25 research outputs found

    Molecular Identification of Avian Influenza a Virus in House Flies (Musca Domestica Linnaeus) Collected From Different Poultry Farms in Indonesia

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    To date, the outbreaks of avian influenza viruses (AIV) in Indonesia are still highly lethal to poultry. The AIV in Indonesia has also infected to humans and make the AIV situation is more serious than in other Asian countries. It is believed that the most likely source of AIV H5N1 infection is the chicken. Since the fly is a wellknown cosmopolitan pest of the poultry farm and home as well as a valuable alternative vehicle of diseasecausing microorganisms, the possibility of the presence of AIV H5N1 in the house flies (Musca domestica L) was investigated with the overall aim of determining the possible mechanical and/or biological vector of avian influenza virus. The RT-PCR was performed on abdominal parts of the house flies. The present of influenza A H5N1 was confirmed by RT-PCR with primers specific for NP, H5 and N1 genes. In the present study, all flies molecularly analyzed have gene expression of avian influenza virus of subtype H5N1. The RT-PCR detects AIV H5N1 isolates of the houseflies samples of the different geographic origin (Sidrap, South Sulawesi, Blitar and Malang, East Java and Karanganyar, Central Java). All those provinces had the different history of the AIV H5N1 outbreaks. On the other hand, results of the RT-PCR assay on the flies collected from Tuban, East Java in the area where never had any AIV outbreaks considered to be negative AIV H5N1 gene expression. Our findings suggest that, in Indonesia, houseflies may be important in the transmission of AIV H5N1. Further studies, however, still need to be done to decide whether houseflies is a mechanical and/or biological vector of avian influenza virus H5N1

    Konsentrasi neuron-spesifik enolase (NSE) Selama siklus estrus dan kebuntingan Awal pada sapi peranakan ongole=Concentration of NSE During Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy in Ongote-Crossbrea Cows

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    ABSTRACT Blood serum concentration of NSE in Cows increase during estrous cycle to early pregnancy, consecutively, proestrus (11,73 ± 0,10 ng/ml), es-trus (12,40 ± 0,11 ng/ml), metestrus day 3 (12,85 ± 0,10 ng/ml), metestrus day 5 (13,63 ± 0,11 ng/ml), diestrus day 9 (14,89 ± 0,10 ng/ml), diestrus day 15 (16,41 ± 0,14 ng/ml), day 19 (19,81 ± 0,12 ng/ml), one month pregnancy (22,82 ± 0,13 ng/ ml) and two month pregnancy (23,63 ± 0,12 ng/ ml). Confirmation on the reproductive status of experimental cows was performed by determination on the concentration of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Blood serum concentration of NSE during estrous cycle and early pregnancy significantly increased, commenced from estrus to diestrus stages, and continued during pregnancy. Result of the present study opens the possibility to use the concentration of the bood serum NSE as a marker of reproductive stages. The role of NSE on the reproductive events still needs further investigation. Keywords: NSE, estrogen, progesterone, estrous cycle, pregnancy

    Pengaruh Sorbitol-Oleat Poliester (SOPE) terhadap Profil Lipid Serum Tikus Sprague-Dawley

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    Asupan lemak yang berlebih dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah kesehatan seperti penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan dengan pembuluh darah. Pengurangan asupan lemak sulit dilakukan karena lemak mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam proses pengolahan makanan. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan senyawa pengganti lemak atau fat replacer sangat diperlukan. Sorbitol-oleat poliester (SOPE) merupakan fat replacer yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti minyak. Namun demikian, penggunaan senyawa ini perlu diuji efeknya terhadap kesehatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus Sprague Dawley jantan, dewasa sebanyak 50 ekor. Adaptasi dilakukan selama 7 hari, selanjutnya tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Satu kelompok diberi pakan standar, dan 4 kelompok yang lain diberi pakan mengandung SOPE sebanyak 25, 50, 75 dan 100 % menggantikan minyak diet. Intervensi diet dilakukan selama 3 minggu, dan analisis profil lipid serum dilakukan secara periodik setiap minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan SOPE untuk menggantikan sebagian atau semua minyak dalam diet standar tidak berpengaruh merugikan terhadap profil lipid serum tikus. Penggunaan SOPE sebanyak 75 % untuk menggantikan minyak pada pakan standar selama 3 minggu intervensi diet tidak berpengaruh terhadap kandungan kolesterol total, namun menurunkan kolesterol LDL (13,46%) dan meningkatkan kandungan kolesterol HDL (11,89 %), walaupun sedikit meningkatkan kandungan trigliserida serum (9,07 %)

    Sorbitol-Oleat Poliester: Produksi, Sifat Fisikokimia, dan Perubahannya Selama Penggorenggan

