138 research outputs found


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    Background: Increased burnout level and decreased job satisfaction in oncology nurses negatively affect the quality of life of the employees and impair the quality of nursing care, services to be provided. Subjects and methods: The aim of this study was to determine levels and to compare of burnout and job satisfaction among cancer nurses in oncology, hematology and palliative care clinics.The research was conducted between July 2019-December 2019 in oncology, hematology and pallitive care clinics in three different public training and research hospitals. Each nurse completed a Sociodemographic Data Form, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Maslach Burnout Scale. Results: Nurses were working for averagely 50.81±7.59 hours per week and averagely 200.72±29.09 hours per month. Mean weekly shift number of the nurses was 9.49±4.43. There was a statistically significant and negative correlation between the emotional exhaustion subscale scores of the nurses included in the study and their internal satisfaction scores external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). There was a statistically significant and negative correlation between the nurses’ Depersonalisation subscale scores and internal satisfaction scores, external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). A statistically significant and positive correlation was found between the nurses’ personal accomplishment subscale scores and internal satisfaction scores, external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). Conclusion: Nurses in palliative care clinics had the highest emotional exhaustion. Also there is a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and burnout levels of nurses working in hemotology, oncology and palliative care clinics providing care to cancer patients. There is a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and burnout levels of nurses working in hemotology, oncology and palliative care clinics providing care to cancer patients


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    Background: Increased burnout level and decreased job satisfaction in oncology nurses negatively affect the quality of life of the employees and impair the quality of nursing care, services to be provided. Subjects and methods: The aim of this study was to determine levels and to compare of burnout and job satisfaction among cancer nurses in oncology, hematology and palliative care clinics.The research was conducted between July 2019-December 2019 in oncology, hematology and pallitive care clinics in three different public training and research hospitals. Each nurse completed a Sociodemographic Data Form, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Maslach Burnout Scale. Results: Nurses were working for averagely 50.81±7.59 hours per week and averagely 200.72±29.09 hours per month. Mean weekly shift number of the nurses was 9.49±4.43. There was a statistically significant and negative correlation between the emotional exhaustion subscale scores of the nurses included in the study and their internal satisfaction scores external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). There was a statistically significant and negative correlation between the nurses’ Depersonalisation subscale scores and internal satisfaction scores, external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). A statistically significant and positive correlation was found between the nurses’ personal accomplishment subscale scores and internal satisfaction scores, external satisfaction scores and total satisfaction scores (p<0.001). Conclusion: Nurses in palliative care clinics had the highest emotional exhaustion. Also there is a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and burnout levels of nurses working in hemotology, oncology and palliative care clinics providing care to cancer patients. There is a significant correlation between the job satisfaction and burnout levels of nurses working in hemotology, oncology and palliative care clinics providing care to cancer patients

    Violence faced by nursing students in clinical practicals and its effects: A questionnaire survey

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    Nursing students may be exposed to all the kinds of violence in clinical practice areas. Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine the violence faced by nursing students in clinical practice areas, its effect on the gender factor and the feelings and behavior of students after the violence.Methods: The study took place at a Foundation University in Bolu, Turkey over the period 2013-2014. The students' levels of voilence were assessed second, third and fourth years of the program. The research population consisted of the 256 students in the nursing department at the school. The sample group of the study consisted of a total of 220 students. Data were collected with a Student Information Form prepared by the researchers.Results: 69.1% of students were exposed to violence during their practicals, and this mostly (70.5%) took the form of verbal violence. 83.4% of female students reported that they were exposed to physical violence, 53.3% of them reported verbal violence and 60% reported that they were exposed to sexual violence, while 70.6% of the male students reported that they were exposed to gender discrimination. Among the forms of violence experienced, it was found that there was a statistically significant relationship (p&lt;0.05) to gender.Conclusions: These results showed that students were frequently exposed to violence in clinical areas, the form of violence was mostly verbal violence, the majority of male students were exposed to gender discrimination

