43 research outputs found


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    PUTRI Y SAMOSIR 8015123326. The relationship between the effectiveness of interpersonal communication and nurses job satisfaction in PGI Cikini hospital. Thesis, Jakarta: Economic Education Study Program, Office Administration Administration Concentration, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University 2019. This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness with Nurses Job Satisfaction in PGI Cikini Hospital. This research was conducted in July 2019. The research method used was a survey method with a correlational approach. The population in this study were all nurses of PGI Cikini hospital as many as 103 nurses. The sample used in this study were 84 respondents using simple random techniques. Research instrument data variables X (effectiveness of interpersonal communication) and Y (job satisfaction) were measured using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is the simple regression equation test with a regression equation Ŷ = 29.907 + 0.645X. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient test with the product moment formula produces rcount = 0.589 which shows that there is a relationship between variables X and Y. Furthermore, the significance of the correlation coefficient was tested using the t-test yielding tcount 6.682 > ttable 1.663 which means that there is a significant correlation between variables X and Y. With the coefficient of determination test obtained that the effectiveness of interpersonal communication has a relationship to job satisfaction of 34.7% and the rest is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Keywords : Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness of , Job Satisfactio

    Perbandingan Metode Klasifikasi Regresi Logistik Biner Dan Radial Basis Function Network Pada Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah (Studi Kasus: Puskesmas Pamenang Kota Jambi)

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    Low Birth Weight (LBW) is one of the main causes of infant mortality. LBW must be identified and predicted before the baby birth by observing historical data of expectant. This research aims to analyze the classification of status newborn in order to reduce the risk of LBW. The statistical method used are the Binary Logistic Regression and Radial Basis Function Network. The data used in this final project is birth weight at Pamenang Jambi City health center in 2014. In this research, the data are divided into training data and testing data. Training data will be used to generate the model and pattern formation, while testing the data is used to measure how the accuracy of the representative model or pattern formed in classifying data through confusion tables. The results of analysis showed that the Binary Logistic Regression method gives 81,7% of classification accuracy for training data and 77,4% of classification accuracy for testing data, while Radial Basis Function Network method gives 92,96% of classification accuracy for training data and 80,64% of classification accuracy for testing data. Radial Basis Function Network method has better classification accuracy than the Binary Logistic Regression method

    Persepsi Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Terhadap Program Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (Studi Kasus Koperasi Rakyat Pantai, Desa Pangkalan Siata, Kecamatan Pangkalan Susu, Kabupaten Langkat)

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    Commmunity Plantation Forest is Indonesian government policy which needed participation and responsibility from local community to manage production forest sustainability. Which is expected to make a sustainable and productive forest, increase community welfare through the direct absorption of laborers especially in forestry sector and increase regional economic growth Public be targe to forest plantation development programme in existing can be basis for government policy to empower human so that they will be more active in preserving, managing and using forest potency sustainability. So, the rate of perceptions and public participation on forest plantation programme have to been known. Sampling technique uses purposive sampling. This riset uses primer and secondary data. Primer data can be gotten from survey and direct observation and interview by spread of. Then, counted the rate of perceptions and public participation on forest plantation programme by using formula, then it will be grouped into three categories namely high, medium and low. The result of riset is the level of public perception in Pangkalan Siata Village located in Pangkalan susu district, Langkat is 84,02% (good), the rate of public participation for some acivities such as planning 55,47% (medium), actuating 64,44% (medium), and evaluation 51,10% (medium

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Listening Team untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Va SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru