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    Asupan lemak yang berlebih mengakibatkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan. Untuk mengurangi asupan lemak dibuat senyawa pengganti lemak (fat replacer) sorbitol-oleat poliester (SOPE). Dalam penelitian ini SOPE diproduksi secara kimia dari sorbitol dan asam oleat melalui reaksi esterifikasi antara metil oleat dengan sorbitol pada suhu 150 oC se- lama 8 jam, di dalam suatu reaktor logam. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa SOPE yang dihasilkan berwarna kuning kecoklatan (k=5 m=0,9 b=0,3 skala Lovibond), viskositas 4 cP, indeks refraksi pada 25 oC sebesar 1,4307, angka hidroksil 16,53 mg KOH/g SOPE, angka asam 2,22 mg KOH/g SOPE, dan yield 77,5 %. Selama penggorengan, SOPE mengalami peningkatan intensitas warna coklat, peningkatan angka asam dengan konstanta kecepatan 0,39 mg KOH/gSOPE/hari, peningkatan angka hidroksil dengan konstanta kecepatan 1,26 mg KOH/gSOPE/hari, kenaikan angka peroksida pada awal pemanasan yang selanjutnya mengalami penurunan kembali, penurunan sedikit titik asap, dan tidak terjadi Perubahan viskositas

    The Effect of Turmeric (Curcuma Domestica Val.) Extract on the Histopathological Lesions of Lung Induced by Cigarette Smokes in Wistar Rats

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    This present study is aimed to observe and determine the effects of turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) extract administration towards the cytotoxicity effect of cigarette smokes in the lungs of Wistar rats. Twenty Wistar rats, male, 3 months old, were used and divided randomly into four groups, of five each. Group I is as a control (K I), Group II was given 9 cigarettes/day without turmeric extract administration (K II), Group III giventurmeric extract 1 ml 0.25%/day (K III) and Group IV was given 9 cigarettes/day and turmeric extract 0.25%/day (K IV) for 60 days. At the end of the present study, all rats were necropsied and organs, particularly the lungs were collected, processed histopatologically and stained routenely with hematoxilyn eosin. The results indicated that the lungs had macrophages infiltration in the septal alveoli and hyperplasia of bronchial associated lymphoidtissue (K II). Whereas, the lungs in the rats in Groups K I, K III and K IV were still within the normal limits. It is concluded, that turmeric extract may have a potential antipulmonary cytotoxity effect due to cigarette smoke

    The Effect of Turmeric (Curcuma Domestica Val.) Extract on the Histopathological Lesions of Lung Induced by Cigarette Smokes in Wistar Rats

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    This present study is aimed to observe and determine the effects of turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) extract administration towards the cytotoxicity effect of cigarette smokes in the lungs of Wistar rats. Twenty Wistar rats, male, 3 months old, were used and divided randomly into four groups, of five each. Group I is as a control (K I), Group II was given 9 cigarettes/day without turmeric extract administration (K II), Group III giventurmeric extract 1 ml 0.25%/day (K III) and Group IV was given 9 cigarettes/day and turmeric extract 0.25%/day (K IV) for 60 days. At the end of the present study, all rats were necropsied and organs, particularly the lungs were collected, processed histopatologically and stained routenely with hematoxilyn eosin. The results indicated that the lungs had macrophages infiltration in the septal alveoli and hyperplasia of bronchial associated lymphoidtissue (K II). Whereas, the lungs in the rats in Groups K I, K III and K IV were still within the normal limits. It is concluded, that turmeric extract may have a potential antipulmonary cytotoxity effect due to cigarette smoke

    Vitamin E and selenium plasma concentrations in weanling pigs under field conditions in Norwegian pig herds

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    BACKGROUND: The status of α-tocopherol (vit E) and selenium (Se) has been shown to influence disease resistance in pigs, and may be important for the health of weanling pigs. METHODS: Plasma levels of both vit E and Se were followed in weanling pigs under field conditions in six Norwegian pig herds. Plasma vit E and Se were measured in 3 sows from each herd and 4 piglets in the litter of each sow at the day before weaning (day -1); and in the same piglets at days 4, 8 and 18 after weaning. RESULTS: Mean plasma vit E was 4.0 μg/ml in the sows and 2.6 μg/ml in the piglets at day -1, fell to 1.6 μg/ml in the weanling pigs at day 4, and remained low. Mean plasma Se was 0.22 μg/g in the sows and 0.08 μg/g in the piglets at day -1, rose to 0.10 μg/g in the weanlings at day 4, and continued rising. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that vit E and Se supplementation to piglets and weanling pigs in Norway may still be suboptimal, but that levels of the two nutrients partially compensate for each other in the weaning period


