192 research outputs found

    Viyolonsel Eğitiminde Hicaz Saz Semâilerinin Kullanımına Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi

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    This research study was carried out to propose a model for the use of Hicaz saz semais in cello training and to determine the effectiveness of the proposed model in addressing the difficulties faced by cello students in performing Hicaz saz semais. In this study, two methods were simultaneously used, namely, the survey model (descriptive) and the experimental model (empirical). The study group of the study consists of eight cello students. Yusuf Pasha's Hicaz Humayun Saz Semai was adapted to the cello to be used in this study and performed by the students in the study group, and the challenges the students encountered in performing this saz semai were identified. A six-part model proposal has been created, and this proposal includes exercises to address the difficulties faced by students. The exercises were carried out with the students in the experimental group for a period of six weeks. The “pre-test–post-test control group design” was applied in the experimental phase of the study, and the obtained data were analysed using the t-test, a parametric test. The t-test results showed a statistically significant difference between the post-test scores of the students in favour of the experimental group. It has been found in this study that the proposed model was effective in eliminating the challenges faced by cello students in performing the Hicaz Humayun Saz Semai.Bu araştırma, viyolonsel eğitiminde hicaz saz semâilerinin kullanımına yönelik bir model önerisi oluşturmak ve oluşturulan modelin viyolonsel öğrencilerinin hicaz saz semâilerini seslendirmede karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin giderilmesinde ne derecede etkili olduğunu tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada iki yöntem bir arada kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemler tarama modeli (betimsel) ve deneme modelidir (deneysel). Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 8 viyolonsel öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Yusuf Paşa’nın hicaz hümâyûn saz semâisi araştırmada kullanılmak üzere viyolonsele uyarlanmış ve çalışma grubu öğrencileri tarafından seslendirilerek öğrencilerin bu saz semâisini seslendirmede karşılaştıkları güçlükler tespit edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin giderilmesine yönelik alıştırmaları içeren altı bölümlük bir model önerisi geliştirilmiştir. Oluşturulan alıştırmalar deney grubundaki öğrencilere altı hafta süreyle çalıştırılmıştır. Deneysel aşamasında “kontrol gruplu öntest-sontest” deseni uygulanan çalışmada elde edilen veriler parametrik testlerden t testi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. T testi sonuçlarına göre deney ve kontrol grubundaki öğrencilerin sontest puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir fark olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda, oluşturulan model önerisinin viyolonsel öğrencilerinin hicaz hümâyûn saz semâisini seslendirmede karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin giderilmesinde etkili olduğu saptanmıştır

    The impact of artificial wall climbing as a recreational activity on children's locus of control

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effects of artificial wall climbing - which was performed by primary school students- as a recreative activity on children’s locus of control. Artificial wall climbing represents itself as a learning point beyond a sportive activity while creating an opportunity for participants to discover the limits of their own and that of others’, and opening a path for learning through experience by rendering the participants active rather than passive.The research was designed as one group pre-test – post-test model. The sample of the study is the same as the study population. 40 (15 female, 25 male) students studying in 7th and 8th grades of primary school attended voluntarily in this study.  Climbing practices were determined according to students' free time. Climbing practices were planned to be 90 minutes each. It is organized two days in a week between at least twenty-four hours. The test lasted 6 weeks in total. The activity which started with warm-up exercises suited for the age group was configured as a developmental schema as it started with top rope and extended to lead climbing route again on the climbing routes suited for the age groups. During the practice, it was ensured to provide knowledge and skills for not only climbing skills but also for other topics such as basic knowledge of climbing techniques, basic knots and belaying. The practice lasted six weeks and the questionnaire was applied before and after.To determine whether participants had a tendency towards externalizing or internalizing bias, "Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale" was used.As a result of the statistical analysis, it was observed that there are significant differences between pre-test and the difference of differences regarding the gender discrepancy and between pre-test and post-test scores regarding the total scores (p<0.05).The group of activities carried out for the artificial wall climbing led to a positive development in the children’s perception of locus of control and it was seen that children's beliefs on what’s happening around them is under their control and they can turn their lives in whichever direction they want were positively influenced

    Improved chemotaxis differential evolution optimization algorithm

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    The social foraging behavior of Escherichia coli has recently received great attention and it has been employed to solve complex search optimization problems.This paper presents a modified bacterial foraging optimization BFO algorithm, ICDEOA (Improved Chemotaxis Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm), to cope with premature convergence of reproduction operator.In ICDEOA, reproduction operator of BFOA is replaced with probabilistic reposition operator to enhance the intensification and the diversification of the search space.ICDEOA was compared with state-of-the-art DE and non-DE variants on 7 numerical functions of the 2014 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014). Simulation results of CEC 2014 benchmark functions reveal that ICDEOA performs better than that of competitors in terms of the quality of the final solution for high dimensional problems