    Do Oil Prices Have an Effects on Food Prices? Fresh Evidences from Türkiye

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between oil prices and food prices for January 2003-September 2022 in Türkiye. Design/methodology/approach – Variable associations were examined using the RALS cointegration test. The RALS-ADL cointegration test uses information in non-dispersed errors. Thus, it produces more powerful predictions for non-normal distributions compared to cointegration tests. In addition, this test avoids widespread practices such as predetermining a particular functional form. Findings – The results show that the series have a cointegration connection. The DOLS, FMOLS, and Canonic cointegration approaches produced long-term coefficients in agreement with the discovery of a long-term association. Although the results of the applied tests were comparable, the results of the FMOLS and Canonik tests are substantially more comparable. Given that FMOLS technique is more effective than others and produces outcomes comparable to those of Canonik approach, its results have been interpreted in this situation. As a result, while having a positive sign, the exchange rate variable is not statistically significant. In terms of food prices, oil prices have a negative explanatory power. The CPI variable has a considerable impacts on both the present and future pricing of food. Our findings demonstrate that the price of oil does not always correlate with the price of food, and vice versa. Discussion – There are certain recommendations that can be made to researchers and policymakers based on the findings. Supporting contract farming, which has recently been mentioned, will improve food sufficiency and the balance of food stocks, particularly during times of crisis. On the demand side, the preference for locally produced foods can reduce the over-reliance on food imports, which frequently worsens the country's status with regard to food prices and may lower the dryness. From this vantage point, future research can contrast oil-exporting nations and oil-importing countries in terms of the food price-oil price connection, whereas the current study focuses on the relationships between oil prices and food prices in Türkiye

    Gender Differences in Wage Negotiations: An Ultimatum Game Experiment

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    The gender gap in wages that is accepted as a major economic and social issue, can arise from the behaviours of individuals. The fact that the labor force participation rate of women in Turkey is quite low compared to other OECD countries is also an important problem. Women really may accept lower wages in negotiations. However, perceptions that women may accept lower offers may affect offers made by employers. This attitude of employers may cause a gender gap in wages and a low female labor force participation rate. We explore the behavioural gender differences during bargaining by using the ultimatum game. Altruism, risk aversion, generosity, and self-confidence have a significant impact on preferences and so the results of wage bargaining. The ultimatum game is an effective tool for understanding altruism, risk aversion, and generosity. We found two important results in this study. First; when the proposer knows the gender of the other party, his/her offers to women are lower than those to men. Latter; When the gender of the other party is known, female proposers bid higher than men. These results provide evidence that gender income inequality in the labor market may be due to the attitudes of employers (especially men employers). These results can actually explain why the female labor force participation rate is low in Turkey, but more detailed studies are needed on this subject. This study contributes to the literature as one of the few studies examining the wage bargaining of employers with male and female workers in Turkey

    Allocation of component types to machines in the automated assembly of printed circuit boards

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    Duman, Ekrem (Dogus Author) -- An earlier version of this paper which has been presented at ISCIS'06: The 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, November 1-3, 2006 Istanbul, Turkey, has been published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science [18].Although the use of electronic component placement machines has brought reliability and speed to the printed circuit board (PCB) assembly process, to get higher utilization, one needs to solve the resulting complex operations research problems efficiently. In this study, the problem of distributing the assembly workload to two machines deployed on an assembly line with two identical component placement machines to minimize the line idle time is considered. This problem is NP-Complete even in its simplest form. A mathematical model and several heuristics have been proposed to solve this problem efficiently

    Determining the Efficiency of Different Preoperative Difficult Intubation Tests on Patients Undergoing Caesarean Section

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    Background: Pregnancy-induced anatomical and physiological changes in the airway make airway management difficult in obstetric patients; thus, preoperative evaluation of the airway is important for obstetric patients. Aims: To determine the effectiveness of the modified Mallampati test; the interincisor, sternomental and thyromental distances and the upper limb bite test. The second aim was to assess the effectiveness of the combination of the upper limb bite test with the other tests in obstetric patients. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Pregnant women (n=250) scheduled for caesarean section were analysed. The patients' ages, heights and weights were collected. Preoperative airway evaluation was done by using a modified version of the Mallampati test. The interincisor, sternomental and thyromental distances were measured, and the upper limb bite test was performed. The laryngoscopy difficulty was evaluated by using Cormack-Lehane classification. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between groups in age, height or weight (p&gt;0.05). The modified Mallampati test and interincisor, sternomental and thyromental distances revealed a lower number of easy intubations than that determined by the Cormack-Lehane classification and a higher number of difficult intubations than the actual number of cases (p&lt;0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of the modified Mallampati test, the upper limb bite test, the interincisor distance test and the sternomental and thyromental distance tests were found to be 73.08, 57.69, 84.62, 80.77 and 88.46 and 90.62, 99.11, 83.04, 84.37 and 87.05, respectively. When the combinations were examined, the sensitivity and specificity of the combination of the upper limb bite test with the modified Mallampati test were found to be 57.69 and 100, respectively. When the upper limb bite test was combined with the interincisor distance, the sensitivity and specificity were 46.15 and 100, respectively. We found a sensitivity and specificity of 93.75 and 95.30, respectively, for the combination of the upper limb bite test with the thyromental distance test. The sensitivity and specificity of the combination of the upper limb bite test with the modified Mallampati test and interincisor distance test were found to be 46.15 and 100, respectively. For combination of all the tests, the sensitivity and specificity was 42.31 and 100, respectively. Conclusion: When all combinations are evaluated in the decision of difficult intubation, the combination of the upper limb bite test and thyromental distance test is superior to the use of other methods alone to predict difficult intubation in pregnant women

