3,982 research outputs found

    Qualitative study of pilot payment aimed at increasing general practitioners' antismoking advice to smokers

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    OBJECTIVES: To elicit general practitioners' and practice nurses' accounts of changes in their clinical practice or practice organisation made to claim a pilot health promotion payment. To describe attitudes towards the piloted and previous health promotion payments. DESIGN: Qualitative, semistructured interview study. SETTING: 13 general practices in Leicester. PARTICIPANTS: 18 general practitioners and 13 practice nurses. RESULTS: Health professionals did not report substantially changing their clinical practice to claim the new payments and made only minimal changes in practice organisation. The new health promotion payment did not overcome general practitioners' resistance towards raising the issue of smoking when they felt that doing so could cause confrontation with patients. General practitioners who made the largest number of claims altered the way in which they recorded patients' smoking status rather than raising the topic of smoking more frequently with patients. Participants had strong negative views on die new payment, feeling it would also be viewed negatively by patients. They were, however, more positive about health promotion payments that rewarded "extra" effort-for example, setting up practice based smoking cessation clinics. CONCLUSIONS: General practitioners and practice nurses were negative about a new health promotion payment, despite agreeing to pilot it. Health promotion payments do not automatically generate effective health promotion activity, and policymakers should consider careful piloting and evaluation of future changes in health promotion payments

    Two-micron spectrophotometry of the galaxy NGC 253

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    A very strong Brackett-gamma hydrogen emission line, and the 2.3 micron CO stellar absorption feature were measured in NGC 253. The presence and strength of the CO feature indicates that late type giant stars produce most of the 2.2 micron continuum emission, while the rate of ionization implied by strength of the Brackett-gamma line indicates that much, perhaps all, of the luminosity detected at far infrared wavelengths originates from a large number of OB stars. As compared to the corresponding region of the Galaxy, the number of massive young stars in the central 200 pc of NGC 253 is thirty times greater, but the total mass of stars is roughly the same

    The neurophysiology of biological motion perception in schizophrenia.

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    IntroductionThe ability to recognize human biological motion is a fundamental aspect of social cognition that is impaired in people with schizophrenia. However, little is known about the neural substrates of impaired biological motion perception in schizophrenia. In the current study, we assessed event-related potentials (ERPs) to human and nonhuman movement in schizophrenia.MethodsTwenty-four subjects with schizophrenia and 18 healthy controls completed a biological motion task while their electroencephalography (EEG) was simultaneously recorded. Subjects watched clips of point-light animations containing 100%, 85%, or 70% biological motion, and were asked to decide whether the clip resembled human or nonhuman movement. Three ERPs were examined: P1, N1, and the late positive potential (LPP).ResultsBehaviorally, schizophrenia subjects identified significantly fewer stimuli as human movement compared to healthy controls in the 100% and 85% conditions. At the neural level, P1 was reduced in the schizophrenia group but did not differ among conditions in either group. There were no group differences in N1 but both groups had the largest N1 in the 70% condition. There was a condition × group interaction for the LPP: Healthy controls had a larger LPP to 100% versus 85% and 70% biological motion; there was no difference among conditions in schizophrenia subjects.ConclusionsConsistent with previous findings, schizophrenia subjects were impaired in their ability to recognize biological motion. The EEG results showed that biological motion did not influence the earliest stage of visual processing (P1). Although schizophrenia subjects showed the same pattern of N1 results relative to healthy controls, they were impaired at a later stage (LPP), reflecting a dysfunction in the identification of human form in biological versus nonbiological motion stimuli

    Fe K emission and absorption features in XMM-Newton spectra of Mkn 766 - evidence for reprocessing in flare ejecta

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    We report on the analysis of a long XMM-Newton EPIC observation in 2001 May of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 766. The 3-11 keV spectrum exhibits a moderately steep power law continuum, with a broad emission line at ~6.7 keV, probably blended with a narrow line at ~6.4 keV, and a broad absorption trough above ~8.7 keV. We identify both broad spectral features with reprocessing in He-like Fe. An earlier XMM-Newton observation of Mkn 766 in 2000 May, when the source was a factor ~2 fainter, shows a similar broad emission line, but with a slightly flatter power law and absorption at a lower energy. In neither observation do we find a requirement for the previously reported broad 'red wing' to the line and hence of reflection from the innermost accretion disc. More detailed examination of the longer XMM-Newton observation reveals evidence for rapid spectral variability in the Fe K band, apparently linked with the occurrence of X-ray 'flares'. A reduction in the emission line strength and increased high energy absorption during the X-ray flaring suggests that these transient effects are due to highly ionised ejecta associated with the flares. Simple scaling from the flare avalanche model proposed for the luminous QSO PDS 456 (Reeves etal. 2002) confirms the feasibility of coherent flaring being the cause of the strong peaks seen in the X-ray light curve of \mkn.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Comparison of manually produced and automated cross country movement maps using digital image processing techniques

