959 research outputs found

    Antenatal fetal growth patterns in uncomplicated pregnancies according to mode of conception and placental location

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    No changes were found in ultrasound estimated fetal weight (EFW) centile between 20-22 and 32–34 weeks in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) pregnancies compared to spontaneous conception (SC). Significant (P = 0.02) fastest fetal growth (mean increase in centile of 5 between 2nd to 3rd trimester) was observed in the frozen embryo transfer (FET) subgroup compared to SC, and IVF pregnancies resulting from fresh blastocyst transfer (FBT) and oocyte donation (OD). Low placentation was significantly (P < 0.001) more common in the IVF group than in the SC group but was not associated with a change in growth pattern suggesting that fetal growth in-utero is independent of placental location but may be influenced by embryo freezing

    The Fourth Biometric - Vein Recognition

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    Chinese Students Choosing Hungarian Tertiary Education: a Systematic Review

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    China has been the leading source of foreign students pursuing tertiary degrees in other countries. The incoming Chinese students in Hungary comprised the third highest number of foreign students in the country in 2016. This paper examines the Chinese students’ motivations for choosing the Hungarian education system, with the purpose of gaining a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the flow of Chinese students to Hungary. In terms of methodology, this paper uses the systematic review protocol by retrieving relevant literatures. The author developed the main factors influencing Chinese students’ choice of the Hungarian education system, which are social class inequality and the modernization process from the Chinese perspective; meanwhile, the state policy perceptions, the institution, and community influence are encouraging from the Hungarian views. Moreover, individual motivation and the challenges of “invisible academic performance in the classroom” are explored with regard to Chinese students in Hungary. This article practically contributes to policy implications for Hungarian higher education in the international environment and inspires Chinese students who are from the lower socioeconomic classes

    Understanding the Chinese Early Career Self-Initiated Expatriates in Hungary: Insights from a two-step-migration pathway and alter native career trajectories [védés előtt]

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    To gain a comprehensive understanding of the career trajectories of Chinese self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) in Hungary over time, this study was conducted as exploratory research. The thesis follows the framework of the "two-step migration pathway and alternative career trajectories", which establishes a connection between the concept of expatriation and the specific journey taken by individuals from being international students to becoming early career self-initiated expatriates, as well as compares the career outcomes of Chinese self-initiated expatriates with individuals holding Chinese and Hungarian credentials. The subsequent section presents the new scientific findings, organised into the literature review and empirical article. 1. Literature review (Understanding the Early Career Self-Initiated Expatriation: A Review and Directions for Future Research): utilising both the functionalist and interpretivist approaches, the study explores the characteristics of early-career SIEs, which delves into their transitional experiences, their inclination towards novelty and innovation, and the limited consideration given to familiarity. The expatriation motives are analysed from the perspective of structural factors, organisational aspects, and individual abilities. 2. Three empirical articles: following to the structure of the "two-step migration pathway and alternative career trajectories" framework. 2.1 A qualitative exploration of the socioeconomic status and motivations of Chinese students in Hungary: Three important factors influenced lower-middle-class Chinese students’ choices to study in Hungary: the constraints of reality, educational aspirations, and a desire for self-expression. The socioeconomic status of Chinese students studying in Hungary is lower than that of those studying in Anglo-Saxon or other Western countries Those with scholarships and tuition-fee payers were not socially distinct groups because both were financially constrained Their international studies represented a conscious step towards their economic, social, and cultural advancement, and childhood hobbies and extracurricular activities contributed to their upward mobility as well. 2.2 Career Trajectories of Self-Initiated Early Career Chinese Expatriates in Hungary: two-step migration pathway perspective? The participants had three options for their early career after studying in Hungary: repatriation, remaining, or moving to another European country. The decision whether to repatriate or remain is heavily influenced by relational factors, particularly family concerns related to the Confucianism The decision between repatriation and mobility is heavily influenced by work requirements The decision between remaining and mobility were often influenced by actual language proficiency 2.3 Does Local Education Matter in Semi-periphery country? Comparative Analyses of Early Career Chinese Self-initiated Expatriates in Hungary: The findings reveal two distinct types of early-career Chinese SIEs with Chinese credentials in Hungary: those using their Hungarian experience as a stepping stone for long-term career mobility and those who perceive it as beneficial for their career objectives. Chinese SIEs with Hungarian credentials can also accumulate career capital, but their futures remain more uncertain. The findings also reveal the impact of gaining qualifications in Hungary, for Chinese SIEs with different credentials did not have a clearly defined career path. Chinese SIEs with strong Chinese credentials exhibit autonomy in their career decisions. They view their international experiences in Hungary as a means to autonomously shape their future careers in other European countries. Chinese SIEs with lower Chinese credentials demonstrate high levels of self-efficacy, indicating their expectation of their competence improvement. They believe that their experiences in Hungary contribute to their competence, which will benefit their careers. Although some of the Chinese SIEs with Hungarian credentials have uncertain future, they still have a strong perception of the cultural and social accumulation

    Reliability Analysis of Metro Door System Based on Fuzzy Multi-State Bayesian Network

