447 research outputs found

    Towards a more complete quantification of the global carbon cycle

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    The main components of global carbon budget calculations are the emissions from burning fossil fuels, cement production, and net land-use change, partly balanced by ocean CO2 uptake and CO2 increase in the atmosphere. The difference between these terms is referred to as the residual sink, assumed to correspond to increasing carbon storage in the terrestrial biosphere through physiological plant responses to changing conditions (ΔBphys). It is often used to constrain carbon exchange in global earth-system models. More broadly, it guides expectations of autonomous changes in global carbon stocks in response to climatic changes, including increasing CO2, that may add to, or subtract from, anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, a budget with only these terms omits some important additional fluxes that are needed to correctly infer ΔBphys. They are cement carbonation and fluxes into increasing pools of plastic, bitumen, harvested-wood products, and landfill deposition after disposal of these products, and carbon fluxes to the oceans via wind erosion and non-CO2 fluxes of the intermediate breakdown products of methane and other volatile organic compounds. While the global budget includes river transport of dissolved inorganic carbon, it omits river transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon, and the deposition of carbon in inland water bodies. Each one of these terms is relatively small, but together they can constitute important additional fluxes that would significantly reduce the size of the inferred ΔBphys. We estimate here that inclusion of these fluxes would reduce ΔBphys from the currently reported 3.6&thinsp;GtC&thinsp;yr−1 down to about 2.1&thinsp;GtC&thinsp;yr−1 (excluding losses from land-use change). The implicit reduction in the size of ΔBphys has important implications for the inferred magnitude of current-day biospheric net carbon uptake and the consequent potential of future biospheric feedbacks to amplify or negate net anthropogenic CO2 emissions.</p

    Faktor Resiko Terjadinya Perdarahan Post Partum : Studi Literatur

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is relatively high. The most common cause of maternal death is bleeding. Post partum haemorrhage (PPH) is an unexpected cause and the fastest cause of maternal death worldwide. PPH is blood loss of 500 cc or more that occurs after the baby is born. Risk factors/predisposition for postpartum hemorrhage include: anemia, parity, gestational age, delivery distance, excessive uterine stretching (macrosomia, gemely, and polyhidramnions), precipitate parturition, oxytocin induction, history of cesarean section, ante partum bleeding, first stage of labor and the elongated II, and so on. This literature review aims to determine the risk factors/trigger factors of postpartum hemorrhage. Using literature study according to the topic. Literature studies were obtained from various sources, including from journals ranging from 2015-2020. Source articles from goggle scholars and Goggle Scholars. From several journals that have been reviewed, postpartum hemorrhage is one of the complications that has a high incidence. And there is a relationship between predisposing factors and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhageAbstrakAngka kematian ibu melahirkan di Indonesia relatif tinggi. Adapun penyebab terbanyak yang menyebabkan kematian ibu adalah perdarahan. Perdarahan post partum adalah penyebab tak terduga dan penyebab tercepat kematian ibu diseluruh dunia. Perdarahan post partum adalah hilangnya darah 500 cc atau lebih yang terjadi setelah bayi lahir. Faktor resiko/predisposisi terjadinya perdarahan post partum antara lain : anemia, paritas, umur kehamilan, jarak persalinan, peregangan uterus yang berlebihan (makrosomia, gemeli dan polihidramnion), partus presipitatus, induksi oksitosin, riwayat seksio secaria, perdarahan ante partum, persalinan kalan I dan II yang memanjang, dan lain-lain. literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor resiko/faktor pencetus dari perdarahan post partum. menggunakan studi literatur sesuai dengan topik. Studi literatur didapat dari berbagai sumber, diantaranya dari jurnal berkisar tahun 2014-2018. Sumber artikel dari Pubmed, Portal Garuda dan goggle Scholar. dari beberapa jurnal yang telah ditelaah, perdarahan post partum merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang angka kejadiannya masih tinggi. Dan ada hubungan antara faktor predisposisi dengan kejadian perdarahan post partu

