73 research outputs found

    Impact of health sector services fund on the quality of maternity services at health centres in Kisii South Sub-County

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    Background: The Ministry of Health used to disburse funds to the sub-counties through the sub-county treasury. However, there were operational difficulties and challenges for the health facilities in accessing these funds. It is against this background that the Ministry of Health came up with a more innovative approach in 2005 in which funds are credited directly into health facility accounts thereby bypassing the sub-county treasury. The direct funding innovation was first piloted in the Coast Province in 2005 and in 2010 it was rolled to the rest of the country. Since then no further evaluation has been carried out to assess the impact of this funding scheme in other sub counties.Objectives: To assess the impact of the direct funding on the quality of deliveries in maternity units of health centres in Kisii South Sub-county.Design: Descriptive study.Setting: The three health centres in Kisii South Sub-county namely, Nyamagundo, Riana and Riotanchi.Subjects: Secondary data from the maternity registers and interviewing staff working in maternity units.Results:There was statistically significant (p=0.05) increase in the number of deliveries in all the three health centres with Nyamagundo having 131%, Riana 114% and Riotanchi 103%, 33% of the facilities were conducting outreach services and purchasing medical supplies. However, the medical supplies and staffing challenges were still there in all and the structural barriers to quality maternity services were identified in all the facilities.Conclusions: The recommendations are that the funding should be enhanced and it should be workload or output based as the challenges vary among the facilities and other service delivery indicators should also be evaluated, besides rolling it to the other sub-counties in the same category

    High-throughput Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 and hrp3 gene deletion typing by digital PCR to monitor malaria rapid diagnostic test efficacy

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    Most rapid diagnostic tests for Plasmodium falciparum malaria target the Histidine-Rich Proteins 2 and 3 (HRP2, HRP3). Deletions of the hrp2 and hrp3 genes result in false negative tests and are a threat for malaria control. A novel assay for molecular surveillance of hrp2/hrp3 deletions was developed based on droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). The assay quantifies hrp2, hrp3, and a control gene with very high accuracy. The theoretical limit of detection was 0.33 parasites/microL. The deletion was reliably detected in mixed infections with wild-type and hrp2-deleted parasites at a density of >100 parasites/reaction. For a side-by-side comparison with the conventional nested PCR (nPCR) assay, 248 samples were screened in triplicate by ddPCR and nPCR. No deletions were observed by ddPCR, while by nPCR hrp2 deletion was observed in 8% of samples. The ddPCR assay was applied to screen 830 samples from Kenya, Zanzibar/Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Ecuador. Pronounced differences in the prevalence of deletions were observed among sites, with more hrp3 than hrp2 deletions. In conclusion, the novel ddPCR assay minimizes the risk of false-negative results (i.e. hrp2 deletion observed when the sample is wild type), increases sensitivity, and greatly reduces the number of reactions that need to be run

    The influence of mosquito resting behaviour and associated microclimate for malaria risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The majority of the mosquito and parasite life-history traits that combine to determine malaria transmission intensity are temperature sensitive. In most cases, the process-based models used to estimate malaria risk and inform control and prevention strategies utilize measures of mean outdoor temperature. Evidence suggests, however, that certain malaria vectors can spend large parts of their adult life resting indoors.</p> <p>Presentation of hypothesis</p> <p>If significant proportions of mosquitoes are resting indoors and indoor conditions differ markedly from ambient conditions, simple use of outdoor temperatures will not provide reliable estimates of malaria transmission intensity. To date, few studies have quantified the differential effects of indoor <it>vs </it>outdoor temperatures explicitly, reflecting a lack of proper understanding of mosquito resting behaviour and associated microclimate.</p> <p>Testing the hypothesis</p> <p>Published records from 8 village sites in East Africa revealed temperatures to be warmer indoors than outdoors and to generally show less daily variation. Exploring the effects of these temperatures on malaria parasite development rate suggested indoor-resting mosquitoes could transmit malaria between 0.3 and 22.5 days earlier than outdoor-resting mosquitoes. These differences translate to increases in transmission risk ranging from 5 to approaching 3,000%, relative to predictions based on outdoor temperatures. The pattern appears robust for low- and highland areas, with differences increasing with altitude.</p> <p>Implications of the hypothesis</p> <p>Differences in indoor <it>vs </it>outdoor environments lead to large differences in the limits and the intensity of malaria transmission. This finding highlights a need to better understand mosquito resting behaviour and the associated microclimate, and to broaden assessments of transmission ecology and risk to consider the potentially important role of endophily.</p