    Hastaların Ameliyat Öncesi Dönemde Korku Düzeyleri İle Öğrenim Gereksinimleri Arasındaki İlişki

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    Giriş: Cerrahi müdahale geçirecek hastaların %60-80’inin ameliyat öncesinde sürece yönelik korku hissettikleri ve korkunun cerrahi süreci olumsuz etkilediği bilinmektedir. Yaşanılan bu korku hastaların öğrenme gereksininmlerini de etkilemektedir. Amaç: Bu araştırma cerrahi müdahale geçirecek hastaların yaşadığı korku ile öğrenim gereksinimleri durumları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Araştırma, Eylül 2018- Ocak 2019 arasında Batı Karadeniz bölgesinde yer alan bir üniversite hastanesinin genel cerrahi kliniğinde ameliyat olmak için kabul edilen hastalar üzerinde yapıldı. Verilerin toplanmasında “Hasta Tanılama Formu”, “Hasta Öğrenim Gereksinimleri Ölçeği” ve “Cerrahi Korku Ölçeği” kullanıldı. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılanların %85.6’sının 18-65 yaş aralığında olduğu, %43.2 'sinin lise eğitim düzeyinde, %57.6 ‘sının kronik hastalığının bulunmadığı saptandı.Ameliyat öncesinde hastaların hasta öğrenim gereksinimleri puanı ile sosyodemografik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelendiği analiz sonuçlarına göre yaş, eğitim düzeyi, kronik hastalık durumu değişkenleri ile hasta öğrenim gereksinimleri ölçeği puanı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptandı (p&lt;0.05). Sonuç ve Öneriler: Araştırma sonucunda hastaların yaşadıkları korku ile öğrenme gereksinimleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmamakla birlikte, negatif yönde zayıf bir ilişki bulundu. Ayrıca ameliyat olacak genel cerrahi hastalarının öğrenim gereksinimlerinin yüksek olduğu bulundu. Çalışma farklı hasta gruplarında ve daha kapsamlı örneklemler üzerinde denenerek kesin yargılara ulaşılabilir

    Turkish thoracic society early career members task force group’s virtual congress notes: european respiratory society international congress 2020

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    In this article, Early Career Task Force Group members of the Turkish Thoracic Society summarize the European Respiratory Society 2020 virtual congress. Current developments in the field of respiratory diseases were compiled with the addition of sessions specific to coronavirus disease 2019 this year. Almost all of the congress sessions were examined, and the important and striking results of the congress were highlighted. Congress sessions were attended by expert researchers, and the prominent messages of each session were highlighted in short summaries. They were then grouped under relevant titles and ranked in order of meaning and relation. It was finalized by a team of researchers

    Snapshot evaluation of acute and chronic heart failure in real-life in Turkey: a follow-up data for mortality

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    Objective: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive clinical syndrome. SELFIE-TR is a registry illustrating the overall HF patient profile of Turkey. Herein, all-cause mortality (ACM) data during follow-up were provided. Methods: This is a prospective outcome analysis of SELFIE-TR. Patients were classified as acute HF (AHF) versus chronic HF (CHF) and HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), HF with mid-range ejection fraction, and HF with preserved ejection fraction and were followed up for ACM. Results: There were 1054 patients with a mean age of 63.3±13.3 years and with a median follow-up period of 16 (7–17) months. Survival data within 1 year were available in 1022 patients. Crude ACM was 19.9% for 1 year in the whole group. ACM within 1 year was 13.7% versus 32.6% in patients with CHF and AHF, respectively (p<0.001). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker, beta blocker, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist were present in 70.6%, 88.2%, and 50.7%, respectively. In the whole cohort, survival curves were graded according to guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) scores ?1 versus 2 versus 3 as 28% versus 20.2% versus 12.2%, respectively (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis of the whole cohort yielded age (p=0.009) and AHF (p=0.028) as independent predictors of mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: One-year mortality is high in Turkish patients with HF compared with contemporary cohorts with AHF and CHF. Of note, GDMT score is influential on 1-year mortality being the most striking one on chronic HFrEF. On the other hand, in the whole cohort, age and AHF were the only independent predictors of death in 1 yea