52 research outputs found

    Recherche d’insecticides potentiellement utilisables en lute anti-vectorielle

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    Value of syndromic surveillance within the Armed Forces for early warning during a dengue fever outbreak in French Guiana in 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A dengue fever outbreak occured in French Guiana in 2006. The objectives were to study the value of a syndromic surveillance system set up within the armed forces, compared to the traditional clinical surveillance system during this outbreak, to highlight issues involved in comparing military and civilian surveillance systems and to discuss the interest of syndromic surveillance for public health response.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Military syndromic surveillance allows the surveillance of suspected dengue fever cases among the 3,000 armed forces personnel. Within the same population, clinical surveillance uses several definition criteria for dengue fever cases, depending on the epidemiological situation. Civilian laboratory surveillance allows the surveillance of biologically confirmed cases, within the 200,000 inhabitants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It was shown that syndromic surveillance detected the dengue fever outbreak several weeks before clinical surveillance, allowing quick and effective enhancement of vector control within the armed forces. Syndromic surveillance was also found to have detected the outbreak before civilian laboratory surveillance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Military syndromic surveillance allowed an early warning for this outbreak to be issued, enabling a quicker public health response by the armed forces. Civilian surveillance system has since introduced syndromic surveillance as part of its surveillance strategy. This should enable quicker public health responses in the future.</p

    Quantifying the Spatial Dimension of Dengue Virus Epidemic Spread within a Tropical Urban Environment

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    Global trends in population growth and human redistribution and movement have reshaped the map of dengue transmission risk, exposing a significant proportion of the world's population to the threat of dengue epidemics. Knowledge on the relative contribution of vector and human movement to the widespread and explosive nature of dengue epidemic spread within an urban environment is limited. By analyzing a very detailed dataset of a dengue epidemic that affected the Australian city of Cairns we performed a comprehensive quantification of the spatio-temporal dimensions of dengue virus epidemic transmission and propagation within a complex urban environment. Space and space-time analysis and models allowed derivation of detailed information on the pattern of introduction and epidemic spread of dengue infection within the urban space. We foresee that some of the results and recommendations derived from our study may also be applicable to many other areas currently affected or potentially subject to dengue epidemics

    Estimating Dengue Transmission Intensity from Sero-Prevalence Surveys in Multiple Countries

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    BACKGROUND:Estimates of dengue transmission intensity remain ambiguous. Since the majority of infections are asymptomatic, surveillance systems substantially underestimate true rates of infection. With advances in the development of novel control measures, obtaining robust estimates of average dengue transmission intensity is key for assessing both the burden of disease from dengue and the likely impact of interventions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The force of infection (λ) and corresponding basic reproduction numbers (R0) for dengue were estimated from non-serotype (IgG) and serotype-specific (PRNT) age-stratified seroprevalence surveys identified from the literature. The majority of R0 estimates ranged from 1-4. Assuming that two heterologous infections result in complete immunity produced up to two-fold higher estimates of R0 than when tertiary and quaternary infections were included. λ estimated from IgG data were comparable to the sum of serotype-specific forces of infection derived from PRNT data, particularly when inter-serotype interactions were allowed for. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our analysis highlights the highly heterogeneous nature of dengue transmission. How underlying assumptions about serotype interactions and immunity affect the relationship between the force of infection and R0 will have implications for control planning. While PRNT data provides the maximum information, our study shows that even the much cheaper ELISA-based assays would provide comparable baseline estimates of overall transmission intensity which will be an important consideration in resource-constrained settings

    Model Order Reduction in Fluid Dynamics: Challenges and Perspectives

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    This chapter reviews techniques of model reduction of fluid dynamics systems. Fluid systems are known to be difficult to reduce efficiently due to several reasons. First of all, they exhibit strong nonlinearities — which are mainly related either to nonlinear convection terms and/or some geometric variability — that often cannot be treated by simple linearization. Additional difficulties arise when attempting model reduction of unsteady flows, especially when long-term transient behavior needs to be accurately predicted using reduced order models and more complex features, such as turbulence or multiphysics phenomena, have to be taken into consideration. We first discuss some general principles that apply to many parametric model order reduction problems, then we apply them on steady and unsteady viscous flows modelled by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We address questions of inf-sup stability, certification through error estimation, computational issues and — in the unsteady case — long-time stability of the reduced model. Moreover, we provide an extensive list of literature references

    Stress modulation as a means to improve yeasts for lignocellulose bioconversion

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    The second-generation (2G) fermentation environment for lignocellulose conversion presents unique challenges to the fermentative organism that do not necessarily exist in other industrial fermentations. While extreme osmotic, heat, and nutrient starvation stresses are observed in sugar- and starch-based fermentation environments, additional pre-treatment-derived inhibitor stress, potentially exacerbated by stresses such as pH and product tolerance, exist in the 2G environment. Furthermore, in a consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) context, the organism is also challenged to secrete enzymes that may themselves lead to unfolded protein response and other stresses. This review will discuss responses of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to 2G-specific stresses and stress modulation strategies that can be followed to improve yeasts for this application. We also explore published –omics data and discuss relevant rational engineering, reverse engineering, and adaptation strategies, with the view of identifying genes or alleles that will make positive contributions to the overall robustness of 2G industrial strains

    Chikungunya infection: self-reported rheumatic morbidity and impaired quality of life persist 6 years later

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    International audienceThis study presents the 6-year follow-up of French gendarmes exposed to the chikungunya (CHIK) infection in 2006 on Reunion Island. The aim was to see to what extent the subjective health differences observed in 2008 (30 months after infection) between CHIK infected (CHIK+) and noninfected (CHIK-) gendarmes still persisted in 2012, and to investigate a possible return to a pre-CHIK health status for CHIK+ subjects. Gendarmes were contacted by mail in 2012 and asked to complete a self-questionnaire asking for morbidity, health care and medicines consumption since the last follow-up in 2008. Quality of life (QoL) after 6 years was evaluated using the SF-36 scale. In comparison with CHIK-subjects (n = 171), CHIK+ (n = 81) presented with higher rheumatic but also nonspecific morbidity such as headaches and fatigue associated with a large psychological impact, frequent depressive moods and social disabilities, leading to a significant impairment of the QoL and higher health care consumption. When restricted to CHIK+ subjects, comparing the data with that of 2008 showed persistent but decreasing self-reported rheumatic morbidity, and an increase over time of chronic discomfort (headache, fatigue) and depressive moods, resulting in no overall improvement in QoL. Despite possible cohort attrition bias, the comparability of CHIK+/CHIK-subjects allows the assumption of a long-term impact of CHIK infection with less chance of returning to a previous health status. Although these results may be specific to the 2006 virus strain, we recommend that public health strategies in the epidemic-prone countries include a response to the consequences of chronic post-CHIK disorders
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