5,162 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Geological History of the Karst System in Southern Missouri, U.S.A. Provided by Radiogenic, Cosmogenic and Physical/Chemical Characteristics of Doline Fill

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    Območje Ozarkov v južnem Missouriju gradijo predvsem karbonatne, morske, platformne kamnine paleozojske starosti. Teren, ki vsebuje obširen kras, predstavlja kopno že od poznega Paleozojka. Da bi bolje razumeli geološko zgodovino tega kraškega sistema, smo raziskali stratigrafske podatke ohranjene v zapolnitvi velike vrtače pri največjem izviru v okolici. Vzorci zapolnitve iz naravnih izdankov in iz vrtine so bili analizirani s termoluminiscenco (TL) in 10Be kozmogeno metodo. Fizikalno-kemijske značilnosti zapolnitve so bile določene vizualno, z rentgensko metodo in merjenjem velikosti delcev. Podatki vrtine kažejo, da je debelina alohtonega materiala, ki zapolnjuje vrtačo 36,3 m. Ta material prekriva podorne bloke in sedimente debeline vsaj 15,6 m. Glede na teksturo, strukturo in barvo delimo material, ki zapolnjuje vrtačo na 7 con. Analize 10Be koncentracij kažejo, da material za celotni stolpec zapolnitve izvira iz rezidualnega materiala iz srednjega (Illinoian) in zgornjega Pleistocena (Wisconsian). Rentgenske analize glin kažejo, da zapolnitev vrtače vsebuje enake količine kaolinita in illita, kar je skladno z zemeljskim preperevanjem.The Ozark Plateaus region of southern Missouri is underlain by dominantly carbonate marine platform rocks of Paleozoic age. The region has been sub-aerially exposed since the late Paleozoic and is characterized by extensive karst. To better understand the geologic history of this regional karst system, we examined the stratigraphic record preserved in the fill of a large doline near the largest spring in the region. Samples of fill from natural exposures and drill core were analyzed using thermoluminescence (TL) and 10Be cosmogenic techniques, and the physical/chemical characteristics of the fill material were determined by visual inspection, X-ray analyses, and grain-size measurements. Drill-hole data indicate that the allochthonous doline fill is 36.3 m thick and rests on at least 15.6 m of cave breakdown and sediment. The doline fill is divisible into 7 zones. Analysis of 10Be concentrations suggest that the entire doline fill was derived from local residuum during the middle (Illinoian) to late Pleistocene (Wisconsinan). X-ray diffraction analyses of clays throughout the doline fill indicate that they consist of nearly equal amounts of kaolinite and illite, consistent with terrestrial weathering.

    Beyond the control of the care home: A meta‐ethnography of qualitative studies of Infection Prevention and Control in residential and nursing homes for older people

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop interpretive insights concerning Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in care homes for older people. DESIGN: This study had a meta‐ethnography design. DATA SOURCES: Six bibliographic databases were searched from inception to May 2020 to identify the relevant literature. REVIEW METHODS: A meta‐ethnography was performed. RESULTS: Searches yielded 652 records; 15 were included. Findings were categorized into groups: The difficulties of enacting IPC measures in the care home environment; workload as an impediment to IPC practice; the tension between IPC and quality of life for care home residents; and problems dealing with medical services located outside the facility including diagnostics, general practice and pharmacy. Infection was revealed as something seen to lie ‘outside’ the control of the care home, whether according to origins or control measures. This could help explain the reported variability in IPC practice. Facilitators to IPC uptake involved repetitive training and professional development, although such opportunities can be constrained by the ways in which services are organized and delivered. CONCLUSIONS: Significant challenges were revealed in implementing IPC in care homes including staffing skills, education, workloads and work routines. These challenges cannot be properly addressed without resolving the tension between the objectives of maintaining resident quality of life while enacting IPC practice. Repetitive staff training and professional development with parallel organisational improvements have prospects to enhance IPC uptake in residential and nursing homes. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: A carer of an older person joined study team meetings and was involved in writing a lay summary of the study findings

