182 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit dan Kualitas Audit terhadap Pengungkapan Informasi Pertanggungjawaban

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    The practice of disclosure of social responsibility information plays an important role for the company because the company lives in a community environment and its potential activities have social and environmental impacts. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the practice of disclosure of social responsibility information conducted by manufacturing companies in Indonesia and to find out whether factors within the firm influence disclosure of information Corporate social responsibility of manufacturing.The population in this study is a manufacturing company listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2013-2015. The manufacturing sector was chosen because this sector has the largest number of listings firms compared to other business sectors. In addition, this sector is a sector that has the widest range of stakeholders covering investors, creditors, governments, and the social environment so as to need to disclose social information. The total sample in this study amounted to 36 companies, with two years of observation period. The total observations made in this study were 44. This study used multiple regression analysis method to test the hypothesis.The results of this study indicate that the variable size of the company significantly influence CSRD on Manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. Profitability variables have no significant effect to CSRD on Manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. The size of the board of commissioners (DKOM) has a positive and significant effect on CSRD on Manufacturing listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. Audit committee size variables (UKAD) have no significant effect to CSRD on companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Audit quality variables (KUAD) have a negative effect on CSRD on Manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015

    Efektifitas Wire Rope Sebagai Perkuatan PadaDaerah Momen Negatif Balok Beton Bertulang Tampang T

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    The loss due to collapsing structure includes not only materialsbutalso take lives. In thecase of structure function changing that may cause increasing loads, it is required to put efforts instrengtheningthe structure elements in order to increase the capacity and hence to avoid the possibility of collapsing. The objective of this research was to study thebehavior of T-sectional reinforced concrete beamstrengthenedin the negative momentregionwithwire rope and mortar composite. The test was carried out to three T-sectional beams: without wire rope reinforcement (BK), with 2 wire rope reinforcements (BP1), and with 4 wirerope (BP2) reinforcements. The type of wire rope was Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) with10 mm diameter. The testing method used was two points static loading with flens positions below (the flens part experienced tensile stress). Results showed that the maximum load carryingcapacity of BP1 and BP2 specimens increased by ratios of 1.59 and 2.03 to the BK specimen respectively. However, the increase was achievedafter the development and propagation of highcracking. Ductility of BP1 and BP2 specimens decreased by ratios of 0.62 and 0.36 to the BK specimen respectively. The initial stiffness of BP1 and BP2 increased byratios of 1.09 and 1.08 to the BK specimen respectively.The effective stiffness ofBP1 and BP2 specimensdecreased by ratios of 0.88 and 0.92 to the BK specimenrespectively. Stress occurred in the wire rope based on the analysis results of Response-2000 and the layer method have not reached 50% ofthe ultimate stress resulted from the preliminary test. In general, unless improvement was given to the stiffness characteristics of thewire rope, its contribution would not become optimum

    Kajian Ketahanan Kejut Beton Ringan Serat Alumunium Dengan Agregat Alwa

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    This research was aimed to know the addition of alumunium fiber influence to the impact resistance of lightweight concrete. In this research, lightweight concrete was made from cement, water, sand, ALWA (Artificial Lightweight Aggregate) and Superplasticizer, mix design method was Dreux-Corrise Method. The speciment was plate with 20 cm diameter and 4 cm high. Variation of alumunium fiber addition was 0%, 0,35%, 0,75% and 1% cement weight. The test was done after 28 days age of speciment. The result showed that the most significant increasing of impact resistance was obtained on 0,75% alumunium fiber addition, which was 250% for first crack and 300% for failur


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa penetapan ganti rugi dalam pengadaan tanah di Kabupaten Karawang untuk pembangunan jalur kereta cepat Jakarta Bandung dan bagaimana penyelesaian perkara tanah sisa yang terkena dampak pembebasan lahan dalam pengadaan tanah di Kabupaten Karawang untuk pembangunan jalur kereta cepat Jakarta Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan jalur kereta cepat Jakarta Bandung terjadi masalah terutama berkaitan dengan penetapan ganti rugi, dimana seharusnya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan lokasi obyek tanah yang akan dibebaskan, harga pasaran, sehingga memenuhi rasa keadilan terutama bagi pemilik obyek tanah yaitu PT. Karawang Cipta Persada. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan pemegang hak atas tanah PT. Karawang Cipta Persada mengajukan gugatan ke Pengadilan Negeri Karawang (Putusan PN Karawang Nomor 37/Pdt.G/2018/PNKwg, tertanggal 26 Juni 2018) dan mengajukan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung  (Putusan MA Nomor 473.K/Pdt/2019, tanggal 21 Februari 2019) mengenai nilai ganti kerugian dan tanah sisa yang terkena dampak pembebasan lahan dalam pengadaan tanah.  Kedua putusan Pengadilan tersebut bersifat memaksa dan mengabaikan rasa keadilan PT. Karawang Cipta Persada selaku pemegang hak atas tanah untuk menerima nilai ganti kerugian.  Putusan pengadilan Negeri Karawang dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung dihubungkan dengan pasal 35 Undang-Undang No 2 Tahun 2012 dan pasal 67 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 71 tahun 2012, PT. Karawang Cipta Persada tidak mendapat perlindungan hukum terhadap hak pemegang atas tanah yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012, dimana tidak mendapatkan ganti kerugian yang layak dan adil

