210 research outputs found

    Nueva especie de Nebria Latreille, 1802 de los Montes de León, noroeste de España (Coleoptera, Carabidae: Nebriinae)

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    Nebria leonensis sp. n. from the Sierras de la Cabrera Baja and del Teleno (southern Montes de León) is described. This species, related to N. lafresnayei Serville, 1821, is characterised by its slender body, long and light brown extremities, the form of its pronotum, and evenly rounded elytra, which are conspicuously flattened on the discus. The differentiating characters and the habitat are described. A determination key to the species and subspecies of the group to which the new species belongs is presented.Se describe Nebria leonensis sp. n. de las sierras de la Cabrera Baja y del Teleno (sur de los Montes de León). Esta especie, relacionada con Nebria lafresnayei Serville, 1821, se caracteriza especialmente por su cuerpo delgado, largas extremidades de color marrón claro, forma del pronoto, y élitros uniformemente redondeados y claramente deprimidos en el disco. Además de describir los caracteres que la definen y el hábitat, se presentan unas breves notas sobre la historia faunística de los montes de León, y una clave de determinación de las especies y subespecies del grupo al que pertenece la nueva especie

    Tres nuevos Typhlocharis Dieck, 1869 (Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Trechidae) de Navarra (España)

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    Three new species of the genus Typhlocharis Dieck, from Navarra (North Spain) are described: T. monasticus sp. n., T. peregrinus sp. n. and T. navaricus sp. n. These species make up a group well differentiated from the rest of the genus Typhlocharis by the peculiar morphology of the female genitalia and the sexual dimorphism.Se describen 3 nuevas especies del género Typhlocharis Dieck, procedentes de Navarra (norte de España): T. monasticus sp. n., T. peregrinus sp. n. y T. navaricus sp. n. Forman un grupo de especies bien diferenciado del resto de Typhlocharis por la peculiar morfología de la genitalia femenina y el dimorfismo sexual

    On Slow-roll Moduli Inflation in Massive IIA Supergravity with Metric Fluxes

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    We derive several no-go theorems in the context of massive type IIA string theory compactified to four dimensions in a way that, in the absence of fluxes, preserves N=1 supersymmetry. Our derivation is based on the dilaton, Kaehler and complex structure moduli dependence of the potential of the four-dimensional effective field theory, that is generated by the presence of D6-branes, O6-planes, RR-fluxes, NSNS 3-form flux, and geometric fluxes. To demonstrate the usefulness of our theorems, we apply them to the most commonly studied class of toroidal orientifolds. We show that for all but two of the models in this class the slow-roll parameter \epsilon is bounded from below by numbers of order unity as long as the fluxes satisfy the Bianchi identities, ruling out slow-roll inflation and even the existence of de Sitter extrema in these models. For the two cases that avoid the no-go theorems, we provide some details of our numerical studies, demonstrating that small \epsilon can indeed be achieved. We stress that there seems to be an \eta-problem, however, suggesting that none of the models in this class are viable from a cosmological point of view at least at large volume, small string coupling, and leading order in the \alpha'-expansion.Comment: 34 pages, v3: summary table added, comments added, accepted for publication in PR

    D-Terms from Generalized NS-NS Fluxes in Type II

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    Orientifolds of type II string theory admit a certain set of generalized NS-NS fluxes, including not only the three-form field strength H, but also metric and non-geometric fluxes, which are related to H by T-duality. We describe in general how these fluxes appear as parameters of an effective N=1 supergravity theory in four dimensions, and in particular how certain generalized NS-NS fluxes can act as charges for R-R axions, leading to D-term contributions to the effective scalar potential. We illustrate these phenomena in type IIB with the example of a certain orientifold of T^6/Z_4.Comment: 31+1 pages, uses utarticle.cls; v2: references adde

    (Anti-)Brane backreaction beyond perturbation theory

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    We improve on the understanding of the backreaction of anti-D6-branes in a flux background that is mutually BPS with D6-branes. This setup is analogous to the study of the backreaction of anti-D3-branes inserted in the KS throat, but does not require us to smear the anti-branes or do a perturbative analysis around the BPS background. We solve the full equations of motion near the anti-D6-branes and show that only two boundary conditions are consistent with the equations of motion. Upon invoking a topological argument we eliminate the boundary condition with regular H flux since it cannot lead to a solution that approaches the right kind of flux away from the anti-D6-brane. This leaves us with a boundary condition which has singular, but integrable, H flux energy density.Comment: 12 pages + appendices, 1 figure; v2: minor changes, version published in JHE