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    Considering the shortcomings of the fault tree analysis (FTA) method in the reliability analysis of metro door systems, Bayesian network (BN) and fuzzy theory were introduced to establish the failure probability model of a metro door system. A fault tree of the metro door system was established based on the structure of the metro door, the operation data record and the practical experience of relevant engineers. The BN of the metro door system was constructed based on the fault tree. For the problem that the prior probabilities of root nodes with missing data were unavailable, fuzzy theory was introduced to convert the expert language values on these missing data nodes to corresponding prior probabilities, which were substituted into the BN along with the root nodes whose prior probabilities were obtained from the operation fault data to calculate the leaf node probability. Cause analysis of the metro door system was performed with bi-directional reasoning of BN, which provided a way to find the key factors that caused door faults and the metro door system fault probabilities

    Determination method of the structure size interval of dynamic similar models for predicting vibration characteristics of the isotropic sandwich plates

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    A method is studied for determining the structure size interval of dynamic similar models of the isotropic sandwich plates. Firstly, a comparison between the two theories of plates, the Resineer theory and the Hoff theory, is conducted, including their governing equations and the ANSYS analytic solutions of frequency. The Resineer theory is chosen as the basic theory of this paper finally. Secondly, the scaling laws between the model and prototype of isotropic sandwich plate are established by combining the dimensional analysis and governing analysis. Both complete and incomplete geometric similarity conditions are discussed. Thirdly, the determination method of the structure size interval of the models is proposed. The nature vibration mode keeps the same and the nature frequency and harmonic response keep in proportion with the prototype of the sandwich plate. At last, the flow step of the intervals determination method is given

    Admixture of evolutionary rates across a butterfly hybrid zone

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    Hybridization is a major evolutionary force that can erode genetic differentiation between species, whereas reproductive isolation maintains such differentiation. In studying a hybrid zone between the swallowtail butterflies Papilio syfanius and Papilio maackii (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), we made the unexpected discovery that genomic substitution rates are unequal between the parental species. This phenomenon creates a novel process in hybridization, where genomic regions most affected by gene flow evolve at similar rates between species, while genomic regions with strong reproductive isolation evolve at species-specific rates. Thus, hybridization mixes evolutionary rates in a way similar to its effect on genetic ancestry. Using coalescent theory, we show that the rate-mixing process provides distinct information about levels of gene flow across different parts of genomes, and the degree of rate-mixing can be predicted quantitatively from relative sequence divergence (FST ) between the hybridizing species at equilibrium. Overall, we demonstrate that reproductive isolation maintains not only genomic differentiation, but also the rate at which differentiation accumulates. Thus, asymmetric rates of evolution provide an additional signature of loci involved in reproductive isolation

    Kínai hallgatók nehézségei magyarországi tanulmányaik alatt és után

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    Hazánkban viszonylag nagy számban tanulnak kínai hallgatók, akiknek a nehézségeikről, beilleszkedésükről és jövőbeli terveikről viszonylag keveset tudunk. Narratív interjúra építő kutatásunk a kínai hallgatók tapasztatait tárta fel, és arra is választ keresett, hogy milyen jövőbeli elképzeléseik vannak továbbtanulás vagy karrier tekintetében. A kutatás eredményei szerint a kínai hallgatók számtalan nehézsége közül a nyelvi akadályok és a tanulási stílusbeli különbségek kiemelkedő problémát jelentenek. A jövőjüket leginkább a bizonytalanság jellemzi, a magyar felsőoktatási tapasztalatok annyira eltérnek a kínaitól, hogy az itt szerzett tudás hasznosulása kétséges

    Magyarországon tanuló kínai hallgatók társadalmi háttere és belépési nehézségei

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    Az ország nemzetköziesedő felsőoktatási rendszerében egyre több külföldi hallgató tanul hazánkban, közülük a kínai diákok alkotják a harmadik legnagyobb közösséget. Feltáró-kvalitatív kutatásunk azt vizsgálta, hogy milyen az itt tanuló kínai hallgatók családi háttere, mi motiválta őket, hogy Magyarországot választották felsőfokú tanulmányaikra, milyen első tapasztalataik vannak hazánkban. Az eredmények rámutattak arra, hogy a kínai hallgatók anyagi és társadalmi helyzete instabil. Magyarország legtöbbször kompromisszum eredményeként került kiválasztásra és a magyar kultúrába belépve gyakran elutasítást tapasztaltak

    A qualitative exploration of the socioeconomic status and motivations of Chinese students in Hungary

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    Surprisingly little research has been conducted on Chinese students in Hungary, despite their growing number. Education has gradually become a crucial element in attaining higher socioeconomic status, so it is vital to understand such students’ socio-economic backgrounds and motivation for studying in Central Eastern Europe. Applying cultural mobility theory, this article explores students’ family backgrounds and motivations for pursuing tertiary education in Hungary. Twenty-six narrative interviews were conducted and analysed using grounded theory method. The results indicate that three important factors influenced lower-middle-class Chinese students’ choices to study in Hungary: the constraints of reality, educational aspirations, and a desire for self-expression. Working-class or lower-middle-class families were required to make compromises for their children to study abroad because their financial means limited the opportunity for international study. Therefore, education in a relatively low-cost country like Hungary became an option. This research contributes to current theories of educational mobility by offering fresh understandings about students with a lower-middle class SES, the influx of working-class Chinese students into Hungary, as well as the relationship between upward social mobility and studying internationally. The recommendations for policymakers in China and Hungary made in this paper enable the development of practicable strategies for enhancing learning environments, producing positive educational outcomes, fostering equitable education systems, and ameliorating the impact of a lower SES background on educational and social mobility
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