471 research outputs found

    Human capital and other factors of the total productivity in Spanish Regions

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    The productivity evolution results a main factors indicators in order to explain the uneven growth of the different economic spaces and their different levels of welfare in a long run. Just, the crucial importance of productivity for economic growth can be derived from its relation to other indicators of economic performance. Among other factors, these include accumulation of physical and human capital, technological progress, resources allocation and efficiency, and competitiveness. For this reason, in this paper we elaborate in the first place an indicator of Total Factor Productivity for the Spain regions from of point of view of the theoretical justifications of the different methodological proposals. In the second place, and using the available statistics, we explain the unequal behaviour of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) between these regions from a point of view that variables like public capital (infrastructure), human capital (qualification), technological capital (research and development), productive specialization, the different grades of resource's uses, the exploitation of scale economies ..., may justify the regional divergence in productivity terms.

    Productividad Global en la Mineria Espanola: Una Panoramica y Modelos Econometricos.

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    En este trabajo estimamos la evolucion de la productividad total en la mineria española durante el periodo 1974-1991. Para ello proponemos la utilizacion de una metodologia de medida generica y flexible, que nos indica la trayectoria de la productividad a partir de los factores o fuentes mas importantes que la determinan. Estos resultados nos permiten deducir las caracteristicas productivas mas relevantes en la mineria española durante el periodo considerado y opinar sobre las perspectivas de este sector en el corto y medio plazo.Productivity; Mines

    On minimal degree simultaneous pole assignment problems

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    AbstractIn this paper, we show that a generic r-tuple of m-input p-output linear systems is simultaneously pole assignable if r<m+p and the McMillan degrees of the systems are not too different. We also obtain upper bounds for the degrees of the compensators which simultaneously assign the characteristic polynomials of the r-tuple of closed loop systems. The upper bounds are obtained for each of the two cases r⩽max(m,p) and max(m,p)<r<m+p


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    Feed filters were installed in Syncrude hydrotreater units to protect the catalyst beds from plugging by fine solids in the feed. Severe filter fouling occurred after a process flow sheet change. The root cause of fouling was revealed through a step-by-step scientific investigation. It was first confirmed that the fouling problem was related to a process flow sheet change that introduced a heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) stream into the coker combined gas oil (KCGO) stream prior to filtration. Characterization of the foulant and the feed indicated that the fouling reactions are likely oxidative polymerization. Iron naphthenate or naphthenic acid in the HVGO stream could act as a catalyst for such a reaction. A bench-scale oxidation test was carried out to compare the oxygen uptake rates and the C7-insoluble contents after oxidation in KCGO, KCGO+HVGO, KCGO+iron naphthenate and KCGO+naphthenic acid streams. While the oxygen uptake kinetics for these samples were similar, the C7-insoluble contents for KCGO+HVGO and KCGO+iron naphthenate increased significantly after oxidation compared to the base case of KCGO. No significant increase of the C7-insoluble content was observed for KCGO+naphthenic acid, indicating that it was the iron naphthenate that catalyzed the fouling reactions. Iron naphthenate was a corrosion product in the HVGO stream, which could be eliminated by preventing corrosion in the vacuum distillation unit. The filter fouling problem indeed disappeared after the installation of corrosionresistant equipment. This paper is the modified version of a former publication: X.A. Wu, K.H. Chung, 2007, Hydrotreater feed filter fouling and its remedy, Energy Fuels Vol. 21, pp. 1212-1216

    An assessment of Nigeria’s agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund: evidence from time-series analysis

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    The operations of Nigeria’s Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF), after twenty-seven years, were subjected to macro econometric analysis, presumably the first quantitative approach to the scheme, with the objective of providing useful results, deducing policy implications, and perhaps, policy options. Specifically, the volume by number and value of loans guaranteed and repaid, with the addition of a credit-determining policy instrument, were modelled using vector autoregression (VAR) methodology to evaluate the economic information they contain and their relevance in terms of policy analysis. The value of loans guaranteed was identified to be positively related to the number of loans guaranteed and the number and value of loans repaid, and inversely related to the policy instrument. In this light, the managers of the scheme need to step up and encourage vigorous repayment of loans under the guarantee and develop capacity to process and approve guarantees and default claims on-line. Beyond these, the monetary policy regulating institution is urged to adopt forward looking rules, example, by encouraging participating banks to access the discount window at favourable terms, that do not directly or indirectly infringe on the expressed aims of the ACGSF, say, in its attempt at affecting the liquidity (interest rate) and/ or credit channels of monetary transmission.KEYWORDS: Credit, guarantee, agriculture, vector autoregression, monetary policy

    Method of solving incorrect tasks formed by construction of fuzzy models assessing the weakly formallized processes.

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    The article examines the improvement of the method for obtaining a fuzzy and fuzzy-stable solution to incorrect problems arising in the construction of a model for estimating the state of weakly formalizable processes using various membership functions based on the theory of fuzzy sets. The proposed method makes it possible to construct a correct fuzzy model of weakly formalizable processes