    Alternative splicing of the Anopheles gambiae Dscam gene in diverse Plasmodium falciparum infections

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    Background: In insects, including Anopheles mosquitoes, Dscam (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule) appears to be involved in phagocytosis of pathogens, and shows pathogen-specific splice-form expression between divergent pathogen (or parasite) types (e.g. between bacteria and Plasmodium or between Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium falciparum). Here, data are presented from the first study of Dscam expression in response to genetic diversity within a parasite species. Methods: In independent field and laboratory studies, a measure of Dscam splice-form diversity was compared between mosquitoes fed on blood that was free of P. falciparum to mosquitoes exposed to either single or mixed genotype infections of P. falciparum. Results: Significant increases in Anopheles gambiae Dscam (AgDscam) receptor diversity were observed in parasite-exposed mosquitoes, but only weak evidence that AgDscam diversity rises further upon exposure to mixed genotype parasite infections was found. Finally, a cluster of AgDscam exon 4 variants that become especially common during Plasmodium invasion was identified. Conclusions: While the data clearly indicate that AgDscam diversity increases with P. falciparum exposure, they do not suggest that AgDscam diversity rises further in response to increased parasite diversit

    A cohort study of Plasmodium falciparum infection dynamics in Western Kenya Highlands

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    Abstract Background The Kenyan highlands were malaria-free before the 1910s, but a series of malaria epidemics have occurred in the highlands of western Kenya since the 1980s. Longitudinal studies of the genetic structure, complexity, infection dynamics, and duration of naturally acquired Plasmodium falciparum infections are needed to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of malaria epidemiology in the complex Kenyan highland eco-epidemiological systems where malaria recently expanded, as well as the evaluation of control measures. Methods We followed a cohort of 246 children residing in 3 villages at altitudes 1430 - 1580 m in western Kenya. Monthly parasitological surveys were undertaken for one year, yielding 866 P. falciparum isolates that were analyzed using 10 microsatellite markers. Results Infection complexity and genetic diversity were high (HE = 0.787-0.816), with ≥83% of infections harboring more than one parasite clone. Diversity remained high even during the low malaria transmission season. There was no significant difference between levels of genetic diversity and population structure between high and low transmission seasons. Infection turn-over rate was high, with the average infection duration of single parasite genotypes being 1.11 months, and the longest genotype persistence was 3 months. Conclusions These data demonstrate that despite the relatively recent spread of malaria to the highlands, parasite populations seem to have stabilized with no evidence of bottlenecks between seasons, while the ability of residents to clear or control infections indicates presence of effective anti-plasmodial immune mechanisms

    Evaluation of long-lasting microbial larvicide for malaria vector control in Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Outdoor malaria transmission is becoming an increasingly important problem in malaria control in Africa. Larval control is a promising intervention as it can target both indoor and outdoor biting mosquitoes. However, the currently available biolarvicide formulations have a short effective duration, and consequently larval control incurs a high operational expense due to the requirement for frequent re-treatment of larval habitats. Formulations of biolarvicides with long-lasting effects is highly desired. A recently developed FourStar® slow-release briquet formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus was evaluated to test its efficacy on malaria vectors. METHODS: The study evaluated FourStar™ briquets 180-days formulation under semi-natural and natural conditions to test their efficacy in reducing the mosquito population in western Kenya. The semi-natural habitats used the formulation dissolved in rainwater with appropriate concentrations, and second-instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae were introduced and the number of surviving larvae and pupae produced was recorded daily as the outcome. The briquets formulation was then tested in natural habitats for efficacy on pupal productivity reduction in highland and lowland sites in western Kenya. The formulation was finally tested for efficacy in reducing adult mosquito populations in randomized clusters in western Kenya highland. RESULTS: In semi-natural conditions, the FourStar™ briquets 180-days formulation completely inhibited mosquito pupal production in the first 3 months, and then reduced pupal productivity by 87–98% (P < 0.001) 4–6 months after application. In natural habitats, during the first 2 months no pupae were detected from any of the treated habitats in highland sites, and Anopheles spp. pupal density was reduced by 60–90% in the next 3–5 months (P < 0.001). In the lowland site, pupal productivity reduction was 100% in the first 3 months, and 75–90% in the next 4–5 months (P < 0.001). The randomized cluster trial found that the application of the briquets formulation reduced mean densities of indoor-biting mosquitoes by 76–82% (P < 0.001) and by 67–75% (P < 0.001) for outdoor-biting mosquitoes. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that long-lasting biological larviciding was effective in reducing pupal productivity of larval habitats, and reducing indoor and outdoor resting mosquitoes. The study suggests that long-lasting microbial larviciding may be a promising complementary malaria vector control tool and warrants further large-scale evaluation