    The effects of one-day outdoor education on self- efficacy

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    Self-efficacy-sufficiency is defined as the belief of a person about how well s/he can perform the actions to deal with the problems which s/he confronts. The belief of self-efficacy determines whether the person will manifest the right behaviour when confronted with a problem, and how much effort s/he will put in and how insistent s/he will be to deal with the problem.The process of learning based on individuals' learning from their own lives and experiences, and reflecting on what is learned from the experience is called experiential learning, and is used widely as a method of personal development and learning. Outdoor education based on the principle of learning by experience acts as a catalyst for getting the participants to leave their comfort zones through a set of unusual activities carried out in a different atmosphere, and for encouraging them to change and to understand themselves as well as others.The study was in pre-test-post-test design as one group and data was collected by survey. The sample of survey is the same with target population of the study and composed of 90 university students ( 50 men – 40 women), who play an active role in the Community of Mountain Climbing and Outdoor Sports and who volunteer for outdoor education. Outdoor education lasted one day and was designed in accordance with the literature.  The outdoor education programme consisted of an opening meeting in which participants discussed the things to be done, and topics such as the comfort zone, learning by experience, and transfer of behaviours, two high-level activities, and an initiative activity based on communication and problem solving.The Self-efficacy Scale (SES) developed in 1982 by Sherer et al. was used for measurement. The Scale was adapted to Turkish and tested for validity and reliability by Gözüm and Aksayan (1999).This study aims to determine the effects of a one-day outdoor activity on the perceived level of self-efficacy of the participating students. The statistical analyses conducted have shown that the outdoor activity did not lead to a significant difference as regards the independent variable of gender (p>.05), yet it had a significant positive effect on the perceived self-efficacy of the participants (p<.05).It can be concluded that the series of outdoor activities has a positive effect on the perceived self-efficacy of the participants. ÖzetÖz etkililik-yeterlik bireyin olası durumlar ile başa çıkabilmek için gerekli olan eylemleri ne kadar iyi yapabildiklerine ilişkin inançları olarak tanımlanır. Öz yeterlik inancının bireyin doğru ya da yanlış etkinlikler yapma davranışını etkilediğini, aynı zamanda bireyin bir sorun ile karşılaştığında sorunu çözmek için ne kadar çaba harcayacağı ve ne kadar ısrarcı olacağının belirtisi olduğunu da vurgulamaktadır.Bireylerin kendi yaşantılarından, deneyimlerinden öğrenmeleri ve bu öğrenmenin sonuçları güvenli bir şekilde değerlendirmelerine dayalı eğitim sistematiği yaşantısal öğrenme olarak adlandırılmakta ve kişisel gelişim ve öğrenme için önemli bir metot olarak kullanılmaktadır. Farklı bir atmosferde katılımcılarına alışkın olunmayan etkinlikler bütünü ile onları konfor alanlarından çıkmalarını sağlayan, katılımcıları, değişime ve kendileri ile başkalarını anlamayı başarmaları için cesaretlendirmek üzere planlamış ve yaşayarak öğrenme prensibine dayanan açık alan eğitimi bir katalizör olarak iş görmektedir.Araştırma tek grup ön test- son test modelinde tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi çalışma evreni ile aynı olup üniversite öğrencilerimizden Dağcılık ve Doğa sporları topluluğuna aktif olarak katılan ve açık alan eğitimine gönüllü katılan 90( 50 erkek, 40 bayan)  öğrenciden oluşmuştur. Açık alan eğitimi bir gün sürmüş olup, program alanyazın da desteklediği biçimde tasarlanmıştır. Bu süreç içerisinde; açılış toplantısı, ki bu toplantıda yapılacaklar, konfor alanı, yaşayarak öğrenme ve davranışların transferi gibi konular yer almış, takip eden zaman dilimlerinde 2 adet yüksek aktivite, iletişim ve problem çözmeye dayalı 1 adet insiyatif aktivitesi yer almıştır.Ölçüm için Sherer ve arkadaşları tarafından 1982 yılında geliştirilen Öz Etkililik-Yeterlilik Ölçeği (ÖEYÖ) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin Türkçe formunun güvenilirlik ve geçerliliği 1999 yılında Gözüm ve Aksayan tarafından yapılmıştır.Bu çalışmanın amacı öğrencilerin katıldığı açık alan etkinliğinin onların öz-etkililik algı düzeyine etkisinin tespit edilmesidir. Yapılan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda, açık alan eğitiminin cinsiyet bağımsız değişkeni açısından bir fark yaratmadığı (p>.05), ancak katılımcıların öz-etkililik algılarında anlamlı pozitif etkisinin olduğu (p<.05) tespit edilmiştir.Sonuç olarak açık alan etkinlikler bütününün, katılımcıların öz-etkililik algılarını olumlu etkilediği söylenebilir

