132 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a novel secured and wide WebRTC signalling mechanism for multimedia over internet

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    A modern and free technology called web real-time communication (WebRTC) was enhanced to allow browser-to-browser multimedia communication without plugins. In contract, WebRTC has not categorised a specific signalling mechanism to set, establish and end communication between browsers. The primary target of this application is to produce and implement a novel WebRTC signalling mechanism for multimedia communication between different users over the Internet without plugins. Furthermore, it has been applied over different browsers, such as Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera without any downloading or fees. This application designed using JavaScript language under ASP.net and C# language. Moreover, to prevent irrelevant users from accessing or attacking the session, user-id for initiating and joining the course using encryption technique was done. This system has been employed in real implementation among various users; therefore, an evaluation of bandwidth consumption, CPU, and quality of experience (QoE) was accomplished. The results show an original signalling mechanism which applied to different browsers, multiple users, and diverse networks such as Ethernet and Wireless. Besides, it sets session initiator, saves the communication efficient even if the initiator leaves, and communicating new participator with existing participants, etc. This studying focuses on the creation of a new signalling mechanism, the limitations of resources for WebRTC video conferencing

    Indoor robot gardening: design and implementation

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    This paper describes the architecture and implementation of a distributed autonomous gardening system with applications in urban/indoor precision agriculture. The garden is a mesh network of robots and plants. The gardening robots are mobile manipulators with an eye-in-hand camera. They are capable of locating plants in the garden, watering them, and locating and grasping fruit. The plants are potted cherry tomatoes enhanced with sensors and computation to monitor their well-being (e.g. soil humidity, state of fruits) and with networking to communicate servicing requests to the robots. By embedding sensing, computation, and communication into the pots, task allocation in the system is de-centrally coordinated, which makes the system scalable and robust against the failure of a centralized agent. We describe the architecture of this system and present experimental results for navigation, object recognition, and manipulation as well as challenges that lie ahead toward autonomous precision agriculture with multi-robot teams.Swiss National Science Foundation (contract number PBEL2118737)United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI SWARMS project W911NF-05-1-0219)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS-0426838)Intel Corporation (EFRI 0735953 Intel)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (UROP program)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MSRP program

    The Impact of Alexithymia on Self-Compassion through Cultural and Gender Factors: A Study across Culture in Seven Arab Countries

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    ملخص: هدفت الدراسة للتعرف على نسبة انتشار الألكسثيميا، وطبيعة العلاقة بينها وبين الشفقة بالذات، ومعرفة التباين لكل من الألكسثيميا والثقافة والجنس والتفاعل بينهم على أبعاد الشفقة بالذات في عدد من المجتمعات العربية (الكويت، العراق، السودان، البحرين، اليمن، المغرب، فلسطين). ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة استخدم المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، تكونت العينة من (N= 2265)، تراوحت أعمارهم بين (18-60) عاماً، بمتوسط عمري (27.28) عاماً، منهم (992 ذكراً)، طبق عليهم مقياس تورنتو للألكسثيميا (ترجمة العيدان، 2019a)، ومقياس الشفقة بالذات إعداد نيف (Neff, 2003 a). وأظهرت النتائج اختلاف نسبة انتشار الألكسثيميا وتراوحت بين (26.2 % - 49 %)، وفي العينة الكلية بلغت (36.7 %)، وكذلك تباينت العلاقات بين الألكسثيميا والشفقة بالذات، وأظهرت العينة الكلية وجود علاقة موجبة بين الألكسثيميا والحكم على الذات، والعزلة، والإفراط في التوحد. وكان للألكسثيميا تأثير على الأبعاد السلبية للشفقة بالذات، وكان الألكسثيميين أعلى تأثير في الحكم على الذات وفي العزلة، والإفراط في التوحد، وكان حجم الأثر الأكبر هو تأثير الألكسثيميا في الحكم على الذات حيث كان يُعزى للفروق على الألكسثيميا ما نسبته (13.4%)، ولم تكن هذه الفروق بمعزل عن تأثير الثقافة حيث أظهرت النتائج تفاعلاً لعاملي الألكسثيميا والثقافة في تباين أبعاد الشفقة بالذات.Abstract: The study aimed to identify the prevalence of alexithymia, the nature of the relationship between it and self-compassion, and the differences between alexithymia, culture, gender, and the interaction between them on the dimensions of self-compassion in seven Arab societies, to achieve the aim of the study, the descriptive, correlational approach was used.  The sample consisted of (N= 2265); their ages ranged between (18-60) years, who were applied to the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. and the Self Compassion Scale.The results showed a difference in the prevalence of alexithymia, which ranged between (26.2% - 49%), and it reached (36.7%) in the total sample, Moreover, the relationships between alexithymia and self-compassion also varied, and the total sample showed a positive relationship between alexithymia and self-judgment, isolation, and Over-identification. Furthermore, alexithymia influenced the dimensions of self-compassion, especially the negative dimensions, and alexithymic people were higher in self-judgment, isolation, and self-identification. The largest effect size was the effect of alexithymia on self-judgment, as the differences were attributed to alexithymia at a rate of (13.4%), and these differences were not isolated from the influence of culture, as the results showed an interaction of the factors of alexithymia and culture in varying the dimensions of self-compassion

