15 research outputs found

    Jasangarritasunaren hezkuntza ortu ekodidaktikoen bitartez: zer dakite Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleek elikadura jasangarriaren inguruan?

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    96 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 65-69[EUS] Gradu Amaierako lan honek ortu ekodidaktikoek jasangarritasunaren hezkuntzan izan dezaketen inpaktua aztertu nahi du. Horretarako, Lehen Hezkuntzako 6. mailako ikasleen naturarekiko konexioa eta ortuen inguruan duten kontzeptualizazioa, bertako elikagaien inguruan dituzten ezagutzak eta elikadura jasangarria zer den dakiten aztertzeko bibliografian oinarritutako galdetegi bat diseinatu eta aurrera eraman da. Honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzako azken etapa honetan ikasleek dituzten ezagutza eta aurreideiak zeintzuk diren aztertu dira, Oinarrizko Hezkuntza Curriculumean zehaztuta dauden helburu eta edukien ikaskuntza benetan bermatzen diren egiaztatzeko asmoz. Galdetegia, Gasteizko Zabalgana eskolan eta Umandi ikastolan egin da eta ikastetxe hauetako 6. mailako 122 ikasleek parte hartu dute. Bestalde, ortu ekodidaktikoek izan ditzaketen erabilera eta hauen inpaktua ikusi ahal izateko, irakaskuntza-ikaskuntza sekuentzia (IIS) baten berdiseinua egin da eta inplementazio pilotua aurrera eraman da Zabalgana ikastetxean (LH 6. maila, n=24). Honekin, LHko ikasleak baratzan murgiltzea, naturarekiko konexioa sustatzea, ortuaren kudeaketan trebatzea eta elikagaien jatorriaren inguruko ezagutzak lantzea bilatu da. IIS hau, Europar Batasunak abiarazitako EAThink (2015) proiektuan oinarritzen da eta inplementazioaren ardatz nagusia izan da. Amaitzeko, IISaren inpaktua ebaluatzeko asmoz, pre/post galdetegiak erabili dira. Naturarekiko konexioan, bertako elikagaien eta ortuen inguruko ezagutzetan aldaketak egon diren aztertzeko asmoz. Emaitzek adieraztera eman dutena, ikasleek naturarekiko lotura sendo bat islatzen duten arren, ezagutzak ez direla behar luketen sakonak. Hau gutxi ez balitz, elikadura jasangarriaren inguruko idea egokiak dituzten arren, honen arrazoiak ez dituzte ulertzen. Bestetik, ortuaren kontzeptu sinple bat eta bertako espezieen identifikazioarekin arazoak dituztela baieztatu da. Amaitzeko, EAThink proiektuaren unitate baten birmoldaketa (ortua ardatz bezala erabiliz) baten ondorioz, ikasleen ezagutzen hobekuntza partzial bat eman dela egiaztatu da. Lan honen bitartez, eskola ortuen erabileraren baliagarritasuna egiaztatu da jasangarritasunaren hezkuntzarako baliabide gako gisa.[ES] Este trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende analizar el impacto que los huertos ecodidácticos pueden tener en la educación para la sostenibilidad. Para ello, se diseñó y se aplicó un cuestionario con el objetivo de analizar la conexión con la naturaleza del alumnado de 6º de Primaria y sus conocimientos sobre los huertos ecodidácticos y sus alimentos. A través de ello, se evaluaron los conocimientos e ideas previas del alumnado en esta última etapa de Educación Primaria, con el fin de conocer si realmente se garantiza el aprendizaje de los objetivos y contenidos definidos en el Currículo de Educación Básica. El cuestionario se ha realizado en los CEIP Zabalgana y Umandi de Vitoria-Gasteiz donde han participado 122 alumnos de 6º curso de estos centros. Por otro lado, para poder ver el uso que pueden tener los huertos ecodidácticos y su impacto, se ha realizado el diseño de una secuencia de enseñanza-aprendizaje (SEA). Con ella, se buscará la inmersión del alumnado de 6º de Primaria en el huerto escolar, fomentar la conexión con la naturaleza, formarse en la gestión de la huerta y trabajar los conocimientos sobre el origen de los alimentos. