2,392 research outputs found

    Inimelu eesmärk on olla õnnelik, olla elus edukas

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    The Ethics of the New Millenium. By His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama Tendzin GyatsoThe lecture delivered by His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama in the Assembly Hall of the University of Tartu on the 20th of June 2001. The whole text is in English and will be published in the following edition: Tartu Ülikooli aulaloengud. Aula Lectures. Tartu Ülikool, 2002

    XIV Trobada d'Escoles Mallorquines

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    Breve de nuestro muy santo padre Clemente XIV por el qual Su Santidad suprime, deroga y extingue el Instituto y Orden de los Clérigos Regulares, denominados de la Compañía de Jesus que ha sido presentado en el Consejo para su publicaión

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    Creu i escut reial xil. a port.Sign.: [ ]1, A-N2Text a 2 cols. i reclamsText datat a Madrid el 12 de setembre de 1773Breu del nostre molt Sant Pare Clement XIV pel qual sa Santedat suprimeix, derroga, i extingueix l'institut i ordre dels Clergues Regulars, denominats de la Companyia de Jesús, que ha estat presentat al Consell per la seva publicació.

    Aggregated End-to-end Visibility and its Application on Rapid and Automatic Outage Triage in Monitoring Microservices

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    In a microservice architecture, a user request can go through a large number of servers owned by several different teams before a response is returned. The request can fail due to failure in any of the servers. Troubleshooting an outage that affects the end user experience in microservice architecture can involve multiple teams and can take a substantial amount of time. This disclosure describes techniques to rapidly locate the root cause entity of a customer-facing failure to node(s) deep within the infrastructure of the service. Per the techniques, end user product teams mark requests with metadata known as critical user interactions (CUI). The metadata is propagated along with the request. Performance metrics are gathered from servers that the requests go through. The performance metric is keyed by CUI, server node, and peer node for every adjacent pair of nodes. These piecemeal metrics keyed by CUI together offer end-to-end visibility for a set of requests grouped by the CUI of the end product, enabling the rapid and automatic triage of an outage to an interior server without requiring domain expertise on the product or the server

    Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Benedicti Papae XIV allocutio habita in comitiis generalibus fratrum Ordinis Praedicatorum in Conventu Sanctae Mariae super Minervam : celebratis V nonas julii MDCCLVI

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2007Precede al tít. [cristus]El pie de imp. consta en colofónSign.: []

    Low-cost attacks, unnoticable plots? Overview on the economical character of current terrorism

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    Datos de ed. preceden a "Tomus secundus"Sign. : ]\p2\s, A-Z\p4\s, 2A-2Z\p4\s, 3A\p6\sTexto a dos colPort. a dos tintas y con grab. calc. de Benedicto XIVLa il. es un grab. calc. en A\b1\sApéndices : p. 297-37