731 research outputs found

    Elastic properties and atomic bonding character in metallic glasses

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    International audienceThe elastic properties of glasses from different metallic systems were studied in the light of the atomic packing density and bonding character. We found that the electronegativity mismatch (Δe−) between the host- and the major solute-elements provides a plausible explanation to the large variation observed for Poisson's ratio (ν) among metallic glasses (MGs) (from 0.28 for Fe-based to 0.43 for Pd-based MGs), notwithstanding a similar atomic packing efficiency (Cg). Besides, it is found that ductile MGs correspond to Δe− smaller than 0.5 and to a relatively steep atomic potential well. Ductility is, thus, favored in MGs exhibiting a weak bond directionality on average and opposing a strong resistance to volume change

    Site stability and pipe diffusion of hydrogen under localised shear in aluminium

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    International audienceThis paper studies the effect of a plastic shear on the tetrahedral vs. octahedral site stability for hydrogen, in aluminium. Based on Density Functional Theory calculations, it is shown that the tetrahedral site remains the most stable site. It transforms into the octahedral site of the local hexagonal compact structure of the intrinsic stacking fault. The imperfect stacking is slightly attractive with respect to a regular lattice site. It is also shown that the shearing process involves a significant decrease of the energetic barrier for hydrogen jumps, at half the value of the Shockley partial Burgers vector, but not in the intrinsic stacking fault. These jumps involve a displacement component perpendicular to the shearing direction which favours an enhancement of hydrogen diffusion along edge dislocation cores (pipe diffusion). The magnitude of the boost in the jump rate in the direction of the dislocation line, according to Transition State Theory and taking into account the zero point energy correction, is of the order of a factor 50, at room temperature. First Passage Time Analysis is used to evaluate the effect on diffusion which is significant, by only at the nanoscale. Indeed, the common dislocation densities are too small for these effects (trapping, or pipe diffusion) to have a signature at the macroscopic level. The observed drop of the effective diffusion coefficient could therefore be attributed to the production of debris during plastic straining, as proposed in the literature

    Realization of a semiconductor-based cavity soliton laser

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    The realization of a cavity soliton laser using a vertical-cavity surface-emitting semiconductor gain structure coupled to an external cavity with a frequency-selective element is reported. All-optical control of bistable solitonic emission states representing small microlasers is demonstrated by injection of an external beam. The control scheme is phase-insensitive and hence expected to be robust for all-optical processing applications. The motility of these structures is also demonstrated

    Propagative and diffusive regimes of acoustic damping in bulk amorphous material

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    In amorphous solids, a non-negligible part of thermal conductivity results from phonon scattering on the structural disorder. The conversion of acoustic energy into thermal energy is often measured by the Dynamical Structure Factor (DSF) thanks to inelastic neutron or X-Ray scattering. The DSF is used to quantify the dispersion relation of phonons, together with their damping. However, the connection of the dynamical structure factor with dynamical attenuation of wave packets in glasses is still a matter of debate. We focus here on the analysis of wave packets propagation in numerical models of amorphous silicon. We show that the DHO fits (Damped Harmonic Oscillator model) of the dynamical structure factors give a good estimate of the wave packets mean-free path, only below the Ioffe-Regel limit. Above the Ioffe-Regel limit and below the mobility edge, a pure diffusive regime without a definite mean free path is observed. The high-frequency mobility edge is characteristic of a transition to localized vibrations. Below the Ioffe-Regel criterion, a mixed regime is evidenced at intermediate frequencies, with a coexistence of propagative and diffusive wave fronts. The transition between these different regimes is analyzed in details and reveals a complex dynamics for energy transportation, thus raising the question of the correct modeling of thermal transport in amorphous materials.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Léiomyosarcome de la veine rénale gauche dans un contexte de polyarthrite rhumatoïde sous méthotrexate

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    RésuméLe léiomyosarcome de la veine rénale est une tumeur maligne exceptionnelle dont la détection est délicate, le traitement mal codifié et le pronostic sombre. Nous décrivons le cas d’une patiente de 68 ans atteinte de polyarthrite rhumatoïde et développant un léiomyosarcome de la veine rénale gauche avec une issue fatale en moins d’un an. L’association à une polyarthrite rhumatoïde traitée par méthotrexate pose donc la question d’une combinaison fortuite ou d’un terrain favorisant compte tenu des études récentes qui tendent à prouver l’association entre ce rhumatisme et certains cancers

    Vibrations of amorphous, nanometric structures: When does continuum theory apply?

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    Structures involving solid particles of nanometric dimensions play an increasingly important role in material sciences. These structures are often characterized through the vibrational properties of their constituent particles, which can be probed by spectroscopic methods. Interpretation of such experimental data requires an extension of continuum elasticity theory down to increasingly small scales. Using numerical simulation and exact diagonalization for simple models, we show that continuum elasticity, applied to disordered system, actually breaks down below a length scale of typically 30 to 50 molecular sizes. This length scale is likely related to the one which is generally invoked to explain the peculiar vibrational properties of glassy systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, LATEX, Europhysics Letters accepte

    High temperature elasticity and viscosity of GexSe1-x glasses in the transition range

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    International audienceThe viscous-flow behavior and temperature dependence of the elastic moduli of chalcogenide glasses from the germanium-selenium system were studied by means of homemade high-temperature indentation setup and resonant-frequency technique (1-10 kHz), respectively, for temperatures between 0.8 and 1.2×Tg. The softening rates, both in the elastic and in the viscous-flow regimes, were correlated to network destructuration or reorganization events in the light of previously reported high-temperature neutron-scattering data. The concomitant change of Poisson's ratio (ν) and the thermodynamic parameters of the thermally activated viscous-flow process were characterized and provide a new basis for the understanding of the sources for the softening in the transition range. The temperature dependence of ν suggests weak changes of the network cross-linking degree at large Ge contents. On the contrary, in the case of a-Se, a steep fragmentation of the structural units is inferred from the ν(T) data, and the flow process is accompanied by a huge entropy change (activation entropy at saddle point). The entropy contribution at Tg (Tg ×dSa) represents more than 50% of the activation enthalpy for flow (dHa) and increases with the selenium content. Hence the free activation energy (dGa) is much smaller than apparent activation energy as derived from viscosity data

    What is the probability of connecting two points ?

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    The two-terminal reliability, known as the pair connectedness or connectivity function in percolation theory, may actually be expressed as a product of transfer matrices in which the probability of operation of each link and site is exactly taken into account. When link and site probabilities are pp and ρ\rho, it obeys an asymptotic power-law behavior, for which the scaling factor is the transfer matrix's eigenvalue of largest modulus. The location of the complex zeros of the two-terminal reliability polynomial exhibits structural transitions as 0ρ10 \leq \rho \leq 1.Comment: a few critical polynomials are at the end of the .tex source fil