92 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la fitotoxicidad de un lixiviado de Relleno Sanitario sobre Phaseolus vulgaris L y supervivencia de microorganismos de importancia sanitaria

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    In landfill, the organic fraction of municipal solid waste generated leachate (LE), a chemical inorganic and organicmix an environmental pollutant to determine by Leachate Pollution Index (LPI). A bioassay could give certainty toits negative effect. To include pathogenic human microorganisms (PHM) and mesophilic total aerobic bacteria(MTAB) different than fecal and total coliforms would have health value. The objectives of this research were i)analyzed the phytotoxicity of leachate on Phaseolus vulgaris and ii) to detect in LE the existence of HPM andMATB. A bioassay ``in vitro´´ was made in Petri dishes and Leonard jars using seeds P. vulgaris treated by diluted leachate. The response variables of bioassay were: germination percentage, phenotype: plant height and rootlength, biomass total: fresh and dry weight of root and plant. Including HPM and MATB detection. Experimentaldata was analyzed by Tukey p<0.05. The results indicated that LE caused inhibition and/or stimulation on P.vulgaris; Leachate´s phytoxicity was depending on its chemical composition and level dilution, this suggests thattoxic effect is due its heavy metals and extreme alkalinity, killing HPM in leachate but not MATB. A bioassay P. vulgaris is useful to define degree of benefical and/or toxicity of LE, and validate LPI. While is important to knowthe role of HPM in LE and potential environmental biological contamination.En relleno sanitario la fracción orgánica de residuos sólidos urbanos genera un lixiviado (LX), mezcla químicainorgánica e orgánica contaminante ambiental para definir el Índice de Contaminación de Lixiviado (ICL), el cualapoyado en modelo vegetal daría certeza del efecto negativo del LX. Además incluir la detección de microorganismos patógenos humanos (MPH) y bacterias mesófilas aerobias totales (BMAT) diferentes a coliformes fecalesy totales tendría valor sanitario. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: i) analizar la fitotoxicidad de un LX en Phaseolus vulgaris, ii) detectar la existencia en el LX de MPH y BMAT. Con un bioensayo ``in vitro´´ en cajas Petri y enJarra de Leonard con semillas de P. vulgaris tratadas con LX a distintas concentraciones. Las variables respuestadel bioensayo fueron: porcentaje de germinación, fenología: altura de planta y longitud de raíz y biomasa: pesofreso y seco aéreo y radical y la detección de los MPH y BMAT. Los datos experimentales se analizaron porTukey p<0.05. Los resultados indicaron una inhibición y/o estimulación del crecimiento P. vulgaris en función dela composición química y dilución del LX, por el efecto toxico de sus metales pesados y alcalinidad extrema queevitaron la supervivencia de los MPH, pero no de las BMAT. Se concluye que un bioensayo con P. vulgaris defineel grado de beneficio o toxicidad de un LX, y da validez al ICL. Mientras que es necesario investigar la importan- cia de BMHT en LX y su potencial de contaminación biológica ambiental

    Inoculation with rumen fluid in early life as a strategy to optimize the weaning process in intensive dairy goat systems

