187 research outputs found

    An open, extendible, and fast Turkish morphological analyzer

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    In this paper, we present a two-level morphological analyzer for Turkish which consists of five main components: finite state transducer, rule engine for suffixation, lexicon, trie data structure, and LRU cache. We use Java language to implement finite state machine logic and rule engine, Xml language to describe the finite state transducer rules of the Turkish language, which makes the morphological analyzer both easily extendible and easily applicable to other languages. Empowered with a comprehensive lexicon of 54,000 bare-forms including 19,000 proper nouns, our morphological analyzer is amongst the most reliable analyzers produced so far. The analyzer is compared with Turkish morphological analyzers in the literature. By using LRU cache and a trie data structure, the system can analyze 100,000 words per second, which enables users to analyze huge corpora in a few hours.Publisher's Versio

    Sustainable construction within the context of national conditions

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    “Sürdürülebilirlik” ve “sürdürülebilir kalkınma” kavramları, 20. yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren, yaşamımızın her düzeyinde karşımıza çıkmakta olan iki güncel, kavramdır. Bu kavramların, doğrudan doğal ve yapılaşmış çevreyle ilgili olduğu düşünüldüğünde, mimarlık alanındaki ve inşaat sektöründeki yansımaları, anlamları ve kullanımları önem kazanmaktadır. Bu önem doğrultusunda, “sürdürülebilir yapım” kavramı, gerek bir süreç gerekse bir yöntem olarak gündeme gelmektedir. Günümüzde, doğal ve yapılaşmış çevrede, özellikle kentsel ölçekte olmak üzere tüm insan yerleşimlerinde küresel boyutlarda rastlanan çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlar; gelişmiş ülkelerde ‘çevresel öncelikli’, gelişmekte ve/veya az gelişmiş ülkelerde ise ‘ekonomik ve sosyal öncelikli’ olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İşte küresel düzeydeki bu çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlara ve olumsuz koşullara çare olarak, “sürdürülebilir kalkınma” ön plana çıkmıştır. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma, bugün, toplumu ve çevreyi ilgilendiren hemen her alanda, her sektörde, dikkate alınması gereken temel bir hedeftir, bütüncül bir çözüm yaklaşımıdır. İnşaat sektörü de, tüm bunlara bir istisna değildir; tam tersi, sürdürülebilir bir çevre ve topluma ulaşabilmede, sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefine varabilmede, en fazla etkili olabilecek sektörlerden birisidir. Bu düşünceler ışığında, bu çalışmanın amacı, yeni bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkan sürdürülebilir yapım ile ilgili literatür araştırması yaparak ve bu araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara dayanarak oluşturulacak sentezlerle, sürdürülebilir yapımın, ülkesel ve küresel ölçeklerde sürdürülebilir kalkınma ile olan ilişkisini ve ülkesel koşullar bağlamında sürdürülebilir yapım yaklaşımını ortaya koymaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sürdürülebilir kalkınma, inşaat sektörü, sürdürülebilir yapım.By the turn of the 20th century, due to fast industrialization and rapid urbanization, the natural and the built environment have been facing several environmental, economic and social problems. These problems are mostly environmental oriented in the developed countries, whereas they are more concerned with economic and social issues in the developing ones. To overcome these current problems and to ensure future progress in the improvement of economic, social and environmental conditions in human settlements, the concept of "sustainable development" has emerged as a challenge to realize economic and social development, and environmental protection, which are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development-the framework for our efforts to achieve a higher quality of life for all people. In 1987, The World Commission on Environment and Development - also referred as Brundtland Commission, defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" and it has become within the years, an influencing factor of government policy in most if not all countries around the world. Ever since the Rio Summit in 1992, when Agenda 21 was formulated, the concept of sustainability and sustainable development has slowly but surely penetrated the discussions on future direction and progress of all sectors of our society. Thus, we may argue that, in order to achieve sustainable development, its principles should be applied in all sectors of the society and, construction industry is not an exception to this. On the contrary, the construction industry and the built environment must be counted as two of the key areas if we are to achieve sustainable development in our societies. The Habitat II Agenda lays stress on the fact that the construction industry is a major contributor to socioeconomic development in every country. All these arguments bring the concept of "sustainable construction" into the agenda. The Kibert definition for sustainable construction; the creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and ecological principles" can also be considered as a starting point for defining sustainable construction precisely Accordingly, sustainable construction can be studied through its process, principles and resources. As defined in a CIB report "sustainable construction means that the principles of sustainable development are applied to the comprehensive construction cycle from the extraction and beneficiation of raw materials, through the planning, design and management of the resultant waste. It is a holistic process aiming to restore and maintain harmony between the natural and the built environments, while creating settlements that affirm human dignity and economic equity." Sustainable construction adopts different approaches and different priorities in different countries. Some of them identify economic, social and cultural considerations as part of their sustainable construction framework, but it is raised as a major issue in only a few countries. The main emphasis in national approaches so far has been on ecological impacts to the environment (biodiversity, tolerance of nature and resources). Thus, it can be argued that, in order to be able to achieve appropriate sustainable construction following globally accepted sustainable development principles, each country should initially define its own conditions and then set up sustainability principles for its construction industry. Besides, it is also suggested within the context of this paper, for achieving appropriate sustainable construction, a strategic management approach should be adapted to the process of defining strategies and action plans. With all these arguments in mind, the aim of this paper is to do a thorough literature research on the concept of sustainable construction and through the synthesis of this research, to explain the relationship between sustainable construction and sustainable development at national and global scales, and to set up a new approach to sustainable construction within the context of national conditions. Following this aim, first of all, the historic development of sustainable construction will be summarized, and then, based on the information gathered from the literature, the concept of sustainable construction will be discussed in detail, through its definitions, process, principles and resources. Having analyzed the concept from different points of view, this study will intend to suggest a new approach to sustainable construction within the context of national conditions. Keywords: Sustainable development, construction industry, sustainable construction. 

