13 research outputs found

    The Trk Potassium Transporter Is Required for RsmB-Mediated Activation of Virulence in the Phytopathogen Pectobacterium wasabiae

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    Pectobacterium wasabiae (previously known as Erwinia carotovora) is an important plant pathogen that regulates the production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes through an N-acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system and through the GacS/GacA two-component system (also known as ExpS/ExpA). At high cell density, activation of GacS/GacA induces the expression of RsmB, a noncoding RNA that is essential for the activation of virulence in this bacterium. A genetic screen to identify regulators of RsmB revealed that mutants defective in components of a putative Trk potassium transporter (trkH and trkA) had decreased rsmB expression. Further analysis of these mutants showed that changes in potassium concentration influenced rsmB expression and consequent tissue damage in potato tubers and that this regulation required an intact Trk system. Regulation of rsmB expression by potassium via the Trk system occurred even in the absence of the GacS/GacA system, demonstrating that these systems act independently and are both required for full activation of RsmB and for the downstream induction of virulence in potato infection assays. Overall, our results identified potassium as an essential environmental factor regulating the Rsm system, and the consequent induction of virulence, in the plant pathogen P. wasabiae.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Maintenance of Microbial Cooperation Mediated by Public Goods in Single- and Multiple-Trait Scenarios

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    Microbes often form densely populated communities, which favor competitive and cooperative interactions. Cooperation among bacteria often occurs through the production of metabolically costly molecules produced by certain individuals that become available to other neighboring individuals; such molecules are called public goods. This type of cooperation is susceptible to exploitation, since nonproducers of a public good can benefit from it while saving the cost of its production (cheating), gaining a fitness advantage over producers (cooperators). Thus, in mixed cultures, cheaters can increase in frequency in the population, relative to cooperators. Sometimes, and as predicted by simple game-theoretic arguments, such increases in the frequency of cheaters cause loss of the cooperative traits by exhaustion of the public goods, eventually leading to a collapse of the entire population. In other cases, however, both cooperators and cheaters remain in coexistence. This raises the question of how cooperation is maintained in microbial populations. Several strategies to prevent cheating have been studied in the context of a single trait and a unique environmental constraint. In this review, we describe current knowledge on the evolutionary stability of microbial cooperation and discuss recent discoveries describing the mechanisms operating in multiple-trait and multiple-constraint settings. We conclude with a consideration of the consequences of these complex interactions, and we briefly discuss the potential role of social interactions involving multiple traits and multiple environmental constraints in the evolution of specialization and division of labor in microbes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Positive epistasis drives the acquisition of multidrug resistance

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    The evolution of multiple antibiotic resistance is an increasing global problem. Resistance mutations are known to impair fitness, and the evolution of resistance to multiple drugs depends both on their costs individually and on how they interact--epistasis. Information on the level of epistasis between antibiotic resistance mutations is of key importance to understanding epistasis amongst deleterious alleles, a key theoretical question, and to improving public health measures. Here we show that in an antibiotic-free environment the cost of multiple resistance is smaller than expected, a signature of pervasive positive epistasis among alleles that confer resistance to antibiotics. Competition assays reveal that the cost of resistance to a given antibiotic is dependent on the presence of resistance alleles for other antibiotics. Surprisingly we find that a significant fraction of resistant mutations can be beneficial in certain resistant genetic backgrounds, that some double resistances entail no measurable cost, and that some allelic combinations are hotspots for rapid compensation. These results provide additional insight as to why multi-resistant bacteria are so prevalent and reveal an extra layer of complexity on epistatic patterns previously unrecognized, since it is hidden in genome-wide studies of genetic interactions using gene knockout

    Bacterial Call to Arms for Warfare at the Infection Site

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    Bacterial sensing is important for perceiving environmental cues and activating responses. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Hertzog et al. (2018) show that group A Streptococcus can couple the ability to respond to host cues with autoinduction of a quorum sensing system, leading to killing of bacterial competitors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quorum sensing regulation in Erwinia carotovora affects development of Drosophila melanogaster infected larvae

