1,571 research outputs found

    A theory of evolving natural constants embracing Einstein's theory of general relativity and Dirac's large number hypothesis

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    Taking a hint from Dirac's large number hypothesis, we note the existence of cosmic combined conservation laws that work to cosmologically long time. We thus modify or generalize Einstein's theory of general relativity with fixed gravitation constant GG to a theory for varying GG, which can be applied to cosmology without inconsistency, where a tensor arising from the variation of G takes the place of the cosmological constant term. We then develop on this basis a systematic theory of evolving natural constants me,mp,e,ℏ,kBm_{e},m_{p},e,\hslash ,k_{B} by finding out their cosmic combined counterparts involving factors of appropriate powers of GG that remain truly constant to cosmologically long time. As GG varies so little in recent centuries, so we take these natural constants to be constant.Comment: 29 pages, revtex

    Brownian motion of a charged test particle near a reflecting boundary at finite temperature

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    We discuss the random motion of charged test particles driven by quantum electromagnetic fluctuations at finite temperature in both the unbounded flat space and flat spacetime with a reflecting boundary and calculate the mean squared fluctuations in the velocity and position of the test particle. We show that typically the random motion driven by the quantum fluctuations is one order of magnitude less significant than that driven by thermal noise in the unbounded flat space. However, in the flat space with a reflecting plane boundary, the random motion of quantum origin can become much more significant than that of thermal origin at very low temperature.Comment: 11 pages,no figures, Revtex

    A note on the examination of isospin effects in multi-dimensional Langevin fission dynamics

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    AbstractIn [W. Ye, F. Wu, H.W. Yang, Phys. Lett. B 647 (2007) 118] prescission protons and α particles of high-isospin 206Pb were shown to be almost independent of the dissipation strength ks. Subsequently, in [P.N. Nadtochy, et al., Phys. Lett. B 685 (2010) 258] prescission light charged particles (LCPs) were shown to have approximately the same sensitivity as neutrons to ks for 206Pb and 204Hg nuclei. In this Letter we point out that the reason for the apparent contradictory conclusions is that the authors in the latter did not compute the changes in the absolute yields of prescission LCPs multiplicities with increasing ks and compare them with typical experimental uncertainties. It is shown that the expected changes are very small in the case of neutron-rich 206Pb and 204Hg systems, which are within experimental error bars. This indicates that, from the viewpoint of experiment, LCPs emission of 206Pb and 204Hg is insensitive to dissipation

    Anomalous particle-number fluctuations in a three-dimensional interacting Bose-Einstein condensate

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    The particle-number fluctuations originated from collective excitations are investigated for a three-dimensional, repulsively interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) confined in a harmonic trap. The contribution due to the quantum depletion of the condensate is calculated and the explicit expression of the coefficient in the formulas denoting the particle-number fluctuations is given. The results show that the particle-number fluctuations of the condensate follow the law ∌N22/15 \sim N^{22/15} and the fluctuations vanish when temperature approaches to the BEC critical temperature.Comment: RevTex, 4 page

    The complex superstructure in Mg1-xAlxB2 at x~0.5

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    Electron diffraction and high resolution microscopy have been performed on Mg1-xAlxB2 with x~0.5. This composition displays a superstructure with a repeat period of exactly 2c along the c axis and about 10 nm in the a-b plane. The superstructure results in ring-shaped superreflections in the diffraction pattern. Irradiation by a strong electron beam results in a loss of the superstructure and a decrease of about 1% in the c lattice parameter. In-situ heating and cooling on the other hand showed that the superstructure is stable from 100 K to 700 K. Possible origins for the superstructure are proposed

    Faddeev-Niemi Conjecture and Effective Action of QCD

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    We calculate a one loop effective action of SU(2) QCD in the presence of the monopole background, and find a possible connection between the resulting QCD effective action and a generalized Skyrme-Faddeev action of the non-linear sigma model. The result is obtained using the gauge-independent decomposotion of the gauge potential into the topological degrees which describes the non-Abelian monopoles and the local dynamical degrees of the potential, and integrating out all the dynamical degrees of QCD.Comment: 6 page

    Electromagnetically induced transparency in multi-level cascade scheme of cold rubidium atoms

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    We report an experimental investigation of electromagnetically induced transparency in a multi-level cascade system of cold atoms. The absorption spectral profiles of the probe light in the multi-level cascade system were observed in cold Rb-85 atoms confined in a magneto-optical trap, and the dependence of the spectral profile on the intensity of the coupling laser was investigated. The experimental measurements agree with the theoretical calculations based on the density matrix equations of the rubidium cascade system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Long-range electronic reconstruction to a dxz,yz-dominated Fermi surface below the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface

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    Low dimensionality, broken symmetry and easily-modulated carrier concentrations provoke novel electronic phase emergence at oxide interfaces. However, the spatial extent of such reconstructions - i.e. the interfacial ‘‘depth’’ - remains unclear. Examining LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures at previously unexplored carrier densities n2D 14 cm-2 , we observe a Shubnikov-de Haas effect for small in-plane fields, characteristic of an anisotropic 3D Fermi surface with preferential dxz,yz orbital occupancy extending over at least 100 nm perpendicular to the interface. Quantum oscillations from the 3D Fermi surface of bulk doped SrTiO3 emerge simultaneously at higher n2D. We distinguish three areas in doped perovskite heterostructures: narrow (nm) 2D interfaces housing superconductivity and/or other emergent phases, electronically isotropic regions far (\u3e120 nm) from the interface and new intermediate zones where interfacial proximity renormalises the electronic structure relative to the bulk

    Solar Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein Effect with Three Generations of Neutrinos

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    Under the assumption that the density variation of the electrons can be approximated by an exponential function, the solar Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect is treated for three generations of neutrinos. The generalized hypergeometric functions that result from the exact solution of this problem are studied in detail, and a method for their numerical evaluation is presented. This analysis plays a central role in the determination of neutrino masses, not only the differences of their squares, under the assumption of universal quark-lepton mixing.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, including 2 figure
