2,436 research outputs found

    A Fibonacci sequence for linear structures with two types of components

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    We investigate binary voting systems with two types of voters and a hierarchy among the members in each type, so that members in one class have more influence or importance than members in the other class. The purpose of this paper is to count, up to isomorphism, the number of these voting systems for an arbitrary number of voters. We obtain a closed formula for the number of these systems, this formula follows a Fibonacci sequence with a smooth polynomial variation on the number of voters.Comment: All the results contained in this file are included in a paper submitted to Annals of Operations Research in October, 2008 on ocasion of the Conference on Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling, that held in Bratislava in May, 200

    Antisymmetry of solutions for some weighted elliptic problems

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    This article concerns the antisymmetry, uniqueness, and monotonicity properties of solutions to some elliptic functionals involving weights and a double well potential. In the one-dimensional case, we introduce the continuous odd rearrangement of an increasing function and we show that it decreases the energy functional when the weights satisfy a certain convexity-type hypothesis. This leads to the antisymmetry or oddness of increasing solutions (and not only of minimizers). We also prove a uniqueness result (which leads to antisymmetry) where a convexity-type condition by Berestycki and Nirenberg on the weights is improved to a monotonicity condition. In addition, we provide with a large class of problems where antisymmetry does not hold. Finally, some rather partial extensions in higher dimensions are also given


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    International audienceThe present article aims at showing the complexity of the polyphonic discourse of the Bible Historiale translated in old french by Guyart des Moulins.Le présent article met en valeur la polyphonie argumentative qui caractérise le discours de la Bible Historiale traduite en ancien français du latin par Guyart des Moulins


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    Le présent article illustre les travaux du groupe d'études consacré à l'ancien français né dans le cadre de la réflexion de l'équipe LDI autour des problèmes de résolution automatique des problèmes linguistiques. Nous voudrions particulièrement présenter les prémices théoriques qui fondent notre travail de création de ressources au sein de la base G.R.A.A.L consacré à l'étude et au traitement automatique de l'ancien français

    “Si l'on pouvait ramener ainsi tous les mots de notre langue à leur première origine”

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    International audienceThis article aims at being a methodic analysis of the french etymologies dictionnary by Charles Nisard with prefatory words by Champollion.Le présent article est une analyse méthodique du dictionnaire étymologique de Charles Nisard préfacé par Champollion


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    International audienceThe present article shows the originality of the old french translation of the Bible by exposing many linguistic facts of the adptation of the "Lingua sacra" concept to the old french language.Le présent article expose la composition originale de la page traduite du latin en ancien français en mettant en valeur les phénomènes linguistiques de traduction du texte biblique sacré en langue vulgaire

    La traduction par « derechief » dans la Genèse extraite de la Bible Historiale de Guyart-des-Moulins

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    Le présent article abordera les particularités du fonctionnement de l'adverbe « derechief » dans la traduction du Livre de la Genèse de Guyart-des-Moulins au regard des particules présentes dans les textes antérieurs de la Bible, afin de démontrer que la dynamique du discours traduit réside dans l'expression d'une voix spécifiquement française introduite au sein de la polyphonie du texte sacré. Cette description participe à la définition du travail opéré par les traducteurs pour couler la poétique des textes anciens dans le « carcan de la syntaxe

    Análisis de imágenes multiespectrales aerotransportadas para estimar variables estructurales de bosques mediterráneos de Quercus Ilex L

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    Se tomaron imágenes multiespectrales de bosques de Quercus ilex L. de la comarca del Alt Empordà (noreste de la península Ibérica) mediante el sensor aerotransportado CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager). Posteriormente, se ajustaron modelos lineales por regresión entre valores de cobertura arbórea, biomasa de madera y diámetro medio, provenientes de medidas de campo, y valores de reflectancia ofrecidos por trece canales del sensor y por dos indices de vegetación. En ninguno de los modelos se llegó a un nivel de ajuste estadísticamente significativa (p < 0.05). Después de hacer un repaso de los posibles factores causantes de estos resultados, parece necesario profundizar en temas como la corrección radiométrica, los efectos de la heterogeneidad estructural del bosque y el muestreo de campo.Multispectral images were taken from Quercus ilex L. forests located in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula by means of the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI). Linear regression models were made between three field measured variables (tree coverage, wood biomass and tree mean diameter) and reflectance values given by 13 bands and two vegetation indices. None of the built models achieved statistical significance (p < 0.05). After checking for factors responsible for these low fittings, it seems necessary to deeply analyze issues such as the radiometric correction, effects of forest structural heterogeneity and field sampling

    Budget-aware Semi-Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation

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    Methods that move towards less supervised scenarios are key for image segmentation, as dense labels demand significant human intervention. Generally, the annotation burden is mitigated by labeling datasets with weaker forms of supervision, e.g. image-level labels or bounding boxes. Another option are semi-supervised settings, that commonly leverage a few strong annotations and a huge number of unlabeled/weakly-labeled data. In this paper, we revisit semi-supervised segmentation schemes and narrow down significantly the annotation budget (in terms of total labeling time of the training set) compared to previous approaches. With a very simple pipeline, we demonstrate that at low annotation budgets, semi-supervised methods outperform by a wide margin weakly-supervised ones for both semantic and instance segmentation. Our approach also outperforms previous semi-supervised works at a much reduced labeling cost. We present results for the Pascal VOC benchmark and unify weakly and semi-supervised approaches by considering the total annotation budget, thus allowing a fairer comparison between methods.Comment: To appear in CVPR-W 2019 (DeepVision workshop