71 research outputs found

    Population and life-stage specific sensitivities to temperature and salinity stress in barnacles

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    Temperature and salinity shape the distribution and genetic structure of marine communities. Future warming and freshening will exert an additional stress to coastal marine systems. The extent to which organisms respond to these shifts will, however, be mediated by the tolerances of all life-stages and populations of species and their potential to adapt. We investigated nauplius and cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus (Amphibalanus) improvisus from the Swedish west coast with respect to temperature (12, 20, and 28 °C) and salinity (5, 15, and 30) tolerances. Warming accelerated larval development and increased overall survival and subsequent settlement success. Nauplii developed and metamorphosed best at intermediate salinity. This was also observed in cypris larvae when the preceding nauplii stages had been reared at a salinity of 30. Direct comparisons of the present findings with those on a population from the more brackish Baltic Sea demonstrate contrasting patterns. We conclude that i) B. improvisus larvae within the Baltic region will be favoured by near-future seawater warming and freshening, that ii) salinity tolerances of larvae from the two different populations reflect salinities in their native habitats, but are nonetheless suboptimal and that iii) this species is generally highly plastic with regard to salinity

    Are silicone foul-release coatings a viable and environmentally sustainable alternative to biocidal antifouling coatings in the Baltic Sea region?

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    To combat unwanted fouling on immersed hulls, biocidal antifouling coatings are commonly applied to vessels trafficking the Baltic Sea. Here, the efficacy, environmental sustainability and market barriers of silicone foul-release coatings (FRCs) was assessed for this region to evaluate their viability as replacements for biocidal coatings. Coated panels were exposed statically over a 1 year period at three locations in the Baltic Sea region to assess the long-term performance of a biocide-free FRC and two copper coatings. The FRC was found to perform equally well or significantly better than the copper coatings. Even though most silicone FRCs on the market are biocide-free, a review of the literature regarding toxic effects and the identity and environmental fate of leachables shows that they may not be completely environmentally benign, simply for the lack of biocides. Nonetheless, FRCs are substantially less toxic compared to biocidal antifouling coatings and their use should be promoted

    Importance of plasticity and local adaptation for coping with changing salinity in coastal areas: a test case with barnacles in the Baltic Sea

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    Background:Salinity plays an important role in shaping coastal marine communities. Near-future climate predictions indicate that salinity will decrease in many shallow coastal areas due to increased precipitation; however, few studies have addressed this issue. The ability of ecosystems to cope with future changes will depend on species’ capacities to acclimatise or adapt to new environmental conditions. Here, we investigated the effects of a strong salinity gradient (the Baltic Sea system – Baltic, Kattegat, Skagerrak) on plasticity and adaptations in the euryhaline barnacle Balanus improvisus. We used a common-garden approach, where multiple batches of newly settled barnacles from each of three different geographical areas along the Skagerrak-Baltic salinity gradient were exposed to corresponding native salinities (6, 15 and 30 PSU), and phenotypic traits including mortality, growth, shell strength, condition index and reproductive maturity were recorded.ResultsWe found that B. improvisus was highly euryhaline, but had highest growth and reproductive maturity at intermediate salinities. We also found that low salinity had negative effects on other fitness-related traits including initial growth and shell strength, although mortality was also lowest in low salinity. Overall, differences between populations in most measured traits were weak, indicating little local adaptation to salinity. Nonetheless, we observed some population-specific responses – notably that populations from high salinity grew stronger shells in their native salinity compared to the other populations, possibly indicating adaptation to differences in local predation pressure.ConclusionsOur study shows that B. improvisus is an example of a true brackish-water species, and that plastic responses are more likely than evolutionary tracking in coping with future changes in coastal salinity

    Havstulpanprojektet pÄ vÀstkusten 2012 : En studie om pÄvÀxtdynamik i norra BohuslÀn under bÄtsÀsongen 2012