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo una implementación piloto de la SEA en un aula con 24 alumnos de 6º de la escuela Zabalgana. Esta unidad didáctica forma parte del proyecto EAThink (2015) puesto en marcha por la Unión Europea y ha sido el eje central de la SEA. Para finalizar, para poder realizar la evaluación de la SEA, analizamos el impacto de la SEA mediante un diseño de cuestionarios pre/post en lo relativo a la conexión con la naturaleza del alumnado, los conocimientos sobre los alimentos autóctonos y los conocimientos sobre la huerta. Los resultados indican que, aunque los alumnos reflejan una fuerte relación con la naturaleza, los conocimientos no son superficiales. Así mismo, aunque tienen ideas adecuadas sobre la alimentación sostenible, no entienden las razones de su importancia. Por otro lado, se ha confirmado que tienen un concepto muy básico de los elementos naturales una de huerta y, a su vez, prestan problemas con la identificación de las especies autóctonas. Finalmente, una remodelación de una unidad del proyecto EAThink (2015) (utilizando la huerta como eje) ha hecho que los conocimientos del alumnado hayan aumentado.[EN] This Final Degree project aims to analyse the impact organic learning gardens can have on sustainability education. In order to do this, a questionnaire has been designed and carried out to analyse the connection with nature of 6th grade students and their knowledge about gardens and their products. By means of this, the knowledge and preconceptions of pupils in this last stage of Primary Education has been assessed, in order to find out whether the learning objectives and contents defined in the Basic Education Curriculum are really achieved. The questionnaire was carried out at the Zabalgana school and the Umandi ikastola in Vitoria-Gasteiz where 122 6th grade students from these schools took part. On the other hand, in order to see how the organic learning gardens can be used and assess their impact, a teaching-learning sequence (TLS) has been designed. The aim is to immerse the 6th grade students in the organic garden, to promote the connection with nature, to train them in the management of the garden and to work on the knowledge of the origin of foodstuffs. Additionally, we have implemented the TLS in a classroom with 24 6th grade students from the Zabalgana school. This TLS is grounded on the EAThink project (2015) launched by the European Union and has been the central axis of the TLS. Finally, in order to evaluate the impact of the TLS didactic sequence, with respect to the pupils' natural connection, knowledge about local foods and knowledge about the organic garden using a pre/post test design. The results indicate that although students reflect a strong relationship with nature, knowledge is incomplete. Moreover, although they have appropriate ideas about sustainable food, they do not understand the reason behind. Additionally, it has been confirmed that they have a basic knowledge of natural elements of gardens and have problems with the identification of local species. Finally, a redesign of a TLS grounded on the EAThink project (2015) (using organic garden as a focus) has increased pupils' knowledge