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    Ruminants are born with an undeveloped physical, metabolic, and microbial rumen. Rumen development is limited under artificial rearing systems when newborn animals are separated from the dam, fed on milk replacer, and weaned at an early age. This study aims to evaluate the effects of early-life inoculation of young ruminants with rumen fluid from adult animals. Eighty newborn goat kids were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 experimental treatments and inoculated daily from d 1 to wk 11 with autoclaved rumen fluid (AUT), fresh rumen fluid obtained from adult goats fed either a forage diet (RFF) or concentrate-rich diet (RFC), or absence of inoculation (CTL). Goat kids were artificially reared with ad libitum access to milk replacer, starter concentrate, and forage hay. Blood was sampled weekly and rumen microbial fermentation was monitored at 5 (preweaning), 7 (weaning), and 9 wk of age (postweaning). Results indicated that inoculation with fresh rumen fluid accelerated the rumen microbial and fermentative development before weaning. As a result, RFC and RFF animals had higher solid feed intake (+73%), rumen concentrations of ammonia-N (+26%), total volatile fatty acids (+46%), butyrate (+50%), and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (+48%), and lower milk intake (−6%) than CTL and AUT animals at wk 5. Inoculation with fresh inoculum also promoted early rumen colonization by a complex and abundant protozoal community, whereas CTL animals remained protozoa free. Although all kids experienced moderate growth retardation during 1 wk after weaning, inoculation with fresh rumen fluid favored the weaning process, leading to 2.2 times higher weight gain than CTL and AUT animals during wk 8. Some of these advantages were retained during the postweaning period and RFF and RFC animals showed higher forage intake (up to +44%) than CTL and AUT animals with no detrimental effects on feed digestibility or stress levels. The superior microbial load of RFC compared with RFF inoculum tended to provide further improvements in terms of forage intake, plasma β-hydroxybutyrate, and rumen protozoa, whereas AUT inoculation provided minor (if any) advantages with respect to CTL animals. Although no differences were noted on animal growth, this study suggests that early life inoculation of goat kids with rumen microbiota can represent an effective strategy to accelerate the rumen development, facilitating a smooth transition from milk to solid feed and to the potential implementation of early weaning strategies.This study was funded by the Spanish government through the project AGL2017-86938-R and the Training Program for Academics grant, Madrid, Spain (FPU16/01981)

    Multiple phase and dielectric transitions on a novel multi-sensitive [TPrA][M(dca)3] (M: Fe2+, Co2+ and Ni2+) hybrid inorganic–organic perovskite family

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    The hybrid inorganic–organic [TPrA][M(dca)3] (M: Fe2+, Co2+ and Ni2+) compounds, where TPrA is the tetrapropylammonium cation and dca is the dicyanamide anion, are unique multi-sensitive compounds that display multiple phases and dielectric transitions. These materials exhibit up to three first-order structural transitions (between the polymorphs I, Ia, Ib and II) associated with the same number of dielectric transitions in the temperature range of 210–360 K. The mechanisms responsible for these dielectric responses are found to be novel within the hybrid perovskites, involving ionic displacements of the A-site cations (TPrA) and order/disorder processes of the X anions (dca). In addition, the phase transitions and dielectric transition temperatures can be tuned by applying external hydrostatic pressure or by inducing internal pressure by modifying the tolerance factor through ionic substitution in the B-sites. This multi-sensitive response towards temperature, external and internal pressure opens up promising technological applications for this family of materials, such as dielectric transductors or multistimuli-sensors, whose response can be modulated in a wide range of temperatures and pressuresThe authors are grateful for the financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO (MINECO) ENE2014-56237-C4-4-R and Xunta de Galicia under the project GRC2014/042. J. M. B.-G. also wants to thank Barrié Foundation for a predoctoral fellowship and S. Y.-V. to the Xunta de Galicia for a postdoctoral grant (Plan I2C)S

    Respuesta de Phaseolus vulgaris a microorganismos promotores de crecimiento vegetal