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    Ett vanligt sĂ€tt att motverka problem med pĂ„vĂ€xt pĂ„ bĂ„tar Ă€r att mĂ„la med bĂ„tbottenfĂ€rger. Men det finns mĂ„nga miljörelaterade problem med anvĂ€ndandet av dessa fĂ€rger och trots omfattande forskning under de senaste Ă„ren finns inget effektivt och helt miljövĂ€nligt fĂ€rgalternativ pĂ„ marknaden idag. Alternativa metoder omfattar mekanisk rengöring, exempelvis med hjĂ€lp av högtryckstvĂ€tt pĂ„ spolplatta, eller landförvaring. Sedan Ă„r 2001 har SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelsen i Stockholm drivit ett projekt som syftar till att minska anvĂ€ndandet av giftiga bĂ„tbottenfĂ€rger genom ett övervakningsprogram med information till allmĂ€nheten om nĂ€r det har satt sig havstulpaner och det Ă€r dags att tvĂ€tta bĂ„ten. LĂ€ngs stora delar av Östersjökusten, dĂ€r pĂ„vĂ€xten av havstulpaner Ă€r begrĂ€nsad till ett fĂ„tal tillfĂ€llen under bĂ„tsĂ€songen, har detta fungerat relativt bra. PĂ„ vĂ€stkusten dĂ€remot, Ă€r pĂ„vĂ€xtdynamiken generellt mer komplex, med fler pĂ„vĂ€xtarter och tĂ€tare larvsettlingsperioder under bĂ„tsĂ€songen. Dock finns fĂ„ studier som kvantitativt har undersökt pĂ„vĂ€xten lĂ€ngs vĂ€stkusten samt hur detta varierar under en hel bĂ„tsĂ€song.  Syftet med denna studie var dĂ€rför att i fĂ€lt dokumentera pĂ„vĂ€xtdynamiken lĂ€ngs den svenska vĂ€stkusten under bĂ„tsĂ€songen 2012 samt utvĂ€rdera potentialen för att anvĂ€nda mekanisk rengöring av bĂ„tar i större utstrĂ€ckning lĂ€ngs vĂ€stkusten. Som förvĂ€ntat, observerades högre artrikedom av pĂ„vĂ€xt lĂ€ngs vĂ€stkusten jĂ€mfört med vad som normalt förekommer lĂ€ngs ostkusten. PĂ„vĂ€xten dominerades av havstulpaner, sjöpungar och musslor, men Ă€ven mossdjur, hydroider och fintrĂ„diga alger etablerade sig pĂ„ panelerna. Stor variation i artsammansĂ€ttning och intensitet av pĂ„vĂ€xt observerades mellan olika nĂ€rliggande lokaler, men frĂ€mst pĂ„ paneler som hĂ€ngt i fĂ€lt i minst fyra veckor. Nysettlade havstulpaner observerades vid varje undersökningstillfĂ€lle (d.v.s. varannan vecka) under hela bĂ„tsĂ€songen (dock frĂ€mst i juni-augusti) vilket indikerar kontinuerlig rekrytering under hela perioden. PĂ„vĂ€xten pĂ„ panelerna överensstĂ€mde relativt vĂ€l med bĂ„tskroven, sĂ€rskilt under den första tiden efter utplacering i havet. UtifrĂ„n resultaten i denna studie skulle rengöring av bĂ„tskrov i norra BohuslĂ€n behövas varannan till var fjĂ€rde vecka för att hĂ„lla svĂ„rhanterlig pĂ„vĂ€xt borta och underlĂ€tta rengöring med enklare mekaniska metoder. Projektet var ett samarbete mellan SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelsen i Stockholms lĂ€n och Göteborgs Universitet, med finansiering genom Hav- och vattenmyndigheten.Since 2001, SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelsen in Stockholm has been running a monitoring project along the Swedish east coast on barnacle fouling on boats with the aim to reduce the use of toxic antifouling paints, and promote more environmentally friendly methods such as mechanical cleaning. The project involves making observations of barnacle settlement available to the public, so that boats can be taken out of the water in time and cleaned before the barnacles attach too firmly. This system has worked well along parts of the Baltic Sea coast, since barnacles only settle a few times per year. However, on the Swedish west coast the fouling community is generally more complex with higher species diversity and more intense fouling throughout the season.   The aim of this study was to document the intensity and dynamics of the fouling community on the Swedish west coast and evaluate the potential for increased use of mechanical cleaning of boat hauls, as an alternative to using antifouling paints. As expected the species diversity and intensity was considerably higher than what is normally observed along the Baltic Sea coast. The fouling community was dominated by barnacles, tunicates and mussels, but also bryozoans, hydroids and filamentous algae were observed. Species composition and intensity of fouling differed considerably between closely located sites, especially after four weeks. Barnacles dominated the community at all sites during the first two weeks after panels had been placed in the sea. Newly settled barnacles were observed throughout the whole boat season, although intensities were highest in June-August. The fouling on the panels corresponded relatively well with what was observed on boat hauls, especially during the first weeks. Based on these results, mechanical cleaning of boat hauls is recommended every two to four weeks, to avoid difficulties in removing fouling organisms using simple mechanical techniques. This project was a collaboration between SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelsen in Stockholm and the University of Gothenburg, with funding from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