    Gender Diversity in Research and Innovation Projects: The Proportion of Women in the Context of Higher Education

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    Europe has gradually consolidated its integration of the gender dimension in the field of research and innovation. Institutional structures have shown that the development of gender diversity policies have improved the conditions of equality between women and men. However, the representation of women in the workforce is still an everyday and universal concern. This article analyses the position of women in academic research. For this purpose, the evolution of the participation of women in research and innovation projects in the context of higher education is observed, taking the University of the Basque Country, Spain, as a case study. In order to evaluate the situation of women in research and innovation projects, the authors analyse a database with 75,864 records of projects collected between 2007 and 2018. The analysis confirms that a more balanced participation has been achieved between women and men in research and innovation teams and in project management structures. However, it also shows that gender diversity should continue to be a priority, in addition to its integration in science and technology financing programmes. Knowing this reality can be useful to promote the intensive development of public policies and to contribute towards the effort to improve the statistics of women’s participation in science

    Integrating Social Innovation into the Curriculum of Higher Education Institutions in Latin America: Insights from the Students4Change Project

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    In the last two decades, social innovation (SI) and social entrepreneurship (SE) have gained relevance and interest within the framework of academia at international level. Higher education institutions (HEIs) are key players in promoting innovation and social entrepreneurship initiatives that respond to multifaceted challenges. They support strategies on the basis of the strengthening of participation, collaboration, and cooperation with society and its local communities. However, the approach of Latin American universities to SI and SE has been very uneven in the way they have understood them, integrated them into academic programmes, and transferred knowledge to society. On the basis of the experience of the Students4Change project, we sought to understand the role of Latin American HEIs in promoting social innovations by analysing the experiences of 10 participating universities to formalise a pedagogical programme on SI and SE in their institutions. The results suggest that there is still a need to formalise an academic syllabus that is specifically designed to promote social innovations and to train universities in this endeavour. This paper contributes to the identification of the main levers of change, strengths, and challenges that Latin American universities face to institutionalise SI and SE in their contexts.This research was co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Union under Key Action 2 with the following reference number: 2 574133-EPP-1-2016-1-MX-EPPKA2-CBHE-J

    Interaction dynamics and autonomy in cognitive systems

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    The concept of autonomy is of crucial importance for understanding life and cognition. Whereas cellular and organismic autonomy is based in the self-production of the material infrastructure sustaining the existence of living beings as such, we are interested in how biological autonomy can be expanded into forms of autonomous agency, where autonomy as a form of organization is extended into the behaviour of an agent in interaction with its environment (and not its material self-production). In this thesis, we focus on the development of operational models of sensorimotor agency, exploring the construction of a domain of interactions creating a dynamical interface between agent and environment. We present two main contributions to the study of autonomous agency: First, we contribute to the development of a modelling route for testing, comparing and validating hypotheses about neurocognitive autonomy. Through the design and analysis of specific neurodynamical models embedded in robotic agents, we explore how an agent is constituted in a sensorimotor space as an autonomous entity able to adaptively sustain its own organization. Using two simulation models and different dynamical analysis and measurement of complex patterns in their behaviour, we are able to tackle some theoretical obstacles preventing the understanding of sensorimotor autonomy, and to generate new predictions about the nature of autonomous agency in the neurocognitive domain. Second, we explore the extension of sensorimotor forms of autonomy into the social realm. We analyse two cases from an experimental perspective: the constitution of a collective subject in a sensorimotor social interactive task, and the emergence of an autonomous social identity in a large-scale technologically-mediated social system. Through the analysis of coordination mechanisms and emergent complex patterns, we are able to gather experimental evidence indicating that in some cases social autonomy might emerge based on mechanisms of coordinated sensorimotor activity and interaction, constituting forms of collective autonomous agency

    The COMT Val158 Met polymorphism as an associated risk factor for Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment in APOE 4 carriers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the <it>catechol-O-methyltranferase (COMT) </it>gene (polymorphism Val158 Met) as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment of amnesic type (MCI), and its synergistic effect with the <it>apolipoprotein E gene (APOE)</it>.</p> <p>A total of 223 MCI patients, 345 AD and 253 healthy controls were analyzed. Clinical criteria and neuropsychological tests were used to establish diagnostic groups.</p> <p>The DNA Bank of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (Spain) determined <it>COMT </it>Val158 Met and <it>APOE </it>genotypes using real time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs), respectively. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to determine the risk of AD and MCI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither <it>COMT </it>alleles nor genotypes were independent risk factors for AD or MCI. The high activity genotypes (GG and AG) showed a synergistic effect with <it>APOE ε4 </it>allele, increasing the risk of AD (OR = 5.96, 95%CI 2.74-12.94, p < 0.001 and OR = 6.71, 95%CI 3.36-13.41, p < 0.001 respectivily). In AD patients this effect was greater in women.</p> <p>In MCI patients such as synergistic effect was only found between AG and <it>APOE ε4 </it>allele (OR = 3.21 95%CI 1.56-6.63, p = 0.02) and was greater in men (OR = 5.88 95%CI 1.69-20.42, p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>COMT </it>(Val158 Met) polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for AD or MCI, but shows a synergistic effect with <it>APOE ε4 </it>allele that proves greater in women with AD.</p

