25 research outputs found

    Il ruolo delle precipitazioni occulte nella formazione e mantenimento della vegetazione forestale: il caso studio di Pantelleria

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    Le testimonianze storiche indicano per le isole circumsiciliane la presenza di floridi boschi che sono stati distrutti a seguito dei processi di deforestazione. In alcuni casi, dopo gli interventi di rimboschimento, la vegetazione riesce a ricostituirsi con difficoltà come a Lampedusa mentre in altri casi i processi di recupero sono molto rapidi. Un ruolo non indifferente viene svolto dalla presenza di piante in grado di diffondere propaguli ma anche dalle condizioni climatiche locali determinate sia dalla morfologia delle singole isole come, ad esempio, la presenza di rilievi montuosi, che dal particolare contesto oceanografico. I dati medi riportati dalle stazioni climatiche in termini di piovosità non giustificano in molti casi la presenza di una vegetazione forestale confermando il contributo, al ciclo idrologico, di componenti note come “precipitazioni occulte” (da condensa atmosferica o da nebbia) ed identificate correntemente come “Non-Rainfall-Water” (NRW). A dispetto dell’importanza data a questo fattore sono pochissime le informazioni quantitative, anche in ragione dello scarso grado di standardizzazione dei sistemi di misura dei processi di deposizione dell’acqua atmosferica. Nell’ambito delle indagini condotte su finanziamento del “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” francese (CNRS) - “Site d’Étude en Ecologie Globale, Pantelleria” e del programma CNRS-Mob-Île abbiamo avviato una indagine a Pantelleria collocando 8 microstazioni metereologiche lungo un transect ambientale dalla costa alla sommità del più importante rilievo dell’Isola (Montagna Grande, 830 m s.l.m.). La collocazione del sistema di rilevamento (umidità, temperatura, sensori di condensa e micro-lisimetri) ha reso necessaria una fase di messa a punto della strumentazione, che ha implicato anche l’individuazione e la caratterizzazione di sistemi e sensori per il rilievo ed il monitoraggio dei fenomeni di condensa atmosferica secondo approcci diversificati. Anche se ancora in modo non quantitativo, i risultati iniziali (in termini di frequenza e di durata dei fenomeni di deposizione registrati) suggeriscono come la componente NRW possa svolgere a Pantelleria un ruolo determinante nel ciclo idrologico generale, ma ulteriori osservazioni saranno necessarie per caratterizzare i fenomeni di deposizione sulle più importanti componenti del paesaggio dell’isola (vegetazione, muretti a secco, suolo

    Chapter 1: Assessing a planet in transformation: Rationale and approach of the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

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    The challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change, achieving inclusive food, water, energy and health security, addressing urban vulnerabilities, and the unequal burdens of nature deterioration, are not only predicaments on their own right. Because they interact, often exacerbating each other, they create new risks and uncertainties for people and nature. It is now evident that the rapid deterioration of nature, including that of the global environmental commons on land, ocean, atmosphere and biosphere, upon which humanity as a whole depends, are interconnected and their cascading effects compromise societal goals and aspirations from local to global levels. Growing efforts to respond to these challenges and awareness of our dependence on nature have opened new opportunities for action and collaboration towards fairer and more sustainable futures.The global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services (GA) has been designed to be a comprehensive and ambitious intergovernmental integrated assessment of recent anthropogenic transformations of Earth?s living systems, the roots of such transformations, and their implications to society. In the chapters that follow, our mandate is to critically assess the state of knowledge on recent past (from the 1970s), present and possible future trends in multi-scale interactions between people and nature, taking into consideration different worldviews and knowledge systems, including those representing mainstream natural and social sciences and the humanities, and indigenous and local knowledge systems. In doing so, the GA also assesses where the world stands in relation to several international agreements related to biodiversity and sustainable development.Fil: Brondizio, Eduardo. No especifíca;Fil: Díaz, Sandra Myrna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Settele, Josef. No especifíca;Fil: Ngo, Hien. No especifíca;Fil: Guèze, Maximilien. No especifíca;Fil: Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y. No especifíca;Fil: Bai, Xuemei. No especifíca;Fil: Geschke, Arne. No especifíca;Fil: Molnár, Zsolt. No especifíca;Fil: Niamir, Aidin. No especifíca;Fil: Pascual, Unai. No especifíca;Fil: Simcock, Alan. No especifíca;Fil: Jaureguiberry, Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Hien, Ngo,. No especifíca;Fil: Brancalion, Pedro. No especifíca;Fil: Chan, Kai M. A.. No especifíca;Fil: Dubertret, Fabrice. No especifíca;Fil: Hendry, Andrew. No especifíca;Fil: Liu, Jianguo. No especifíca;Fil: Martin, Adrian. No especifíca;Fil: Martín López, Berta. No especifíca;Fil: Midgley, Guy F.. No especifíca;Fil: Obura, David. No especifíca;Fil: Oliver, Tom. No especifíca;Fil: Scheffran, Jürgen. No especifíca;Fil: Seppelt, Ralf. No especifíca;Fil: Strassburg, Bernardo. No especifíca;Fil: Spangenberg, Joachim H.. No especifíca;Fil: Stenseke, Marie. No especifíca;Fil: Turnhout, Esther. No especifíca;Fil: Williams, Meryl J.. No especifíca;Fil: Zayas, Cynthia. No especifíca