    Evaluation of different grow-out systems for oysters in Sweden

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    <p>Aim: Evaluate different grow-out systems for oysters (<em>Ostrea edulis</em>). The data describes the evaluation of two systems; the commercial Aquapurse cages and a newly designed cylindrical metal cage system, for production of oysters in Sweden.</p> <p>Data includes growth and survival of oysters in different systems, measurements of fouling load as well as handling/robustness of the grow-out systems. Data originates from the Swedish west coast.</p&gt

    Evaluation of different grow-out systems for oysters in Sweden

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    <p>Aim: Evaluate different grow-out systems for oysters (<em>Ostrea edulis</em>). The data describes the evaluation of two systems; the commercial Aquapurse cages and a newly designed cylindrical metal cage system, for production of oysters in Sweden.</p> <p>Data includes growth and survival of oysters in different systems, measurements of fouling load as well as handling/robustness of the grow-out systems. Data originates from the Swedish west coast.</p&gt

    KlÀckning av Ostrea edulis i havsbaserade tankar - Biologisk och teknisk förstudie

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    Intresset för odling av det platta ostronet, Ostrea edulis, i Sverige Àr stort men kommersiell odling hindras i dagens lÀge av brist pÄ yngel. Varken insamling av yngel med havsbaserade kollektorer eller produktion i landbaserade klÀckerier har kunnat ge en tillförlitlig tillgÄng till yngel, och import av yngel Àr riskabelt ur ett smittskyddsperspektiv. En möjlig lösning pÄ detta kan vara dammproduktion av yngel. PÄ grund av ett högt exploateringstryck pÄ den svenska vÀstkusten Àr dock tillgÄngen till mark för konstruktion av dammar begrÀnsad, speciellt i omrÄden med god vattenkvalitet, varför nya tekniska lösningar krÀvs

    Assessment of efficacy and excess toxicity of antifouling paints for leisure boats : A guide for copper-based antifouling paints intended for use in the Baltic Sea regio

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    The regulation of antifouling paints in the European Union falls under the Biocide Products regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) and consists of two assessments: an environmental risk assessment (ERA) and an efficacy assessment. The efficacy assessment is key for the placement of an antifouling paint on the market as a biocidal product must be shown to be effective to gain approval. At the same time, the BPR states clearly that biocidal products should not be excessively toxic, i.e. release active substances to the environment in excess of the minimum necessary to achieve the desired effect. This report provides a summary of current knowledge, based on several years of research, about efficaciy and excess toxicity of antifouling paints intended for use on leisure boats in the Baltic Sea region