    Combined treatment modality for intracranial germinomas: results of a multicentre SFOP experience

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    Conventional therapy for intracranial germinomas is craniospinal irradiation. In 1990, the Société Française d'Oncologie Pédiatrique initiated a study combining chemotherapy (alternating courses of etoposide–carboplatin and etoposide–ifosfamide for a recommended total of four courses) with 40 Gy local irradiation for patients with localized germinomas. Metastatic patients were allocated to receive low-dose craniospinal radiotherapy. Fifty-seven patients were enrolled between 1990 and 1996. Forty-seven had biopsy-proven germinoma. Biopsy was not performed in ten patients (four had diagnostic tumour markers and in six the neurosurgeon felt biopsy was contraindicated). Fifty-one patients had localized disease, and six leptomeningeal dissemination. Seven patients had bifocal tumour. All but one patient received at least four courses of chemotherapy. Toxicity was mainly haematological. Patients with diabetus insipidus (n = 25) commonly developed electrolyte disturbances during chemotherapy. No patient developed tumour progression during chemotherapy. Fifty patients received local radiotherapy with a median dose of 40 Gy to the initial tumour volume. Six metastatic patients, and one patient with localized disease who stopped chemotherapy due to severe toxicity, received craniospinal radiotherapy. The median follow-up for the group was 42 months. Four patients relapsed 9, 10, 38 and 57 months after diagnosis. Three achieved second complete remission following salvage treatment with chemotherapy alone or chemo-radiotherapy. The estimated 3-year survival probability is 98% (CI: 86.6–99.7%) and the estimated 3-year event-free survival is 96.4% (CI: 86.2–99.1%). This study shows that excellent survival rates can be achieved by combining chemotherapy and local radiotherapy in patients with non-metastatic intracranial germinomas. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    The implementation and first insights of the French-speaking Swiss programme for monitoring self-harm.

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    Self-harm is a major risk factor for suicide but remains poorly documented. No data on self-harm in French-speaking Switzerland exist. To address this deficiency, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health commissioned a specific self-harm monitoring programme. We present and discuss its implementation and first findings. Every patient aged 18–65 years presenting for self-harm to the emergency departments of the Lausanne and Neuchâtel general hospitals were included in the monitoring programme over a 10-month period (December 2016 to September 2017). Clinicians collected anonymous sociodemographic and clinical data. The sample included 490 patients (54.9% female and 45.1% male) for 554 episodes of self-harm, showing a higher proportion of patients aged 18–34 (49.2%) than older age groups (35–49, 33.7% and 50–65, 17.1%). Patients were mostly single (56.1%) and in problematic socioeconomic situations (65.7%). Self-poisoning was the most commonly used method (58.2%) and was preferred by women (71% of females and 42.5% of males, Fisher’s exact test, p <0.001) and the majority of patients (53.3%) had experienced at least one previous episode of self-harm. The self-harm rate was 220 per 100,000 inhabitants in Lausanne and 140 in Neuchâtel. Suicidal intent was clear for 50.6% of the overall sample, unclear for 25.1% and absent for 24.3%. It differed significantly between sites (χ2(2) = 9.068, p = 0.011) as Lausanne reported more incidents of unclear intent (27.7% versus 17.4% in Neuchâtel) and Neuchâtel more incidents with absence of intent (33.1% versus 21.3% in Lausanne). In Lausanne, patients more frequently resorted to methods such as jumping from a height (11.4%) and hanging (9%) than in Neuchâtel (1.6% and 4.9%, Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.006). Our results are globally consistent with previous research on self-harm. We found significant inter-site differences in methods, suicidal intent and self-harm rates. Our findings highlight the importance of implementing local self-harm monitoring to identify specific at-risk groups and develop targeted preventive intervention

    A Quantitative RNAi Screen for JNK Modifiers Identifies Pvr as a Novel Regulator of Drosophila Immune Signaling