    Working with Indigenous, local and scientific knowledge in assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people

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    Working with indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) is vital for inclusive assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people. Indigenous peoples' concepts about what constitutes sustainability, for example, differ markedly from dominant sustainability discourses. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) is promoting dialogue across different knowledge systems globally. In 2017, member states of IPBES adopted an ILK Approach including: procedures for assessments of nature and nature's linkages with people; a participatory mechanism; and institutional arrangements for including indigenous peoples and local communities. We present this Approach and analyse how it supports ILK in IPBES assessments through: respecting rights; supporting care and mutuality; strengthening communities and their knowledge systems; and supporting knowledge exchange. Customary institutions that ensure the integrity of ILK, effective empowering dialogues, and shared governance are among critical capacities that enable inclusion of diverse conceptualizations of sustainability in assessments

    Local meanings of argan tree and bee diversity within man-made territories

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    The multiple dimensions of rural forests : lessons from a comparative analysis

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    Rural forests are characterized by different levels of formal and nonformal appropriation by rural communities who have generally managed, shaped, or rebuilt these forest formations over many generations with refined local knowledge and practices related to their use and perpetuation. Rural forests are therefore social-ecological systems that contribute to ecosystem and landscapes configuration, definition of rural territories, and sustainability of local livelihoods. Although some studies have attempted to explain their specificities, in specific geographical and social contexts, their characteristics are not well defined as they encompass highly diversified situations. This lack of comprehension of the identity of rural forests is at the heart of the lack of dialogue between forestry policies and rural forest development. Our major aim is to identify universal characteristics of rural forests as well as specificities that can differentiate them. Eleven situations of rural forests were analyzed by means of detailed, harmonized monographs, from developing and developed countries, and localized within contrasting ecological environments (humid tropics, dry forests, temperate forests) and socio-economic and public policies contexts. Qualitative data were obtained through a common analytical framework and were encoded with an approach based on the collective appreciation of the group of researchers who developed case studies. These were pooled within a common analysis chart and were processed by means of multivariate analyses. Results were further discussed taking into consideration four major characteristics that emerged from this analysis, and which form the identity of rural forests. These are: 1) specific forest structures and levels of integration in agricultural matrices which are linked historically to overall agroecosystem approaches and practices, 2) a multiscale approach to domestication practices from landscape to individual trees inscribed in continuities between "nature" and "culture", natural processes and human techniques of control and transformation, 3) multiple uses of plant species which vary in relation to the commercial or noncommercial status of their products and a reversible nature of these use patterns accordingly, 4) the imbricate nature of rules of access and control between state and customary levels, and between individual and collective levels, requiring specific formal and informal arrangements. Typologies of rural forests can be drawn along each of these major characteristics and provide a reliable system to analyze and understand the functioning of rural forests. Forestry approaches in rural contexts, hence, need to consider variations along these major lines that form the identity cards of rural forests