    ¿Qué mueve a confiar en la gobernanza colaborativa? Análisis de un programa gubernamental en el País Vasco

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    Collaborative governance constitutes an aspiration in both the study and practice of public management. In this endeavour, trust is an intangible resource that gets of special relevance, because it is assumed that in order to foster the participation of different actors in public policies it is necessary to acknowledge the value of their contributions. While the literature on citizen trust on collaborative government programs is large, works about both intra-organizational trust (between politicians and civil servants) and inter-organizational trust (from the latter to societal organizations) are scarce. This article explores the dynamics of trust between actors (politicians, civil servants and citizens) who participate in a governmental program of collaborative governance (Etorkizuna Eraikiz, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa), and it focuses on the sources or drivers of trust.Based on the grounded theory for the thematic analysis of in depth semi-structured interviews with actors involved in the program (politicians, civil servants and civil organizations), the article explores the sources and drivers of trust by applying a typology that distinguishes formal sources (structures and rules) from informal ones (interactions). The analysis reveals that the spaces of interaction created by collaboration develop normative frameworks with strongly shared values that suggest the existence of some typical group orientation leading to trust. Based on these findings, some challenges are identified for the advancement of the study and practice of collaborative governance.La gobernanza colaborativa constituye una aspiración en el estudio y la práctica de la gestión pública. En este empeño, el recurso intangible de la confianza adquiere especial relevancia porque avanzar en la participación de distintos actores en las políticas públicas pasa por otorgar valor a la contribución que estos puedan prestar. Si bien el desarrollo de la literatura en torno a la confianza ciudadana que generan los programas de gobernanza colaborativa es muy extenso, escasean los trabajos que atienden a la confianza intraorganizacional (entre políticos y funcionarios) e interorganizacional (de estos hacia las organizaciones societarias). Este artículo explora la dinámica de la confianza entre los actores (políticos, funcionarios y ciudadanos) que participan en un programa gubernamental de gobernanza colaborativa (Etorkizuna Eraikiz, de la Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa), centrándose en las fuentes o motores de la confianza. Con base en la teoría fundamentada para el análisis temático de entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas con los actores del programa (políticos, funcionarios y organizaciones civiles), el artículo explora los motores de la confianza de acuerdo a una tipología que distingue fuentes formales (lo estructural o legal) de informales (lo interaccional). El análisis revela que en los espacios de relación que genera la colaboración se desarrollan unos marcos normativos con valores compartidos que pueden indicar la existencia de una orientación típica de grupo que mueve a confiar. A partir de los resultados, se identifican una serie de desafíos para avanzar en el estudio y práctica de la gobernanza colaborativa

