2,538 research outputs found

    The Alignment between Satellites and Central Galaxies: Theory vs. Observations

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    Recent studies have shown that the distribution of satellite galaxies is preferentially aligned with the major axis of their central galaxy. The strength of this alignment has been found to depend strongly on the colours of the satellite and central galaxies, and only weakly on the mass of the halo in which the galaxies reside. In this paper we study whether these alignment signals, and their dependence on galaxy and halo properties, can be reproduced in a hierarchical structure formation model of a Λ\LambdaCDM concordance cosmology. To that extent we use a large NN-body simulation which we populate with galaxies following a semi-analytical model for galaxy formation. We find that if the orientation of the central galaxy is perfectly aligned with that of its dark matter halo, then the predicted central-satellite alignment signal is much stronger than observed. If, however, the minor axis of a central galaxy is perfectly aligned with the angular momentum vector of its dark matter halo, we can accurately reproduce the observed alignment strength as function of halo mass and galaxy color. Although this suggests that the orientation of central galaxies is governed by the angular momentum of their dark matter haloes, we emphasize that any other scenario in which the minor axes of central galaxy and halo are misaligned by ∼40∘\sim 40^{\circ} (on average) will match the data equally well. Finally, we show that dependence of the alignment strength on the color of the central galaxy is most likely an artefact due to interlopers in the group catalogue. The dependence on the color of the satellite galaxies, on the other hand, is real and owes to the fact that red satellites are associated with subhaloes that were more massive at their time of accretion.Comment: 13 Pages, 10 Figures, one figure replaced. added in discussion about comparison with others results, Updated version to match accepted version to MNRA

    Proportional and Preemption-enabled Traffic Offloading for IP Flow Mobility:Algorithms and Performance Evaluation

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    IP Flow Mobility (IFOM) enables a user equipment to offload data traffic at the IP flow level. Although the procedure of IFOM-based flow offloading has been specified by 3GPP, how many IP flows should be offloaded and when offloading should be performed are not defined. Consequently, IP flows may be routed to a target access network which has a strong signal strength but with backhaul congestion or insufficient access capability. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, referred to as proportional offloading (PO), and proportional and preemption-enabled offloading (PPO), respectively, for IP flow offloading in hybrid cellular and wireless local area networks. The PO algorithm decides an optimal proportion of IP flows which could be offloaded by considering available resources at the target access network. In the PPO algorithm, both service continuity and network utilization are taken into consideration. Furthermore, a detailed analytical model is developed in order to evaluate the behavior of the proposed algorithms. The analytical model is validated through extensive simulations. The results show that by dynamically adjusting the percentage of traffic flows to be offloaded, PO can reduce blocking probability and increase resource utilization. PPO further improves the performance at the cost of slightly higher offloading overhead

    Renyi’s entropy based multilevel thresholding using a novel meta-heuristics algorithm

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    Multi-level image thresholding is the most direct and effective method for image segmentation, which is a key step for image analysis and computer vision, however, as the number of threshold values increases, exhaustive search does not work efficiently and effectively and evolutionary algorithms often fall into a local optimal solution. In the paper, a meta-heuristics algorithm based on the breeding mechanism of Chinese hybrid rice is proposed to seek the optimal multi-level thresholds for image segmentation and Renyi’s entropy is utilized as the fitness function. Experiments have been run on four scanning electron microscope images of cement and four standard images, moreover, it is compared with other six classical and novel evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, ant lion optimization algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, and salp swarm algorithm. Meanwhile, some indicators, including the average fitness values, standard deviation, peak signal to noise ratio, and structural similarity index are used as evaluation criteria in the experiments. The experimental results show that the proposed method prevails over the other algorithms involved in the paper on most indicators and it can segment cement scanning electron microscope image effectively

    Three Different Types of Galaxy Alignment within Dark Matter Halos

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    Using a large galaxy group catalogue based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 we measure three different types of intrinsic galaxy alignment within groups: halo alignment between the orientation of the brightest group galaxies (BGG) and the distribution of its satellite galaxies, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite galaxy and the direction towards its BGG, and direct alignment between the orientation of the BGG and that of its satellites. In agreement with previous studies we find that satellite galaxies are preferentially located along the major axis. In addition, on scales r < 0.7 Rvir we find that red satellites are preferentially aligned radially with the direction to the BGG. The orientations of blue satellites, however, are perfectly consistent with being isotropic. Finally, on scales r < 0.1 \Rvir, we find a weak but significant indication for direct alignment between satellites and BGGs. We briefly discuss the implications for weak lensing measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ApJL accepte

