6,629 research outputs found

    Conjunctive queries with negation over DL-Lite: a closer look

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    While conjunctive query (CQ) answering over DL-Lite has been studied extensively, there have been few attempts to analyse CQs with negated atoms. This paper deepens the study of the problem. Answering CQs with safe negation and CQs with a single inequality over DL-Lite with role inclusions is shown to be undecidable, even for a fixed TBox and query.Without role inclusions, answering CQs with one inequality is P-hard and with two inequalities CoNP-hard in data complexity

    Uniqueness of static decompositions

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    We classify static manifolds which admit more than one static decomposition whenever a condition on the curvature is fullfilled. For this, we take a standard static vector field and analyze its associated one parameter family of projections onto the base. We show that the base itself is a static manifold and the warping function satisfies severe restrictions, leading us to our classification results. Moreover, we show that certain condition on the lightlike sectional curvature ensures the uniqueness of static decomposition for Lorentzian manifolds.Comment: 14 page

    Recuerdo de un académico

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    Lorenzo Polaino

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    Disertación necrológica

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    A note on Verhulst's logistic equation and related logistic maps

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    We consider the Verhulst logistic equation and a couple of forms of the corresponding logistic maps. For the case of the logistic equation we show that using the general Riccati solution only changes the initial conditions of the equation. Next, we consider two forms of corresponding logistic maps reporting the following results. For the map x_{n+1} = rx_n(1 - x_n) we propose a new way to write the solution for r = -2 which allows better precision of the iterative terms, while for the map x_{n+1}-x_n = rx_n(1 - x_{n+1}) we show that it behaves identically to the logistic equation from the standpoint of the general Riccati solution, which is also provided herein for any value of the parameter r.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 7 references with title

    Comisión Central del Rhin

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