90 research outputs found

    Impacto de la adición de carboximetilcelulosa en la calidad de kiwi en polvo obtenido por liofilización y atomización

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    [ES] Las nuevas tendencias de consumo, marcadas por la preferencia de los consumidores por los alimentos procesados saludables, listos para consumir y con características sensoriales que sean muy similares a las del producto fresco, hace que tecnologías como la liofilización y la atomización resulten cada vez más atractivas. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, la posibilidad de comercializar fruta en polvo parece una alternativa interesante que podría satisfacer las exigencias de los consumidores, al mismo tiempo que fomentar su consumo. Sin embargo, un factor a tener presente en la obtención de frutas en polvo, dada su elevada higroscopicidad, es la necesidad de incorporar solutos de alto peso molecular con efecto antihumectante y antiapelmazante, a la vez que encapsulante. Seleccionar los solutos a añadir y su cantidad es especialmente relevante para asegurar la calidad y estabilidad del producto obtenido. En este estudio se ha evaluado el efecto de la adición de una mezcla de goma arábiga y carboximetilcelulosa, combinadas en distintas proporciones, sobre la calidad de kiwi en polvo obtenido mediante procesos de atomización y de liofilización. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, ambas tecnologías permitieron obtener kiwi en polvo de alta calidad. El producto obtenido por atomización resultó ser menos higroscópico, más soluble y con menor humedad residual. Además esta tecnología aseguró una mejor preservación de las vitaminas y de la actividad antioxidante del kiwi. La adición de carboximetilcelulosa a concentraciones inferiores al 1,5% resultó ventajosa en cuanto a la estabilidad del polvo obtenido, respecto al empleo únicamente de goma arábiga.[EN] The new consumer trends, marked by consumer preference for healthy processed foods, ready to eat and sensory characteristics that are very similar to those of fresh product, makes technologies such as freeze-drying and spray-drying increasingly attractive. Considering these aspects, the marketability of fruit powder, seems an interesting alternative that could satisfy the demands of consumers, while encouraging consumption. However, a factor to consider in obtaining fruit powder due to its high hygroscopicity, is the need to incorporate high molecular weight solutes with encapsulating effect, anti-humectant and anti-caking agent. Select the solutes and the amount to be added is particularly important to ensure the quality and stability of the product. This study evaluated the effect of the addition of the gum arabic and carboxymethyl cellulose combined in various proportions, on the quality of kiwi powder obtained by spray-drying and freeze-drying processes. According to the results, both technologies allowed to obtain high-quality kiwi powder. Kiwi powder less hygroscopic was obtained with spray-drying, more soluble and less residual moisture. This technology also ensured a better preservation of the vitamins and antioxidant activity of kiwi. The addition of carboxymethyl cellulose to concentrations lower than 1.5% is advantageous in terms of stability of the powder obtained, with respect to the use of arabic gum only.[CA] Les noves tendències de consum, marcades per la preferència dels consumidors pels aliments processats saludables, llestos per a consumir i amb característiques sensorials que siguen molt semblants a les del producte fresc, fa que tecnologies com la liofilització i l'atomització resulten cada vegada més atractives. Tenint en compte estos aspectes, la possibilitat de comercialitzar fruita en pols pareix una alternativa interessant que podria satisfer les exigències dels consumidors, alhora que fomentar el seu consum. No obstant això, un factor a tindre present en l'obtenció de fruites en pols, donada la seua elevada higroscopicidad, és la necessitat d'incorporar soluts d'alt pes molecular amb efecte encapsulan-te, antihumectan-te i antiatapeïxen-te. Seleccionar els soluts a afegir i la seua quantitat és especialment rellevant per a assegurar la qualitat i estabilitat del producte obtingut. En este estudi es va evaluar l'efecte de l'addició de la goma aràbiga i la carboximetilcelulosa combinats en distintes proporcions, sobre la qualitat de kiwi en pols obtingut per mitjà de processos d'atomització i de liofilitzaciò. D'acort amb els resultats obtinguts, ambdós tecnologies van permetre obtindre kiwi en pols d'alta qualitat. Amb l'atomització es va obtindre kiwi en pols menys higroscòpic, més soluble i amb menor humitat residual. Esta tecnologia assegura una millor preservaciò de les vitamines i de l'activitat antioxidant del kiwi. L'addició de carboximetilcelulosa a concentracions inferiors al 1,5% resulta avantatjosa quant a l'estabilitat de la pols obtingut, respecte a l'ocupació unicament de goma aràbiga.Wu Ng, Y. (2013). Impacto de la adición de carboximetilcelulosa en la calidad de kiwi en polvo obtenido por liofilización y atomización. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33914.Archivo delegad

    DIP-2 suppresses ectopic neurite sprouting and axonal regeneration in mature neurons.

