35 research outputs found

    Study of transfer reactions induced by a 16C beam

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    Recent experiments have evidenced the existence of new nuclear shell gaps at N=14 and N=16 in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes associated with the vanishing of the N=20 shell gap. However, in the neutron-rich carbon isotopes, the extent to which these gaps persist is unclear. In an effort to answer this question we have attempted to probe the low-lying level structure of 17C using the (d,p) transfer reaction to locate the single-particle orbitals involved in the formation of the N=14 and N=16 shell gaps. The experiment was carried out at the GANIL facility. A 16C beam at 17.2 AMeV produced by fragmentation was used to bombard a CD2 target. The light ejectiles were detected using the TIARA silicon strip array while a Si-Si-CsI telescope was placed at zero degrees to identify beam-like residues. In addition, four HPGe-EXOGAM clover detectors were used to measure the gamma-rays arising from 17C bound excited states. The measured angular distributions confirm the spin and parity assignments of 3/2+, 1/2+ and 5/2+ for the ground and the first and second excited states located at 217 keV and 335 keV respectively. The spectroscopic factors deduced for these excited states indicate a large single particle strength, in agreement with shell model calculations. With a strong l = 0 valence neutron component and a low separation energy, the first excited state of 17C appears as a good one-neutron halo candidate

    El turismo académico en Galicia: otra forma de contribución de las universidades a las economías locales

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    Temporary stays of students in higher education institutions, outside places of their habitual residence, may be considered as academic tourism. Driven by different exchange programs this new typology of tourism has experienced a significant growth in recent years. Parallel to this development, it seems interesting to estimate the economic impact generated in the target areas by this student mobility in which universities play a key role. In this study we have started of spending generated by international students during the course 2007/2008, to quantify the economic impact of academic tourism in Galicia.Las estancias temporales de estudiantes en instituciones de educación superior, fuera de sus lugares de residencia habitual, pueden ser consideradas como turismo académico. Impulsada por diferentes programas de intercambio esta nueva tipología de turismo ha experimentado un crecimiento muy importante en los últimos años. Paralelamente a este desarrollo, parece interesante conocer las repercusiones económicas generadas en las zonas receptoras por esta movilidad estudiantil, en la que desempeñan un papel clave las universidades. En este estudio se ha partido del gasto realizado por los estudiantes internacionales durante el curso 2007/2008, para cuantificar el impacto económico generado por el turismo académico en Galicia

    Con Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín en Vigo

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    Na mañá do 31 de decembro de 2010 reunímonos en Vigo con Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín para falar sobre poesía. Ao longo da conversa tivemos ocasión de coñecer o seu parecer sobre a función que a poesía desempeña hoxe en día na sociedade, de percorrer a súa propia traxectoria poética, de comentar os seus gustos en canto lector e a súa visión do panorama da creación actual

    Una modificación del cociente de localización interindustrial para la proyección de las tablas input-output subterritoriales

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    Economic accounts at sub-territorial level are projected primarily through Location Quotients (LQ). The degrees of sectoral specialisation at this level will therefore be key in spatial projections. This article advocates rectified use of the Cross-Industry Location Quotient (CILQ). Indirectly, the aim is to check to what extent CILQs are well exploited, given that they are the fundamental reference in other techniques. The input-output (IO) tables for the Euro 19 Area for 2010 and 2015 are taken as a reference for analysis purposes. A statistic is used to measure the degree of similarity between the accounting frameworks of ten countries in the Euro Area and their projections using CILQ, Flegg's formula, its augmented version, and the CILQ variant.La proyección de cuentas económicas a nivel sub-territorial se establece primordialmente a través de cocientes de localización (LQ). Así, los grados de especialización sectoriales a dicho nivel actuarán como piezas clave en las proyecciones espaciales. En este artículo se reivindica un uso rectificado del Cross-Industry Location Quotient (CILQ). Indirectamente, se trata de comprobar hasta qué punto los CILQ están bien explotados, dado que son la referencia fundamental en otras técnicas. A efectos de análisis, se toman como referencia las tablas input-output (IO) del Área Euro 19 para los años 2010 y 2015. Se recurre a un estadístico para medir el grado de similitud entre los marcos contables de diez países de dicha área y sus proyecciones mediante el CILQ, la fórmula de Flegg, su versión aumentada y la variante del CILQ

    Performance of bidimensional location quotients for constructing input–output tables

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    This article seeks to verify the extent to which the formulation of two-dimensional location quotients (2D-LQ) entails a methodological advance in building or generating economic accounts related to sub-territories drawing from basic information. The input–output tables of the Euro Area 19 for 2010 and 2015 are references for analysis. We have used five statistics to measure similarity between true domestic coefficient matrices for ten countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain) and the matrices they generate using nonsurvey techniques (CILQ, FLQ, AFLQ, and 2D-LQ). The focus substantially centers on ranking methodological efficiency by comparing the results of the four techniques mentioned above. The scope of the work employs standard parameters (associated with 2D-LQ) as guidance to ascertain the optimum parametersS

