18 research outputs found

    Line Tipi İki Farklı Kan-Sıvı Isıtıcısının Serum Seti Üzerine Etkileri

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    Line Tipi İki Farklı Kan-Sıvı Isıtıcısının Serum Seti Üzerine Etkileri</p

    Is There Risk of Emboli during Infusion with Line Type Blood-Liquid Warmers?

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    Introduction: Line type blood-liquid warmers are used widely due to their low expense, practical use and nondependence on sets. We aimed to investigate the relationship of bubbles in line type warmers with two different warming properties. Materials and methods: : Two groups were designed with S-line and Astoflo® brand blood-liquid warmers. By using 10 medisets for each group (n = 20), we infused 1,000 mL 0.9% NaCl solutions at 350 mL.hour-1 speed for one hour in the operating room. Temperatures at the proximal, midway and distal parts of lines, temperature of experiment environment, temperature of liquid used and temperature of liquid reaching the cannula after warming were measured. Time to visually observable bubble formation was recorded. We compared findings statistically using the Mann- Whitney U test. Results: There were no differences between the groups with respect to temperatures at the proximal, midway and distal parts of lines, temperature of experiment environment, temperature of liquid used and temperature of liquid reaching the cannula (p > 0.05). Bubbles were observed with both warmers and time to bubble formation was similar in the two study groups (p = 0.143). Conclusions: In the experimental setting, we have designed conditions similar to our clinical environment. Both types of warmers provided similar warming levels and formed visible bubbles. Considering that low amounts of emboli can be fatal in infants and children, bubble formation should be taken seriously into account for emboli and further studies should be carried out to determine the amount, the reasons and the contents of bubble formation. Keywords: Embolism, Equipment and Supplies, Infusions, Intravenous, Isotonic Solution

    Há risco de êmbolos durante a infusão com o uso de aquecedores com linhas de aquecimento de sangue e líquidos?

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    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os aquecedores de sangue e de líquidos que aquecem em linha são amplamente usados por causa do baixo custo, do uso prático e porque não dependem de equipamentos. Nosso objetivo foi investigar a formação de bolhas em dois aquecedores tipo linha com duas formas de aquecimento diferentes. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dois grupos foram designados às marcas de aquecedores de sangue e líquidos: S-line e Astoflo®. Com o uso de 10 conjuntos de soro para cada grupo (n = 20), 1.000 mL de solução NaCl a 9% foram infundidos a 350 mL.hora-1 durante uma hora na sala de operação. As seguintes temperaturas foram mensuradas: das partes proximal, intermediária e distal das linhas; do ambiente de ensaio; do líquido usado e do líquido ao atingir a cânula após o aquecimento. O tempo para a formação visível de bolhas foi registrado. Os achados foram estatisticamente comparados com o uso do teste-U de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação às temperaturas proximal, intermediária e distal das partes das linhas; do ambiente do estudo; do líquido usado e do líquido ao atingir a cânula (p > 0,05). Bolhas foram observadas nos dois aquecedores e o tempo para a formação de bolhas foi semelhante nos dois grupos de estudo (p = 0,143). CONCLUSÕES: No cenário experimental, criamos condições semelhantes ao nosso ambiente clínico. Ambos os tipos de aquecedores forneceram níveis de aquecimento semelhantes e formaram bolhas visíveis. Considerando que uma pequena quantidade de êmbolos pode ser fatal em bebês e crianças, a formação de bolhas deve ser seriamente considerada em caso de êmbolos e estudos adicionais devem ser feitos para determinar a quantidade, as razões e os conteúdos da formação de bolhas