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    En cherchant à requalifier la domestication des abeilles à partir de pratiques plus holistes et plus ancrées dans le territoire, le propos de cet article est d'interroger la manière dont les apiculteurs du Sud-Ouest marocain (D'Essaouira à Tan Tan) intègrent idéologiquement et techniquement les abeilles jaunes sahariennes dans leur monde. Les savoir-faire des apiculteurs de ces régions reposent en partie sur la manipulation de différents types d'espaces agraires, et l'apiculture est partie intégrante de l'agro-écosystème global. Bien que sédentaire, l'apiculture dans le sud du Maroc implique une grande diversité d'espaces, comprenant les falaises à chutes d'eau, les champs de céréales et d'arganiers, les zones arboricoles fermées, les zones de monoculture de figuiers de barbarie, les parcours dominés par les euphorbes et les arganiers. Chaque unité spatiale du territoire rural est le support d'un certain degré de domestication des abeilles : capture des essaims sauvages, acclimatation des ruches, production de miel, reproduction des essaims. Les savoir-faire des apiculteurs s'illustrent par la connaissance sur le comportement des abeilles (comportement alimentaire, temporalité des préférences de matières apicoles), leur métabolisme (vertus des plantes sur la vie des abeilles, leur capacité à essaimer, leur capacité à nettoyer la ruche), et la pollinisation qu'elles permettent. Les apiculteurs du Sud-Ouest marocain jouent ainsi sur la pluralité des espaces de cultures et des espèces qui y poussent pour intégrer l'abeille dans le territoire rural de manière holiste. Plus encore, par l'emplacement dans l'espace de la ruche, l'apiculteur exerce un contrôle direct sur la reproduction de l'animal et la maîtrise des rythmes physiologiques liés à son alimentation, condition sine qua non à sa domestication. La domestication se réalise ainsi par l'intermédiaire du territoire, car l'apiculteur joue sur la multifonctionnalité des espaces en termes de cortège végétal pour maîtriser le cycle de vie et de production de l'abeille. La domestication de l'abeille saharienne résulte donc autant de gestes techniques appréciables sur le moment, que de longs processus d'aménagement du territoire et de sélection des espèces en tenant compte de la variable apicole

    Systèmes agrosylvopastoraux oleaster-olive greffés dans le nord du Maroc

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    International audienceThis book has been published by Allenvi (French National Alliance for Environmental Research) to coincide with the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakesh. It is the outcome of work by academic researchers on both sides of the Mediterranean and provides a remarkable scientific review of the mechanisms of climate change and its impacts on the environment, the economy, health and Mediterranean societies. It will also be valuable in developing responses that draw on “scientific evidence” to address the issues of adaptation, resource conservation, solutions and risk prevention. Reflecting the full complexity of the Mediterranean environment, the book is a major scientific contribution to the climate issue, where various scientific considerations converge to break down the boundaries between disciplines.Cet ouvrage, publié par l’Alliance nationale de recherche sur l’environnement (Allenvi) à l’occasion de la 22e Conférence des Parties de la Convention Cadre des Nations unies sur le changement climatique (COP22) de Marrakech, est le fruit de la mobilisation de chercheurs et d’universitaires des deux rives de la Méditerranée. Il constitue une synthèse scientifique exceptionnelle sur les mécanismes du changement climatique, ses impacts sur l’environnement, l’économie, la santé et les sociétés de la Méditerranée. Il représente par ailleurs un précieux outil pour élaborer des réponses, fondées sur l’ « évidence scientifique », en matière d’adaptation, de conservation des ressources, de solutions ou de prévention des risques. Mettant en exergue toute la complexité de l’environnement méditerranéen, cet ouvrage est une contribution scientifique majeure à la question climatique, au croisement des questionnements scientifiques dans une perspective de décloisonnement disciplinaire