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    Multi-host bacteria must rapidly adapt to drastic environmental changes, relying on integration of multiple stimuli for an optimal genetic response. Erwinia spp. are phytopathogens that cause soft-rot disease in plants. Erwinia carotovora Ecc15 is used as a model for bacterial oral-route infection in Drosophila melanogaster as it harbors a gene, the Erwinia virulence factor (Evf), which has been previously shown to be a major determinant for infection of D. melanogaster gut. However, the factors involved in regulation of evf expression are poorly understood. We investigated whether evf could be controlled by quorum sensing since, in the Erwinia genus, quorum sensing regulates pectolytic enzymes, the major virulence factors needed to infect plants. Here, we show that transcription of evf is positively regulated by quorum sensing in Ecc15 via the acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal synthase ExpI, and the AHL receptors ExpR1 and ExpR2. Moreover, we demonstrate that the GacS/A two-component system is partially required for evf expression. We also show that the load of Ecc15 in the gut depends upon the quorum sensing-mediated regulation of evf. Furthermore, we demonstrate that larvae infected with Ecc15 suffer a developmental delay as a direct consequence of the regulation of evf via quorum sensing. Overall, our results show that Ecc15 relies on quorum sensing to control production of both pectolytic enzymes and Evf. This regulation influences the interaction of Ecc15 with its two known hosts, indicating that quorum sensing and GacS/A signaling systems may impact bacterial dissemination via insect vectors that feed on rotting plants.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Manipulation of the Quorum Sensing Signal AI-2 Affects the Antibiotic-Treated Gut Microbiota

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    The mammalian gut microbiota harbors a diverse ecosystem where hundreds of bacterial species interact with each other and their host. Given that bacteria use signals to communicate and regulate group behaviors (quorum sensing), we asked whether such communication between different commensal species can influence the interactions occurring in this environment. We engineered the enteric bacterium, Escherichia coli, to manipulate the levels of the interspecies quorum sensing signal, autoinducer-2 (AI-2), in the mouse intestine and investigated the effect upon antibiotic-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis. E. coli that increased intestinal AI-2 levels altered the composition of the antibiotic-treated gut microbiota, favoring the expansion of the Firmicutes phylum. This significantly increased the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, to oppose the strong effect of the antibiotic, which had almost cleared the Firmicutes. This demonstrates that AI-2 levels influence the abundance of the major phyla of the gut microbiota, the balance of which is known to influence human health

    Data from: Positive epistasis drives the acquisition of multidrug resistance.

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    The evolution of multiple antibiotic resistance is an increasing global problem. Resistance mutations are known to impair fitness, and the evolution of resistance to multiple drugs depends both on their costs individually and on how they interact—epistasis. Information on the level of epistasis between antibiotic resistance mutations is of key importance to understanding epistasis amongst deleterious alleles, a key theoretical question, and to improving public health measures. Here we show that in an antibiotic-free environment the cost of multiple resistance is smaller than expected, a signature of pervasive positive epistasis among alleles that confer resistance to antibiotics. Competition assays reveal that the cost of resistance to a given antibiotic is dependent on the presence of resistance alleles for other antibiotics. Surprisingly we find that a significant fraction of resistant mutations can be beneficial in certain resistant genetic backgrounds, that some double resistances entail no measurable cost, and that some allelic combinations are hotspots for rapid compensation. These results provide additional insight as to why multi-resistant bacteria are so prevalent and reveal an extra layer of complexity on epistatic patterns previously unrecognized, since it is hidden in genome-wide studies of genetic interactions using gene knockouts

    LsrF, a coenzyme A-dependent thiolase, catalyzes the terminal step in processing the quorum sensing signal autoinducer-2

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    The quorum sensing signal autoinducer-2 (AI-2) regulates important bacterial behaviors, including biofilm formation and the production of virulence factors. Some bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, can quench the AI-2 signal produced by a variety of species present in the environment, and thus can influence AI-2-dependent bacterial behaviors. This process involves uptake of AI-2 via the Lsr transporter, followed by phosphorylation and consequent intracellular sequestration. Here we determine the metabolic fate of intracellular AI-2 by characterizing LsrF, the terminal protein in the Lsr AI-2 processing pathway. We identify the substrates of LsrF as 3-hydroxy-2,4-pentadione-5-phosphate (P-HPD, an isomer of AI-2-phosphate) and coenzyme A, determine the crystal structure of an LsrF catalytic mutant bound to P-HPD, and identify the reaction products. We show that LsrF catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group from P-HPD to coenzyme A yielding dihydroxyacetone phosphate and acetyl-CoA, two key central metabolites. We further propose that LsrF, despite strong structural homology to aldolases, acts as a thiolase, an activity previously undescribed for this family of enzymes. With this work, we have fully characterized the biological pathway for AI-2 processing in E. coli, a pathway that can be used to quench AI-2 and control quorum-sensing-regulated bacterial behaviors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio