227 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Citra Tubuh Pasien Diabetes Melitus yang Mengalami Ulkus Diabetikum

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    The purpose of this research is to identify influencing factor of body image among diabetic patient by foot ulcer at Arifin Achmad hospitals Riau province. The research used correlative descriptive with cross sectional approach as its design. The number of samples is 30 people taken using pusposive sampling technique. The analysis used was univariate using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. Based on the statistical test (chi-square) results, it is concluded that there is significant between changes in body apprearance with body image [p value <α (0,042<0,05)], there is significant between changes in function of body with body image [p value <α (0,011<0,05)], there is significant between reactions of others with body image [p value <α (0,027<0,05)] and there is significant between comparison of others with body image [p value <α (0,033<0,05)]. The result of research expected nurse more pay attention to psychological aspects when giving nursing interventio

    Numerical analysis of velocity magnitude on wave energy converter system in perforated breakwater

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    Waves are an alternative energy source that can be used for electricity generation. Wave Energy Converter (WEC) system in perforated breakwater is potentially applicable WEC system for coastal area. The magnitude of wave energy generated is determined by the volume of sea water inside the perforated breakwater. This volumetric flow rate is calculated using the flow velocity at perforated holes on the structure slope. Therefore, this research aims to study the velocity magnitude by analyzing the interrelation among wave steepness, wave run-up and relative velocity. The method used consists of applying numeric 3D flow model in the perforated structure of the breakwater with the variation of wave height, wave period and structure slope. The result shows that, the steeper the structure, the bigger is the relative run up (Ru/H). The higher the relative run up, the higher are the relative run-up velocities (V/Vru). As the velocity increase, the volumetric flow rate inside perforated breakwater will be higher, which leads to higher wave energy. Hence, it can be concluded that the higher the velocities (V/Vru), the higher is the wave energy generated

    Reviews on interrelationship between transportation and tourism: perspective on sustainability of urban tourism development

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    This paper delivered the review of current research interest in tourism and transport within the context of sustainability. Transportation is important for every tourist traveling to their destinations, tourism industry cannot thrive successfully without it. Thus, this study will demonstrate the relationship of transportation-related to tourist's satisfaction towards tourism transport, factors affected tourist's mode of transport and tourist mobility by using the available transport in the destination to investigate the interaction between the two elements. Therefore, selected keywords will be used to identify articles in Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar to sort the most suitable article for review purposes. The review indicated that the tourist's satisfaction is important for the evaluation of transport performance in the destination and different contexts of research. The review also found that existing transport modes in the destination will affect tourist movement, especially in terms of the designated route of transport and walkability to the tourist attraction places. In short, this review paper recommends the aspect of using new technologies as a potential analysis tool that allowed transportation greatly improved in the tourism sector. Overall, this review also aimed to identify the variable or attribute associated with achieving the idea of sustainable development

    Antioxidative Activities and Polyphenolic Content of Different Varieties of Malaysian Young Corn Ear and Cornsilk. (Aktiviti Antioksida dan Kandungan Polifenolik bagi Varieti Berbeza Jagung Muda dan Sutera Jagung Malaysia)

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    This study aimed to determine the antioxidant capacity, total polyphenolic and total flavonoid content of Malaysian young corn ear (YCE) and its cornsilk (CS) of different varieties. Three different varieties of YCE and its CS locally grown in Malaysia were chosen namely Big Fruit, Thai Supersweet and Bi-color. CS Bi-color displayed the highest total phenolic content (143.58 mg GAE/g extract) while CS Thai Supersweet exhibited the highest total flavonoid content (26.63 mg CAE/g extract). Meanwhile, YCE of Bi-color variety demonstrated the highest total polyphenolic and flavonoid content (92.64 and 18.14 mg CAE/g extract, respectively) compared to other YCE varieties. At 800 μg/mL, CS of Bi-color (93.82%) recorded the strongest electron donor due to higher DPPH scavenging activity, followed by CS Thai Supersweet (92.87%), YCE Bi-color (41.94%), YCE Thai Supersweet (28.87%), CS Big Fruit (28.87%) and YCE Big Fruit (21.38%). For FRAP, CS of Bi-color showed the highest reducing power activity (65.46%) among all the crude extracts. There is a significant correlation between total polyphenolic content, DPPH free radical scavenging activity and FRAP of YCE and CS of different varieties. In summary, CS extracts are the potential ingredient to be applied in food industries and at the same time reducing agriculture wastage. || Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan kapasiti antioksidan, kandungan jumlah polifenolik dan flavonoid dalam varieti berbeza jagung muda (YCE) dan sutera jagung (CS) Malaysia. Tiga varieti berbeza YCE dan CS yang ditanam di Malaysia telah dipilih iaitu Big Fruit, Thai Supersweet dan Bi-color. CS Bi-color menunjukkan kandungan jumlah polifenol paling tinggi (143.58 mg GAE/g ekstrak) manakala CS Thai Supersweet menunjukkan kandungan jumlah flavonoid yang tertinggi (26.63 mg CAE/g ekstrak). Sementara itu, YCE varieti Bi-color menunjukkan kandungan jumlah polifenol dan flavonoid tertinggi (masing-masing 92.64 dan 18.14 mg CAE/g ekstrak) berbanding varieti YCE yang lain. Pada 800 μg/mL, CS Bi-color (93.82%) merekodkan pendermaan elektron terkuat disebabkan aktiviti perencatan DPPH yang tinggi, diikuti oleh CS Thai Supersweet (92.87%), YCE Bi-color (41.94%), YCE Thai Supersweet (28.87%), CS Big Fruit (28.87%) dan YCE Big Fruit (21.38%). Untuk FRAP, CS Bi-color menunjukkan aktiviti kuasa penurunan paling tinggi (65.46%) antara semua ekstrak mentah. Terdapat korelasi signifikan antara kandungan jumlah polifenolik, perencatan radikal bebas DPPH dan FRAP bagi varieti berbeza YCE dan CS. Secara kesimpulannya, ekstrak CS berpotensi sebagai ramuan untuk diaplikasikan dalam industri makanan dan dalam masa yang sama dapat mengurangkan sisa pertanian

