234 research outputs found

    Report on assessment and management advice for 2004 of the anchovy fishery in the Yellow Sea

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    The Bei Dou Fisheries Management Project 2001-2005; Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, April 24-30, 200

    Report on assessment and management advice for 2004 of the anchovy fishery in the Yellow Sea

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    The Bei Dou Fisheries Management Project 2001-2005; Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, April 24-30, 200

    Simultaneous detection of flare-associated kink oscillations and extreme-ultraviolet waves

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    Kink oscillations, which are frequently observed in coronal loops and prominences, are often accompanied by extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves. However, much more needs to be explored regarding the causal relationships between kink oscillations and EUV waves. In this article, we report the simultaneous detection of kink oscillations and EUV waves that are both associated with an X2.1 flare on 2023 March 03 (SOL2023-03-03T17:39). The kink oscillations, which are almost perpendicular to the axes of loop-like structures, are observed in three coronal loops and one prominence. One short loop shows in-phase oscillation within the same period of 5.2 minutes at three positions. This oscillation could be triggered by the pushing of an expanding loop and interpreted as the standing kink wave. Time lags are found between the kink oscillations of the short loop and two long loops, suggesting that the kink wave travels in different loops. The kink oscillations of one long loop and the prominence are possibly driven by the disturbance of the CME, and that of another long loop might be attributed to the interaction of the EUV wave. The onset time of the kink oscillation of the short loop is nearly same as the beginning of an EUV wave. This fact demonstrates that they are almost simultaneous. The EUV wave is most likely excited by the expanding loop structure and shows two components. The leading component is a fast coronal wave, and the trailing one could be due to the stretching magnetic field lines.Comment: accepted for publication in the Science China Technological Science

    Highly thermostable mixed lanthanide organic frameworks with high quantum yield for warm white light-emitting diodes

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    A mixed lanthanide organic framework was prepared via hydrothermal methods using m-phthalic acid (m-H2BDC), 1,10-phenanthroline (1,10-Phen), and Ln3+ ions, formulated as [HNMe2][Eu0.095Tb1.905(m-BDC)3(phen)2] (ZTU-6). The structure and stability of ZTU-6 were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), which revealed a three-dimensional pcu topology with high thermal stability. Fluorescence tests showed that ZTU-6 emitted orange light with a high quantum yield of 79.15%, and it can be effectively encapsulated in a light-emitting diode (LED) device emitting orange light. In addition, ZTU-6 was found to be compatible with BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM) blue powder and [(Sr,Ba)2SiO4:Eu2+] silicate yellow and green powder to create a warm white LED with a high colour rendering index (CRI) of 93.4, a correlated colour temperature (CCT) of 3908 K, and CIE coordinates of (0.38, 036)

    Quantitative woody cover reconstructions from eastern continental Asia of the last 22 kyr reveal strong regional peculiarities

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    We present a calibration-set based on modern pollen and satellite-based Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) observations of woody cover (including needleleaved, broadleaved and total tree cover) in eastern continental Asia, which shows good performance under cross-validation with the modern analogue technique (all the coefficients of determination between observed and predicted values are greater than 0.65). The calibration-set is used to reconstruct woody cover from a taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen dataset (including 274 cores) with 500-year resolution over the last 22 kyr. The spatial range of forest has not noticeably changed in eastern continental Asia during the last 22 kyr, although woody cover has, especially at the margin of the eastern Tibetan Plateau and in the forest-steppe transition area of north-central China. Vegetation was sparse during the LGM in the present forested regions, but woody cover increased markedly at the beginning of the Bølling/Allerød period (B/A; ca. 14.5 ka bp) and again at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 11.5 ka bp), and is related to the enhanced strength of the East Asian Summer Monsoon. Forest flourished in the mid-Holocene (ca. 8 ka bp) possibly due to favourable climatic conditions. In contrast, cover was stable in southern China (high cover) and arid central Asia (very low cover) throughout the investigated period. Forest cover increased in the north-eastern part of China during the Holocene. Comparisons of these regional pollen-based results with simulated forest cover from runs of a global climate model (for 9, 6 and 0 ka bp (ECHAM5/JSBACH ∟1.125° spatial resolution)) reveal many similarities in temporal change. The Holocene woody cover history of eastern continental Asia is different from that of other regions, likely controlled by different climatic variables, i.e. moisture in eastern continental Asia; temperature in northern Eurasia and North America