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    Neuronal morphology and circuitry established during early development must often be maintained over the entirety of animal lifespans. Compared with neuronal development, the mechanisms that maintain mature neuronal structures and architecture are little understood. The conserved disco-interacting protein 2 (DIP2) consists of a DMAP1-binding domain and two adenylate-forming domains (AFDs). We show that the Caenorhabditis elegans DIP-2 maintains morphology of mature neurons. dip-2 loss-of-function mutants display a progressive increase in ectopic neurite sprouting and branching during late larval and adult life. In adults, dip-2 also inhibits initial stages of axon regeneration cell autonomously and acts in parallel to DLK-1 MAP kinase and EFA-6 pathways. The function of DIP-2 in maintenance of neuron morphology and in axon regrowth requires its AFD domains and is independent of its DMAP1-binding domain. Our findings reveal a new conserved regulator of neuronal morphology maintenance and axon regrowth after injury

    Knotted Solitons in a Charged Two-Condensate Bose System

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    By making use of the decomposition of U(1) gauge potential theory and the \phi mapping method, we propose that a charged two-condensate Bose system possesses vortex lines and two classes of knotted solitons. The topological charges of the vortex lines are characterized by the Hopf indices and the Brower degrees of \phi-mapping, and the knotted solitons are described by the nontrivial Hopf invariant and the BF action, respectively.Comment: 12 pages,0 figure

    Expanded Genetic Screening in \u3cem\u3eCaenorhabditis elegans\u3c/em\u3e Identifies New Regulators and an Inhibitory Role for NAD\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e in Axon Regeneration

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    The mechanisms underlying axon regeneration in mature neurons are relevant to the understanding of normal nervous system maintenance and for developing therapeutic strategies for injury. Here, we report novel pathways in axon regeneration, identified by extending our previous function-based screen using the C. elegans mechanosensory neuron axotomy model. We identify an unexpected role of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) synthesizing enzyme, NMAT-2/NMNAT, in axon regeneration. NMAT-2 inhibits axon regrowth via cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. NMAT-2 enzymatic activity is required to repress regrowth. Further, we find differential requirements for proteins in membrane contact site, components and regulators of the extracellular matrix, membrane trafficking, microtubule and actin cytoskeleton, the conserved Kelch-domain protein IVNS-1, and the orphan transporter MFSD-6 in axon regrowth. Identification of these new pathways expands our understanding of the molecular basis of axonal injury response and regeneration

    Keragaman Genetik Dan Pendugaan Jumlah Gen Ketahanan Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinensis L.) Terhadap Penyakit Kuning

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    Penyakit kuning pada kacang panjang berdampak pada penurunan produksi. Gejala serangan diawali dari gejala daun keriting serta mengakibatkan polong berwarna kuning. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai heritabilitas dan ragam genetik serta menduga jumlah gen pengendali ketahanan kacang panjang terhadap penyakit kuning. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kediri pada bulan April sampai Juli 2013. Bahan penelitian adalah populasi UB 715 A (P1), Hitam Putih (P2), populasi F1 dan populasi F2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, populasi UB 715 A (P1 ) menunjukkan respon tahan terhadap penyakit kuning, populasi Hitam Putih (P2) menunjukkan respon rentan, dan populasi F1 dan F2 menunjukkan respon sedang. Karakter jumlah polong dan jumlah biji per tanaman memiliki keragaman yang sempit sedangkan karakter panjang polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki keragaman yang luas. Karakter panjang polong dan jumlah biji per polong memiliki nilai heritabilitas rendah, sedangkan karakter jumlah polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki nilai heritabilitas tinggi. Rasio sifat ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning pada populasi F2 adalah 9 tahan : 3 sedang : 4 rentan yang berarti ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning dikendalikan oleh dua gen dengan aksi gen epistasis resesif

    Efficient photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide using dispersible and photoactive porous polymers

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    Developing efficient artificial photocatalysts for the biomimetic photocatalytic production of molecular materials, including medicines and clean energy carriers, remains a fundamentally and technologically essential challenge. Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in chemical synthesis, medical disinfection, and clean energy. However, the current industrial production, predominantly by anthraquinone oxidation, suffers from hefty energy penalties and toxic byproducts. Herein, we report the efficient photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide by protonation-induced dispersible porous polymers with good charge-carrier transport properties. Significant photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide generation occurs under ambient conditions at an unprecedented rate of 23.7 mmol g–1 h–1 and an apparent quantum efficiency of 11.3% at 450 nm. Combined simulations and spectroscopies indicate that sub-picosecond ultrafast electron “localization” from both free carriers and exciton states at the catalytic reaction centers underlie the remarkable photocatalytic performance of the dispersible porous polymers

    DeepSeek LLM: Scaling Open-Source Language Models with Longtermism

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    The rapid development of open-source large language models (LLMs) has been truly remarkable. However, the scaling law described in previous literature presents varying conclusions, which casts a dark cloud over scaling LLMs. We delve into the study of scaling laws and present our distinctive findings that facilitate scaling of large scale models in two commonly used open-source configurations, 7B and 67B. Guided by the scaling laws, we introduce DeepSeek LLM, a project dedicated to advancing open-source language models with a long-term perspective. To support the pre-training phase, we have developed a dataset that currently consists of 2 trillion tokens and is continuously expanding. We further conduct supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) on DeepSeek LLM Base models, resulting in the creation of DeepSeek Chat models. Our evaluation results demonstrate that DeepSeek LLM 67B surpasses LLaMA-2 70B on various benchmarks, particularly in the domains of code, mathematics, and reasoning. Furthermore, open-ended evaluations reveal that DeepSeek LLM 67B Chat exhibits superior performance compared to GPT-3.5