    Effectiveness, Safety, and Side Effect of Depo Progestin and Depo Vigestron Contraception

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    Introduction: Trends in contraceptive injections increased in the last two decades. Hormonal contraceptive injection is available in single or combination dose. However, the products are available more than 1 ml (more than recommendation of WHO). This study aims to determine the effectiveness, safety and side effects of the contraceptive injection Depo Progestin® 3 ml, Depo Vigestron® 3 ml and Depo Vigestron® 1 ml. Method: This study used randomized controlled clinical trial and open label. The research subject were 900 people in two center, Surabaya and Palembang. The samples were divided into 3 (three) groups, group Depo Progestin® vial 3 ml, group Depo Vigestron® vial 3 ml, and group Depo Vigestron® vial 1 ml. Each of consist 300 women using the "random permutation block". Analysis was performed 5 times, when an initial injection and a schedule of repeated injections in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th month. The data analyzed include weight, blood pressure, menstrual pattern, and the complaints of the patients. Results: From the 900 only 862 valid samples. The results showed no signi fi cant difference between groups Depo Progestin® 3ml, Depo Vigestron® 3 ml and Depo Vigestron® 1 ml. The majority of respondents experienced an increase in weight, but still within normal limits, did not have increased blood pressure, increased menstrual blood volume, Pregnancy didn\u27t occured to all respondents and found no abnormalities in cervical cytology. Conclusion: Contraceptive injection of Depo Progestin® 3 ml, Depo Vigestron® 3 ml dan Depo Vigestron® 1 ml, have used during 12 months can be concluded that those tree kind of contraception were efective, safe and had no side effect

    Multiple urological problems in young age: a case report

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    Renal stone disease has been regarded as an uncommon problem in children as compared to adult population. The incidence varies in different parts of continent. Posterior urethral valve is also regarded as uncommon urological problem in pediatric population. The incidence is about 1 per 8,000 to 25,000 life births. A combination of renal calculi, posterior uerthral valve and vesicoureteric reflux in any given case is extremely rare especially in pediatri

    Electronic structure of fluorides: general trends for ground and excited state properties

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    The electronic structure of fluorite crystals are studied by means of density functional theory within the local density approximation for the exchange correlation energy. The ground-state electronic properties, which have been calculated for the cubic structures CaF2CaF_{2},SrF2SrF_{2}, BaF2BaF_{2}, CdF2CdF_{2}, HgF2HgF_{2}, β\beta -PbF2PbF_{2}, using a plane waves expansion of the wave functions, show good comparison with existing experimental data and previous theoretical results. The electronic density of states at the gap region for all the compounds and their energy-band structure have been calculated and compared with the existing data in the literature. General trends for the ground-state parameters, the electronic energy-bands and transition energies for all the fluorides considered are given and discussed in details. Moreover, for the first time results for HgF2HgF_{2} have been presented

    Fabrication of Tm2O3/Al2O3-silica preform by improved MCVD-chelate delivery system

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    The fabrication of Tm/Al-doped silica preforms by an improved MCVD method with metal chelate precursors is discussed. Two fabrication techniques are employed, namely; simultaneous soot-dopant deposition (or standard MCVD) and stepwise soot-dopant deposition. The preforms are characterized by refractive index profiler and EPMA. The results show that the stepwise soot-dopant technique has a higher incorporation of Al2O3 and Tm2O3 as compared to the simultaneous soot-dopant method. This is due to the drawbacks of our chelate delivery system such as the temperature gradient and flow design. For the stepwise technique, the measured index difference of the preform is 0.006 with 0.8 wt% (maximum) Tm incorporated in the core

    College students perception on physical education classes during their high school days

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    This purpose of this study is to identify and investigate whether there are similarities or differences between genders regarding the perceptions on physical activities of college university students in one of the largest University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The focus was on three main categories, namely general knowledge, physical education and scientific basis of physical activities. Each category contained questions which serve to evaluate their perceptions about physical activities. The questionnaire was adapted from a journal article on a study done by Mowatt, DePauw and Hulac (1988). This study investigates the perceptions of 113 students (55 males; 65 females) aged between 19 and 25 about physical activities, using the above-mentioned categories. Results of the t-test showed significant differences for general knowledge, t(23) = 3.9, p0.05 no significant differences in means were found between the male and female students