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    Atheroskerosis merupakan penyebab utama penyakit kardiovaskular di seluruh dunia. Penelitian secara klinis, genetis, nutrisional dan epidemiologis membuktikan adanya korelasi yang positip antara kenaikan konsentrasi kolesterol total dan low density lipoprotein (LDL) kolesterol dalam darah dan perkembangan atherosklerosis serta beberapa penyakit kardiovaskuklar lainnya. Oleh karena itu, banyak penelitian telah dikerjakan terutama untuk mencari faktor faktor yang dapat menurunkan secara efektif konsentrasi kolesterol total di dalam darah termasuk diantaranya modifikasi diit dan agen pharmakologik. Studi epidemiologik telah menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi ikan dan produk produknya memiliki pengaruh yang menguntungkan dalam menurunkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Hal ini terutama berhubungan dengan pengaruh biologik dari asam lemak tidak jenuh rantai panjang yang terkandung di dalamnya yaitu eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5) dan docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6). Data epidemiologik juga memperlihatkan bahwa individu yang mengkonsumsi ikan yang mengandung 1% lemak memiliki angka kematian yang sama dengan individu yang mengkonsumsi ikan yang mengandung 10% lemak. Oleh karena itu, diduga ada faktor lain di dalam ikan yang memiliki peranan sama pentingnya dengan asam lemak yang terkandung di dalam ikan. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa asal protein dalam makanan dapat berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi liporotein dalam darah. Protein kacang kedelai cenderung memiliki pengaruh menurunkan kolesterol darah sedangkan protein hewani memiliki pengaruh yang berlawanan. Hasil penelitian menggunakan hewan percobaan juga membuktikan bahwa protein ikan dapat menurunkan konsentrasi trigliserida dan LDL kolesterol. Namun demikian bagaimana mekanisme protektif dari protein ikan sampai saat ini belum diketahui. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari mekanisme protektif dari protein ikan terhadap kejadian atherosklerosis, melalui pemahaman keterlibatannya dalam metabolisme kolesterol. Empat puluh dua ekor tikus putih jantan, galur Sprague Dawley, umur 3 bulan dengan berat badan ± 200 gram digunakan sebagai hewan percobaan. Tikus kemudian dibagi secara acak menjadi 6 kelompok masing masing 7 ekor. Sebelum perlakuan, tikus diadaptasi dan diberi pakan basal. Setelah masa adaptasi, tikus diberi ransum perlakuan sebagai berikut: kelompok I (lemak tidak jenuh tinggi + kasein

    [Oxytetracycline Residues and Their Antibacterial Activity in Eggs Laid by Hens Administered by Therapeutic Dose of Oxytetracycline via Drinking Water]

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    Eggs laid by laying hens administered oxytetracycline via drinking water with dose 2 g/l for 7 consecutive days were evaluated their oxytetracycline residues and antibacterial activity on the 2 nd , 4 th , 6 th day of administering and the 2 nd , 7 th , 14 th day of stopping. The results indicated that oxytetracycline residues and their antibacterial activity had been found in egg shells and eggs, white since 2 nd day of administering, whereas in yolks since the 4 th day. The residues were still found both in eggs, white and yolks at concentration of 0.01 ppm on the 7 th day of stopping oxytetracycline administration. The oxytetracycline residues concentration of 0.01 ppm were under permitted maximum residue limit, however there still showed antibacterial activity in eggs white, while there were no antibacterial activity in yolks. Eggs had been free from oxytetracycline residues and their antibacterial activity on the 14 th day of stopping oxytetracycline administration to hens. Keywords : oxytetracycline, hen, egg, residue, antibacterial activit

    [Effects of Increasing Dietary Iron and Administering Oxytetracycline to Laying Hens on Oxytetracycline Residues and Their Activity in Eggs

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    An experiment was conducted to elucidate the effects of increasing dietary iron on the reduction and inactivation of oxytetracycline residues in eggs, in which the hens administered oxytetracycline. Laying hens were administered oxyteracycline via drinking water with 2 g/l for 7 succcessive days and fed on the diet that increased the iron content by adding 100 ppm, 200 ppm and 300 ppm. The iron content, residue and activity of oxytetracycline in eggs, both in white and yolk, were evaluated on 4th and 6th of administering oxytetracycline. Results indicated that the iron in egg white could not be increased due to the increased of iron in dietary. Therefore, oxytetracycline residue existing in egg white could not be inactivated. However, addition of 200 ppm iron in dietary increased the iron content, reduced and inactivated oxytetracycline residue in yolk. Whereas the addition of 300 ppm iron in dietary eliminated oxytetracycline residue in yolk. Keywords: oxytetracycline, iron, hen, egg, residue, activit