikkunshito-on period, no decrease of the plasma concentration of acylated ghrelin induced by cisplatin was observed. The average oral intake in the Rikkunshito-on period was significantly larger than that in the Rikkunshito-off period, and the grade of anorexia was significantly lower in the Rikkunshito-on period than in the Rikkunshito-off period.Conclusion: Rikkunshito appeared to prevent anorexia induced by cisplatin, resulting in effective prophylactic administration of chemotherapy with cisplatin, and patients could continue their treatments on schedule.Keywords: Rikkunshito, cisplatin, ghrelin, anorexia, stomach cance