767 research outputs found

    Developmental changes in the histological structure of the testes, and testosterone profiles in male guinea fowls (Numida meleagris)

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    Owing to the paucity of information on the reproductive biology of guinea fowls, a study involving a total of 66 males was conducted, and documented the developmental changes in histological structure of the testes of guinea cocks from hatching until adulthood. Changes in testosterone synthesis during sexual development were also determined. Age-related changes were analysed using univariate analysis for completely randomised design and means separated using Tukey's test/Kruskal-Wallis test and medians separated by Mann-Whitney U test. Total germ cell population per testis and testicular histological morphometric parameters increased significantly (p < 0.0001) from 12 weeks of age (WOA), and stabilized between 20 and 24 WOA. Peripheral testosterone concentrations increased gradually from 4 WOA, and peaked at 20 WOA. Correlations among all the testicular morphometric parameters were positive and highly significant (p < 0.01). Similarly, significant (p < 0.05) positive correlations existed between testicular weight and testicular sperm production, tubular diameter, Sertoli cell population, tubular length and peripheral testosterone concentration. Testicular sperm production was positively correlated with meiotic index (p < 0.01) and round spermatids population (p < 0.05). The correlations between peripheral testosterone concentrations, tubular diameter and Sertoli efficiency were also significant (p < 0.05) and positive. Testicular morphometric parameters stabilized between 20 and 24 WOA, while peripheral testosterone concentrations showed two patterns of secretion, initial and final phases of increasing and decreasing testosterone secretions, respectively, and may be implicated in the development of histological structures of the testes and spermatogenesis. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Pengaruh Kemudahan Penggunaan dan Kemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Minat Menggunakan Situs Jual Beli Online” (Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Situs Jual Beli “Z”)

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    The objectives of this study, are: 1) To find out the impacts of the ease of using information technology toward the interest of using online trading site (case study on the users of “Z” trading site) and 2) To find out the impacts of the benefit of using information technology toward the interest of using online trading site (case study on the users of “Z” trading site). This study is used quantitative method, which the data collected are in the form of statistics with the population of the study are the users of “Z” online trading site. The data analysis that is used in this study is the analysis of multiple linear regression. The results of the study showed that a belief is influencing toward the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers, thus it can be said that, as is the enhancement of a belief then it can increase the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers. “Z” is also the trading site which gives satisfaction guarantee to the costumers, so that it can support the costumers to do online transaction. A belief and satisfaction are influencing simultaneously toward the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers

    The Synthesis And Applications Of Carbon Nanotubes From Natural Gas.

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    Carbon Nanotubes are newly discovered carbon: it is fullerene related structures but a fullerene's carbon form a sphere while a nanotube is cylindrical. According to theoretical predictions of carbon nanotubes. the tubular fullerene. may possess extraordinary physical and chemical properties. Due to its unique properties, carbon nanotubes have found a variety of potential applications in advance technologies; including nanoelectronics, biomedical, electromagnetics, electrochemical, composite. mass storage, etc. They provide an alternative to current technology to achieve better performance and smaller sizing in numerous applications. It brings technologies of all area to the edge and beyond expectation in the past. This paper will cover the outstanding properties of carbon nanotubes and the applications of carbon nanotubes

    Defects in Affordable Housing Projects in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    Several affordable housing programs have been introduced by the government to achieve the objectives of several Malaysia Plans; however, the success of the housing programs has been reduced due to readily reported quality problems and defects. This research aims to identify the types of defects in affordable housing and determine what is causing the defects, so that solutions may be devised to raise the quality of housing stock in Malaysia. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 310 residents of affordable housing, located in four different regions in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The most commonly occurring defects in affordable housing are leaking pipes, total failure of water supply systems, cracking in concrete walls, faulty door knobs, and dampness to concrete walls. This suggests that improvements in workmanship, the use of superior materials, and changes to more customer-oriented supervision and monitoring may reduce the incidence of defects. Local conditions, such as heavy rainfall, may influence dampness, and may reduce the generalizability of findings to other areas with different weather patterns. The findings have been reported to the Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia to improve the quality of affordable housing

    When traditional information technology project managers encounter the cloud: Opportunities and dilemmas in the transition to cloud services

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    Cloud computing has rapidly changed the conventional way information technology (IT) products and services are delivered. This study aims to identify the opportunities and dilemmas IT project managers are encountering in managing cloud projects, and to develop a system dynamics model to capture the complexity of cloud adoption. A questionnaire survey was conducted among IT project managers and data were analyzed via T-Tests, ANOVA, and principal component analysis. The identified opportunities and dilemmas in adopting cloud services formed the elements in the system dynamics model. Findings revealed incorporating cloud services in IT projects could shorten project timeline, optimize project scope, and reduce project cost. However, project managers also expressed concern about data privacy, security, IT governance, and local regulation when moving services to the cloud. Incorporation of proper change management plan and detailed risk management plan are required to identify the privacy and regulatory concerns


