18 research outputs found

    Investigating Preservice Teachers’ Efficacy Level and Factors Influencing It

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    This study investigated preservice teachers’ efficacy level and factors influencing it. The participants were English Language Teaching students of cohort 2015, Universitas Negeri Malang. The data were taken from 41 preservice teachers by using an online questionnaire and a face-to-face interview. The online questionnaire provided the data about the participants’ efficacy level and factors influencing it. The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) was adapted to measure the participants’ efficacy level. An in-depth interview with six respondents who agreed to participate was conducted to follow-up the questionnaire data. The interview was aimed to get profound data about factors influencing the participants’ efficacy level. The preservice teachers reported that four significant factors influenced their self-efficacy of teaching. They are the participants’ experience in a formal and informal teaching practice, feedback and support from the school environment, observing other teachers’ performance, and English proficiency as factors influencing their efficacy. The average result also shows that the preservice teachers’ efficacy level was 3.31 (5-scale rating for highly effective). The participants perceived that they were highly efficacious in instructional strategies (3.41) and a little efficacious in student engagement (3.16). By knowing their efficacy level, preservice teachers are suggested to start joining teacher professional development (TPD) to develop and maintain their English and teaching skill. In-service teachers are also suggested to join TPD to maintain their skills because preservice teachers look up to them as role models. Preservice teachers should also be given support from in-service teachers and Department of English.   Keywords: preservice teacher, teacher-efficacy, student engagement, instructional strategie

    Exploring EFL teachers’ English language proficiency: Lessons from Indonesia

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    This paper reports on a study looking at the reading and writing proficiency and vocabulary knowledge of Indonesian EFL teachers, the relationship between proficiency and years of service, and the teachers’ own perceptions of their proficiency in English. Three proficiency tests (Vocabulary Levels Test/VLT, Reading and Writing Tests), questionnaire, and interview were used to collect data. The results point to mixed levels of English language proficiency, negative correlations between years of service and vocabulary, reading and writing test results, and that teachers themselves had difficulties in judging their own English language proficiency. Factors that inhibit the capacity of teachers to focus on their English proficiency are presented. Limitations of the study as well as implications for EFL teachers’ professional development (PD) and future research are also discussed

    The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Anxiety, Metacognitive Reading Strategies, and Their Reading Comprehension

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    Abstract: This study aims to find out the relationship and the contribution of reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies to students’ reading comprehension. The results show that reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies have a strong relationship to students’ reading comprehension by .658  Further, reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies contribute by 43.3 percent  to students’ reading comprehension which each is 0.17 percent and 43.17 percent. In conclusion, reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies have strong relationship with students’ reading comprehension achievements and the use of metacognitive reading strategies gives the most contribution in students’ reading comprehension.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi dari kecemasan siswa dalam membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca pada pemahaman membaca siswa. Penelitian ini menemukan jika adanya korelasi yang kuat dari kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitive membaca pada pemahaman membaca siswa sebesar .658. Terlebih, ditemukan juga jika kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca berkontribusi sebesar 43.3 persen pada pemahaman membaca siswa dimana secara terpisah berkontribusi sebesar 0.17 persen dan 43.17 persen. Sebagai kesimpulan, ditemukan jika dari kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitive membaca memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan pemahaman membaca siswa dimana penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca memberikan kontribusi paling besar


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    This survey study aims to obtain information associated with the 7th graders' preference for reading digital/online and printed books. The data was obtained from an online questionnaire which was distributed to the 7th graders of one state junior high school in Lumajang Regency. The findings of this study shows that the majority of the students prefer to read printed books/reading materials rather than the digital books. This indicates that it is important for both teachers and students to understand what types of books are appropriate to improve students’ knowledge in the learning process


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    This study aims to develop a board game as a medium of pedagogical instruction at junior high schools named LOSS (Learn abOut Sound S) Board Game that helps students to improve their pronunciation in an entertaining way. This board game provides students with some opportunities to practice their pronunciation and learn it accurately in an enjoyable process. Students do not only learn about pronunciation of the ending sounds /s/, iz/, and /z/ but also about vocabulary and grammar. This study uses Research and Development (R&D) research design that includes: 1) needs analysis; 2) product development; 3) formative evaluation; 4) revising instruction; 5) product revision; 6) try-out the product; and 7) final product. The try-out product was done by eight grade students. The board game requires students to pronounce different words more than once and supports students to play, practice pronunciation, and check the correct pronunciation independently outside the classroom. The LOSS Board Game is expected to provide teachers at secondary schools with media for teaching pronunciation and provide the students with fun and enjoyable learning activities in their English class

    Underlying Factors of Speaking Anxiety across Learning Styles

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    Abstract: This study is intended to investigate the underlying factors contributing to students’ speaking anxiety across learning styles. This article is a part of a larger study on EFL freshmen speaking anxiety across their learning styles which highlight the main factors that lay behind speaking anxiety. This study was carried out in one of Islamic universities in Malang. The data were collected through students’ questionnaires. The results reveal that fear of negative evaluation, test anxiety, and communication apprehension play the underlying factors of speaking anxiety across learning styles. Further, recommendations for lecturers are provided.Keywords: speaking anxiety, learning styles, factors Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti factor-faktor dasar yang dapat menjadikan kecemasan berbicara pada mahasiswa lintas gaya belajarnya. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian utama yaitu kecemasan berbicara mahasiswa baru lintas gaya belajarnya, dimana penelitian ini menekankan pada pembahasan factor-faktor utama dari kecemasan berbicara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu perguruan tinggi Islam di Malang. Data didapatkan dari angket mahasiswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ketakutan akan penilaian negative, kecemasan terhadap ujian, and ketakutan dalam berkomunikasi merupakan factor-faktor yang mendasari kecemasan berbicara lintas gaya belajar. Selanjutnya, peneliti memberikan rekomendasi terhadap dosen pengajar.Kata kunci: kecemasan berbicara, gaya belajar, faktor-fakto