    The problematic backreaction of SUSY-breaking branes

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    In this paper we investigate the localisation of SUSY-breaking branes which, in the smeared approximation, support specific non-BPS vacua. We show, for a wide class of boundary conditions, that there is no flux vacuum when the branes are described by a genuine delta-function. Even more, we find that the smeared solution is the unique solution with a regular brane profile. Our setup consists of a non-BPS AdS_7 solution in massive IIA supergravity with smeared anti-D6-branes and fluxes T-dual to ISD fluxes in IIB supergravity.Comment: 27 pages, Latex2e, 5 figure

    Persistent anti-brane singularities

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    Anti-D-branes inserted in warped throat geometries (supported by fluxes that carry D-brane charges) develop unphysical singularities. It has been argued that these singularities could be resolved when one goes beyond the linearized approximation or includes the effects of brane polarization. In this paper we consider anti-D6 branes, whose singularities have been shown to exist at the full non-linear level, and demonstrate that there is no D8 brane polarization that can resolve the singularity. We comment on the potential implications of this result for the resolution of anti-D3 brane singularities in the Klebanov-Strassler geometry.Comment: 16 pages; v2: comments added, version to appear in JHE

    The neural basis of video gaming

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    Video game playing is a frequent recreational activity. Previous studies have reported an involvement of dopamine-related ventral striatum. However, structural brain correlates of video game playing have not been investigated. On magnetic resonance imaging scans of 154 14-year-olds, we computed voxel-based morphometry to explore differences between frequent and infrequent video game players. Moreover, we assessed the Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) task during functional magnetic resonance imaging and the Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT). We found higher left striatal grey matter volume when comparing frequent against infrequent video game players that was negatively correlated with deliberation time in CGT. Within the same region, we found an activity difference in MID task: frequent compared with infrequent video game players showed enhanced activity during feedback of loss compared with no loss. This activity was likewise negatively correlated with deliberation time. The association of video game playing with higher left ventral striatum volume could reflect altered reward processing and represent adaptive neural plasticity

    Toroidal Orientifolds in IIA with General NS-NS Fluxes

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    Type IIA toroidal orientifolds offer a promising toolkit for model builders, especially when one includes not only the usual fluxes from NS-NS and R-R field strengths, but also fluxes that are T-dual to the NS-NS three-form flux. These new ingredients are known as metric fluxes and non-geometric fluxes, and can help stabilize moduli or can lead to other new features. In this paper we study two approaches to these constructions, by effective field theory or by toroidal fibers twisted over a toroidal base. Each approach leads us to important observations, in particular the presence of D-terms in the four-dimensional effective potential in some cases, and a more subtle treatment of the quantization of the general NS-NS fluxes. Though our methods are general, we illustrate each approach on the example of an orientifold of T^6/Z_4.Comment: 59 pages, references adde

    Supersymmetric Vacua in Random Supergravity

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    We determine the spectrum of scalar masses in a supersymmetric vacuum of a general N=1 supergravity theory, with the Kahler potential and superpotential taken to be random functions of N complex scalar fields. We derive a random matrix model for the Hessian matrix and compute the eigenvalue spectrum. Tachyons consistent with the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound are generically present, and although these tachyons cannot destabilize the supersymmetric vacuum, they do influence the likelihood of the existence of an `uplift' to a metastable vacuum with positive cosmological constant. We show that the probability that a supersymmetric AdS vacuum has no tachyons is formally equivalent to the probability of a large fluctuation of the smallest eigenvalue of a certain real Wishart matrix. For normally-distributed matrix entries and any N, this probability is given exactly by P = exp(-2N^2|W|^2/m_{susy}^2), with W denoting the superpotential and m_{susy} the supersymmetric mass scale; for more general distributions of the entries, our result is accurate when N >> 1. We conclude that for |W| \gtrsim m_{susy}/N, tachyonic instabilities are ubiquitous in configurations obtained by uplifting supersymmetric vacua.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure