39 research outputs found

    Stoma Prolapse

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    The incidence of prolapse which is a late complication of stoma ranges between 0–25%. In this study the records of the patients who had been treated and followed up with the diagnosis of stoma prolapse between 1995 -2005 in the General Surgery Department of Dicle University Hospital were examined, retrospectively. There were 12 patients (5 men, 7 women) with a mean age of 51,6±15.01 years. The causes of stoma construction were malign diseases in 9 patients and benign diseases in 3 of them. The average time between construction of stoma and formation of prolapse was 10,9±6.84 month. The type of stoma was loop in 7 patient, end stoma in 4 patient and double bowel enterostomy in 1 patient. Of nine patients with stoma prolapse had been subjected chemotherapy. The overall rate of stomal prolapsus was 3,1% in this series. It was 10,8% in patients who had received chemoradiotherapy. Since stomal prolasus is a serious complication and its reconstruction needs general anesthesia great care should be shown when creatig a stoma

    Performance of Some Forages Species (\u3cem\u3eFestuca arundinacea\u3c/em\u3e L., \u3cem\u3eChloris gayana\u3c/em\u3e var. Katambora, \u3cem\u3eLotus corniculatus\u3c/em\u3e L. and \u3cem\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/em\u3e L.) in Saline Soil

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    Salinity is a soil degradation process which reduces plant diversity and agricultural productivity, decreases fertility and devalues the land in regions with arid and semi-arid climate. This process inhibits water and nutrient intake of plants from soil due to changeable nitrogen percentage and/or the intensity of soluble salt concentration. When the fact that agricultural lands are limited around the world and that the need for nutrition increases incrementally is taken into consideration, it is obvious that available lands should be used more effectively. Hence, it is quite crucial to reclaim saline soil and utilize it more economically (Woods 1996)

    Effects of Propolis on Selected Blood Indicators and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Broilers under Heat Stress

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    In this study, we investigated the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of propolis (EEP) and vitamin C on biochemical indicators and antioxidant enzyme activities of broilers exposed to heat stress (at 34 °C). The experimental groups were as follows: group I (positive control) and group II (control) were fed a basal diet, group III (vitamin C) was fed a basal diet supplemented with 250 mg vitamin C as ascorbic acid/kg, group IV (EEP-0.5) was fed a basal diet supplemented with 0.5 g EEP/kg, group V (EEP-1) was fed a basal diet supplemented with 1 g EEP/kg, group VI (EEP-3) was fed a basal diet supplemented with 3 g EEP/kg. Plasma superoxide dismutase levels of positive control, control, vitamin C, EEP-0.5, EEP-1 and EEP-3 groups were found as 0.34, 1.23, 0.50, 0.90, 0.30 and 0.41 μkat/ml, respectively (p p p < 0.05), whereas those of muscle and heart were similar in all groups. The results of the present study suggest that EEP and specially EEP at the supplemented dose of 3 mg/kg diet might be considered to prevent oxidative stress in the broilers exposed to heat stress

    Aşağı Gediz sulama sisteminde ana kanal hidrolik parametrelerinin zamansal değişiminin su dağıtım kapasitesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi

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    In this research, it was determined all the hydraulics parameters which are effective on Salihli right, Salihli left, Ahmetli right, Ahmetli left, Menemen right and Menemen left main canals;amp;#8217; capacity of irrigation systems in the Lower Gediz Basin and obtained actual capacity of them. Then determining differences between planned and actual canal capacity, it was investigated effect of the differences on water delivery. Also, temporal variations of manning roughness coefficient (ng) both between irrigation seasons and in irrigation seasons for 2004-2005 years carried out the research were determined. In the result of research, it was determined that the values of ng (0.022, 0.025, 0.025, 0.014, 0.031 and 0.031 respectively) of all the main canals were different from projected values. Besides, values of active canal capacity (262%, 96%, 80%, 88%, 77% ve 78% respectively) of all the main canals were different from targeted values. The results showed that physical structure of canals was poor and maintenance of them was insufficient.Bu araştırmada; Aşağı Gediz sulama sistemindeki Salihli sağ, Salihli sol, Ahmetli sağ, Ahmetli sol, Menemen sağ ve Menemen sol ana kanalların kapasiteleri üzerinde etkili olan hidrolik parametreler belirlenmiş ve gerçek kanal kapasiteleri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca sistemde; projelenen ile gerçekleşen kanal kapasitesi arasındaki farklar belirlenerek, bunun su dağıtımı üzerindeki etkisi ile manning pürüzlülük katsayısının (ng) araştırmanın yürütüldüğü 2004-2005 yılı sulama sezonları arası ve sulama sezonları içerisindeki zamansal değişimi belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; ana kanalların ng değerleri (sırasıyla 0.022, 0.025, 0.025, 0.014, 0.031 ve 0.031) projelenenden farklı çıkmıştır. Aktif kanal kapasitesi değerleri ise hedeflenen değerden (sırasıyla %262, %96, %80, %88, %77 ve %78) farklı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak; kanallarda gerekli bakımın yapılmadığı ve fiziki durumunun kötü olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Where the tuberculosis patients are diagnosed and started to treatment?

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    Giriş: Tüberküloz hasta yönetiminde verem savaş dispanserleri (VSD) önemli roller üstlenmişlerdir. Tüberküloz hastalarına, VSD yanı sıra diğer sağlık kurumlarında da tanı konulmakta ve tedavi başlanmaktadır. Diğer kurumlar, VSDlerin özellikle tedavi aşamasında ve hastaların takibinde bu misyonun farkında olması gerekir. Tüberküloz hastalarının hangi sağlık kurumunda tanı konulduğu ve tedaviye başlanıldığını ve VSDlerin farkındalığının yeterli olup olmadığını inceledik. Hastalar ve Metod: Elazığ VSDde tüberküloz hastalarının dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelenmiş, elde edilen bilgiler Microsoft Excelde analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Elazığ VSDde 2005-2011 yıllarında takip edilen 854 tüberküloz hastasının dosya bilgilerine ulaşılmıştır. Hastaların %36.3 (n 310)üne üniversite hastanelerinde, %18.5 (n 158)ine VSDde, %17.3 (n 148)üne devlet hastanelerinde tanı konulmuştur. Tanı koyulan bu hastaların %81.9 (n 699)una VSDde, %7.7 (n 46)sine üniversite hastanelerinde, %4.3 (n 37)üne göğüs hastalıkları hastanelerinde tüberküloz tedavisi başlanmıştır. Sonuç: Hastanelerde tanı konan hastaların tedavilerine başlanmak üzere yönlendirildiği ve ilk ilaçları buradan verildiği için VSDlerde tedavi başlama oranlarının yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tüberküloz kontrol programında dispanserler hasta yönetiminde önemli işlevsel fonksiyonlar yürütmektedir ve diğer kurumlar bu durumun farkındadırlar.Introduction: Tuberculosis dispensaries have played important roles in management of patients with tuberculosis. Tuberculosispatients diagnosed and treatments are started at dispensaries as well as other health care institutions. Other institutions must be aware of the mission of dispensaries especially at the treatment and follow-up of patients. We aimed to investigate in which health care institutions tuberculosis patients diagnosed and treatment started and whether the awareness about dispanseries is sufficient. Patients and Methods: Records of tuberculosis patients in Elazıg dispansery examined retrospectively. The data obtained were analyzed by Microsoft Excel. Results: Records of 854 patients with tuberculosis has been reached those followed in Elazig dispensary between the years 2005-2011. Percentages of the patients diagnosed in university hospital, dispensary and state hospitals were 36.3%, 18.5% and 17.3%; respectively. Treatments of patients were started in dispensary (81.9%), university hospital (7.7%), and chest disease hospital (4.3%). Conclusion: Treatment starting rate of dispensary was high because patients diagnosed by other health institutions directed to dispensary for taking the first drugs and beginning of the treatment. In tuberculosis control program; dispensaries carry out important operational functions in management of tuberculosis patients and other health institutions are aware of this situation

    The evaluation of alternative stalk chopping methods in sunflower farming

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    In this study, the alternative chopping methods were compared in sunflower farming. After harvesting sunflower stalk was chopped with three different methods by using three different stalk chopper machines. Two different rotary type machines (RT1 and RT2) and heavy duty disc harrow (CON) were applied in the experiment. Heavy duty disc harrow used as conventional method. Particle size distribution after chopping, management parameters of the machines and energy requirements were determined in the experiment. Maximum frequency with 37.09% for RT1 and 24.62% for CON were found in the stalk size group of 102 - 173 mm. Whereas, maximum frequency with 31.08% was obtained in the size group of 30 - 101 mm for RT2. The highest fuel consumption (19.28 L.ha(-1)) was obtained in CON method and the highest field efficiency with 0.886 ha.h(-1) was found in RT2. RT1 has 756.1 MJ.ha(-1) total energy requirements. RT2 has 868.3 MJ.ha(-1) and CON has 944.3 MJ.ha(-1). The differences among methods in frequency of particle sizes, values of fuel consumption and total energy requirements were found to be statistically significant

    Acetabular Index Values in Healthy Turkish Children Between 6 Months and 8 Years of Age: A Cross-Sectional Radiological Study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the normal acetabular index values in children between 6 months and 8 years of age based on sex, age and side and to define the cutoff values for mild and severe acetabular dysplasia. Methods: The records collected from the data pool that was gathered to define the prevalence of untreated congenital hip dislocation in Turkish children between 6 months and 14 years of age was used. The acetabular index was measured on pelvic and abdominal radiographs of children between 6 months and 8 years of age, taken in 19 different cities for non-dysplasia related causes. The distribution of the index values based on age, sex and side. Results: Thirty-three hips of 21 children (0.75%) out of 2788 children were found to be subluxated or luxated. Acetabular index values of 5534 hips of 2767 children were measured. Acetabular index values of 723 (13%) hips of 493 children (17.8%) were found to be between 1 and 2 standard deviations. Acetabular index values of 147 hips (2.65%) of 118 children (4.3%) were calculated to be above 2 standard deviations. There was a negative correlation between the acetabular index and age. Conclusions: The study defines the normal acetabular index values in healthy Turkish children between 6 months and 8 years of age and the expected acetabular index values for mild and severe dysplasia.WoSScopu

    İzmir Yöresinde Küçükbaş Hayvancılık İşletmelerinin Coğrafik Konumlarına Göre Genel Durumu ve Geliştirilme Olanakları

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    In the study, total 142 semi-intensive and intensive small ruminant farms, Member of Izmir Breeding Sheep-Goat Union, carried out production activities (husbandry, housing, nutrition, reproduction and health protection practices) and these activities are conducted housing facilities (barn structural elements, equipment and units) designated place, structural and technical aspects competences and their effects on small ruminant activities are evaluated together. End of the evaluation, the local conditions for the development of small ruminant production some technical suggestions are also givenÇalışmada; İzmir yöresinde birlik şeklinde örgütlenmiş, yarı entansif ve entansif küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliği yapan 142 işletmede, yürütülen hayvancılık faaliyetleri (yetiştirme, barındırma, besleme, üreme ve sağlık koruma uygulamaları vb.) ve bu faaliyetlerin yürütüldüğü barındırma olanakları (ağıl yapı unsurları, ekipmanları ve birimleri) yerinde belirlenmiş, yapısal ve teknik yönden yeterlilikleri ve hayvancılık faaliyetleri üzerindeki etkileri birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirme sonunda, yöre koşullarında küçükbaş hayvancılığın geliştirilmesine yönelik teknik öneriler sunulmuştu