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the response of P. vulgaris to single inoculation or to PGPM of dose reduced to 50% of NF. In that sense seeds of P. vulgaris were inoculated individually with B. cereus, R. etli or T. harzianum and as a PGPM consortium in a hydroponic system Leonard jars, fed with NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate) 50%, reduced dose. Under an experimental randomized block design; response variables measured were: percentage and days to germination, plant height and root length, weight fresh/ dry air and root weight (AFW/ADW/RFW/RDW) to seedling and flowering, experimental data were validated by Tukey, p ≤ 0.05. Results showed that P. vulgaris inoculated with R. etli and T. harzianum had 100% and 95.8% germination in 4.8 and 4.5 days respectively and statistically different compared to 91.7% in 7.17 days of P. vulgaris not inoculated at 100% NF had as a Fertilizer Control (FC). At seedling stage of P. vulgaris with T. harzianum and R. etli had 1.12 g and 0.72 g of ADW and of 0.31 and 0.21 g RDW; while P. vulgaris response used as FC with 0.52 g and ADW and 0.19 g of RDW. This supports the positive potential of R. etli and T. harzianum for producing P. vulgaris reduced dose of NF, as well the positive effect of B cereus and microbial consortium in the legume.El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la respuesta de P. vulgaris a la inoculación individual y consorcio de MPCV a dosis reducida al 50% del FN. Para ello se inoculó P. vulgaris individualmente con: B. cereus, R. etli y T. harzianum y en consorcio de MPCV en jarras de Leonard tratada con NH4NO3 al 50 %, bajo un diseño experimental de bloques al azar; con variables respuestas: porcentaje y días a germinación, altura de planta y longitud radical, peso fresco/seco aéreo y radical (PFA/PSA/PFR/PSR) a plántula y floración; los datos experimentales se analizaron por Tukey, p ≤ 0,05. Los resultados mostraron que P. vulgaris inoculado con R. etli y T. harzianum tuvo un 100 % y 95,8% de germinación o emergencia en 4,8 y 4,5 días, respectivamente, valores con diferencia estadística en comparación con el 91,7% en 7,17 días en P. vulgaris sin inocular con el 100% de FN o testigo fertilizado (TF). En la etapa de plántula de P. vulgaris con T. harzianum y R. etli fue de 1,12 g y 0,72 g PSA, así como de 0,31 g y 0,21 de PSR, respectivamente, superior a P. vulgaris (TF) de 0,52 g de PSA y 0,19 g de PSR. Lo anterior apoya el potencial de R. etli y T. harzianum para la producción de P. vulgaris a dosis reducida de FN, comparado con el efecto positivo individual de B. cereus y en consorcio en la misma leguminosa

    Existencia y supervivencia de esporas de variedades de Bacillus thuringiesis en granos de almacén

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    Genus Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) synthesized spores and crystals toxic to pest-insects in agriculture. Bt is comospolitanthen possible to isolate some subspecies or varieties from warehouse. The aims of study were: i) to isolate Bt varietiesfrom grain at werehouse ii) to evaluate Bt toxicity on Spodoptera frugiperda and Shitophilus zeamaisese iii) to analyzeBt spores persistence in Zea mays grains at werehouse compared to same Bt on grains exposed to sun radiation. Resultsshowed that at werehouse were recovered more than one variety of Bt spores. According to each isolate Bt1 o Bt2 weretoxic to S. frugiperda or S. zeamaisese. One those Bt belong to var morrisoni. At werehouse these spores on Z. maysgrains surviving more time, while the same spores exposed to boicide sun radiation they died.El género de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) sintetiza esporas y cristales tóxicos para insectos-plaga agrícolas. La especie deBt es cosmopolita, por lo que es posible aislar subespecies de granos almacenados dado que las esporas persisten por mástiempo ahí que en la intemperie. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: i) aislar subespecies de Bt de granos almacenados ii)evaluar la toxicidad de esos Bt en Spodoptera frugiperda y Shitophilus zeamaisese iii) analizar la persistencia de esasesporas en granos de Zea mays almacenados y expuestos al ambiente abierto. Los resultados indican que existen esporasde subespecies de Bt en granos almacenados. De acuerdo con el aislado Bt1 o Bt2 fueron tóxicos para S. frugiperda y S.zeamaisese. Se sugiere que una de esos Bt fue la var morrisoni. Esas esporas en granos de Z. mays almacenado superviveron más tiempo, que las expuestas a la radiación solar, eliminadas por radiación solar biocid