    Mikroplast i Stockholms stad - KÀllor, spridningsvÀgar och förslag till ÄtgÀrder för att skydda Stockholms stads vattenförekomster

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    Detta projekt har genomförts av IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet pÄ uppdrag av Miljöförvaltningen, Stockholms stad i syfte att ta fram underlag till den handlingsplan för minskad spridning av mikroplast som miljöförvaltningen har fÄtt ett uppdrag i KommunfullmÀktiges budget för 2018 att ta fram

    Microplastic Emissions from Paint

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    Swedish Environmental Emissions Data (SMED) is a collaboration between IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, SCB Statistics Sweden, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Recent attention has been focused on the potential environmental and health impacts of microplastics, but there is still significant knowledge missing regarding these impacts. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has is responsible for the national plastics coordination, in which one aim is to develop new knowledge in relation to important sources of microplastic emissions. Within the scope of this work, SMED has been assigned to review the role of paints as a source of microplastics and suggest feasible indicators to monitor annual release from paints. This report aims to compile existing knowledge of various paint and coating systems and their contribution to microplastic emissions. Sectors responsible for the highest emissions have been identified to facilitate prioritization of actions to lower microplastic emissions from paints. Additionally, this report proposes a key indicator for tracking annual national levels of microplastic emissions from paints. The report concludes that the sectors with the greatest risk for microplastic emissions from paint include architecture, antifouling and hull coatings, coatings used in general industry, and the automotive industry. In Sweden, data on the volume of architectural paints and antifouling/marine coatings placed on the market can be readily obtained from the Swedish product registry. However, information regarding paint usage in general industry and the automotive sector is limited because coatings are often applied overseas prior to import into Sweden and many of the products coated in Sweden are exported abroad. This project has developed a simplified method to calculate annual microplastic emissions from paint in Sweden including emissions from architectural and marine sectors. Emission factors for different parts of a paint’s lifecycle were included and a range of solid contents based on a set of commercially available paints were used to provide a worst case, best case, and average case. By using this method, release of microplastics from architectural paint was estimated at 209 to 3 700 tons per year and release from antifouling and hull coatings at 30 to 308 tons per year in Sweden. Comparing these numbers to estimated quantities of microplastic emissions from other sources, coatings are a substantial source of microplastics. Wear from road traffic is regarded as the largest source of microplastics in Sweden, accounting for about 7 674 tonnes per year. It has been estimated that the amount of synthetic fibres released from textiles is between 8 to 956 tons annually and that microplastic emissions from industrial plastic pellet production is between 12 to 235 tons annually (Magnusson et al., 2016). Since coatings typically need to meet various technical requirements to protect the underlying substrate from corrosion and wear, efforts to reduce microplastic releases from paint and coatings might incur higher costs and obstacles than efforts to address other microplastic sources such