    Using Digital Books and Comics in English Teaching and Learning Activities

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    This paper focuses on the implementation of linguistics theory, particularly in multimodality, to understand various forms of reading materials such as digital books and comics. This paper aimed to gain insights into how practitioners such as school teachers optimise the use of digital books and comics in English teaching and learning activities using well-informed theories. In addition, this study also described the perspectives of creative industry practitioners to contribute to the practice by giving insights into the production of digital books and comics. This research collected data from three sessions of workshop series where discussion results between the stakeholders, namely academicians, researchers, and teachers, were documented in field notes. The findings of this research imply that the multimodal theories and implementation were useful in understanding the use of digital books and comics. The workshop series was particularly effective, as can be seen through how the participants were enthusiastic about participating in this activity. Furthermore, all the participants can understand how theoretical knowledge is needed to support and develop their knowledge on optimally using reading materials in the form of digital books and comics. Keywords: multimodal texts, digital books, comics, reading materials

    ReadyRead: App-based Supplementary Materials for Reading Comprehension

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    English coursebooks for senior high school do not sufficiently cover topics related to natural and social sciences, so students have to find material to supplement the books. Yet, finding digital language learning material for practicing reading on the Internet that suits their level of proficiency as well as those that fit the curriculum is not always easy. To address this common problem, the study researched and developed Readyread, a mobile application-based supplementary material for reading comprehension. Educational Design-based Research (DBR) was employed in the study. Experts review conducted during the formative evaluation stage of the product yielded constructive feedback for the refinement of the product, more specifically, those concerning material development and multimedia presentations of the app. Students who tried out the product also gave positive feedback on the use of the app. They were delighted with the multimedia assistance and features built-in app, such as videos, popped-up glossaries, games, as well as reading materials that are closely related to the topics they learn at school. They also suggested more texts be added to the apps so that they can learn more independently whenever they have the time. Keywords: reading comprehension, supplementary material, app-based reading platfor

    Developing digital literacy application for Extensive Listening materials

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    Learning resource transformation is essential in this digital era, and English teaching and learning is no exception, especially in Madrasah context. That is why providing digital Extensive Listening (EL) materials to promote comprehensible input and character values is needed. This study outlines how Muslim English Literacy (MEL) application was developed to support the digital transformation as an alternative for EL materials. Research and Development (R & D) design was executed comprising seven phases of needs assessment, product design and development, product validation, first round of product revision, field testing, second round of product revision, and final product dissemination. The results of the field testing and moderation suggest that the developed product, MEL, is practical and applicable in helping EFL students to get more language exposure so that their English language acquisition can be facilitated. In addition, the product integrating character values may also strengthen their identity of being Muslims. Further studies on similar material development with more various topics utilizing technology apps are worth conducting.Pengembangan aplikasi literasi digital untuk bahan ajar Extensive ListeningTransformasi bahan ajar sedang menjadi kebutuhan di era digital saat ini, termasuk dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Madrasah. Oleh sebab itu, ketersediaan bahan ajar Extensive Listening (EL) yang mengintegrasikan comprehensible input (i+1) atau ilmu pengetahuan dan nilai moral sangat dibutuhkan.  Artikel ini membahas bagaimana aplikasi Muslim English Literacy (MEL) dikembangkan untuk mendukung transformasi digital tersebut sebagai alternatif bahan ajar EL. Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R & D) ini diselesaikan melalui 7 tahap: analisa kebutuhan, desain dan pengembangan bahan ajar, validasi produk, revisi pertama produk, uji coba, revisi kedua produk, dan diseminasi produk akhir.  Hasil uji coba dan hasil akhir ini menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan, MEL, bersifat praktikal dan diterapkan oleh para siswa dalam memperoleh lebih banyak pajanan bahasa Inggris sehingga mereka dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggrisnya. Selain itu, produk ini juga bisa meningkatkan identitas mereka sebagai muslim dengan cara menerapkan nilai-nilai karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam produk ini. Selanjutnya, penelitian dan pengembangan semacam ini perlu dilakukan lagi dengan topik yang lebih beragam

    English Language Attrition Levels and Language Maintenance Efforts among Indonesian Non-English Department Students

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    In the EFL context, the primary linguistic environment for learners is a formal classroom in which they receive input, feedback, and opportunities to practice with teachers and other learners. However, as learners graduate from schools, they might no longer have access to such an environment and thus be deprived of the main intake to support acquisition and retention, which makes them susceptible to language attrition. This study aims to explore the levels of attrition experienced by 165 multilingual non-English department students 30 months after graduating from their secondary schools, the possible factors associated with attrition, and the predictive power of some language maintenance efforts (LMEs) on English attrition. The participants took standardized English tests, that is, Test 1 and Test 2 administered within a 24-month interval and responded to a questionnaire about LMEs. A paired t-test was used to establish a link between attrition level and the identified factors. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the predictive power of LMEs for attrition. The results show that learners with different proficiency levels experience different levels of attrition. Factors like attitude and motivation showed different degrees of correlation with attrition. A negative correlation was found in the three dimensions of LMEs: entertainment, literacy activity, and academic activity. Contrary to popular literature on first- and second-language attrition, the dimension of social interaction has a very low predictive power for foreign-language attrition