22 research outputs found

    Psoriasin, one of several new proteins identified in nasal lavage fluid from allergic and non-allergic individuals using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Extravasation and luminal entry of plasma occurs continuously in the nose. This process is markedly facilitated in patients with symptomatic allergic rhinitis, resulting in an increased secretion of proteins. Identification of these proteins is an important step in the understanding of the pathological mechanisms in allergic diseases. DNA microarrays have recently made it possible to compare mRNA profiles of lavage fluids from healthy and diseased patients, whereas information on the protein level is still lacking. METHODS: Nasal lavage fluid was collected from 11 patients with symptomatic allergic rhinitis and 11 healthy volunteers. 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to separate proteins in the lavage fluids. Protein spots were picked from the gels and identified using mass spectrometry and database search. Selected proteins were confirmed with western blot. RESULTS: 61 spots were identified, of which 21 were separate proteins. 6 of these proteins (psoriasin, galectin-3, alpha enolase, intersectin-2, Wnt-2B and hypothetical protein MGC33648) had not previously been described in nasal lavage fluids. The levels of psoriasin were markedly down-regulated in allergic individuals. Prolactin-inducible protein was also found to be down-regulated, whereas different fragments of albumin together with Ig gamma 2 chain c region, transthyretin and splice isoform 1 of Wnt-2B were up-regulated among the allergic patients. CONCLUSION: The identification of proteins in nasal lavage fluid with 2-dimensional gelelectrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry is a novel tool to profile protein expression in allergic rhinitis and it might prove useful in the hunt for new therapeutic targets or diagnostic markers for allergic diseases. Psoriasin is a potent chemotactic factor and its down-regulation during inflammation might be of importance for the outcome of the disease

    Réponse des fibroblastes humains dermiques normaux en culture à de très faibles débits de dose d'irradiation chronique

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    Des fibroblastes dermiques humains en culture ont été irradiés par une source de 60Co (débit de dose 6,25 mGy / jour) et exposés pendant 8 jours (dose absorbée totale 50 mGy). La prolifération, les teneurs en protéines et ADN n'ont pas été modifiées sous irradiation. Le potentiel transmembranaire de 200 cellules était comparable dans les cellules irradiées (9,4 ± 4,9 eV) et les cellules témoins (10,2 ± 2,0 eV). Les dosages de l'activité de la glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogénase (G6P-DH, enzyme-clé de la voie des pentoses phosphates) de la glycéraldéhyde-3-phosphate deshydrogénase (GAP-DH) et de la pyruvate kinase (enzyme-clé de la glycolyse), ont montré que cette irradiation chronique n'induisait pas de changement de l'activité de la G6P-DH. Au contraire, les activités de la GAP-DH et de la pyruvate kinase étaient significativement - mais transitoirement - inhibées (jusqu'à 25 %) au début de la phase exponentielle de croissance (4e, 5e jour). L'activité catalasique (enzyme de destruction de l'H2O2) ne fut pas significativement modifiée sous irradiation. Une corrélation a été observée entre l'augmentation de l'activité catalasique globale dans les cultures et la restauration d'une activité normale de la GAP-DH, probablement en rapport avec une diminution de l'oxydation des groupements SH