    Comunicação política em tempos de nova cultura política

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    [ES] El proceso de globalización y sus manifiestos efectos comunicativos, culturales y políticos están afectando crucialmente a dos conceptos relativamente jóvenes en la investigación académica, en concreto, la Comunicación Política y la Cultura Política. La relación entre estos conceptos es cada vez más interdependiente pues las herramientas y los lenguajes de la Comunicación Política influyen decisivamente en la conformación de la Nueva Cultura Política y, a su vez, la actividad de la ciudadanía a través de las herramientas comunicativas digitales está condicionando la generación de contenidos y la creación de los discursos que toman cuerpo en forma de Comunicación Política. Creemos que para entender las razones de esta relación es necesario establecer, por un lado, las características de la Nueva Cultura Política y, por la otra, la manera que las posibilidades que ofrece la tecnología transforman la generación y la transmisión de la Comunicación Política. Posiblemente lo más novedoso de esta relación es que tiene carácter bidireccional, alterando los roles clásicos del proceso comunicativo que distinguía nítidamente entre emisores y receptores. Novedad que constituye una evidencia global y se deja sentir de manera muy similar en el conjunto de las democracias representativas occidentales. Este trabajo se esfuerza en describir y analizar este escenario emergente que ha tomado cuerpo como otra de las transformaciones que están aconteciendo en las sociedades avanzadas, y en identificar algunas tendencias que, en todo caso, están sometidas al cambio vertiginoso propio de nuestro tiempo.[EN] The process of globalisation and its clear communicative, cultural and political effects are greatly affecting two relatively new concepts in academic research, specifically Political Communication and Political Culture. The relationship between these concepts is increasingly interdependent as the tools and languages of Political Communication strongly influence the formation of the New Political Culture, and in turn, citizen activity through digital communication tools is conditioning the generation of content and the creation of discourse which take shape in the form of Political Communication. We believe that to understand the reasons for this relationship it is necessary to establish, firstly, the characteristics of the New Political Culture, and secondly, the way in which the possibilities offered by technology transform the generation and transmission of Political Communication. Possibly the newest aspect of this relationship is that it has a two-way nature, altering the classic roles of the communication process that clearly distinguishes transmitters and receivers. This new aspect constitutes global evidence and is felt in a very similar way in all western representative democracies. This work endeavours to describe and analyse this emerging scenario which has taken shape as another of the transformations which are occurring in advanced societies, and to identify some trends which, in all cases, are subject to the accelerated change of our time.[PO] O processo de globalização e os seus manifestos efeitos comunicativos, culturais e políticos estão a afetar crucialmente dois conceitos relativamente jovens na investigação académica, em concreto, a Comunicação Política e a Cultura Política. A relação entre estes conceitos é cada vez mais interdependente, pois as ferramentas e as linguagens da Comunicação Política influenciam decisivamente na formação da Nova Cultura Política e, por sua vez, a atividade da cidadania através das ferramentas comunicativas digitais está a condicionar a geração de conteúdos e a criação dos discursos que ganham forma como Comunicação Política. Acreditamos que, para entender as razões desta relação, é necessário estabelecer, por um lado, as características da Nova Cultura Política e, por outro, a maneira como as possibilidades que oferece a tecnologia transformam a geração e a transmissão da Comunicação Política. Possivelmente a novidade desta relação é ter caráter bidi- recional, alterando os papéis clássicos do processo comunicativo que distinguia ni- tidamente entre emissores e recetores. Novidade que consiste numa evidência global e que se deixa sentir de maneira muito semelhante no conjunto das democracias representativas ocidentais. Este trabalho esforçase por descrever e analisar este cenário emergente que ga- nhou corpo como outra das transformações que estão a acontecer nas sociedades avançadas, e em identificar algumas tendências que, em todo o caso, estão sujeitas à mudança vertiginosa própria do nosso tempo

