489 research outputs found

    On Infinite EPR-like Correlations

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    The paper investigates, in the framework of branching space-times, whether an infinite EPR-like correlation which does not involve finite EPR-like correlations is possible.Comment: 42 pages, no figure

    Belief update methods and rules : some comparisons

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    We tackle two open questions from Leitgeb and Pettigrew (2010b) regarding what the belief update framework described in that paper mandates as correct responses to two problems. One of them concerns credences in overlapping propositions and is known in the literature as the "simultaneous update problem". The other is the well known "Judy Benjamin" problem concerning conditional credences. We argue that our results concerning the problems point to deficiencies of the framework. More generally, we observe that the method of minimizing inverse relative entropy seems to work better than (or at least equally well as) its competitors in many situations

    Wpływ środowiska przyrodniczego na działalność człowieka w rejonie Miazgi i Wolbórki

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    Artykuł pochodzi z książki pt. "Zagospodarowanie dolin rzecznych”Materiały Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Studenckich Kół Naukowych Geografów "Zagospodarowanie dolin rzecznych" Łódź, 27-29 października 2006 r.Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    On Prucnal's model : determined logic and definable predicates

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    Prucnal's concept of a logic determined by a model is discussed. It is proved that logics different from the pure fi rst-order one can be determined by models with undecidable theories

    Quasilinear elliptic problem in anisotrpic Orlicz-Sobolev space on unbounded domain

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    We study a quasilinear elliptic problem div(Φ(u))+V(x)N(u)=f(u)-\text{div} (\nabla \Phi(\nabla u))+V(x)N'(u)=f(u) with anisotropic convex function Φ\Phi on whole Rn\mathbb{R}^n. To prove existence of a nontrivial weak solution we use mountain pass theorem for a functional defined on anisotropic Orlicz-Sobolev space W1LΦ(Rn)W^1 L^{\Phi}(\mathbb{R}^n). As the domain is unbounded we need to use Lions type lemma formulated for Young functions. Our assumptions broaden the class of considered functions Φ\Phi so our result generalizes earlier analogous results proved in isotropic setting

    Semantic normal form

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    The idea of semantic normal form originally developed by Jankov [17] for Brouwerian semilattices is made applicable to the variety of equivalential algebras and thereby, to a broader family of locally finite and permutable varieties obeying the conditions of Fregeanity i.e. point regularity and congruence orderability. It is proved that every term in the language of such a variety can be equivalently expressed with the help of a relatively small set of building blocks manufactured from so-called monolith assignments

    In good form : arguing for epistemic norms of credence

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    The main topic of the book is how to argue for formal epistemic norms of credence. The author advocates formal justificational pluralism, suggesting that it is reasonable to use various formal tools, e.g. different "scoring rules", in arguments for synchronic and diachronic norms. The author first examines various occasions on which modern formal epistemology fails to live up to its "formal" label. Among the topics considered next are: the Dutch Book Theorem and Arguments (which fails according to the author), a novel version of the Principal Principle, and a constructive approach to higher order probabilities. The author argues then that the best method for dealing with various belief update problems is that of minimizing inverse relative entropy, and defends the claim that for evaluating an agent’s credal state at a single moment the Brier Score seems to be the way to go

    Objective Consequentialism and the Plurality of Chances

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    I claim that Objective Consequentialism (OC) faces a problem stemming from the existence in some situations of a plurality of chances relevant to the outcomes of an agent’s acts. I suggest that this phenomenon bears structural resemblance to the well-known Reference Class problem. I outline a few ways in which one could attempt to deal with the issue, suggesting that it is the higher-level chance that should be employed by OC

    Recenzja polskiego wydania książki D. Sperbera i D. Wilson relevance. Communication and Cognition

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    Recenzja książki: D. Sperber, D. Wilson, Relewancja. Komunikacja i poznanie, przeł. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik, Małgorzata Kata, Iwona Matyjas (rozdz. 1), Ewa Willim (rozdz. 2), Maria Jodłowiec (rozdz. 3), Małgorzata Majewska, Agnieszka Solska (rozdz. 4, posłowie), red. nauk. Maria Jodłowiec, Agnieszka Piskorska, Kraków: Tertium, 2011

    Overflow rules and a weakening of structural completeness

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