    Criminal narrative experience: relating emotions to offence narrative roles during crime commission

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    A neglected area of research within criminality has been that of the experience of the offence for the offender. The present study investigates the emotions and narrative roles that are experienced by an offender while committing a broad range of crimes and proposes a model of Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE). Hypotheses were derived from the Circumplex of Emotions (Russell, 1997), Frye (1957), Narrative Theory (McAdams, 1988) and its link with Investigative Psychology (Canter, 1994). The analysis was based on 120 cases. Convicted for a variety of crimes, incarcerated criminals were interviewed and the data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA). Four themes of Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE) were identified: Elated Hero, Calm Professional, Distressed Revenger and Depressed Victim in line with the recent theoretical framework posited for Narrative Offence Roles (Youngs & Canter, 2012). The theoretical implications for understanding crime on the basis of the Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE) as well as practical implications are discussed

    The Distribution, Excitation and Formation of Cometary Molecules: Methanol, Methyl Cyanide and Ethylene Glycol

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    We present an interferometric and single dish study of small organic species toward Comets C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) using the BIMA interferometer at 3 mm and the ARO 12m telescope at 2 mm. For Comet Hale-Bopp, both the single-dish and interferometer observations of CH3OH indicate an excitation temperature of 105+/-5 K and an average production rate ratio Q(CH3OH)/Q(H2O)~1.3% at ~1 AU. Additionally, the aperture synthesis observations of CH3OH suggest a distribution well described by a spherical outflow and no evidence of significant extended emission. Single-dish observations of CH3CN in Comet Hale-Bopp indicate an excitation temperature of 200+/-10 K and a production rate ratio of Q(CH3CN)/Q(H2O)~0.017% at ~1 AU. The non-detection of a previously claimed transition of cometary (CH2OH)2 toward Comet Hale-Bopp with the 12m telescope indicates a compact distribution of emission, D<9'' (<8500 km). For the single-dish observations of Comet T7 LINEAR, we find an excitation temperature of CH3OH of 35+/-5 K and a CH3OH production rate ratio of Q(CH3OH)/Q(H2O)~1.5% at ~0.3 AU. Our data support current chemical models that CH3OH, CH3CN and (CH2OH)2 are parent nuclear species distributed into the coma via direct sublimation off cometary ices from the nucleus with no evidence of significant production in the outer coma.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Massive Stars In The W33 Giant Molecular Complex

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    Rich in H II regions, giant molecular clouds are natural laboratories to study massive stars and sequential star formation. The Galactic star-forming complex W33 is located at = ∼ ◦ l 12.8 and at a distance of 2.4 kpc and has a size of ≈10 pc and a total mass of ≈(0.8−8.0) × 105 M⊙. The integrated radio and IR luminosity of W33—when combined with the direct detection of methanol masers, the protostellar object W33A, and the protocluster embedded within the radio source W33 main—mark the region as a site of vigorous ongoing star formation. In order to assess the long-term star formation history, we performed an infrared spectroscopic search for massive stars, detecting for the first time 14 early-type stars, including one WN6 star and four O4–7 stars. The distribution of spectral types suggests that this population formed during the past ∼2–4 Myr, while the absence of red supergiants precludes extensive star formation at ages 6–30 Myr. This activity appears distributed throughout the region and does not appear to have yielded the dense stellar clusters that characterize other star-forming complexes such as Carina and G305. Instead, we anticipate that W33 will eventually evolve into a loose stellar aggregate, with Cyg OB2 serving as a useful, albeit richer and more massive, comparator. Given recent distance estimates, and despite a remarkably similar stellar population, the rich cluster Cl 1813–178 located on the northwest edge of W33 does not appear to be physically associated with W33

    Left Cervical Vagal Nerve Stimulation Reduces Skin Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Patients with Drug Resistant Epilepsy

