161 research outputs found

    Vacuum field energy and spontaneous emission in anomalously dispersive cavities

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    Anomalously dispersive cavities, particularly white light cavities, may have larger bandwidth to finesse ratios than their normally dispersive counterparts. Partly for this reason, their use has been proposed for use in LIGO-like gravity wave detectors and in ring-laser gyroscopes. In this paper we analyze the quantum noise associated with anomalously dispersive cavity modes. The vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode is proportional to the cavity-averaged group velocity of that mode. For anomalously dispersive cavities with group index values between 1 and 0, this means that the total vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode must exceed ℏω/2\hbar \omega/2. For white light cavities in particular, the group index approaches zero and the vacuum field energy of a particular spatial mode may be significantly enhanced. We predict enhanced spontaneous emission rates into anomalously dispersive cavity modes and broadened laser linewidths when the linewidth of intracavity emitters is broader than the cavity linewidth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Toric Calabi-Yau Fourfolds, Duality Between N=1 Theories and Divisors that Contribute to the Superpotential

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    We study issues related to F-theory on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and its duality to heterotic theory for Calabi-Yau threefolds. We discuss principally fourfolds that are described by reflexive polyhedra and show how to read off some of the data for the heterotic theory from the polyhedron. We give a procedure for constructing examples with given gauge groups and describe some of these examples in detail. Interesting features arise when the local pieces are fitted into a global manifold. An important issue is how to compute the superpotential explicitly. Witten has shown that the condition for a divisor to contribute to the superpotential is that it have arithmetic genus 1. Divisors associated with the short roots of non-simply laced gauge groups do not always satisfy this condition while the divisors associated to all other roots do. For such a `dissident' divisor we distinguish cases for which the arithmetic genus is greater than unity corresponding to an X that is not general in moduli (in the toric case this corresponds to the existence of non-toric parameters). In these cases the `dissident' divisor D does not remain an effective divisor for general complex structure. If however the arithmetic genus is less than or equal to 0, then the divisor is general in moduli and there is a genuine instability

    On the Instanton Contributions to the Masses and Couplings of E6E_6 Singlets

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    We consider the gauge neutral matter in the low--energy effective action for string theory compactification on a \cym\ with (2,2)(2,2) world--sheet supersymmetry. At the classical level these states (the \sing's of E6E_6) correspond to the cohomology group H^1(\M,{\rm End}\>T). We examine the first order contribution of instantons to the mass matrix of these particles. In principle, these corrections depend on the \K\ parameters tit_i through factors of the form e^{2\p i t_i} and also depend on the complex structure parameters. For simplicity we consider in greatest detail the quintic threefold \cp4[5]. It follows on general grounds that the total mass is often, and perhaps always, zero. The contribution of individual instantons is however nonzero and the contribution of a given instanton may develop poles associated with instantons coalescing for certain values of the complex structure. This can happen when the underlying \cym\ is smooth. Hence these poles must cancel between the coalescing instantons in order that the superpotential be finite. We examine also the \Y\ couplings involving neutral matter \ysing\ and neutral and charged fields \ymix, which have been little investigated even though they are of phenomenological interest. We study the general conditions under which these couplings vanish classically. We also calculate the first--order world--sheet instanton correction to these couplings and argue that these also vanish.Comment: 40 pages, plain TeX with epsf, one uuencoded figur

    Target Space Duality between Simple Compact Lie Groups and Lie Algebras under the Hamiltonian Formalism: I. Remnants of Duality at the Classical Level

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    It has been suggested that a possible classical remnant of the phenomenon of target-space duality (T-duality) would be the equivalence of the classical string Hamiltonian systems. Given a simple compact Lie group GG with a bi-invariant metric and a generating function Γ\Gamma suggested in the physics literature, we follow the above line of thought and work out the canonical transformation Φ\Phi generated by Γ\Gamma together with an \Ad-invariant metric and a B-field on the associated Lie algebra g\frak g of GG so that GG and g\frak g form a string target-space dual pair at the classical level under the Hamiltonian formalism. In this article, some general features of this Hamiltonian setting are discussed. We study properties of the canonical transformation Φ\Phi including a careful analysis of its domain and image. The geometry of the T-dual structure on g\frak g is lightly touched.Comment: Two references and related comments added, also some typos corrected. LaTeX and epsf.tex, 36 pages, 4 EPS figures included in a uuencoded fil