    Fabrication of polymer nanofiber-conducting polymer fabric and noncontact motion sensing platform

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    10th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nano Materials, JAPMED’10 2017; Izmir; Turkey; 4 July 2017 through 8 July 2017Conductive polymer-electrospun polymer nanofiber network was combined to host iron oxide nanoparticles providing micrometer thick sensing interface. The sensor has fabricated as freestanding fabric exhibiting 10 to 100 KOhm base resistivity upon bias applied. The moving object has been sensed through the electrostatic interactions between fibers and object. The sensing range has been found to be 1-5 cm above the surface of fabric. By the controlled combination of conductive polymers electrospun polymer nanofibers effective device miniaturization has been provided without loss of performance. The noncontact motion sensor platform has unique flexibility and light weight holding a potential for wearable sensor technology

    Effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and sodium hypochlorite on the bond strength of bonding agents to pulp chamber lateral walls

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    AbstractBackground/purposeThe purposes of this in vitro study were to determine the microtensile bond strengths of four different dentin adhesive materials placed in pulp chamber walls, and to test the effects of 5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) pretreatments on resin dentin bond strengths.Materials and methodsRecently extracted human third molars were selected. The teeth were divided into four groups. Specimens in each group were treated as follows: irrigated with distilled water; irrigated with EDTA for 5 minutes; irrigated with sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes; and irrigated with EDTA for 5 minutes followed by NaOCl for 5 minutes. Treated specimens were dried, bonded with a total-etching adhesive, two self-etching adhesives, or a one-bottle self-etching adhesive system. After the bonding procedure and composite restoration, teeth were sectioned, and 15 dentin sticks were obtained. Microtensile testing was performed, and scanning electron micrographs were taken of each irrigated group.ResultsIn the control group, the one-bottle self-etching adhesive system showed statistically higher bond strength values. EDTA irrigation did not affect the bond strength except for the total-etching adhesive. NaOCl significantly reduced the bond strengths of all adhesives. The EDTA and NaOCl combination did not show a statistically significant reduction in bond strengths of the adhesives to pulpal dentin.ConclusionThere was a reduction in bond strengths of all adhesive systems used to test pulp chamber lateral walls after endodontic irrigation solutions were used

    Sustainability assessment of biomass-based energy supply chain using multi-objective optimization model

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    In recent years, population growth and lifestyle changes have led to an increase in energy consumption worldwide. Providing energy from fossil fuels has negative consequences, such as energy supply constraints and overall greenhouse gas emissions. As the world continues to evolve, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and finding alternative energy sources becomes increasingly urgent. Renewable energy sources are the best way for all countries to reduce reliance on fossil fuels while reducing pollution. Biomass as a renewable energy source is an alternative energy source that can meet energy needs and contribute to global warming and climate change reduction. Among the many renewable energy options, biomass energy has found a wide range of application areas due to its resource diversity and easy availability from various sources all year round. The supply assurance of such energy sources is based on a sustainable and effective supply chain. Simultaneous improvement of the biomass-based supply chain's economic, environmental and social performance is a key factor for optimum network design. This study has suggested a multi-objective goal programming (MOGP) model to optimize a multi-stage biomass-based sustainable renewable energy supply chain network design. The proposed MOGP model represents decisions regarding the optimal number, locations, size of processing facilities and warehouses, and amounts of biomass and final products transported between the locations. The proposed model has been applied to a real-world case study in Istanbul. In addition, sensitivity analysis has been conducted to analyze the effects of biomass availability, processing capacity, storage capacity, electricity generation capacity, and the weight of the goals on the solutions. To realize sensitivity analysis related to the importance of goals, for the first time in the literature, this study employed a spherical fuzzy set-based analytic hierarchy method to determine the weights of goals