    112Sn(α, ) 116Te reaksiyonu için astrofiziksel S-faktörlerinin ve reaksiyon hızlarının hesaplanması

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    Çalışmamızda 112Sn(α,) 116Te reaksiyonunun reaksiyon hızları hesaplanmıştır. Hesaplamalar için TALYS 1.95 kodları kullanılmıştır. Ek olarak, düşük enerjili bölgelerde bir reaksiyon olasılığını açıklayan astrofiziksel S faktörleri elde edildi. Hesaplamalarımızın sonuçları, EXFOR veri tabanından alınan deneysel verilere göre kontrol edildi.In our study, the reaction rates of 112Sn(α, ) 116Te reaction were calculated. TALYS 1.95 codes were used for calculations. In addition, astrophysical S-factors were obtained that explain the probability of a reaction in low-energy regions. The results of our calculations were checked according to experimental data from the EXFOR database

    Cryptanalysis of Fridrich's chaotic image encryption

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    We cryptanalyze Fridrich's chaotic image encryption algorithm. We show that the algebraic weaknesses of the algorithm make it vulnerable against chosen-ciphertext attacks. We propose an attack that reveals the secret permutation that is used to shuffle the pixels of a round input. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack with examples and simulation results. We also show that our proposed attack can be generalized to other well-known chaotic image encryption algorithms.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [106E143]; Turkish Academy of Sciences [TUBA-GEBIP/2009]Ercan Solak and Cahit Cokal were supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under Project No. 106E143. Turker Biyikoglu was supported by Turkish Academy of Sciences through Young Scientist Award Program (TUBA-GEBIP/2009).Publisher's Versio


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    Bu çalışmada, atık lastiklerden beton içinde kullanmak amacıyla ince ve iri lastik agregalar üretilmiştir. Bu lastik agregalar normal agrega ile sırasıyla % 5, 10, 15 ve 20 oranlarında hacimsel olarak yer değiştirilmek suretiyle lastik agregalı betonlar elde edilmiştir. Üretilen lastik agregalı betonların fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Eğilmede çekme deneylerinin yapılabilmesi için 100x100x500 mm ebatlarında kiriş numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Bu numuneler eğilmede çekme deneylerine tabi tutularak deney esnasında kirişlerin orta noktalarından elde edilen sehim miktarları ölçülmüştür. Bu sehim miktarlarından faydalanarak üretilen lastik agregalı betonların elastisite modülleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, üretilen lastik agregalı betonların elastisite modülleri çeşitli ülkelerin standartlarında önerilen ampirik formüllerle de hesaplanmıştır. Deneysel olarak belirlenen elastisite modülleri ile ampirik formüllerle hesaplanan elastisite modülleri arasındaki ilişki belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, betondaki lastik miktarı arttıkça deneysel verilerle hesaplanan elastisite modülleri ile ampirik formüllerle hesaplanan elastisite modülleri arasındaki ilişkinin azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak, Amerika Beton Enstitüsü (ACI) tarafından önerilen formül ile deneysel olarak hesaplanan elastisite modülü arasında oldukça yüksek bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür