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    Background We recently reported that skin sympathetic nerve activity (SKNA) can be used to estimate sympathetic tone in humans. In animal models, vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) can damage the stellate ganglion, reduce stellate ganglion nerve activity, and suppress cardiac arrhythmia. Whether VNS can suppress sympathetic tone in humans remains unclear. Objective The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that VNS suppresses SKNA in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Methods ECG patch electrodes were used to continuously record SKNA in 26 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy who were admitted for video electroencephalographic monitoring. Among them, 6 (2 men, age 40 ± 11 years) were previously treated with VNS and 20 (7 men, age 37 ± 8 years) were not. The signals from ECG leads I and II were filtered to detect SKNA. Results VNS had an on-time of 30 seconds and off-time of 158 ± 72 seconds, with output of 1.92 ± 0.42 mA at 24.17 ± 2.01 Hz. Average SKNA during VNS off-time was 1.06 μV (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93–1.18) in lead I and 1.13 μV (95% CI 0.99–1.27) in lead II, which was significantly lower than 1.38 μV (95% CI 1.01–1.75; P = .036) and 1.38 μV (95% CI 0.98–1.78; P = .035) in the control group, respectively. Heart rate was 65 bpm (95% CI 59–71) in the VNS group, which was significantly lower than 77 bpm (95% CI 71–83) in the control group. Conclusion Patients with VNS had significantly lower SKNA than those without VNS

    A detailed clinical and molecular survey of subjects with nonsyndromic USH2A retinopathy reveals an allelic hierarchy of disease-causing variants.

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    Defects in USH2A cause both isolated retinal disease and Usher syndrome (ie, retinal disease and deafness). To gain insights into isolated/nonsyndromic USH2A retinopathy, we screened USH2A in 186 probands with recessive retinal disease and no hearing complaint in childhood (discovery cohort) and in 84 probands with recessive retinal disease (replication cohort). Detailed phenotyping, including retinal imaging and audiological assessment, was performed in individuals with two likely disease-causing USH2A variants. Further genetic testing, including screening for a deep-intronic disease-causing variant and large deletions/duplications, was performed in those with one likely disease-causing change. Overall, 23 of 186 probands (discovery cohort) were found to harbour two likely disease-causing variants in USH2A. Some of these variants were predominantly associated with nonsyndromic retinal degeneration ('retinal disease-specific'); these included the common c.2276 G>T, p.(Cys759Phe) mutation and five additional variants: c.2802 T>G, p.(Cys934Trp); c.10073 G>A, p.(Cys3358Tyr); c.11156 G>A, p.(Arg3719His); c.12295-3 T>A; and c.12575 G>A, p.(Arg4192His). An allelic hierarchy was observed in the discovery cohort and confirmed in the replication cohort. In nonsyndromic USH2A disease, retinopathy was consistent with retinitis pigmentosa and the audiological phenotype was variable. USH2A retinopathy is a common cause of nonsyndromic recessive retinal degeneration and has a different mutational spectrum to that observed in Usher syndrome. The following model is proposed: the presence of at least one 'retinal disease-specific' USH2A allele in a patient with USH2A-related disease results in the preservation of normal hearing. Careful genotype-phenotype studies such as this will become increasingly important, especially now that high-throughput sequencing is widely used in the clinical setting.European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 4 February 2015; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2014.283

    Ears of the Armadillo: Global Health Research and Neglected Diseases in Texas

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    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have\ud been recently identified as significant public\ud health problems in Texas and elsewhere in\ud the American South. A one-day forum on the\ud landscape of research and development and\ud the hidden burden of NTDs in Texas\ud explored the next steps to coordinate advocacy,\ud public health, and research into a\ud cogent health policy framework for the\ud American NTDs. It also highlighted how\ud U.S.-funded global health research can serve\ud to combat these health disparities in the\ud United States, in addition to benefiting\ud communities abroad