    Perceived Coach Attitudes and Behaviors Scale: Development and Validation Study

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a scale, which will serve to determine how attitudes and behaviors of the coaches are perceived by the athletes. The scale, named as “Perceived Coach Attitudes and Behaviors Scale” (PCABS) was developed through various processes including exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Following the literature review process in the beginning stage, focus group interviews were conducted. As a result of literature review process and focus group interviews an item pool of 61 items was formed, and after gathering the opinions and critics of experts in the area of language and sports science, the final form of the scale was constructed. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on 200 athletes revealed a construct comprised of 25 items and 3 sub-dimensions. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) conducted on 266 athletes confirmed the structural validity of the scale composed of 24 items and 3 sub-dimensions. The first sub-dimension named "Characteristic Features ", with an internal consistency value of 0.88, consisted of items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, and 23. The second sub-dimension named "Knowledge and Skills Accumulation" consisted of items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, and 24 had an internal consistency value of 0.86. The final sub-dimension named "Being Fair" consisted of 5th and 12th items with an internal consistency value of 0.56. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 20 and 23 were reverse coded items of the scale.As a conclusion, the analysis revealed that “Perceived Coach Attitudes and Behaviors Scale”, with its three sub-dimensions and 24 items, is a structurally valid and reliable scale, can be used to identify the athletes' perceptions about their coaches

    Determination of flood inuandation areas in the city of Bingöl (Turkey) using geographic information systems and HEC-RAS

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    Taşkın, ülkemizde en sık görülen doğal afetler arasında yer almaktadır. Bu nedenle, taşkın yayılım alanlarının önceden belirlenmesi, taşkın riskinin azaltılması ve buna bağlı olarak can ve mal güvenliğinin sağlanması açısından çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) ve HEC-RAS yardımıyla Bingöl İl merkezinden geçen Çapakçur, Gayt ve Göynük çaylarının kent içerisinde oluşturacağı taşkın su derinliklerinin ve yayılım alanlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için, sentetik birim hidrograflardan elde edilen 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 ve 1.000 yıllık tekerrür sürelerine ait taşkın pik debileri kullanılarak HEC-RAS ile bu derelerin il merkezinden geçen kısımlarının hidrolik modellemeleri yapılmıştır. İl merkezine ait 1/1.000 ölçekli hali hazır haritalardan elde edilen verilerin modele tanımlanması ArcGIS üzerinde çalışan HEC-GeoRAS ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. HEC-RAS yardımıyla elde edilen hidrolik model sonuçlarına göre CBS ortamında hazırlanan taşkın yayılım haritalarında, göz önüne alınan taşkın debilerinin sebep olduğu maksimum su derinliğinin 8,12–9,62 m, su yayılım alanının ise 635.402- 1.561.982 m2 arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Elde edilen bu taşkın yayılım haritaları, bölgenin ileriye yönelik yerleşim ve kalkınma planları için önemli bir veri kaynağı niteliği taşımaktadır.Flood is among the most common natural disasters in Turkey. For this reason, it is very important to determine the flood spreading areas in advance, to reduce the flood risk and to ensure the safety of life and property accordingly. In this study, it is aimed to determine the flood water depths and inundation areas of Çapakçur, Gayt and Göynük streams passing through Bingöl Province center with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and HEC-RAS. Thus, hydraulic models of these streams passing through the city center were developed by the use of HEC-RAS for the peak flows obtained from synthetic unit hydrographs with return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 years. The data obtained from the up-to-date maps of the study area with 1/1,000 scale were defined to the model by HEC-GeoRAS working on ArcGIS. According to the flood inundation maps, which were prepared in the GIS environment using the hydraulic model results obtained with the help of HEC-RAS, the maximum flood water depth varies between 8.12 and 9.62, and the maximum flood inundation area ranges from 635,402 to 1,561,982 m2 for the flood peaks considered in the study. The flood inundation maps obtained in this study can be used as an important data source for the future settlement and development plans of the region

    Paraoxonase (PON1) L55M and Q192R polymorphisms in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

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    Objective: Oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways, along with immune-inflammatory response, might play an important role in the pathogenic mechanisms underlying major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. The aim of the present study is to investigate paraoxonase 1 polymorphisms and its correlations with disease parameters in patients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Methods: PON1 L55M and Q192R single nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed in a group consisted of 100 patients with major depressive disorder, and 100 patients with bipolar disorder and 96 healthy controls. Polymorphisms were analyzed by using polymerase chain reaction. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between groups for the existence of PON1 genotypes. Additionally, there was no association between the PON1 genotypes and disease variables in both depressed and bipolar patients. Conclusions: Evaluating the different stages of patients with mood disorders and examining the connection between PON1 polymorphisms and treatment outcomes will help us to clarify the relationship between PON1 and mood disorders.Publisher's Versio