    Comunicación Política en tiempos de Nueva Cultura Política

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    The process of globalisation and its clear communicative, cultural and political effects are greatly affecting two relatively new concepts in academic research, specifically Political Communication and Political Culture. The relationship between these concepts is increasingly interdependent as the tools and languages of Political Communication strongly influence the formation of the New Political Culture, and in turn, citizen activity through digital communication tools is conditioning the generation of content and the creation of discourse which take shape in the form of Political Communication. We believe that to understand the reasons for this relationship it is necessary to establish, firstly, the characteristics of the New Political Culture, and secondly, the way in which the possibilities offered by technology transform the generation and transmission of Political Communication. Possibly the newest aspect of this relationship is that it has a two-way nature, altering the classic roles of the communication process that clearly distinguishes transmitters and receivers. This new aspect constitutes global evidence and is felt in a very similar way in all western representative democracies. This work endeavours to describe and analyse this emerging scenario which has taken shape as another of the transformations which are occurring in advanced societies, and to identify some trends which, in all cases, are subject to the accelerated change of our time.O processo de globalização e os seus manifestos efeitos comunicativos, culturais e políticos estão a afetar crucialmente dois conceitos relativamente jovens na investigação académica, em concreto, a Comunicação Política e a Cultura Política. A relação entre estes conceitos é cada vez mais interdependente, pois as ferramentas e as linguagens da Comunicação Política influenciam decisivamente na formação da Nova Cultura Política e, por sua vez, a atividade da cidadania através das ferramentas comunicativas digitais está a condicionar a geração de conteúdos e a criação dos discursos que ganham forma como Comunicação Política. Acreditamos que, para entender as razões desta relação, é necessário estabelecer, por um lado, as características da Nova Cultura Política e, por outro, a maneira como as possibilidades que oferece a tecnologia transformam a geração e a transmissão da Comunicação Política. Possivelmente a novidade desta relação é ter caráter bidirecional, alterando os papéis clássicos do processo comunicativo que distinguia nitidamente entre emissores e recetores. Novidade que consiste numa evidência global e que se deixa sentir de maneira muito semelhante no conjunto das democracias representativas ocidentais. Este trabalho esforça-se por descrever e analisar este cenário emergente que ganhou corpo como outra das transformações que estão a acontecer nas sociedades avançadas, e em identificar algumas tendências que, em todo o caso, estão sujeitas à mudança vertiginosa própria do nosso tempo.El proceso de globalización y sus manifiestos efectos comunicativos, culturales y políticos están afectando crucialmente a dos conceptos relativamente jóvenes en la investigación académica, en concreto, la Comunicación Política y la Cultura Política. La relación entre estos conceptos es cada vez más interdependiente pues las herramientas y los lenguajes de la Comunicación Política influyen decisivamente en la conformación de la Nueva Cultura Política y, a su vez, la actividad de la ciudadanía a través de las herramientas comunicativas digitales está condicionando la generación de contenidos y la creación de los discursos que toman cuerpo en forma de Comunicación Política. Creemos que para entender las razones de esta relación es necesario establecer, por un lado, las características de la Nueva Cultura Política y, por la otra, la manera en que las posibilidades que ofrece la tecnología transforman la generación y la transmisión de la Comunicación Política. Posiblemente lo más novedoso de esta relación es que tiene carácter bidireccional, alterando los roles clásicos del proceso comunicativo que distinguía nítidamente entre emisores y receptores. Novedad que constituye una evidencia global y se deja sentir de manera muy similar en el conjunto de las democracias representativas occidentales. Este trabajo se esfuerza en describir y analizar este escenario emergente que ha tomado cuerpo como otra de las transformaciones que están aconteciendo en las sociedades avanzadas, y en identificar algunas tendencias que, en todo caso, están sometidas al cambio vertiginoso propio de nuestro tiempo

    Integración de la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo de competencias transversales a través de metodologías activas en educación superior

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    Este artículo presenta una vía de actuación para integrar la sostenibilidad y las competencias transversales en los estudios universitarios. Partiendo de la noción de sostenibilidad incluida en la Agenda 2030, y con la visión de las coreografías didácticas, se muestra cómo articular la inclusión de ambos conceptos en una titulación mediante la utilización de metodologías activas. Para ello, en una primera parte, se describen las características de las metodologías seleccionadas: aprendizaje basado en fenómenos, aprendizaje basado en retos y aprendizaje basado en investigación, y se presenta una propuesta para sistematizar la integración de las competencias transversales de universidad con las específicas de cada asignatura y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. En la segunda parte se presenta la aplicación de estas pautas en un grado de la Universidad del País Vasco

    The “Urbasa” type flint. Main petrological and geochemical features of a litologhic marker in late Pleistocene and earliest Holocene archaeological sites

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    43ª Sesión Científica. Móstoles, Noviembre de 2007The “Urbasa” flint, which occurs intercalated within shallow-water limestones of Thanetian (upper Paleocene) age was one of the best and most used flint sources during the Prehistoric times in the Basque-Cantabrian area. Two of the main outcrops/quarries where the “Urbasa” flint was exploited are located in the Urbasa ridge (W Navarra). The analysis of the compositional texture, mineralogy and geochemical features has revealed that the “Urbasa” flint is highly pure and of fine-grained texture, but with high contents of moganite, traces of organic matter and, less frequently, carbonates and clay.Peer reviewe