    Effect of velocity loss during squat training on neuromuscular performance

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    This study aimed to compare the effects of three resistance training (RT) programs differing in the magnitude of velocity loss (VL) allowed in each exercise set: 10%, 30%, or 45% on changes in strength, vertical jump, sprint performance, and EMG variables. Thirty-three young men were randomly assigned into three experimental groups (VL10%, VL30%, and VL45%; n = 11 each) that performed a velocity-based RT program for 8 weeks using only the full squat exercise (SQ). Training load (55-70% 1RM), frequency (2 sessions/week), number of sets (3), and inter-set recovery (4 min) were identical for all groups. Running sprint (20 m), countermovement jump (CMJ), 1RM, muscle endurance, and EMG during SQ were assessed pre- and post-training. All groups showed significant (VL10%: 6.4-58.6%; VL30%: 4.5-66.2%; VL45%: 1.8-52.1%; p < 0.05-0.001) improvements in muscle strength and muscle endurance. However, a significant group × time interaction (p < 0.05) was observed in CMJ, with VL10% showing greater increments (11.9%) than VL30% and VL45%. In addition, VL10% resulted in greater percent change in sprint performance than the other two groups (VL10%: -2.4%; VL30%: -1.8%; and VL45%: -0.5%). No significant changes in EMG variables were observed for any group. RT with loads of 55-70% 1RM characterized by a low-velocity loss (VL10%) provides a very effective and efficient training stimulus since it yields similar strength gains and greater improvements in sports-related neuromuscular performance (jump and sprint) compared to training with higher velocity losses (VL30%, VL45%). These findings indicate that the magnitude of VL reached in each exercise set considerably influences the observed training adaptations.Physical Performance & Sports Research Center, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spai

    Grape Resveratrol Increases Serum Adiponectin and Downregulates Inflammatory Genes in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: A Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, One-Year Clinical Trial in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.[Purpose] The grape and wine polyphenol resveratrol exerts cardiovascular benefits but evidence from randomized human clinical trials is very limited. We investigated dose-depending effects of a resveratrol-containing grape supplement on stable patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) treated according to currently accepted guidelines for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.[Methods] In a triple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, one-year follow-up, 3-arm pilot clinical trial, 75 stable-CAD patients received 350 mg/day of placebo, resveratrol-containing grape extract (grape phenolics plus 8 mg resveratrol) or conventional grape extract lacking resveratrol during 6 months, and a double dose for the following 6 months. Changes in circulating inflammatory and fibrinolytic biomarkers were analyzed. Moreover, the transcriptional profiling of inflammatory genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was explored using microarrays and functional gene expression analysis.[Results] After 1 year, in contrast to the placebo and conventional grape extract groups, the resveratrol-containing grape extract group showed an increase of the anti-inflammatory serum adiponectin (9.6 %, p = 0.01) and a decrease of the thrombogenic plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) (−18.6 %, p = 0.05). In addition, 6 key inflammation-related transcription factors were predicted to be significantly activated or inhibited, with 27 extracellular-space acting genes involved in inflammation, cell migration and T-cell interaction signals presenting downregulation (p < 0.05) in PBMCs. No adverse effects were detected in relation to the study products.[Conclusions] Chronic daily consumption of a resveratrol-containing grape nutraceutical could exert cardiovascular benefits in stable-CAD patients treated according to current evidence-based standards, by increasing serum adiponectin, preventing PAI-1 increase and inhibiting atherothrombotic signals in PBMCs.This study was supported by public funds: Projects CICYT-BFU2007-60576 and Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00063, Fun-C-Food) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and GERM-06-04486 (Fundación Séneca, Murcia, Spain). Dr. Tomé-Carneiro received a FPI grant from MICINN and Dr. Larrosa received a JAE-DOC contract from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain).Peer reviewe

    Respuesta de Zea mays a Burkholderia spp endófita de Zea mays var mexicana (teocintle)