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    The aim of this research is that the role and law enforcement efforts of the Na-tional Police in dealing with alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area need to be optimized in developing society. Security and public order is a dynamic condition of society as one of the prerequisites for the implementation of the national devel-opment process which is characterized by ensuring order and upholding the law and the establishment of peace which contains the ability to foster and develop the potential and strength of society in warding off, preventing and overcoming all forms of violations of the law and other forms of disturbance that can disturb the community. So based on this, the author hopes that there will be firmness from the police in taking action against crimes caused by the influence of alcohol. The type of research used in this research is an empirical method (empirical law research) and uses a normative approach method. The data analysis carried out in this research is descriptive analysis as the data is compiled using a qualitative approach. Based on the research results, it shows that the role of Bahabinkam-timnas in tackling alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area has not been fully im-plemented based on Perkap No. 1 of 2021 Amendment to Perkap no. 3 of 2015. The role as intended is to encourage the community to form forums that can min-imize the situation

    Model Pengelolaan Keuangan Instansi dalam Mewujudkan Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif atas pengelolaan dan pengungkapan keuangan PNJ terkait transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Objek Penelitian ini adalah bagian keuangan dan manajemen PNJ. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey untuk mendapatkan data primer dengan melakukan wawancara kepada manajemen pengelola keuangan PNJ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PNJ telah menyajikan Laporan Keuangan yang terdiri dari Laporan Realisasi Anggaran (LRA), Neraca dan Catatan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan yang mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Keuangan serta Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perbendaharaan Negara/Lembaga. Serta PNJ telah menyajikan Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Intansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) berdasarkan Inpres RI nomor: 7 tahun 1999 tentang Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah. Namun PNJ belum memiliki format khusus dalam menyajikan laporan keuangan untuk para stakeholder selain pemerintah (para dosen, mahasiswa, wali mahasiswa dan masyarakat). Intansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) berdasarkan Inpres RI nomor: 7 tahun 1999 tentang Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah. Namun PNJ belum memiliki format khusus dalam menyajikan laporan keuangan untuk para stakeholder selain pemerintah (para dosen, mahasiswa, wali mahasiswa dan masyarakat). Kata kunci: Transparansi, akuntabilitas, stakeholder Kata kunci: Transparansi, akuntabilitas, stakeholder Abstract Abstract This qualitative research study on governance and related financial disclosure PNJ This qualitative research study on governance and related financial disclosure PNJ transparency and accountability. The object of this study is the financial and managerial PNJ.Research methods using survey methods to obtain primary data through interviews, tomanaging financial PNJ. The results showed that PNJ presented financial statements consisting transparency and accountability. The object of this study is the financial and managerial PNJ.Research methods using survey methods to obtain primary data through interviews, tomanaging financial PNJ. The results showed that PNJ presented financial statements consisting of budget Implementation report (LRA), balance sheet and notes to the financial statementrefers to the judgement of the Minister of finance and management, the Director-General of theTreasury/Agency. And Government intansi presented PNJ Accountability report (performance of budget Implementation report (LRA), balance sheet and notes to the financial statementrefers to the judgement of the Minister of finance and management, the Director-General of theTreasury/Agency. And Government intansi presented PNJ Accountability report (performance reports), based on r. Presidential Directive No. 7 of 1999, about the performance of the liabilityof public bodies. But do not yet have a certain format in financial reporting for stakeholdersother than the Government (teachers, students, student tutor and colleges community). reports), based on r. Presidential Directive No. 7 of 1999, about the performance of the liabilityof public bodies. But do not yet have a certain format in financial reporting for stakeholdersother than the Government (teachers, students, student tutor and colleges community). Key word : Transparency, Accountability, stakeholder Key word : Transparency, Accountability, stakeholde

    Fingerprint center point location using directional field

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    This paper presents a reliable fingerprint center point (CP) location algorithm for the alignment of fingerprints to construct a shift invariant fingerprint recognition system. The proposed algorithm is based on Alteration Tracking (AT) and CP estimation (CPE). AT is proposed to extract a track that records the transition from one quantized direction to another. CPE is aimed to find the bending point with highest transition of direction from the transition track. This algorithm is tested against fingerprints captured from SAGEM MSO100 optical scanner and the second database from University of Bologna. Experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm is capable of reliably locating fingerprint CP

    A Case of Feline Panleukopenia in Malaysia Confirmed by Electron Microscopy

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    A typical case of feline panleuk0penia in ~n 18 ;month-old domestic ca~ is repoted. The disease was characterised clinically by anorexza, depresszon, diarrhoea and dehydratzon. Typzcal pathologzcal changes of severe villous atrophy and erosion of the small intestial epitheliun were o~served. Electron microscopic examination of the faeces revealed the presence of partzcles resemblzng parvovzrus