    The scope of presentation of non-financial information  in financial statements of farms – the example of crop production

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    The aim of the article is to indicate areas of non-financial information disclosures in financial statements of entities engaged in agricultural activity in the light of economic practices and regulatory requirements. An attempt was made to identify and classify the scope of non-financial information disclosures. To achieve the purpose of the article, a review of legal regulations was carried out. In the period 20152017, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with chief accountants (30 persons) and owners (150 persons) of farm businesses that keep accounts in accordance with the Accounting Act, located in Wielkopolskie Province. The topic of the interviews was the reporting of non-financial information in the integrated report of farms. The research has enabled the identification of demand for non-financial information, which so far have not been presented in the reports. It was found that the integrated financial reporting does not take full account of agricultural activity. Presentation of the results of this activity requires a detailed clarification

    An Alternative Method for Detecting Technological Changes in Tourism Industry

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNeste artigo introdúcese un procedemento para detectar cambios nas estruturas produtivas de calquera rama de actividade dunha economía. Para os efectos prácticos analízanse dous sectores que abastecen en boa medida á demanda turística española: o aloxamento e a restauración. O método proposto permite actualizar por unha vía alternativa a á xeralmente utilizada polos organismos oficias estatísticos as distintas matrices encadradas no marco input-output, que son necesarias para cuantificar os impactos económicos do turismo. Mediante a técnica introducida –o método biproporcional de información limitada– vese como é posible conseguilo case en tempo real. Ademais, para facer efectiva a actualización só é preciso coñecer os vectores de produción e demanda final, datos que facilitan os institutos de estatística con escasa demora. Tamén se manifesta como este procedemento evita a aplicación doutro tipo de técnicas máis sofisticadas e para as que se precisaría una maior información. Os coeficientes tecnolóxicos estimados para o aloxamento e a restauración en España confirman a validez da alternativa proposta para a elaboración de modelos input-output, que permitan ofrecer estimacións do impacto económico do turismo cos datos máis actuais existentes, sen necesidade de impoñer molestos supostos sobre a invariabilidade dos coeficientes tecnolóxicos no tempoEn este artículo se introduce un procedimiento para detectar cambios en las estructuras productivas de cualquier rama de actividad de una economía. A efectos prácticos se analizan dos sectores que abastecen en buena medida a la demanda turística española: el alojamiento y la restauración. El método propuesto permite actualizar por una vía alternativa a la generalmente utilizada por los organismos oficias estadísticos las distintas matrices encuadradas en el marco input-output, que son necesarias para cuantificar los impactos económicos del turismo. Mediante la técnica introducida –el método biproporcional de información limitada– se ve como es posible conseguirlo casi en tiempo real. Además, para hacer efectiva la actualización sólo es preciso conocer los vectores de producción y demanda final, datos que facilitan los institutos de estadística con escasa demora. También se manifiesta como este procedimiento evita la aplicación de otro tipo de técnicas más sofisticadas y para los que se precisaría una mayor información. Los coeficientes tecnológicos estimados para el alojamiento y la restauración en España confirman la validez de la alternativa propuesta para la elaboración de modelos input-output, que permitan ofrecer estimaciones del impacto económico del turismo con los datos más actuales existentes, sin necesidad de imponer incómodos supuestos sobre la invariabilidad de los coeficientes tecnológicos en el tiempoIn this paper we introduce a procedure for detecting changes in the economic structure of a country. In practise, we analyse two sectors that satisfy most of the Spanish Tourism demand: accommodation and food service activities. The proposed method allow us to updating input-output matrix necessary for quantify the economic impacts of Tourism in an alternative way to the Official Statistics Institutes. Using this technique, the biproportional method with limit information, we are able to update the matrix nearly in real time and we just need the production and final demand vectors (Statistic institutes provide these data without much delay). Thus, this procedure avoids applying more sophisticated techniques which need more information. The technical coefficients estimated for accommodation and food service activities in Spain validate the proposed technique for elaborating input-output models. Therefore, we are able to estimate the economic impact of Tourism with last data and without imposing assumptions as the invariability of the technical coefficients over timeS

    A Modification of the Cross-Industry Location Quotient for Projecting Sub-Territorial Input-Output Tables

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    Economic accounts at sub-territorial level are projected primarily through Location Quotients (LQ). The degrees of sectoral specialisation at this level will therefore be key in spatial projections. This article advocates rectified use of the Cross-Industry Location Quotient (CILQ). Indirectly, the aim is to check to what extent CILQs are well exploited, given that they are the fundamental reference in other techniques. The input-output (IO) tables for the Euro 19 Area for 2010 and 2015 are taken as a reference for analysis purposes. A statistic is used to measure the degree of similarity between the accounting frameworks of ten countries in the Euro Area and their projections using CILQ, Flegg's formula, its augmented version, and the CILQ variant