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    Drosophila melanogaster responds to gram-negative bacterial challenges through the IMD pathway, a signal transduction cassette that is driven by the coordinated activities of JNK, NF-κB and caspase modules. While many modifiers of NF-κB activity were identified in cell culture and in vivo assays, the regulatory apparatus that determines JNK inputs into the IMD pathway is relatively unexplored. In this manuscript, we present the first quantitative screen of the entire genome of Drosophila for novel regulators of JNK activity in the IMD pathway. We identified a large number of gene products that negatively or positively impact on JNK activation in the IMD pathway. In particular, we identified the Pvr receptor tyrosine kinase as a potent inhibitor of JNK activation. In a series of in vivo and cell culture assays, we demonstrated that activation of the IMD pathway drives JNK-dependent expression of the Pvr ligands, Pvf2 and Pvf3, which in turn act through the Pvr/ERK MAP kinase pathway to attenuate the JNK and NF-κB arms of the IMD pathway. Our data illuminate a poorly understood arm of a critical and evolutionarily conserved innate immune response. Furthermore, given the pleiotropic involvement of JNK in eukaryotic cell biology, we believe that many of the novel regulators identified in this screen are of interest beyond immune signaling

    Utilization of mechanical power and associations with clinical outcomes in brain injured patients. a secondary analysis of the extubation strategies in neuro-intensive care unit patients and associations with outcome (ENIO) trial

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    BackgroundThere is insufficient evidence to guide ventilatory targets in acute brain injury (ABI). Recent studies have shown associations between mechanical power (MP) and mortality in critical care populations. We aimed to describe MP in ventilated patients with ABI, and evaluate associations between MP and clinical outcomes.MethodsIn this preplanned, secondary analysis of a prospective, multi-center, observational cohort study (ENIO, NCT03400904), we included adult patients with ABI (Glasgow Coma Scale <= 12 before intubation) who required mechanical ventilation (MV) >= 24 h. Using multivariable log binomial regressions, we separately assessed associations between MP on hospital day (HD)1, HD3, HD7 and clinical outcomes: hospital mortality, need for reintubation, tracheostomy placement, and development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).ResultsWe included 1217 patients (mean age 51.2 years [SD 18.1], 66% male, mean body mass index [BMI] 26.3 [SD 5.18]) hospitalized at 62 intensive care units in 18 countries. Hospital mortality was 11% (n = 139), 44% (n = 536) were extubated by HD7 of which 20% (107/536) required reintubation, 28% (n = 340) underwent tracheostomy placement, and 9% (n = 114) developed ARDS. The median MP on HD1, HD3, and HD7 was 11.9 J/min [IQR 9.2-15.1], 13 J/min [IQR 10-17], and 14 J/min [IQR 11-20], respectively. MP was overall higher in patients with ARDS, especially those with higher ARDS severity. After controlling for same-day pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F ratio), BMI, and neurological severity, MP at HD1, HD3, and HD7 was independently associated with hospital mortality, reintubation and tracheostomy placement. The adjusted relative risk (aRR) was greater at higher MP, and strongest for: mortality on HD1 (compared to the HD1 median MP 11.9 J/min, aRR at 17 J/min was 1.22, 95% CI 1.14-1.30) and HD3 (1.38, 95% CI 1.23-1.53), reintubation on HD1 (1.64; 95% CI 1.57-1.72), and tracheostomy on HD7 (1.53; 95%CI 1.18-1.99). MP was associated with the development of moderate-severe ARDS on HD1 (2.07; 95% CI 1.56-2.78) and HD3 (1.76; 95% CI 1.41-2.22).ConclusionsExposure to high MP during the first week of MV is associated with poor clinical outcomes in ABI, independent of P/F ratio and neurological severity. Potential benefits of optimizing ventilator settings to limit MP warrant further investigation

    A 1-Year Prospective French Nationwide Study of Emergency Hospital Admissions in Children and Adults with Primary Immunodeficiency.

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    PURPOSE: Patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID) are at risk of serious complications. However, data on the incidence and causes of emergency hospital admissions are scarce. The primary objective of the present study was to describe emergency hospital admissions among patients with PID, with a view to identifying "at-risk" patient profiles. METHODS: We performed a prospective observational 12-month multicenter study in France via the CEREDIH network of regional PID reference centers from November 2010 to October 2011. All patients with PIDs requiring emergency hospital admission were included. RESULTS: A total of 200 admissions concerned 137 patients (73 adults and 64 children, 53% of whom had antibody deficiencies). Thirty admissions were reported for 16 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients. When considering the 170 admissions of non-transplant patients, 149 (85%) were related to acute infections (respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal tract infections in 72 (36%) and 34 (17%) of cases, respectively). Seventy-seven percent of the admissions occurred during winter or spring (December to May). The in-hospital mortality rate was 8.8% (12 patients); death was related to a severe infection in 11 cases (8%) and Epstein-Barr virus-induced lymphoma in 1 case. Patients with a central venous catheter (n = 19, 13.9%) were significantly more hospitalized for an infection (94.7%) than for a non-infectious reason (5.3%) (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Our data showed that the annual incidence of emergency hospital admission among patients with PID is 3.4%. The leading cause of emergency hospital admission was an acute infection, and having a central venous catheter was associated with a significantly greater risk of admission for an infectious episode