    The effect of parental rearing conditions on offspring life history in Anopheles stephensi

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    Background The environmental conditions experienced by parents are increasingly recognized to impact the success of offspring. Little is known on the presence of such parental effects in Anopheles. If present, parental effects could influence mosquito breeding programmes, some malaria control measures and have epidemiological and evolutionary consequences. Methods The presence of parental effects on offspring emergence time, size, survival, blood meal size and fecundity in laboratory reared An. stephensi were tested. Results Parental rearing conditions did not influence the time taken for offspring to emerge, or their size or survival as adults. However, parental effects were influential in determining the fecundity of daughters. Counter-intuitively, daughters of parents reared in low food conditions produced larger egg clutches than daughters of parents reared in high food conditions. Offspring reared in low food conditions took larger blood meals if their parents had also experienced a low food environment. Conclusion So far as we are aware, this is the first evidence of parental effects on progeny in Anophele

    Shading by Napier Grass Reduces Malaria Vector Larvae in Natural Habitats in Western Kenya Highlands

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    Increased human population in the Western Kenya highlands has led to reclamation of natural swamps resulting in the creation of habitats suitable for the breeding of Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector in the region. Here we report on a study to restore the reclaimed swamp and reverse its suitability as a habitat for malaria vectors. Napier grass-shaded and non-shaded water channels in reclaimed sites in Western Kenya highlands were studied for the presence and density of mosquito larvae, mosquito species composition, and daily variation in water temperature. Shading was associated with 75.5% and 88.4% (P < 0.0001) reduction in anopheline larvae densities and 78.1% and 88% (P < 0.0001) reduction in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) densities in two sites, respectively. Shading was associated with a 5.7°C, 5.0°C, and 4.7°C, and 1.6°C, 3.9°C, and 2.8°C (for maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, respectively) reduction (P < 0.0001) in water temperatures in the two locations, respectively. An. gambiae s.l. was the dominant species, constituting 83.2% and 73.1%, and 44.5% and 42.3%, of anophelines in non-shaded and shaded channels, respectively, in the two sites, respectively. An. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) constituted the majority (97.4%) of An. gambiae s.l., while the rest (2.6%) comprised of Anopheles arabiensis. Minimum water temperature decreased with increasing grass height (P = 0.0039 and P = 0.0415 for Lunyerere and Emutete sites, respectively). The results demonstrate how simple environmental strategies can have a strong impact on vector densities

    Anopheles gambiae distribution and insecticide resistance in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé (Cameroon): influence of urban agriculture and pollution

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    Background: Urban malaria is becoming a major health priority across Africa. A study was undertaken to assess the importance of urban pollution and agriculture practice on the distribution and susceptibility to insecticide of malaria vectors in the two main cities in Cameroon. Methods: Anopheline larval breeding sites were surveyed and water samples analysed monthly from October 2009 to December 2010. Parameters analysed included turbidity, pH, temperature, conductivity, sulfates, phosphates,nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, aluminium, alkalinity, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, magnesium hardness and total hardness. Characteristics of water bodies in urban areas were compared to rural areas and between urban sites. The level of susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae to 4% DDT, 0.75% permethrin, 0.05% deltamethrin, 0.1% bendiocarb and 5% malathion were compared between mosquitoes collected from polluted, non polluted and cultivated areas. Results: A total of 1,546 breeding sites, 690 in Yaoundé and 856 in Douala, were sampled in the course of the study. Almost all measured parameters had a concentration of 2- to 100-fold higher in urban compare to rural breeding sites. No resistance to malathion was detected, but bendiocarb resistance was present in Yaounde. Very low mortality rates were observed following DDT or permethrin exposure, associated with high kdr frequencies. Mosquitoes collected in cultivated areas, exhibited the highest resistant levels. There was little difference in insecticide resistance or kdr allele frequency in mosquitoes collected from polluted versus non-polluted sites. Conclusion: The data confirm high selection pressure on mosquitoes originating from urban areas and suggest urban agriculture rather than pollution as the major factor driving resistance to insecticide