    Faktor Resiko Terjadinya Perdarahan Post Partum : Studi Literatur

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is relatively high. The most common cause of maternal death is bleeding. Post partum haemorrhage (PPH) is an unexpected cause and the fastest cause of maternal death worldwide. PPH is blood loss of 500 cc or more that occurs after the baby is born. Risk factors/predisposition for postpartum hemorrhage include: anemia, parity, gestational age, delivery distance, excessive uterine stretching (macrosomia, gemely, and polyhidramnions), precipitate parturition, oxytocin induction, history of cesarean section, ante partum bleeding, first stage of labor and the elongated II, and so on. This literature review aims to determine the risk factors/trigger factors of postpartum hemorrhage. Using literature study according to the topic. Literature studies were obtained from various sources, including from journals ranging from 2015-2020. Source articles from goggle scholars and Goggle Scholars. From several journals that have been reviewed, postpartum hemorrhage is one of the complications that has a high incidence. And there is a relationship between predisposing factors and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhageAbstrakAngka kematian ibu melahirkan di Indonesia relatif tinggi. Adapun penyebab terbanyak yang menyebabkan kematian ibu adalah perdarahan. Perdarahan post partum adalah penyebab tak terduga dan penyebab tercepat kematian ibu diseluruh dunia. Perdarahan post partum adalah hilangnya darah 500 cc atau lebih yang terjadi setelah bayi lahir. Faktor resiko/predisposisi terjadinya perdarahan post partum antara lain : anemia, paritas, umur kehamilan, jarak persalinan, peregangan uterus yang berlebihan (makrosomia, gemeli dan polihidramnion), partus presipitatus, induksi oksitosin, riwayat seksio secaria, perdarahan ante partum, persalinan kalan I dan II yang memanjang, dan lain-lain. literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor resiko/faktor pencetus dari perdarahan post partum. menggunakan studi literatur sesuai dengan topik. Studi literatur didapat dari berbagai sumber, diantaranya dari jurnal berkisar tahun 2014-2018. Sumber artikel dari Pubmed, Portal Garuda dan goggle Scholar. dari beberapa jurnal yang telah ditelaah, perdarahan post partum merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang angka kejadiannya masih tinggi. Dan ada hubungan antara faktor predisposisi dengan kejadian perdarahan post partu

    Associação do reflexo vermelho em recém-nascidos com variáveis neonatais

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    Objetivou-se investigar o resultado do teste do reflexo vermelho, conhecido como teste do olhinho, e associar as impressões do reflexo com variáveis neonatais. Este é um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado com 190 recém-nascidos de uma maternidade pública, dos quais 187 apresentaram resultado não alterado e três suspeitos. Observaram-se diferentes nuances de coloração do reflexo: em 50 (26,3%) a coloração do reflexo apresentou-se vermelha; 34 (17,9%) laranja-avermelhado; 92 (48,4%) alaranjado; 11 (5,8%) amarelo claro e três (1,6%) com manchas esbranquiçadas. Encontraram-se associações estatisticamente significantes entre o instrumento gradiente de cores e variáveis neonatais: peso (p=0,03), idade gestacional (p=0,019) e oxigenoterapia (p=0,024). Enfermeiros capacitados para prática e avaliação desse teste podem se tornar profissionais em potencial para a prevenção da cegueira infantil.The aim of this study was to investigate the results of the red reflex test and to associate these results with neonatal variables. This descriptive study was conducted with 190 newborns in a public maternity hospital. A total of 187 infants presented no alteration and three presented suspect results. Different shades of reflex color were observed: 50 (26.3%) presented red; 34 (17.9%) orange-red, 92 (48.4%) orange, 11 (5.8%) light yellow and three (1.6%) milky white spots. Statistically significant associations between the color gradient instrument and neonatal variables were found: weight (p=0.03), gestational age (p=0.019) and oxygen therapy (p=0.024). Nurses trained to practice and evaluate this test may become professionals in the potential for the prevention of childhood blindness.Se objetivó investigar el resultado de la prueba del reflejo rojo, conocido como prueba del ojito, y asociar las impresiones del reflejo con variables neonatales. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado con 190 recién nacidos de una maternidad pública; de los cuales 187 presentaron resultados no alterados y tres sospechosos. Se observaron diferentes matices de coloración del reflejo: en 50 (26,3%) se presentó rojo; 34 (17,9%) naranja rojizo; 92 (48,4%) anaranjado; 11 (5,8%) amarillo claro y tres (1,6%) con manchas blanquecinas. Se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el instrumento gradiente de colores y las variables neonatales: peso (p=0,03), edad de gestación (p=0,019) y oxigenoterapia (p=0,024). Enfermeros capacitados para la práctica y evaluación de esa prueba pueden tornarse profesionales en potencial para la prevención de la ceguera infantil

    Trabalho educativo do enfermeiro na Estratégia Saúde da Família: dificuldades e perspectivas de mudanças

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    Este estudo objetivou conhecer as dificuldades e perspectivas de mudanças que os enfermeiros identificam no desenvolvimento das ações educativas na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritivo-exploratória. Os dados foram coletados junto a 20 enfermeiros que atuam na ESF, no âmbito da 10ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, no mês de abril de 2010, as quais foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram que os enfermeiros enfrentam dificuldades no desenvolvimento da educação em saúde junto aos usuários, à equipe, aos gestores e quanto à falta de recursos físicos, materiais e financeiros. Mas, a partir das dificuldades sentidas, buscam alternativas diversificadas para superá-las e sugerem modificações visando à melhoria na atenção primária à saúde da população, principalmente, no que tange ao trabalho educativo