    The phase-space parameters of the brightest halo galaxies

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    The brightest galaxy in a dark matter halo is expected to reside at rest at the centre of the halo. In this paper, we test this ‘Central Galaxy Paradigm' (CGP) using group catalogues extracted from the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). For each group, we compute a parameter , which is defined as the difference between the velocity of the brightest group galaxy and the average velocity of the other group members (hereafter satellites), normalized by the unbiased estimator of the velocity dispersion of the satellite galaxies. Because the redshift surveys suffer from incompleteness effects and the group selection criterion unavoidably selects interlopers, a proper comparison between data and model needs to take this into account. To this extent, we use detailed mock galaxy redshift surveys (MGRSs), which are analysed in exactly the same way as the data, thus allowing for a fair comparison. We show that the CGP is only consistent with the data in haloes with M≲ 1013h−1 M⊙, while in more massive haloes the data indicate a non-zero offset between the brightest galaxy and the satellites. This indicates that either central galaxies reside at the minimum of the dark matter potential, but that the halo itself is not yet fully relaxed, or, that the halo is relaxed, but that the central galaxy oscillates in its potential well. The former is consistent with the fact that the velocity bias of the brightest halo galaxies is larger in more massive haloes, while the latter may be indicative of cored, rather than cusped, dark matter haloes. We discuss several implications of these findings, including mass estimates based on satellite kinematics, strong gravitational lensing, halo occupation models, and the frequency and longevity of lopsidedness in disc galaxie

    The cross-correlation between galaxies and groups: probing the galaxy distribution in and around dark matter haloes

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    We determine cross-correlation function between galaxies and galaxy groups, using both the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Groups are identified using the halo-based group finder developed by Yang et al., which is optimized to associate to a group those galaxies which belong to the same dark matter halo. Our galaxy-group cross-correlation function is therefore a surrogate for the galaxy-halo cross-correlation function. We study the cross-correlation as a function of group mass, and as a function of the luminosity, stellar mass, colour, spectral type and specific star formation rate of the galaxies. All these cross-correlation functions show a clear transition from the ‘one-halo' to the ‘two-halo' regimes on a scale comparable to the virial radius of the groups under consideration. On scales larger than the virial radius, all cross-correlation functions are roughly parallel, consistent with the linear bias model. In particular, the large-scale correlation amplitudes are higher for more massive groups, and for brighter and redder galaxies. In the ‘one-halo' regime, the cross-correlation function depends strongly on the definition of the group centre. We consider both a luminosity-weighted centre (LW centre) and a centre defined by the location of the brightest group galaxy (BG centre). With the first definition, the bright early-type galaxies in massive groups are found to be more centrally concentrated than the fainter, late-type galaxies. Using the BG centre, and excluding the brightest galaxy from the cross-correlation analysis, we only find significant segregation in massive groups (M≳ 1013h−1 M⊙) for galaxies of different spectral types (or colours or specific star formation rates). In haloes with masses ≲1013h−1 M⊙, there is a significant deficit of bright satellite galaxies. Comparing the results from the 2dFGRS with those obtained from realistic mock samples, we find that the distribution of galaxies in groups is much less concentrated than dark matter haloes predicted by the current λCDM mode

    Spatial and kinematic alignments between central and satellite halos

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    Based on a cosmological N-body simulation we analyze spatial and kinematic alignments of satellite halos within six times the virial radius of group size host halos (Rvir). We measure three different types of spatial alignment: halo alignment between the orientation of the group central substructure (GCS) and the distribution of its satellites, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite and the direction towards its GCS, and direct alignment between the orientation of the GCS and that of its satellites. In analogy we use the directions of satellite velocities and probe three further types of alignment: the radial velocity alignment between the satellite velocity and connecting line between satellite and GCS, the halo velocity alignment between the orientation of the GCS and satellite velocities and the auto velocity alignment between the satellites orientations and their velocities. We find that satellites are preferentially located along the major axis of the GCS within at least 6 Rvir (the range probed here). Furthermore, satellites preferentially point towards the GCS. The most pronounced signal is detected on small scales but a detectable signal extends out to 6 Rvir. The direct alignment signal is weaker, however a systematic trend is visible at distances < 2 Rvir. All velocity alignments are highly significant on small scales. Our results suggest that the halo alignment reflects the filamentary large scale structure which extends far beyond the virial radii of the groups. In contrast, the main contribution to the radial alignment arises from the adjustment of the satellite orientations in the group tidal field. The projected data reveal good agreement with recent results derived from large galaxy surveys. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Design of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill. Part 1: Holistic design approach, design considerations and specifications

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    High-accuracy three-dimensional miniature components and microstructures are increasingly in demand in the sector of electro-optics, automotive, biotechnology, aerospace and information-technology industries. A rational approach to mechanical micro machining is to develop ultra-precision machines with small footprints. In part 1 of this two-part paper, the-state-of-the-art of ultra-precision machines with micro-machining capability is critically reviewed. The design considerations and specifications of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill—are discussed. Three prioritised design issues: motion accuracy, dynamic stiffness and thermal stability, formulate the holistic design approach for UltraMill. This approach has been applied to the development of key machine components and their integration so as to achieve high accuracy and nanometer surface finish
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