1,583 research outputs found

    Dichotomous Hamiltonians with Unbounded Entries and Solutions of Riccati Equations

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    An operator Riccati equation from systems theory is considered in the case that all entries of the associated Hamiltonian are unbounded. Using a certain dichotomy property of the Hamiltonian and its symmetry with respect to two different indefinite inner products, we prove the existence of nonnegative and nonpositive solutions of the Riccati equation. Moreover, conditions for the boundedness and uniqueness of these solutions are established.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; proof of uniqueness of solutions added; to appear in Journal of Evolution Equation

    Glasslike Arrest in Spinodal Decomposition as a Route to Colloidal Gelation

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    Colloid-polymer mixtures can undergo spinodal decomposition into colloid-rich and colloid-poor regions. Gelation results when interconnected colloid-rich regions solidify. We show that this occurs when these regions undergo a glass transition, leading to dynamic arrest of the spinodal decomposition. The characteristic length scale of the gel decreases with increasing quench depth, and the nonergodicity parameter exhibits a pronounced dependence on scattering vector. Mode coupling theory gives a good description of the dynamics, provided we use the full static structure as input.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; replaced with published versio

    A note on the uniqueness of D=4 N=1 Supergravity

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    We investigate in 4 spacetime dimensions, all the consistent deformations of the lagrangian L2+L3/2{\cal L}_2+{\cal L}_{{3/2}}, which is the sum of the Pauli-Fierz lagrangian L2{\cal L}_2 for a free massless spin 2 field and the Rarita-Schwinger lagrangian L3/2{\cal L}_{{3/2}} for a free massless spin 3/2 field. Using BRST cohomogical techniques, we show, under the assumptions of locality, Poincar\'e invariance, conservation of the number of gauge symmetries and the number of derivatives on each fields, that N=1 D=4 supergravity is the only consistent interaction between a massless spin 2 and a massless spin 3/2 field. We do not assume general covariance. This follows automatically, as does supersymmetry invariance. Various cohomologies related to conservations laws are also given.Comment: 22+1 pages, LaTeX. References adde

    The Borrego Mountain, California, earthquake of 9 April 1968: A preliminary report

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    The largest earthquake to hit California in more than 15 years occurred at 02:28:58.9 GCT on 9 April 1968 near Borrego Mountain, on the western edge of the Imperial Valley. The Seismological Laboratory at Pasadena has tentatively assigned the shock a magnitude of 6.5, an epicentral location of 33 ° 08.8' N, 116 ° 07.5' W, and a focal depth of 20 km. The earthquake was felt throughout most of southern California and adjacent areas, but the absence of severe damage and casualties was in large part due to the relatively undeveloped nature of the epicentral region. Indeed, it would have been difficult to pick a location in the southernmost part of the State more remote from centers of population

    Linear Relaxation Processes Governed by Fractional Symmetric Kinetic Equations

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    We get fractional symmetric Fokker - Planck and Einstein - Smoluchowski kinetic equations, which describe evolution of the systems influenced by stochastic forces distributed with stable probability laws. These equations generalize known kinetic equations of the Brownian motion theory and contain symmetric fractional derivatives over velocity and space, respectively. With the help of these equations we study analytically the processes of linear relaxation in a force - free case and for linear oscillator. For a weakly damped oscillator we also get kinetic equation for the distribution in slow variables. Linear relaxation processes are also studied numerically by solving corresponding Langevin equations with the source which is a discrete - time approximation to a white Levy noise. Numerical and analytical results agree quantitatively.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures PostScrip

    Orbifold projection in supersymmetric QCD at N_f\leq N_c

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    Supersymmetric orbifold projection of N=1 SQCD with relatively small number of flavors (not larger than the number of colors) is considered. The purpose is to check whether orbifolding commutes with the infrared limit. On the one hand, one considers the orbifold projection of SQCD and obtains the low-energy description of the resulting theory. On the other hand, one starts with the low-energy effective theory of the original SQCD, and only then perfoms orbifolding. It is shown that at finite N_c the two low-energy theories obtained in these ways are different. However, in the case of stabilized run-away vacuum these two theories are shown to coincide in the large N_c limit. In the case of quantum modified moduli space, topological solitons carrying baryonic charges are present in the orbifolded low-energy theory. These solitons may restore the correspondence between the two theories provided that the soliton mass tends to zero in the large N_c limit.Comment: 10 pages; misprint corrected, reference adde

    Aharonov-Bohm-Type Oscillations of Thermopower in a Quantum Dot Ring Geometry

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    We investigate Aharonov-Bohm-type oscillations of the thermopower of a quantum dot embedded in a ring for the case when the interaction between electrons can be neglected. The thermopower is shown to be strongly flux dependent, and typically the amplitude of oscillations exceeds the background value. It is also shown to be essentially dependent on the phase of the scattering matrix which is determined by the experimental geometry and is not known in the given experiment. Two procedures to compare theory and experiment are proposed.Comment: Revtex, 5 figures include

    Local Density Approximation for proton-neutron pairing correlations. I. Formalism

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    In the present study we generalize the self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory formulated in the coordinate space to the case which incorporates an arbitrary mixing between protons and neutrons in the particle-hole (p-h) and particle-particle (p-p or pairing) channels. We define the HFB density matrices, discuss their spin-isospin structure, and construct the most general energy density functional that is quadratic in local densities. The consequences of the local gauge invariance are discussed and the particular case of the Skyrme energy density functional is studied. By varying the total energy with respect to the density matrices the self-consistent one-body HFB Hamiltonian is obtained and the structure of the resulting mean fields is shown. The consequences of the time-reversal symmetry, charge invariance, and proton-neutron symmetry are summarized. The complete list of expressions required to calculate total energy is presented.Comment: 22 RevTeX page

    Silicon detectors for γ-ray and β-spectroscopy

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    Large active volume Si(Li) detectors were successfully developed for Îł-ray spectrometry at room temperature that show a sufficient efficiency and an energy resolution that is better than scintillation detectors. The higher efficiency of the proposed detectors with respect to normal silicon diodes is achieved by increasing the active volume. For this purpose special attention is given to the selection of the initial material which has to show homogeneous electro-physical parameters, low concentration of oxygen impurities and high structural perfection. The technique of using lithium ions is used as these drift into large depths and hence the profile of the impurity distribution is optimized
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