    C^2/Z_n Fractional branes and Monodromy

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    We construct geometric representatives for the C^2/Z_n fractional branes in terms of branes wrapping certain exceptional cycles of the resolution. In the process we use large radius and conifold-type monodromies, and also check some of the orbifold quantum symmetries. We find the explicit Seiberg-duality which connects our fractional branes to the ones given by the McKay correspondence. We also comment on the Harvey-Moore BPS algebras.Comment: 34 pages, v1 identical to v2, v3: typos fixed, discussion of Harvey-Moore BPS algebras update

    Cosmological anti-deSitter space-times and time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We study classes of five-dimensional cosmological solutions with negative curvature, which are obtained from static solutions by an exchange of a spatial and temporal coordinate, and in some cases by an analytic continuation. Such solutions provide a suitable laboratory to address the time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence. For a specific example we address in detail the calculation of the boundary stress-energy and the Wilson line and find disagreement with the standard AdS/CFT correspondence. We trace these discrepancies to the time-dependent effects, such as particle creation, which we further study for specific backgrounds. We also identify specific time-dependent backgrounds that reproduce the correct conformal anomaly. For such backgrounds the calculation of the Wilson line in the adiabatic approximation indicates only a Coulomb repulsion.Comment: LaTeX file, 47 pages, discussion is extended, version to appear in PR

    Quiver theories, soliton spectra and Picard-Lefschetz transformations

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    Quiver theories arising on D3-branes at orbifold and del Pezzo singularities are studied using mirror symmetry. We show that the quivers for the orbifold theories are given by the soliton spectrum of massive 2d N=2 theory with weighted projective spaces as target. For the theories obtained from the del Pezzo singularities we show that the geometry of the mirror manifold gives quiver theories related to each other by Picard-Lefschetz transformations, a subset of which are simple Seiberg duals. We also address how one indeed derives Seiberg duality on the matter content from such geometrical transitions and how one could go beyond and obtain certain ``fractional Seiberg duals.'' Moreover, from the mirror geometry for the del Pezzos arise certain Diophantine equations which classify all quivers related by Picard-Lefschetz. Some of these Diophantine equations can also be obtained from the classification results of Cecotti-Vafa for the 2d N=2 theories.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure

    Possible Origin of Fermion Chirality and Gut Structure From Extra Dimensions

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    The fundamental chiral nature of the observed quarks and leptons and the emergence of the gauge group itself are most puzzling aspects of the standard model. Starting from general considerations of topological properties of gauge field configurations in higher space-time dimensions, it is shown that the existence of non-trivial structures in ten dimensions would determine a class of models corresponding to a grand unified GUT structure with complex fermion representations with respect to SU(3)C⊗SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y SU(3)_C \otimes SU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y. The discussion is carried out within the framework of string theories with characteristic energy scales below the Planck mass. Avoidance of topological obstructions upon continuous deformation of field configurations leads to global chiral symmetry breaking of the underlying fundamental theory, imposes rigorous restrictions on the structure of the vacuum and space-time itself and determines uniquely the gauge structure and matter content.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum equivalence of sigma models related by non Abelian Duality Transformations

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    Coupling constant renormalization is investigated in 2 dimensional sigma models related by non Abelian duality transformations. In this respect it is shown that in the one loop order of perturbation theory the duals of a one parameter family of models, interpolating between the SU(2) principal model and the O(3) sigma model, exhibit the same behaviour as the original models. For the O(3) model also the two loop equivalence is investigated, and is found to be broken just like in the already known example of the principal model.Comment: As a result of the collaboration of new authors the previously overlooked gauge contribution is inserted into eq.(43) changing not so much the formulae as part of the conclusion: for the models considered non Abelian duality is OK in one loo
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