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    Zea mays var mexicana or teocinte is a grass, considered one of the main ancestors of Zea mays. Teocinte, like other grasses, is associated with genera of endophytic plant growth promoters (EPGPB) in the interior of plant tissues. Z. mays is a domestic grass normally cultivated under the intensive production system, with relatively high doses of nitrogen fertilizer (NIFE), a possible alternative solution to minimize this problem, is the inoculation of the seed of Z. mays with genera of EPGPB teocinte, which colonize the roots, stems, leaves and promote a healthy growth at a reduced dose up to 50% NIFE such as urea, which is equivalent to decrease from 280 kg/ha-1 to 140 kg/ha-1, of what is recommended for the region of northern Michoacán and southern Guanajuato, Mexico. The objectives of this work were: i) to determine the density of Burkholderia spp BEPCV of teocinte, ii) to analyze the effect of the inoculation of Burkholderia spp EPGPB on the growth of Z. mays, at reduced dose of NIFE in greenhouse, iii) identify Burkholderia spp BEPCV teocinte. The population density of Burkholderia spp EPGPB was determined in tissues (organs), seeds, stem-leaves and roots of teocinte by sowing them on Pseudomonas cepacia azelaic acid tryptamine (PCAT), after incubation. Burkholderia spp colonies were selected for abundance in: leaves, stem, roots and/or seeds. These isolates of Burkholderia spp, were coded with the keys T41 and T42 and inoculated in Z. mays sown in sterile sand, where as the only variable-response the total dry weight was determined compared to the Z. mays cultivated with the recommended NIFE dose, for that region, it was concluded with the biochemical characterization. The results show that in Burkholderia spp BEPCV of teocinte, a density of 3.4 Log CFU/g of fresh weight (GPF) was registered in the root, of 3.0 Log CFU/GPF in the seed and a similar value in the stem-leaves of teocinte The response of Z. mays to Burkholderia T41 caused an increase of 47% in the dry weight of the root to the tillering, and of 57% to the extension of the stem, compared with the Z. mays without inoculating with the maximum level of NIFE (urea) 280 kg/ha-1. The biochemical identification profile of Burkholderia spp supports a genetic relationship with B. vietnamiensis. It is concluded that teocinte is a source of EPGPB for sustainable production Z. mays at a reduced dose of NIFE.Zea mays var mexicana o teocintle es una gramínea, considerada como uno de los principales ancestros de Zea mays. El teocintle como otras gramíneas, se asocia con géneros de bacterias endófitas promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (BEPCV) en el interior de los tejidos vegetales. Z. mays es una gramínea doméstica cultivada normalmente bajo el sistema de producción intensiva, con relativa elevadas dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado (FENI), una posible alternativa de solución para minimizar este problema, es la inoculación de la semilla de Z. mays con géneros de BEPCV del teocintle, que colonizan las raíces, los tallos, las hojas y promueven un sano crecimiento a dosis reducida hasta en un 50% FENI como la urea, que equivale a disminuir de 280 kg/ha-1 a 140 kg/ha-1, de lo recomendado para la región del norte de Michoacán y sur de Guanajuato, México. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: i) determinar la densidad de Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle, ii) analizar el efecto de la inoculación de Burkholderia spp de BEPCV en el crecimiento de Z. mays, a dosis reducida de FENI en invernadero, iii) identificar Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle. Por principio se determinó la densidad de la población de Burkholderia spp BEPCV en tejidos (órganos), semillas, tallo-hojas y raíces del teocintle, mediante la siembra de estos, en agar Pseudomonas cepacia ácido azelaico triptamina (PCAT), posteriormente a la incubación, las colonias de Burkholderia spp se seleccionaron por la abundancia en: hojas, tallo, raíces y/o semillas, Estos aislados de Burkholderia spp, se codificaron con las claves T41 y T42 e inocularon en Z. mays sembrado en arena estéril, en donde como única variable-respuesta se determinó el peso seco total comparado el Z. mays cultivado con la dosis FENI recomendada, para esa región, se concluyó con la caracterizaron bioquímica. Los resultados muestran que en Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle, se registró una densidad de 3.4 Log UFC/g de peso fresco (GPF) en la raíz, de 3.0 Log UFC/GPF en la semilla y un valor similar en el tallo-hojas de teocintle. La respuesta de Z. mays a Burkholderia &nbsp;T41 causó un incremento de un 47% en el peso seco de la raíz al amacollamiento, y de un 57% a la extensión del tallo, comparados con el Z. mays sin inocular con el nivel máximo de FENI (urea) 280 kg/ha-1. El perfil de identificación bioquímica de Burkholderia spp apoya una relación genetica con B. vietnamiensis. Se concluye que el teocintle es una fuente de BEPCV para la producción sustentable Z. mays a dosis reducida de FENI