    Kedudukan Rekam Medis dalam Pembuktian Perkara Malpraktek di Bidang Kedokteran

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    Tujuan dilakuaknnya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah hak pasien atas rekam medis dan bagaimanakah kekuatan hukum rekam medis dalam pembuktian perkara malpraktek di bidang kedokteran berdasarkan KUHAP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan dapat disimpulkan : 1. Hak akses pasien terhadap materi rekam medis diberikan mengingat isi dari rekam medis merupakan rahasia milik pasien karena berkenaan dengan jenis penyakit serta rangkaian tahapan yang telah dijalani pasien sebagai upaya penyembuhan. Materi rekam medis yang boleh diakses tidak meliputi semua catatan yang telah dibuat oleh tenaga kesehatan dalam rangka mengobati pasien, melainkan hanya catatan-catatan yang dibuat oleh tenaga kesehatan yang bersangkutan, diperolehnya, dan hanya berkaitan dengan pasien itu sendiri. Pada prakteknya, hak akses pasien terhadap materi rekam medis hanya dapat terwujud dengan memberikan fotocopy atas biaya pasien sendiri. Hak pasien atas kerahasiaan rekam medis tidak bersifat mutlak, dalam arti tenaga kesehatan boleh mengungkapkannya dengan alasan pasien sebagai pemilik rahasia telah memberikan izin serta adanya kepentingan umum yang lebih tinggi. 2. Rekam medis dapat digolongkan sebagai alat bukti keterangan ahli sekaligus sebagai alat bukti surat. Dalam kedudukannya sebagai alat bukti ini, rekam medis tidak mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian yang mengikat, melainkan mempunyai nilai kekuatan pembuktian yang bebas. Kenyataannya hakim masih sangat berperan dalam memutuskan ada atau tidaknya kesalahan terdakwa berdasarkan rekam medis

    Visualisasi Berbasis Naive Bayes untuk Pemetaan Penyebaran Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut

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    Di daerah yang terjadi banyak kasus penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA), data-data yang telah terkumpul tidak digunakan dengan maksimal dan hanya digunakan untuk kebutuhan operasional. Padahal dengan adanya proses klasifikasi yang benar akan membantu dalam menemukan pola pembeda kelas dan membantu prediksi pola agar mempermudah dan tepat sasaran sesuai dengan Program Pemberantasan ISPA. Masyarakat pun dapat mengetahui tentang apa itu ISPA dan meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap penyebaran penyakit ISPA sehingga membentuk masyarakat tanggap ISPA. Klasifikasi secara otomatis dapat dilakukan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan, salah satunya dengan metode Naive Bayes. Naive bayes adalah metode yang melakukan proses klasifikasi berdasarkan teorema bayes. Metode diterapkan dalam data penyakit ISPA dan melakukan klasifikasi berdasarkan data tersebut. Dengan demikian, informasi visual tentang penyebaran penyakit ISPA dapat disajikan lebih detail sehingga membentuk masyarakat tanggap ISPA dan membantu pihak medis untuk menyelesaikan target pemberantasan penyakit ISPA P2 dari Dinas Kesehatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah visualisasi yang digunakan untuk pemetaan penyebaran penyakit infeksi saluran pernafasan akut berbasis klasifikasi menggunakan Naive Bayes

    Pengaruh Manajemen Laba, Risiko Pasar dan Struktur Kepemilikan terhadap Nilai Pasar

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    This Research aim is to test the effect of profit, risk and ownership structure management to the stock value and to know kind of risk and ownership structure that affect market value. Object of this research is non-financial public company registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange.The research data here uses secondary data from the auditor\u27s financial statement of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Other market and financial data obtained from OSIRIS database and Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) 2009-2010 period.Furthermore, the data about IHSG value and interest rate level Certificate of Bank of Indonesia (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia / SBI) obtained from Bank of Indonesia. Regression equation is used in order to test the hypothesis. The result, earnings management and systematic risk positively and significantly affecting market value. While institution ownership (not affected) and managerial ownership (affected) to market value and has a positive direction. Keywords: Manajemen Laba, Risiko, Kepemilikan, Nilai Pasa


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    The loss due to collapsing structure includes not only materials but also lives. In the case of a change in structure function that may cause increasing loads, it is required to put efforts in strengthening the structure elements in order to increase the capacity and hence to avoid the possibility of collapsing. The objective of this research is to find out the behavior of T-sectional reinforced concrete beam strengthened in the negative moment region with wire rope and mortar composite. The test was carried out on three T-sectional beams: without wire rope reinforcement (BK), with 2 wire rope reinforcements (BP1), and with 4 wire rope (BP2) reinforcements. The type of wire rope was Independent Wire rope Core (IWRC) with a 10 mm diameter. The testing method used was two points static loading with flens positions below (the flens part experienced tensile stress). Results showed that the maximum load carrying capacity of BP1 and BP2 specimens increased by ratios of 1.59 and 2.03 to the BK specimen, respectively. However, the increase was achieved after the development and propagation of high cracking. Ductility of BP1 and BP2 specimens decreased with a ratio of 0.62 to 0.36 to the BK specimen, respectively. The initial stiffness of BP1 and BP2 increased with a ratio of 1.09 to 1.08 to the BK specimen, respectively. The effective stiffness of BP1 and BP2 specimens decreased with a ratio of 0.88 to 0.92 to the BK specimen, respectively. Stress occurred in the wire rope based on the analysis results of Response-2000 and the layer method did not reach 50% of the ultimate stress resulting from the preliminary test. In general, unless improvement was made to the stiffness characteristics of the wire rope, its contribution would not become optimum. Keyword: Wire rope, mortar, flexural behaviour

    Identifikasi Lokasi Strategis Untuk Kawasan Industri Di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    To reach the regional development equity, it is necessary to spread central activities in sub-region. This is a land use planning need to gain. According to development paradigms, industry is a leading sector that will influence its hinterland. This research was aims to know the strategic location for industrial area in Purbalingga, that have consideration in phisichal, economic, social, and stakeholders' interest. The result indicate that industry should not located in central region as we saw in existing. The best alternative location for industrial area are Bukateja, Kutasari, Rembang, Mrebet, Karangreja , and Karangmoncol
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