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    To analyze the methods and tactics of treatment, indications for surgery, its type and volume in peritonitis, as well as to give morphological characteristics of the peritoneum in patients with peritonitis. Materials and methods: the study was conducted in 1878 patients treated in the surgical department of the 4th City Clinical Hospital of Tashkent named after I. Irgashev during one calendar year, 2021. Clinical, instrumental, biopsy and morphologic diagnostic methods were used in the study during operative and conservative treatment of peritonitis. The obtained results were processed and compared by statistical method. Obtained results: the causes of peritonitis in the study group (124) were the following nosologic units : Acute appendicitis - 44%, perforated gastric and duodenal ulcer - 26%, pancreonecrosis - 6%, lesions of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal organs - 9.6%, acute destructive cholecystitis - 6.4%, pinched hernia (postoperative, inguinal, femoral) - 3.2%, acute intestinal obstruction (adhesions, intestinal blockage) - 1.6%. Despite the large number of scientific studies devoted to this problem, it is very relevant to conduct research on the choice of tactics and methods of treatment in patients with acute peritonitis, indications for surgical intervention, its type and volume. The medical records of these 1878 patients (case histories and surgical logs) were also studied retrospectively. Of these, 477 (25.4%) had acute appendicitis, 410 (21.8%) acute cholecystitis, 116 (6.2%) pancreatitis, 108 (5.8%) acute intestinal obstruction, 287 (15.3%) pinched hernia, 32 (1.7%) perforation of hollow organs, the remaining 448 (23.8%) peritonitis developed against the background of other surgical diseases: pancreatic tumor-1.6%, due to mesenteric vein thrombosis - in 1.6% of cases. Interpretation of clinical and morphologic results allows to make a correct choice of method and tactics of treatment and reasonable pathogenetic approach. Conclusions: taking into account the clinical course of peritonitis, duration and prevalence of the inflammatory process, as well as the appropriate response of morphologic structures of the peritoneum, the choice of the method and volume of surgical intervention leads to an increase in the effectiveness of treatment

    Un analisis de la productividad del comercio en las Comunidades Autonomas españolas.

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    Medir adecuadamente la productividad no resulta facil en general, y resulta mucho mas complicado en el ambito del sector comercial, debido a la escasez de datos y a la dificultad para cuantificar de forma detallada los distintos factores productivos y productos. En este trabajo, despues de efectuar una breve referencia al marco teorico que nos sirve de base y de exponer el procedimiento de calculo de las variables a utilizar, cuantificamos un indice de productividad total para este sector, lo que nos permite ver el comportamiento diferenciado de este indicador en las distintas Comunidades Autonomas. Este estudio se completa con la elaboracion de un modelo econometrico que nos permite deducir cuales son los factores determinantes de la divergencia en la productividad.

    Administration Model 4.0 and its Impact on the Improvement of Public Services

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    The present investigation analyzed the relationship between the satisfaction of the users of a public company in charge of the vehicle registration process in the city of Babahoyo, province of Los Ríos, Ecuador, and the implementation of an administration model 4.0 carried out through a system of management information in the area of license plate issuance, given the increase in users of this service and the need to guarantee and improve their satisfaction. For this purpose, some models related to management information systems and the public administration model 4.0 were analyzed. Later, analyzing the results of a survey applied to a sample of service users and officials of the public company, it was possible to diagnose the situation of the company’s registration area. The investigation evidenced the existence of unfriendly systems with the information needs of the institution, in addition to a low level of commitment on the part of the staff, which is demonstrated in the reduced or non-existent post-service follow-up, all of which causes user dissatisfaction. It is concluded that it is advisable to design and apply customer relationship management under the 4.0 public administration model that allows an increase in the level of user satisfaction. Keywords: CRM, quality management, users’ service, public management, transportation. Resumen La presente investigación analizó la relación entre la satisfacción de los usuarios de una Empresa pública encargada del proceso de matriculación vehicular en la ciudad de Babahoyo, provincia de Los Ríos, Ecuador y la implementación de un modelo de administración 4.0 realizada a través de un sistema de información gerencial en el área de emisión de matrículas, ante el incremento de usuarios de este servicio y la necesidad de garantizar y mejorar su satisfacción. Para el efecto se analizaron algunos modelos relacionados con los sistemas de información gerencial y el modelo de administración pública 4.0, y posteriormente, analizando los resultados de una encuesta aplicada a una muestra de usuarios del servicio y a funcionarios de la Empresa pública, se pudo diagnosticar la situación del área de matriculación de la empresa. La investigación evidenció la existencia de sistemas poco amigables con las necesidades de información de la institución, además de un bajo nivel de compromiso por parte del personal, que se demuestra en el reducido o inexistente seguimiento post servicio, todo lo cual provoca insatisfacción de los usuarios. Se concluye que es recomendable diseñar y aplicar un sistema de gestión de relaciones con el cliente bajo el modelo de administración pública 4.0 que permita el incremento del nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios. Palabras Clave: CRM, gestión de calidad, atención al usuario, administración pública, transportación. How t

    Productividad total de los factores en el sector agrario gallego, 1970-95. Analisis provincial.

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    En este trabajo calculamos indices de productividad total de los factores para el sector agrario gallego en su conjunto (agricultura y ganaderia). Para ello aplicamos el indice de Divisia en su aproximacion discreta (Törnqvist-Theil), con el objeto de llevar a cabo la agregacion del output y de los factores productivos. Para el calculo del output hemos recopilado cantidades y precios de 32 cultivos agricolas y 9 ganaderos con el fin de aproximarnos lo mas posible a la produccion final agraria total. En cuanto a los factores productivos hemos distinguido entre: trabajo, tierra, capital fisico, capital ganadero, energia y consumos intermedios. El periodo temporal que abarcamos comprende desde 1970 a 1995, y presentamos los resultados a nivel de las cuatro provincias gallegas y para el total de la Comunidad. Como resultado, obtenemos que la tasa media de crecimiento anual de la productividad total de los factores en el periodo considerado y para el conjunto de la region, se situa en 1.64%, consecuencia de que produccion disminuye (-0.14%) y los inputs lo hacen en mayor medida (-1.75%).