as littering. For future monitoring of microplastic emission from paint in Sweden, the project recommends the amounts of architectural and boat paints including antifouling coatings placed on the Swedish market annually (expressed in kg of dry weight) as indicators. De potentiella miljö- och hĂ€lsoeffekterna av mikroplaster har den senaste tiden uppmĂ€rksammats, men det finns fortfarande betydande kunskapsluckor. NaturvĂ„rdsverket ansvarar för den nationella plastsamordningen inom vilket det ingĂ„r att öka kunskap. Detta kan t.ex. inkludera att identifiera viktiga kĂ€llor till utslĂ€pp av mikroplast och att arbeta för att minska utslĂ€ppen av mikroplast frĂ„n dessa kĂ€llor. SMED har inom ramen för detta arbete fĂ„tt i uppdrag av NaturvĂ„rdsverket att utreda fĂ€rg som kĂ€lla till mikroplast och föreslĂ„ indikatorer för att följa upp Ă„rliga utslĂ€ppsmĂ€ngder. Denna rapport syftar till att sammanstĂ€lla befintlig kunskap om olika fĂ€rg- och ytbehandlingssystem och deras bidrag till mikroplastutslĂ€pp. Sektorer som ansvarar för de största utslĂ€ppen har identifierats för att möjliggöra prioritering av Ă„tgĂ€rder för att minska mikroplastutslĂ€ppen frĂ„n fĂ€rger. Dessutom föreslĂ„r rapporten en indikator för att följa upp de Ă„rliga nationella utslĂ€ppen av mikroplastutslĂ€pp frĂ„n fĂ€rger. SMED drar slutsatsen att de anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den dĂ€r det rĂ„der störst risk för utslĂ€pp av mikroplast frĂ„n fĂ€rg inkluderar: husfĂ€rg, bĂ„tfĂ€rg inklusive antifouling (pĂ„vĂ€xthindrande system) för bĂ„tar, ytbehandlingar inom industrin och speciellt fordonstillverkning. I Sverige kan uppgifter om volym husfĂ€rg och bĂ„tfĂ€rg inklusive antifouling som sĂ€tts pĂ„ marknaden erhĂ„llas frĂ„n det svenska produktregistret. Information om fĂ€rganvĂ€ndning inom industrin och fordonssektorn Ă€r dock begrĂ€nsad pĂ„ grund av att en betydande mĂ€ngd av dessa ytbehandlingar sker utomlands och mĂ„nga av de produkter som behandlas i Sverige exporteras utomlands. Projektet utvecklade en förenklad metod för att berĂ€kna Ă„rliga utslĂ€pp av mikroplast frĂ„n fĂ€rg i Sverige inom byggnads- och den marina sektorn. Emissionsfaktorer för olika delar av fĂ€rgens livscykel inkluderades och ett spann för det fasta innehĂ„llet i fĂ€rgen togs fram baserade pĂ„ en sammanstĂ€llning av kommersiellt tillgĂ€ngliga fĂ€rger, vilka anvĂ€ndes för att ge ett vĂ€rsta fall, bĂ€sta fall samt ett genomsnitt. Genom att anvĂ€nda denna metod uppskattades utslĂ€ppen av mikroplast frĂ„n husfĂ€rg till 209 – 3 700 ton/Ă„r och frĂ„n bĂ„tfĂ€rg inklusive antifouling till 30-308 ton/Ă„r i Sverige. Genom att sĂ€tta dessa siffror i relation till uppskattade mĂ€ngder mikroplastutslĂ€pp frĂ„n annan verksamhet framgĂ„r att fĂ€rg Ă€r en betydande kĂ€lla till mikroplast i Sverige. Slitage frĂ„n vĂ€gtrafiken anses vara den största kĂ€llan till mikroplastutslĂ€pp i Sverige med cirka 7 674 (ton/Ă„r) och man har uppskattat att utslĂ€pp av syntetfibrer frĂ„n textilier Ă€r mellan 8 – 956 ton per Ă„r och utslĂ€pp frĂ„n industriproduktion av plastpellets uppskattades till mellan 12 – 235 ton i samma rapport (Magnusson et al., 2016). Med tanke pĂ„ att fĂ€rgsystem vanligtvis mĂ„ste uppfylla olika tekniska krav för att skydda det underliggande underlaget frĂ„n korrosion och slitage och det ofta saknas bra alternativ, kan Ă„tgĂ€rder för att minska mikroplastutslĂ€pp frĂ„n fĂ€rg medföra högre kostnader och större tekniska utmaningar jĂ€mfört med att minska mikroplastspridningen frĂ„n andra kĂ€llor sĂ„som genom minskad nedskrĂ€pning av makroplast. För att följa upp mikroplastspridning frĂ„n fĂ€rg i Sverige rekommenderade projektet indikatorer för uppföljning bestĂ„ende av mĂ€ngden husfĂ€rg och bĂ„tfĂ€rg inklusive antifouling som slĂ€pps ut pĂ„ den svenska marknaden Ă„rligen uttryckt i kg torrvikt.