    Effects of line type blood-liquid warmer on two different infusion sets

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    © 2015 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved.Objective: To investigate the source of 'bubbles' in infusion sets which were caused by the 'line type' blood-liquid warmers used in operation rooms to prevent hypothermia. Methods: The experimental study was conducted from August to September 2012 at the Thoracic Surgery Department of Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, by warming liquids in the operation room experimentally in a setting similar to clinical routine. Initially, 0.9% sodium chloride solution was infused using S-line blood-liquid warmers with Medisetin patients who were placed in Group M). The IPC Group had Intrafix Primeline Confortset at a rate of 350ml/hour in the operating room. The initiation time and level of bubble formation, temperatures of the operation room, infusion liquid, S-line device, line of the device, and the liquid at the outflow were recorded. Data was analysed with SPSS 15. Result: The two groups had 10 subjects each. The temperatures of the working area, the liquid before and after being placed in the warming device, the proximal-middle and distal parts of the line and the set temperature on the screen of the device were similar and the difference between them was not statistically significant (p>0.05). While no bubble formation was observed in Group IPC, bubbles were formed after 9.80±0.78 minutes and the level of bubble formation was close to 3 in Group Mediset (2.80±1.03). The main difference between the two groups was di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate content of Mediset. Conclusion: Infusion sets containing di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate should not be used with warming devices in order to avoid toxic effects

    Epidural Katater Tesbit Materyaline Bağlı Ciltte Gelişen Mantar Enfeskiyonu

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    Epidural Katater Tesbit Materyaline Bağlı Ciltte Gelişen Mantar Enfeskiyonu</p

    Demonstration of the protective effect of propofol in rat model of cisplatin-induced neuropathy

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    Cisplatin is commonly used in the treatment of lung, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal cancers. Peripheral neuropathy is the most important side effect, leading to a decrease in the dose of cisplatin or its complete cessation in the early period. 16 rats were given cisplatin at a dose of 2.5 mg/ kg/day twice a week for 4 weeks to induce neuropathy model. The rats taking Cisplatin were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 rats (n = 8) were given 1 ml/kg/day 0.9 % NaCl intraperitoneally, and Group 2 rats were given 10 mg/kg/day Propofol intraperitoneally daily for 4 weeks. The remaining 8 rats served as the control group. At the end of the study, all animals were tested for motor functions. Blood samples were collected for the measurement of plasma lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde; MDA), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), glutathione (GSH), IL-6 and HSP-70 levels. Electromyography fi ndings revealed that compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude was signifi cantly higher in the cisplatin-Propofol group than in the cisplatin-saline group. Also, cisplatin-Propofol treated group showed signifi cantly lower TNF-α, MDA and IL-6 levels and higher GSH and HSP-70 levels than cispalatin-Saline group (p < 0.01, p < 0.001). In addition, while the CMAP latency was decreased in the propofol group, the CMAP amplitude was increased, and a signifi cant improvement was observed in the Inclined test scores. Besides, histological examinations showed an increase in axon diameter and NGF expression with Propofol treatment. This study demonstrated that Propofol exerts protective activity against cisplatin-induced neurotoxicity by increasing endogenous antioxidants and reducing lipid peroxidation and infl ammation (Tab. 3, Fig. 4, Ref. 30). Text in PDF www.elis.s

    Does heated erythrocyte suspension transfusion with medical devices containing phthalates increase DEHP and MEHP levels?

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    Aims It is commonly known that stored blood and blood products are heated before transfusion to prevent hypothermia, which leads to increased di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) content leaching into the blood and blood products and thereby causes greater conversion of DEHP to mono (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP). However, there has been no study in the literature reporting on the amount of toxic phthalates in blood following the erythrocyte suspension (ES) transfused via warming. In this study, we aimed to investigate the DEHP and MEHP content in blood following the heated ES transfusions administered by DEHP-containing and DEHP-free infusion sets. Methods The study included 30 patients that were randomly divided into two groups with 15 patients each: group I underwent ES transfusion via DEHP-containing infusion sets warmed with blood-fluid warmers, and group II underwent ES transfusion via DEHP-free infusion sets warmed with blood-fluid warmers. DEHP and MEHP levels were measured both before and after transfusion. Results DEHP-free infusion sets led to no increase in the phthalate content, whereas DEHP-containing infusion sets significantly increased the DEHP and MEHP, where the DEHP level increased almost four times (P = .001). Conclusion DEHP-containing products lead to toxicity. Therefore, using DEHP-free medical devices may prevent toxicity in patients undergoing ES transfusion.Yuzuncu Yil University Individual Research ProjectYuzuncu Yil University [2013-TF-B029]Yuzuncu Yil University Individual Research Project (2013-TF-B029