157 research outputs found

    Analisis Fraksi Sedimen dan Bahan Organik di Perairan Muara Sungai Dumai Provinsi Riau

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    The purpose of this researched was to analize the consistency of organic material and sediment fraction on estuary in dumai river. The research was with purposive sampling on four stutions. The analysis of sediment fraction in estuary in dumai river had been dominated by mud substract. The result mean size wened very fine sand, of consistency organic material is ranging 7,37 - 24,01 mg/l. The result sorting value wered poorly kurtosis value were ektremly leptokurtic, and skewness dominant value were negative. Difference of fine grafain and type of sediment on estuary in Dumai River had effect by physics and chemical factor.Keyward: sediment fraction, sediment statistic parameter and organic material

    Evaluasi Tingkat Kelelahan Pada Pengemudi Bus Di Kota Bandung

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    Kota Bandung saat ini mengalami pertumbuhan penduduk mencapai 3% setiap tahunnya, sehingga kebutuhan akan transportasi umum sangat tinggi serta tingkat kemacetan yang timbul semakin tinggi pula. Kemacetan yang panjang berdampak pada penurunan kewaspadaan dan timbulnya risiko kecelakaan karena waktu berkendara yang relatif lebih beragam. Menyadari akan risiko kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh kelelahan maka diperlukan pengukuran kelelahan pada pengemudi bus di kota Bandung yang belum pernah dikaji. Penggunaan alat ukur untuk mendeteksi kelelahan saat ini sangat beragam sehingga diperlukan alat ukur terbaik untuk mendeteksi kelelahan pengemudi bus di kota Bandung. Pengukuran kelelahan menggunakan indikator variabilitas denyut jantung dengan menggunakan alat Polar RS800CX (RMSSD dan LF/HF) dan skala tingkat kelelahan dengan kuesioner Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Kuesioner VAS menunjukkan sebanyak 29,9% pengemudi bus Damri mengalami peningkatan kondisi kelelahan dan Polar RS800CX menunjukkan 46% peningkatan kondisi kelelahan. Kriteria selang interval waktu berkendara menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Pada penelitian ini, kuesioner VAS mampu mendeteksi kelelahan dibanding alat ukur Polar RS800CX. Korelasi alat ukur antara kuesioner VAS dengan Polar RS800CX (parameter rasio LF/HF) sebesar 0.025 yang menunjukkan nilai signifikan dan kedua alat tersebut mempunyai kekuatan yang sama dalam mengukur kelelahan. Setengah set data pengemudi menunjukkan peningkatan kondisi kelelahan interval waktu berkendara 2 hingga 2,5 jam sehingga pemberlakuan jam istirahat pada waktu tertentu setelah mengemudi selama 1 ritase sangat dianjurkan. Jam kerja yang tidak berimbang antara waktu mengemudi pagi dan siang berpontensi timbulnya peningkatan kondisi kelelahan sehingga pihak Damri sebaiknya mengkaji ulang pembagian waktu mengemudi

    Pengaruh Fungsi Parpol dalam Pendidikan Politik terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014

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    This research goals to determine the influence of politic party function on political education toward the society participation on legislative general election in Meliau municipal Sanggau regency. This research method is quantitative with descriptive form of research. The techniques of data collection are questionnaire, interview, and documentation study, while the data collection tools are questionnaire, interview guide, and documentation. The population in this research is 33.548 people of Meliau society that registered on DPT with the sample is 395. The findings show that the party function on political education is good (73,34%) and society participation on legislative general election is good (68,39%). The hypothesis test results there is an influnce of politic party function on political education with r calculus (9,279) > r table (68,39). Determinant value R2= 0,692 means the influence of politic party function on political education toward the society participation on legislative general election is 69,2% and the remain 30,8% is influenced by other variables

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Berdasarkan Willingness to Pay (Wtp) (Studi Kasus : Lawang Sewu Dan Sam Poo Kong)

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    Lawang Sewu and Sam Poo Kong, as two icons of Semarang, have potential as a tourist attraction. The location is strategically in the center of Semarang and the historical value of them become one of the people's choice for travel. Based on this, we need Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan map (ZNEK) of Lawang Sewu dan Sam Poo Kong to determine the development strategy based on the traveler's Willingness To Pay (WTP) at the tourist attraction.Sampling method (respondents) used in this research is the probability sampling, that the opportunities every elected member is same, by using Quota Accidental Sampling technique, where samples are collected by coincidence who came to visit Lawang Sewu and Sam Poo Kong attractions. Data processing method used is multiple linear regression analysis and calculation of WTP using Maple 14 software.In this research, the results is obtained of a ZNEK map with WTP values of Lawang Sewu attractions of IDR 64.804,-, with the consumer surplus of IDR 1.278.061,556 per person per year, so Total Economic Value (TEV) of Lawang Sewu is IDR 404.128.565.500, - (the value of consumer surplus per person per year multiplied with the number of visitors in the year of 2013). Sam Poo Kong's WTP values of IDR 61.205,-, with consumer surplus of IDR 2.048.926,914 per person per years, so TEV of Sam Poo Kong is IDR 468.567.392.350,-

    Sustainability in construction work: A perspective on accidents and building failure mitigation in Indonesia

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    Sustainability in construction sector implementation depends to a wide range of level at national, regional, and local level. Also, it depends on the social and cultural aspect. Construction site safety is an essential aspect of sustainable construction. This paper proposes to identify the causes of accidents and building failure; to mitigate construction safety and building failure, and to describe the development and implementation of safety construction in order to improve safety culture according to the Law of Indonesia Republic No. 2/2017 of Construction Service and Decree of Minister of Public Works and Housing No. 21/PRT/M/2019 of Implementation Guideline of Construction Safety Management. Furthermore, the awareness of d from considering the underlying causes of accidents. This paper suggested, for the prevention of COVID-19 control and the accordance of construction safety; the optimization of digital services in coordination, supervision, control, and administrative governance is urgently needed. Moreover, the development of information technology and legal basis are required to achieve zero construction accidents and high quality infrastructure for both the service providers and users

    A simple method to combine multiple molecular biomarkers for dichotomous diagnostic classification

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    BACKGROUND: In spite of the recognized diagnostic potential of biomarkers, the quest for squelching noise and wringing in information from a given set of biomarkers continues. Here, we suggest a statistical algorithm that – assuming each molecular biomarker to be a diagnostic test – enriches the diagnostic performance of an optimized set of independent biomarkers employing established statistical techniques. We validated the proposed algorithm using several simulation datasets in addition to four publicly available real datasets that compared i) subjects having cancer with those without; ii) subjects with two different cancers; iii) subjects with two different types of one cancer; and iv) subjects with same cancer resulting in differential time to metastasis. RESULTS: Our algorithm comprises of three steps: estimating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for each biomarker, identifying a subset of biomarkers using linear regression and combining the chosen biomarkers using linear discriminant function analysis. Combining these established statistical methods that are available in most statistical packages, we observed that the diagnostic accuracy of our approach was 100%, 99.94%, 96.67% and 93.92% for the real datasets used in the study. These estimates were comparable to or better than the ones previously reported using alternative methods. In a synthetic dataset, we also observed that all the biomarkers chosen by our algorithm were indeed truly differentially expressed. CONCLUSION: The proposed algorithm can be used for accurate diagnosis in the setting of dichotomous classification of disease states