    Detection of copy number variations and their effects in Chinese bulls

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    BACKGROUND: Copy number variations (CNVs) are a main source of genomic structural variations underlying animal evolution and production traits. Here, with one pure-blooded Angus bull as reference, we describe a genome-wide analysis of CNVs based on comparative genomic hybridization arrays in 29 Chinese domesticated bulls and examined their effects on gene expression and cattle growth traits. RESULTS: We identified 486 copy number variable regions (CNVRs), covering 2.45% of the bovine genome, in 24 taurine (Bos taurus), together with 161 ones in 2 yaks (Bos grunniens) and 163 ones in 3 buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Totally, we discovered 605 integrated CNVRs, with more “loss” events than both “gain” and “both” ones, and clearly clustered them into three cattle groups. Interestingly, we confirmed their uneven distributions across chromosomes, and the differences of mitochondrion DNA copy number (gain: taurine, loss: yak & buffalo). Furthermore, we confirmed approximately 41.8% (253/605) and 70.6% (427/605) CNVRs span cattle genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs), respectively. Finally, we confirmed 6 CNVRs in 9 chosen ones by using quantitative PCR, and further demonstrated that CNVR22 had significantly negative effects on expression of PLA2G2D gene, and both CNVR22 and CNVR310 were associated with body measurements in Chinese cattle, suggesting their key effects on gene expression and cattle traits. CONCLUSIONS: The results advanced our understanding of CNV as an important genomic structural variation in taurine, yak and buffalo. This study provides a highly valuable resource for Chinese cattle’s evolution and breeding researches. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-480) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Spring Flood Forecasting Based on the WRF-TSRM Mode

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    The snowmelt process is becoming more complex in the context of global warming, and the current existing studies are not effective in using the short-term prediction model to drive the distributed hydrological model to predict snowmelt floods. In this study, we selected the Juntanghu Watershed in Hutubi County of China on the north slope of the Tianshan Mountains as the study area with which to verify the snowmelt flood prediction accuracy of the coupling model. The weather research and forecasting (WRF) model was used to drive a double-layer distributed snowmelt runoff model called the Tianshan Snowmelt Runoff Model (TSRM), which is based on multi-year field snowmelt observations. Moreover, the data from NASA’s moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) was employed to validate the snow water equivalent during the snow-melting period. Results show that, based on the analysis of the flow lines in 2009 and 2010, the WRF-driven TSRM has an overall 80% of qualification ratios (QRs), with determination coefficients of 0.85 and 0.82 for the two years, respectively, which demonstrates the high accuracy of the model. However, due to the influence of the ablation of frozen soils, the forecasted flood peak is overestimated. This problem can be solved by an improvement to the modeled frozen soil layers. The conclusion reached in this study suggests that the WRF-driven TSRM can be used to forecast short-term snowmelt floods on the north slope of the Tianshan Mountains, which can effectively improve the local capacity for the forecasting and early warning of snowmelt floods

    Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation

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    Pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of past climate variables is a standard palaeoclimatic approach. Despite knowing that the spatial extent of the calibration-set affects the reconstruction result, guidance is lacking as to how to determine a suitable spatial extent of the pollen-climate calibration-set. In this study, past mean annual precipitation (Pann) during the Holocene (since 11.5 cal ka BP) is reconstructed repeatedly for pollen records from Qinghai Lake (36.7 N, 100.5 E; north-east Tibetan Plateau), Gonghai Lake (38.9N, 112.2E; north China) and Sihailongwan Lake (42.3 N, 126.6 E; north-east China) using calibration-sets of varying spatial extents extracted from the modern pollen dataset of China and Mongolia (2559 sampling sites and 168 pollen taxa in total). Results indicate that the spatial extent of the calibration-set has a strong impact on model performance, analogue quality and reconstruction diagnostics (absolute value, range, trend, optimum). Generally, these effects are stronger with the modern analogue technique (MAT) than with weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS). With respect to fossil spectra from northern China, the spatial extent of calibration-sets should be restricted to radii between ca. 1000 and 1500 km because small-scale calibration-sets (<800 km radius) will likely fail to include enough spatial variation in the modern pollen assemblages to reflect the temporal range shifts during the Holocene, while too broad a scale calibration-set (>1500 km radius) will include taxa with very different pollen-climate relationships

    The enormous repetitive Antarctic krill genome reveals environmental adaptations and population insights

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    Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is Earth’smost abundant wild animal, and its enormous biomass is vital to the Southern Ocean ecosystem. Here, we report a 48.01-Gb chromosome-level Antarctic krill genome, whose large genome size appears to have resulted from inter-genic transposable element expansions. Our assembly reveals the molecular architecture of the Antarctic krill circadian clock and uncovers expanded gene families associated with molting and energy metabolism, providing insights into adaptations to the cold and highly seasonal Antarctic environment. Population-level genome re-sequencing from four geographical sites around the Antarctic continent reveals no clear population structure but highlights natural selection associated with environmental variables. An apparent drastic reduction in krill population size 10 mya and a subsequent rebound 100 thousand years ago coincides with climate change events. Our findings uncover the genomic basis of Antarctic krill adaptations to the Southern Ocean and provide valuable resources for future Antarctic research
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