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    The Image-Based Information System (IBIS) was used to automate the cross country movement (CCM) mapping model developed by the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA). Existing terrain factor overlays and a CCM map, produced by DMA for the Fort Lewis, Washington area, were digitized and reformatted into geometrically registered images. Terrain factor data from Slope, Soils, and Vegetation overlays were entered into IBIS, and were then combined utilizing IBIS-programmed equations to implement the DMA CCM model. The resulting IBIS-generated CCM map was then compared with the digitized manually produced map to test similarity. The numbers of pixels comprising each CCM region were compared between the two map images, and percent agreement between each two regional counts was computed. The mean percent agreement equalled 86.21%, with an areally weighted standard deviation of 11.11%. Calculation of Pearson's correlation coefficient yielded +9.997. In some cases, the IBIS-calculated map code differed from the DMA codes: analysis revealed that IBIS had calculated the codes correctly. These highly positive results demonstrate the power and accuracy of IBIS in automating models which synthesize a variety of thematic geographic data

    Disturbances in the spontaneous attribution of social meaning in schizophrenia

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    Background. Schizophrenia patients show disturbances on a range of tasks that assess mentalizing or 'Theory of Mind' (ToM). However, these tasks are often developmentally inappropriate, make large demands on verbal abilities and explicit problem-solving skills, and involve after-the-fact reflection as opposed to spontaneous mentalizing. Method. To address these limitations, 55 clinically stable schizophrenia out-patients and 44 healthy controls completed a validated Animations Task designed to assess spontaneous attributions of social meaning to ambiguous abstract visual stimuli. In this paradigm, 12 animations depict two geometric shapes' interacting' with each other in three conditions: (1) ToM interactions that elicit attributions of mental states to the agents, (2) Goal-Directed (GO) interactions that elicit attributions of simple actions, and (3) Random scenes in which no interaction occurs. Verbal descriptions of each animation are rated for the degree of Intentionality attributed to the agents and for accuracy. Results. Patients had lower Intentionality ratings than controls for ToM and GO scenes but the groups did not significantly differ for Random scenes. The descriptions of the patients less closely matched the situations intended by the developers of the task. Within the schizophrenia group, performance on the Animations Task showed minimal associations with clinical symptoms. Conclusions. Patients demonstrated disturbances in the spontaneous attribution of mental states to abstract visual stimuli that normally evoke such attributions. Hence, in addition to previously established impairment on mentalizing tasks that require logical inferences about others' mental states, individuals with schizophrenia show disturbances in implicit aspects of mentalizing

    Wetland mapping from digitized aerial photography

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    Computer assisted interpretation of small scale aerial imagery was found to be a cost effective and accurate method of mapping complex vegetation patterns if high resolution information is desired. This type of technique is suited for problems such as monitoring changes in species composition due to environmental factors and is a feasible method of monitoring and mapping large areas of wetlands. The technique has the added advantage of being in a computer compatible form which can be transformed into any georeference system of interest

    Modelling the evolution of uncertainty levels during design

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    Design work involves uncertainty that arises from, and influences, the progressive development of solutions. This paper analyses the influences of evolving uncertainty levels on the design process. We focus on uncertainties associated with choosing the values of design parameters, and do not consider in detail the issues that arise when parameters must first be identified. Aspects of uncertainty and its evolution are discussed, and a new task-based model is introduced to describe process behaviour in terms of changing uncertainty levels. The model is applied to study two process configuration problems based on aircraft wing design: one using an analytical solution and one using Monte-Carlo simulation. The applications show that modelling uncertainty levels during design can help assess management policies, such as how many concepts should be considered during design and to what level of accuracy.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://www.springerlink.com/content/p17w476671110704