    A Study Investigating the Perceived Service Quality Levels of Sport Center Members: A Kano Model Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate sport center members' perceived service quality levels with a view to Kano customer expectations and requirements model. To that end, a descriptive approach and a correlational research design featuring survey method is adopted. Research group consists of 680 (300 women, 380 men) sport center members who are chosed through multistage sampling (Cluster). “Sport Fitness Centers Perceived Service Quality Scale and Expectation Scale are used as data collection tools. Independent samples t-test, Pearson Correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression tests are used to analyzed the data. In the light of the findings, it is seen that all the subdimensions have medium or high level positive significant relationships with the expectation when the subdimensions of the expectation scale and the SFC-PSQS are compared.According to the results of the Independent Samples T-test, the expectation levels of the customers stating that the programme fee is expensive are significantly lower. In conclusion, as the customers’ perception of service quality in the sport center increases, their expectation levels also generally increase significantly. The customers expect that the quality of service they receive to be high and to meet their expectations exceedingly. However, it is also predicted that physical and psychosocial factors affecting the expectation can also affect the perception of service quality at a significant level. Since the service quality and meeting the expectations of the customers is an important indicator to maintain the businesses’ existence, studying with multiple factors attempting to understand the nature of service quality and the customer expectations should be conducted

    Electrophysiological Correlation and Gradation of Patients Prediagnosed With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    DergiPark: 378999tmsjAims: In this study, it is aimed to detect electrophysiological correlation of patients who were referred to TrakyaUniversity Medical Research Center Neurology Clinics Electromyography (EMG) lab in 2014 with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pre-diagnosis and grade them based on electrophysiological features.Methods: Electromyography (EMG) records of 174 patients who were sent to electromyography lab in 2014 withCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pre diagnosis were scanned retrospectively. Patients were recorded with the data of gender and age. Correlation between pre diagnosis and electrophysiological diagnosis were reported statistically by using Kappa and McNemar tests. Patients were classified based on sex using Chi-square test. Number and percentages, arithmetic mean± standard deviation, median (minimum-maximum) were used as descriptive analysis. Results: Out of all electrophysiological diagnosis, 62 patients (35.6%) were consistent with pre diagnosis when 112(64.4%) were inconsistent. Out of patients who were diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) according to their electromyography (EMG) findings, 31 patients (48.4%) had mild syndrome.Conclusion: A big inconsistency between pre diagnosis and electromyography (EMG) results was detected. It isimportant to make a more careful and detailed examination to fix this proble

    Common polymorphisms of growth hormone: Growth hormone receptor axis in Turkish children with short stature

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    Objective: A single-nucleotide polymorphism of the growth hormone 1 gene, GH1IVS4+90A>T (rs2665802), associated with short stature and a polymorphism of the growth hormone receptor gene, exon 3 deleted variant, associated with increased responsiveness to growth hormone have been reported previously. We aimed to investigate the frequency of both polymorphisms and their correlation to height in Turkish short children. Also, we aimed to evaluate the effect of exon 3 deleted variant on response to 1-year growth hormone therapy. Materials and Methods: Children with idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency (n = 39) and with idiopathic short stature (n = 10) and 50 control subjects were evaluated for anthropo-metric parameters, annual growth velocity, and annual height gain. Growth hormone receptor gene polymorphisms were analyzed via multiplex polymerase chain reaction; growth hormone 1 gene polymorphism was analyzed via polymerase chain reaction and single-strand confor-mation polymorphism techniques. Results: The frequency of genotypes carrying the “A” allele was not significantly higher in the idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency group than in the idiopathic short stature and control groups (P = .03 for each). The exon 3 deleted variant genotype was significantly lower in the idiopathic short stature group compared to the control group (P = .01). There was no effect of exon 3 deleted variant, on response to the first-year growth hormone therapy. Conclusion: In Turkish population, no correlation was found between the “A” allele of GH1IVS4+90A>T polymorphism and idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency and short stature, and a significant negative correlation was found between exon 3 deleted variant and idiopathic short stature and short stature. Exon 3 deleted variant has no effect on response to growth hormone treatment.Istanbul Universit