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    This research is based on a problem found in the A 5th grade class of SDN 158 Pekanbaru, that is the low learning result of social majored students. It can be seen on the students score reaching KKM (Minimal Criteria) which is only 6 people (25%) from 24 students . While the school established KKM is at 70, then many students who have not reached the KKM is 18 students (75%). Based on these problems it is necessary to apply cooperative learning model type Listening Team in order to help improving student learning outcomes. Cooperative learning model type Listening Team begins with the exposure of subject matter, then teachers divide students into four groups with different roles and tasks (questions asker, answers giver, rebutter,conclusion maker). If active learning is active, it is expected to affect student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to improve learning outcomes social majored students A 5thgrade class of SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in 2 cycles. The data collected in this research is the data of Teacher and Student activity and test data of student learning result on daily test in every cycle. In the first cycle of teacher activity increased by 70.83% (enough) and 75.00% (enough) then in the second cycle reached by 87.50% (very good) and 95.83% (very good). It also happens on student activity with the percentage gain in the first cycle by 66,67% (enough) and 70,83% (enough) then at the second cycleby 83,33% (very good) and 91,67% (very good). In addition to teacher and student activity, social students learning outcomes also experienced an increase from the average basic score of 59.37 with a 25% completeness percentage increase in the first cycle of 18.94% to 70.62 with a percentage of 62.50% completeness. Then at second cycle increased again by 4.58% to 75.20 with the percentage mask 87.50%. So it can be concluded that cooperative learning model type listening team can improve learning result of social majored students A 5thgrade class of SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru

    Rapidness Characteristics of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation on Eggs Using HC-SR04 Module

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    Fertility rate is one of the main factors of the success of an egg in order to hatch properly. The process of egg fertility detection is currently visually based, using manual methods (by carrying eggs one by one). This takes time and cost so that it will affect the production of poultry cultivation. This study aims to find out the characteristics of rapid propagation of ultrasonic waves in eggs. Information regarding the characteristics of rapid wave propagation is very important in the process of evaluating and testing the quality of eggs because the rapid propagation of the wave reflects the quality of the eggs that are generally done destructively.  This research is expected to be preliminary information in developing rapid and objective non-destructive technology for determining the fertility of poultry eggs using ultrasonic waves. The study reported the results of rapid measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation propagated on different types of eggs. This study used three types of eggs, namely poultry-chicken eggs, organic-chickens and ducks. Methods in the process of determining the characteristics of each egg using ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic waves are waves that can propagate on certain objects, materials and components. The HC-SR04 module is used as an ultrasonic wave transmitter and receiver medium. Ultrasonic waves of 40 Khz are propagated to the surface of the egg and received by a receiver transducer placed facing each other. The distance between the egg and the HC-SR04 module is 5 cm and 10 cm. Distance and length of propagation time parameters are used as information to generate egg wave propagation speed values. The test process was carried out on 10 eggs, from each type. The observed age of the egg sample was 5 and 14 days. Based on the results of testing and calculations provide results that duck eggs have the highest speed value, while chicken eggs are the lowest. Keywords: Egg, Ultrasonic Waves, HC-SR04, Propagation Speed  


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    Uncertainty with regard to the proper implementation of Article 44 of the Criminal Code is to be discussed.  In legal practice, the existence of mental disorder in those who are accused of murder or homicide will be made dependent on the decision of psychiatrist (authorized to conduct forensic psychology or psychiatry). In the case that such mental disorder is determined to be existing during a pre-trial hearing, the court is under no obligation to order cessation of the criminal proceeding. It is noted that in a number of cases the decision to terminate investigation or cease court proceeding falls completely under the Judge discretionary power.  The author’s recommendation is that a reformulation of Art. 44 of the Criminal Code is in order

    Benchmarking Yield for Sustainable Intensification of Oil Palm Production in Indonesia using PALMSIM

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    The physiological oil palm growth model PALMSIM can be used to estimate yield ceilings that provide benchmarks for sustainable intensification of oil palm production, either by expansion of cultivation to degraded sites or by increasing production from areas under cultivation. This is demonstrated using two case studies. In the first case study, PALMSIM estimates of water-limited yield for Kalimantan was overlaid onto a recently published map showing degraded sites potentially suitable for oil palm cultivation. A large proportion (35.6%; or 115,300 km2) of the identified areas fell into the potential productivity range of 35 to 40 tonnes FFB per hectare. In the second case study, PALMSIM was used to estimate potential yield for six plantation sites in Indonesia where best management practices (BMP) were assessed for yield intensification by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) and its collaborating plantation partners. Potential yields are generally higher in Sumatra than in Kalimantan due to higher solar radiation. Water deficit was a problem at two sites. The gap between water-limited yield and actual yield differs from location to location, and therefore requires a site-specific analysis. In these two case studies, the scope for sustainable intensification at regional and at plantation level was explored in a quantitative manner - a novel approach to oil palm production